Allies in Power Rangers Operation Overdrive

In the fictional world of Power Rangers: Operation Overdrive, the five Rangers are assisted by these trusted friends and confidantes after being recruited by Andrew Hartford, who himself has been tasked with guarding the Corona Aurora by the spirit of its previous guardian, the Sentinel Knight.


Hartford Mansion

Andrew Hartford

Andrew Hartford is a billionaire adventurer who owns several companies and corporations. It was he who unearthed the Corona Aurora. After doing so, the Guardian of the Crown appeared to him and instructed him on what to do to protect it.

Six months later, Mr. Hartford recruited his team of Rangers to help protect the Crown. With his knowledge and wealth, Andrew was able to create Power Ranger technology. Mr. Hartford himself was ready to become the Red Ranger, willing to face the same dangers those he employed would, but his own son Mack has taken the role. Andrew originally tried to prevent this out of concern for Mack's safety but has come to accept it, and when his son suffers from crises of confidence Andrew has encouraged him to remain a Ranger.

Andrew now manages the technical side of the operations. He can be extremely pragmatic.[1].

It was revealed he was keeping something secret about Mack's origins, he stated in private that Mack shouldn't have been able to be affected by the bad luck spell[2], and seemed afraid of the possible implications. He later stated in that Mack had only arrived two years ago, and before that it had just been him and Spencer[3]. This contradicts Mack's statement in the same episode that he "hadn't been on a picnic in 10 years.". It was later revealed that Mack was an android, and that Andrew physically built him a little over a two years prior; unable to meet the right woman due to his work, he had decided to play God and make himself a son regardless.[4]

Andrew Hartford is portrayed by Rod Lousich.


Spencer is the loyal butler for the Hartfords and has been for years (he has made a few sarcastic remarks regarding his salary). A former member of The Royal Navy, He is more than a mere servant, he is a friend to Mack, Mr. Hartford and the entire Ranger team, and has been known to drive the team's Overdrive Truck. After monitoring Andrew's adventures and taking care of the team, he can take second-in-command when Andrew's in trouble. He is also sent on missions of his own on occasion, using his impressive disguise skills - he once convincingly disguised himself as Ronny.

Possessing a dry sense of humor, Spencer is not afraid to tell his employer he may be wrong about a course of action (such as initially denying Mack the morpher) and understands the Ranger's personalities (such as when he gets Will to break into Hartford's safe by talking about how unbreakable it is, knowing Will can't resist the challenge). He also provides emotional support and the voice of reason in many of the Ranger's personal crisis, including when Mack realised he wasn't human.

Spencer is almost never seen without a feather duster or several glasses of lemonade.

Spencer is portrayed by David Weatherley.

Spencer is very similar to Alfred Pennyworth, Niles the Butler, and Edwin Jarvis.

Sentinel Knight

The Sentinel Knight is the original protector of the Corona Aurora. Millennia ago, after Flurious and Moltor had attempted to steal the Crown, the Knight took it upon himself to separate the Crown and its Jewels. This was done in order to stop anyone from getting the power again. The guardian scattered the crown and the five jewels on a distant, uninhabited planet. That planet, those many millennia ago was Earth.

He appeared to Andrew Hartford after he had found the Corona Aurora, and explained to him about the evil that would come and what to do to protect the crown. He again appeared in order to convince Will, Dax, Ronny and Rose that they were the world's only hope.

The Sentinel Knight made another appearance to congratulate the Rangers on their victory and retrieval of the second gem of the Corona Aurora.[5]

It was revealed he had battled and imprisoned Thrax, the villainous son of Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. When Thrax returned and disabled the Overdrive Ranger's powers, the Sentinel Knight summoned five veteran Rangers and repowered them so they could temporarily defend the jewels in the current Rangers' place. Initially, the Sentinel Knight seemingly named the Retro Rangers as the Overdrive Rangers' replacements which visibly upset the Overdrive Rangers[6]. However, it proved to not be the case as their link to the Morphing Grid is eventually repaired. After Mack retrieved the sword Excelsior, he gave it to the Sentinel Knight so that no one could use it to harm him and its power restored Sentinel Knight back to his physical form. After being restored to physical form, he swiftly destroyed Thrax. He has since been a valuable ally and fighter, capable of transforming into the powerful Sentinel Sword weapon.

Thanks to additions by Rose, it is possible for the Sentinel Knight to merge with Mack and turn him into the Red Sentinel Ranger, creating a "Battlizer". He is still sentient in this form and is able to talk to Mack, like Saba and the White Ranger on Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

When the jewels and the crown were finally recovered, Sentinel Knight returned to his original form. His final act before departing was using the Corona Auora to turn Mack into a full-blooded human.

The Sentinel Knight is voiced by Nic Sampson.

Other allies


Vella is Tyzonn's fiance. She worked alongside Tyzonn as a rescuer. She was originally believed to have been killed in the cave-in caused by the Fearcats but in truth she somehow survived. Crazar mimicked her appearance in order to trick Tyzonn into thinking his adventures with the Rangers was merely a dream in order to distract Tyzonn from helping his fellow rangers from fighting Benglo, Mig and Agrios. Tyzonn was able to come to his senses when he found his morpher, he also realized that Vella was alive since in order for Crazar to mimic a person's appearance the person she disguised herself as had to be alive. This proved to be true in Nothing to Lose when Moltor was revealed to have kept her prisoner and turned her over to Flurious. While kept prisoner by Flurious Vella befriended Norg, knowing that he was not like Flurious or his minions. When Flurious ordered some Chillers to "take care of" Norg and Vella, Norg protected Vella and took her to safety to the Hartford estate where she was reunited with Tyzonn.


  1. ^ Power Ranggers episode "Ronny On Empty"
  2. ^ Power Rangers episode "Out of Luck"
  3. ^ Power Rangers episode "One Fine Day"
  4. ^ Power Rangers episode "Things Not Said"
  5. ^ Power Rangers episode "Face to Face II"
  6. ^ Power Rangers episode "Once a Ranger"