American Foundry Society

American Foundry Society
Founded 1896
Headquarters Schaumburg, IL

The American Foundry Society traces its roots to 1896 when the American Foundrymen's Association was formed. The Association was subsequently named The American Foundrymen's Society, and later the name was shortened to the American Foundry Society, sometimes shortened to AFS. The society is considered an international organization consisting of 9,000 members across 48 countries, organized into 48 local chapters and 34 student chapters in the United States, Canada and Mexico. The AFS promotes the interests of the foundry industry to the federal government and consists of a professional staff and volunteer committee structure. Activities of the AFS include committee work, education, organization of regional and national conventions and other work in support of the metalcasting industry.



For a number of years prior to the founding of the Society many local bodies of foundrymen met for mutual protection in regards to labor, prices and interchange of technical information. The attendance was usually strong in these organizations in times of prosperity but waned when economic conditions slowed. Early in 1896 the Philadelphia Foundrymen's Society through discussion with its members conceived that a more general, larger benefit might be gained through organizing a wider group of foundrymen. They invited foundrymen from around the country to Philadelphia for a meeting. The response was spontaneous and well received. On May 12, 1896 the American Foundrymen's Association was formed [1].


The Society is organized into 13 Divisions with committees under each division:

In addition to these committees the organization has technical staff to assist with engineering services, a system to support research, and an extensive library.

Local Chapters

Local Chapters organize educational events and hold chapter meetings, usually at monthly intervals, to promote technical or business subjects related to foundry and the foundry business.


  1. ^ The Foundry, Vol. 29, Issue 1, Cleveland, OH, September 1906

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