List of minor biblical figures

This list contains persons named in the Bible of minor notability, about whom either nothing or very little is known, aside from any family connections.

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In Jeremiah 36:26, Abdeel (Ab'dēel) ("Servant of God"; akin to Arabic Abdullah), father of Shelemiah, one of three men that were commanded by King Jehoiakim to seize the prophet Jeremiah and his secretary Barukh.[1] The Septuagint omits his name.[1]


The name Abdi is probably an abbreviation of Obediah, meaning "servant of YHWH", according to the International Standard Bible Encyclopedia.[2] Easton's Bible Encyclopedia, on the other hand, holds that it means "my servant". The name "Abdi" appears three times in the Bible.

  1. Chronicles 6:29.[3] "And on the left hand their brethren the sons of Merari: Ethan the son of Kishi, the son of Abdi, the son of Malluch."[4]
  2. Chronicles 29:12. "Then the Levites arose, Mahath the son of Amasai, and Joel the son of Azariah, of the sons of the Kohathites; and of the sons of Merari, Kish the son of Abdi, and Azariah the son of Jehallelel; and of the Gershonites, Joah the son of Zimmah, and Eden the son of Joah."[4]
  3. Ezra 10:26. "And of the sons of Elam: Mattaniah, Zechariah, and Jehiel, and Abdi, and Jeremoth, and Elijah."[4]


Abdon is the name of four biblical individuals.

  1. An Abdon in the book of Judges: see the article Abdon (Judges).
  2. The first-born of Gibeon of the tribe of Benjamin, mentioned only in passing in genealogies (1 Chronicles 8:30, 9:36).
  3. Abdon the son of son of Micah. Josiah sent him, among others, to the prophetess Huldah, in order to discern the meaning of the recently rediscovered book of the law (2 Chronicles 34:20). He is referred to as Achbor in 2 Kings 22:12.
  4. Abdon son of Sashak. He is only mentioned as a name in a genealogy (1 Chronicles 8:23).[5]


Abijah is the name of eight biblical individuals.


Abiasaph (meaning: "father of gathering", from abi, son, and asaph, to gather) was a son of Korah of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:24, born in Egypt. Ebiasaph is a spelling variation of Abiasaph.


Abiel was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


In Genesis 10:28, Abimael is the ninth of the 13 sons of Joktan, a descendant of Shem. He is also mentioned in 1 Chronicles 1:22. Abimael means "my father is God".


Ahitub; good, brother of goodness, or father of goodness

  1. Ahitub, son of Phinehas, grandson of Eli, and brother of Ichabod. (1Samuel 14:3,22:9-20, 1Chronicles 9:11)
  2. Ahitub, son of Amariah and father of Zadok. (2Samuel 8:15-17)
  3. Ahitub, a descendant through the priestly line of the first Zadok. He was an ancestor of later high priests who served during the fall of Jerusalem and post-exile. (1Chronicles 6:11-12)
  4. Ahitub, a Benjamite. (1Chronicles 8:11)


Adbeel, Nadbeel or Idiba’ilu, was the third son of Ishmael out of twelve. (Genesis 25:13) The name Adbeel is associated with the personal name and northwest tribe in Arabia known as Idiba’ilu, whom Tiglath-Pileser conquered in the eighth century. (Kenneth A. Mathews, 2005, p. 361)


Hebrew: עָדָה, Modern ʿAda Tiberian ʿĀḏāh; Ornament or Dawn

  1. Adah, the first wife of Lamech, and the mother of Jabal and Jubal. (Genesis 4:19-23)
  2. Adah, the first wife of Esau, the daughter of Elon the Hittite. It has been suggested by biblical scholars that she is the same person as "Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite" mentioned as a wife of Esau in Genesis 26.[6] She bore Esau's firstborn Eliphaz, and became the matriarch of the Edomites. (Genesis 26:34,36:2-4)

The Order of the Eastern Star considers Adah also to be the name of the daughter of Jephthah, although the Bible does not name her.


In Esther 9:8, Adalia is the fifth son of the Persian noble Haman. Adalia was slain along with his nine siblings in Susa.


In I Chronicles 11:42, Adina (lit. Slender) is listed as one of the "mighty men" of David's army. Adina was the son of a chief of the Reubenites named Shiza.


In I Chronicles 27:29, Adlai is the father of Shaphat, and the grandfather of the prophet Elisha.


In Ezra 1:14, Admatha is an advisor to Ahasuerus of Persia.


In 1 Chronicles 4:8, Aharhel is the son of Harum of the tribe of Judah.


Ahasbai, the son of the Maachathite, was the father of Eliphelet, one of King David's Warriors (2 Samuel 23:34).



Ahilud is the father of Jehoshaphat, who serves as court recorder to David (2 Samuel 8:16) and Solomon (1 Kings 4:3). In 1 Kings 4:12, Ahilud is the father of Baana, an official in Solomon's court sent to gather provisions in Taanach and Megiddo, and Beth Shan.


Ahiram was a son of Benjamin according to Numbers 26:38.


Ahisamach or Ahisamakh, also Ahis'amach (Hebrew: אחיסמך "brother of support"), of the tribe of Dan, was the father of Aholiab according to Exodus 31:6, Exodus 35:34, and Exodus 38:23.


Brother of song = singer, the officer who was “over the household” of Solomon (1 Kings 4:6).


In Genesis 36:24 and 1 Chronicles 1:40, Ajah is a son of Zibeon. Ajah means hawk. Alternative spelling: Aiah.


In Genesis 36:27 Akan is a son of Ezer and grandson of Seir the Horite. In 1 Chronicles 1:42 he is called Jaakan.


In Ezra 2:45, Akkub is the head of a family of Nethinim. In 1 Chronicles 3:24, Akkub is a son of Elionenai, descendant of Solomon living in the Kingdom of Judah around 420 BC. In 1 Chronicles 9:17, Ezra 2:42, and Nehemiah 7:45, Akkub is a Levite gatekeeper at the Temple in Jerusalem after the return from the Babylonian captivity.


In 1 Chronicles 4:37, Allon is the son of Jedaiah, of the family of the Simeonites, who expelled the Hamites from the valley of Gedor.


In Genesis 36:40, Alvah is a chief of Edom and a descendant of Esau. In 1 Chronicles 1:51 he is called Aliah.


In Genesis 36:23, Alvan is the eldest son of Shobal and a descendant of Seir the Horite. In 1 Chronicles 1:40 he is called Alian.


In 2 Chr 28:1-4, Amasa is the son of Hadlai, and one of the leaders of Ephraim (2 Chr 28:12) during the reign of the evil King Ahaz.


In 2 Chronicles 17:16, Amasiah (meaning burden of Jehovah) was the son of Zichri, a captain under King Jehoshaphat.


In Amos 7:10, Amaziah is a priest of Bethel who confronts Amos and rejects his prophesying against king Jeroboam II. As a result, Amos is led to prophesy the doom of Amaziah's family, the loss of his land and his death in exile. Jonathan Magonet has described Amaziah as 'a spiritual leader who believed in his own power and could not risk hearing the word of God'.[7]


A person mentioned in the Old Testament in Song of Solomon of Solomon&verse=6:12&src=! 6:12, whose chariots were famed for their swiftness. It is rendered in the margin “my willing people,” and in the Revised Version “my princely people.”


Ammizabad was the son of Benaiah, who was the third and chief captain of the host under David (1 Chronicles 27:6).


Amzi ('am-tsee') is a masculine Hebrew name meaning "my strength" or "strong." Two individuals with this name are mentioned in the Bible:


In the Book of Genesis, there are two men and one woman named Anah.

Amendment: Actually the Anah in Genesis 36:2,14,18,25 mentioned above is the same as the Anah, the son of Zibeon in verse 24. In verse 2 and 14 it says, "Aholibamah the daughter of Anah, the daughter of Zibeon the Hivite;." Some are confused with this wording and believe that it is saying that Anah is a daughter of Zibeon. In verse 24 it clearly says that Zibeon's two sons were Ajah and Anah. Since the original text does not have a literal word for "grand daughter" the word "bath" was used in both cases. But this sentence is stating that Aholibamah is the daughter of Anah and the "granddaughter" of Zibeon, not that Anah is the daughter of Zibeon.


Aphiah, of the tribe of Benjamin, was an ancestor of King Saul and of his commander Abner. According to Saul, his family was the least of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Samuel 9)


Anak was the father of Ahiman, Sheshai, and Talmai in Numbers 13:22


Ard was the tenth son of Benjamin in Genesis 46:21. It is relatively unusual among Hebrew names for ending in a cluster of two consonants instead of as a segholate.


Areli was a son of Gad according to Genesis 46:16 and Numbers 26:17. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Aristobulus is apparently the patriarch of a household; Paul of Tarsus instructed his followers to greet "those who belong to the household of Aristobulus". Romans 16:10.


Arnan was a descendant of David, father of Obadiah, and son of Rephaiah.


Arodi or Arod was a son of Gad according to Genesis 46:16 and Numbers 26:17. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


The Arvadite was one of the descendants/sons of Canaan, son of Ham according to Genesis 10:18.


Ashbel (meaning=flowing)[8] is the third of the ten sons of Benjamin named in Genesis. He founded the tribe of Ashbelites. 46:21.


Asriel was a son of Manasseh according to Numbers 26:31, Joshua 17:2, and 1 Chronicles 7:14.


Assir was a son of Korah of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:24, born in Egypt. It was also the firstborn son of Jehoiachin, King of Judah.


Azzan was the father of Paltiel, a prince of the Tribe of Issachar. (Num. 34:26).


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Baanah the Netophathite was the father of Heleb, one of King David's Warriors (2 Samuel 23:29, 1 Chronicles 11:30).


Baara was one of the three wives of Shaharaim, according to 1 Chronicles 8:8.


Barachel was a Buzite, and was the father of Elihu, an antagonist of Job, according to Job 32:2.


Barkos was a painter who was the father of some of the Nethinim, according to Ezra 2:53.


Barzillai the Gileadite of Rogelim was 80 years old at the time of Absalom's revolt against King David. Barzillai supplied provisions for David's army at Mahanaim (2 Samuel 17:27-29). After the death of Absalom, Barzillai, being an old man, was unable to accompany the king back to Jerusalem, but brought Chimham to David for the return journey (2 Samuel 19:31-37).

Another figure who married one of Barzillai's daughters was called Barzellai as a result (Ezra 2:61; Nehemiah 7:53). In 1 Esdras 5:38, he is called Zorzelleus.


Hebrew: Sweet-smelling or Sweet-smile

  1. Basemath, wife of Esau, and daughter of Elon the Hittite (Genesis 26:34). She is thought to be identical to or a sister to Adah who is mentioned in Genesis 36.[9]
  2. Basemath, another wife of Esau, daughter of Ishmael, sister to Nebajoth and mother of Reuel (Genesis 36:3). She is thought by some scholars to be the same as Mahalath of Genesis 28.
  3. Basemath, the daughter of Solomon; a wife of Ahimaaz. (1Kings 4:15)


Becher was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Bechorath, son of Aphiah, of the tribe of Benjamin, was an ancestor of King Saul and of his commander Abner. According to Saul, his family was the least of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Samuel 9)


Bela was the name of three individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Beno was the son of Merari and from Jaaziah 1 Chronicles 24:26-27.


Beriah is the name of four different biblical individuals:


Bigtha is one of the eunuchs who served King Xerxes in Esther 1:10.


Birsha is the king of Gomorrah in Genesis 14 who joins other Canaanite city kings in rebelling against Chedorlaomer.


Bukki was a prince of the tribe of Dan; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan amongst the tribe (Num. 34:22).


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Carmi refers to two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Chimham accompanied King David to Gilgal after the death of Absalom. (2 Samuel 19:37-40)


Chislon was the father of Elidad, a prince of the Tribe of Benjamin. (Num. 34:21)


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Dalphon was one of the ten sons of Haman, killed along with Haman by the Jews of Persia, according to Esther 9:7.


Deliah is the name of several biblical persons:


Deuel was the father of Eliasaph and the leader of the Tribe of Gad, as noted in five verses in the Book of Numbers, beginning with Numbers 1:14.


Diblaim was the mother of the prophet Hosea's wife, Gomer. Her name means 'doubled cakes'. (Hosea 1:3)


Dibri of the house of Dan was the father of Shelomith according to Leviticus 24:11. Shelomith's son was stoned to death for blasphemy.


Diklah was a son of Joktan according to Genesis 10:27, 1 Chronicles 1:21.


Dishan was the youngest son of Seir the Horite. (Genesis 36:21)


Dodo (possibly meaning "beloved") is a name given to three persons in the Bible:


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Eglah was one of David's wives and the mother of Ithream according to II Samuel 3:4.


In Genesis 46:21, Ehi is the third son of Benjamin. In 1 Chronicles 8:1 he is called Ahahrah, and in Numbers 26:38 he is called Ahiram.


Elasah (meaning 'made by God') was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Eliasaph was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Elidad was a prince of the tribe of Benjamin; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan amongst the tribe (Num. 34:21).


Elionenai was a descedant of David. He was the father of Akkub, and son of Neariah.


Elishama was a son of Ammihud and a prince of the house of Ephraim according to Numbers 1:10.


Elishaphat was one of the "captains of hundreds" associated with Jehoiada in restoring king Jehoash to the throne II Chronicles 23:1.


Elisheba ("God is my oath", cognate to the name Elizabeth) is the wife of Aaron and sister-in-law of Moses. Her sons were Nadab, Abihu, Eleazer and Ithamar. (Exodus 6:23).


Elizaphan was a prince of the tribe of Zebulun; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan amongst the tribe (Num. 34:25).


Elizur was a son of Shedeur and a prince of the House of Reuben according to Numbers 1:5.


Elnathan ben Achbor of Jerusalem was the father of Nehushta. Nehushta conceived Jeconiah with King of Judah Jehoiakim. Despite this close relationship to the king, Elnathan is one of those who, according to Jeremiah 36:25 opposes Jehoiakim when he cuts up and burns a scroll that had been brought to him, containing Jeremiah's prophesies of the forthcoming destruction of Judah. Elnathan's father Achbor was a strong supporter of the earlier reforms of king Josiah, which may have influenced[10] Elnathan's behaviour - though he had earlier been closely involved in the persecution of the prophet Uriah ben Shemaiah, according to Jeremiah 26:20-23.


Elon (Hebrew: אֵילֹן, Modern Elon Tiberian ʼÊlōn ; "Oak") was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Elzaphan was a son of Uzziel of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:22, born in Egypt. He was a nephew of Amram and a cousin of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses. He and Mishael were asked by Moses to carry away Nadab's and Abihu's bodies to a place outside the camp. (Leviticus 10:4). In the wilderness of Sinai he was named chief of the house of Kohath (Numbers 3:30).


In Genesis 4:17-18, Enoch is the firstborn son of Cain and the father of Irad. Cain named the city of Enoch after his son.


Enan was a member of the house of Naphtali according to Numbers 1:15. He was the father of Ahira.


Ephod was the father of Hanniel, a prince of the Tribe of Manasseh. (Num. 34:23).


Ephron, son of Zohar, lived in Mamre among the children of Heth. He was the owner of the property that included the Cave of Machpelah, which he sold to Abraham for four hundred shekels of silver. (Genesis 23:8-17)


Eran was a son of Shuthelah of the Tribe of Ephraim according to Numbers 26:36.


In Genesis 46:16 Eri ("watchful") is the son of Gad. He was the progenitor of the Erites. (Numbers 26:16)


Evi was one of five Midianite kings killed during the time of Moses by an Israelite expedition led by Phinehas, son of Eleazar according to Numbers 31:8 and Joshua 13:21.


Ezbon is the name of two people mentioned in the Bible:


Ezrah is the father of Jether, Mered, Epher and Jalon, grandfather (through Mered) of Miriam, Shammai and Ishbah, and great-grandfather (through Ishbah) of Eshtemoa (I Chr. 4:17)


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Gaddi, the son of Susi of the House of Manasseh, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:11.


Gaddiel, the son of Sodi of the house of Zebulun, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:10.


Gamul (Hebrew: גָמוּל‎; "rewarded" or "recompense") was head of the twentieth of twenty-four priestly divisions instituted by King David. (I Chr. 24:17)


Gemalli of the house of Dan was the father of Ammiel, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:4.


Gemariah is one of the sons of Shaphan in chapter 36 of Jeremiah. His own son Micaiah hears Jeremiah's secretary Baruch read Jeremiah's prophecies against the nation, and reports to a meeting of the court officials, including his father, nearby. This leads to the scroll being read before king Jehoiakim, who cuts it up and burns it despite the protestations of Gemariah and Elnathan ben Achbor.[11]


In Genesis 46:21 Gera is the fourth of ten sons of Benjamin.


Geuel, the son of Machi of the Tribe of Gad, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:16.


Gideoni was a member of the house of Benjamin according to Numbers 1:11. He was the father of Abidan.


Guni was a son of Naphtali according to Genesis 46:24 and Numbers 26:48. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Gideon was, according to Judges 6:11 the son of Joash the Abiezrite. He defeated the Midianites.


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Haahashtari was one of the sons of Naarah (1 Chronicles 4:6)


Habazziniah was the head of a family of Rechabites (Jeremiah 35:3)


Haggi was a son of Gad according to Genesis 46:16 and Numbers 26:15. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Hakkoz is the name of two or three biblical individuals:


Hamor was the father of Shechem. Shechem defiled Dinah according to Genesis 34


Hamul was a son of Pharez of the Tribe of Judah according to Genesis 46:12 and Numbers 26:21. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Hananiah was a descendant of David, the father of Jeshaiah, and the son of Zerubbabel.


Hanniel Prince of the tribe of Manasseh; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan amongst the tribe (Num. 34:23).


Haran, or Aran (Hebrew הָרָן) refers to three minor biblical people in the Hebrew Bible:

  1. Haran, son of Terah, from Ur of the Chaldees. He fathered Lot, Milcah and Iscah. (Genesis  11:27-29)
  2. Haran, son of Caleb, a descendant of Jacob, and Ephah his mother. Father of Gazez. (1 Chronicles 2:46)
  3. Haran, son of Shimei, a Levite who lived in the age of King David that had some important religious or political role. (1 Chronicles 23:1-9)


Harim (Hebrew: חָרִם‎; "destroyed" or "dedicated to God") was the name of three biblical patriarchs:


Hazo was the son of Nahor and Milcah (Genesis 22:22).


Heber or Chéver (Hebrew: חֶבֶר / חָבֶר, Modern Ḥéver / Ḥáver Tiberian Ḥéḇer / Ḥāḇer ; "friend", "connected") is the grandson of the patriarch Asher mentioned at Genesis 46:17 and in Numbers 26:45. Heber probably should not be confused with the Eber who was Noah's descendant.


Helek was a son of Gilead of the Tribe of Manasseh according to Numbers 26:30 and Joshua 17:2.


Helon was a member of the house of Zebulun according to Numbers 1:9. He was the father of Eliab.


Hepher was a son of Manasseh according to Numbers 26:32 and Joshua 17:2.


Hezron or Hetzron (Hebrew: חֶצְרוֹן, Modern Ḥeẓron Tiberian Ḥeṣrôn ; "Enclosed") is the name of two men in Genesis.



Hobab was Moses' brother-in-law (Numbers 10:29) or father-in-law (Judges 4:11). The relevant part of Numbers 10:29 reads: "And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law". That of Judges 4:11 reads: "Now Heber the Kenite had severed himself from the Kenites, even from the children of Hobab the father-in-law of Moses".


Hori of the house of Simeon was the father of Shaphat, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:5.


Huppim or Hupham was the ninth son of Benjamin in Genesis 46:21 and Numbers 26:39.


Hushim or Shuham was a son of Dan according to Genesis 46:23 and Numbers 26:42. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


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Igal, the son of Joseph of the house of Issachar, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:7.


Ikkesh the Tekoite was the father of Ira, one of King David's Warriors (2 Samuel 23:26, 1 Chronicles 11:28).


Imla the (im'la; "full"). The father of Micaiah, which latter was the prophet who ironically foretold the defeat of the allied kings of Judah and Israel against Ramoth-gilead (2 Chron 18:7-8). In the parallel passage (1 Kings 22:8-9) his name is written Imlah.


In Genesis 4:18, Irad is the son of Enoch, the grandson of Cain and the father of Mehujael.


Iscah or Jesca (Jessica) was a daughter of Haran, sister of Lot and Milcah according to Genesis 11:29. She is sometimes identified as Sarah.


Ishui was a son of Saul according to I Samuel 14:49.


Isui or Jesui was a son of Asher according to Genesis 46:17 and Numbers 26:44. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Ithream was the son of David and Eglah, David's sixth son, according to II Samuel 3:5.


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Jachin was a son of Simeon according to Genesis 46:10, Exodus 6:15, and Numbers 26:12, one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Jahleel was a son of Zebulun according to Genesis 46:14 and Numbers 26:26. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Jahzeel was a son of Naphtali according to Genesis 46:24 and Numbers 26:48. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Jamin was a son of Simeon according to Genesis 46:10, Exodus 6:15, and Numbers 26:12. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob. Jamin means right hand.


Jalon was one of four sons of Ezrah, and the uncle of Miriam, Shammai and Ishbah (father of Eshtemoa). (I Chr. 4:17)


Jarha was an Egyptian slave of Sheshan who was married to Sheshan's daughter according to 1 Chronicles 2:34-35.


Jeezer was a son of Gilead of the Tribe of Manasseh according to Numbers 26:30.


Jemuel was a son of Simeon according to Genesis 46:10, Exodus 6:15, and Numbers 26:12. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Jemimah, meaning "Dove" was a daughter of Job according to Job 42:14. Jemimah was one of three daughters named after Baal's three daughters.


Jephunneh (יְפֻנֶּה) is a biblical name which means "for whom a way is prepared", and was the name of two biblical figures:


Jerah was a son of Joktan according to Genesis 10:26, 1 Chronicles 1:20.


Jeshaiah may refer to multiple figures in the Bible:

  1. A descendant of David, the father of Rephaiah, and the son of Hananiah in 1 Chronicles 3:21.
  2. One of eight sons of Jeduthun in 1 Chronicles 25:3.


Jezer was a son of Naphtali according to Genesis 46:24 and Numbers 26:49. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Jidlaph was the son of Nahor and Milcah (Genesis 22:22).


Jimnah or Jimna was a son of Asher according to Genesis 46:17 and Numbers 26:44. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Joash, an Abiezrite of the Tribe of Manasseh, was the father of Gideon according to Judges 6 - 8.[12] His family was poor and lived in Ophrah. After Gideon tore down the altar of Baal and cut down the grove, the men of Ophrah sought to kill Gideon. Joash stood against them, saying, "He that will plead for [Baal], let him be put to death whilst it is yet morning: if he be a god, let him plead for himself, because one hath cast down his altar."


Job or Jashub was a son of Issachar according to Genesis 46:13, Numbers 26:24 and 1 Chronicles 7:1. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Jobab is the name of at least five men in the Hebrew Bible.

Joel son of Samuel

Joel son of Samuel was the firstborn son of the prophet Samuel. According to I Samuel chapter 8, Joel and his brother Abijah were appointed by Samuel to be judges in Beersheba. However, Joel and Abijah "walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment" prompting the Israelites to demand that Samuel give them a king.


Jogli was the father of Bukki, a prince of the Tribe of Dan. (Num. 34:22)


Joiarib ("God will contend") is the name of two biblical persons:

Jonathan son of Abiathar

Jonathan was a son of Abiathar the priest (2 Samuel 15:27), and served as a messenger during Absalom's rebellion. (2 Samuel 15:36, 17:17).


Joseph of the house of Issachar was the father of Igal, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:7.

Joshua the Bethshemite

Joshua the Bethshemite was the owner of the field in which the Ark of the Covenant came to rest when the Philistines sent it away on a driverless ox-drawn cart. (I Samuel 6:14)


Julia was a Christian woman at Rome to whom Paul sent his salutations in Romans 16:15, supposed to be the wife of Philologus.[13]


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Kelita ("Small/Petite") was a Levite who assisted Ezra in expounding the law to the people. (Nehemiah 8:7,10:10) He was also known as Kelaiah. (Ezra 10:23)


Kemuel Prince of the tribe of Ephraim; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan amongst the tribe (Num. 34:24).


Keren-happuch, sometimes spelled Kerenhappuch[14] ("horn of the face-paint" or "cosmetic-box"), is the name of Job's third daughter (Job 42:14), who was born after prosperity had returned to him.[15]


Keziah ("Cinnamon") is the name of Job's second daughter (Job 42:14)


Kolaiah ("voice of Jehovah") is the name of Ahab's father (Jeremiah 29:21). It is also the name of an ancestor of Sallu that settled in Jerusalem after returning from the Babylonian exile (Nehemiah 11:7).[16]


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Lael ("Of God") was a member of the house of Gershon according to Numbers 3:24. He was the father of Eliasaph.


Laadah or Ladah was a son of Shelah and a grandson of Judah. His son was Mareshah. (I Chr. 4:21)


Leummim was the third son of Dedan, son of Jokshan, son of Abraham by Keturah. (Genesis 25:3) It is often conjectured that he was the head of an Arabian tribe.


Levi was the name of two minor figures mentioned in the Bible:


Libni was a son of Gershon of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:17. He was born in Egypt.


Lois was the mother of Eunice and grandmother of Timothy. (2 Timothy 1:5)


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Hebrew for "Worker of Jehovah", one of the priests resident at Jerusalem at the Captivity I Chronicles 9:12



Hebrew for "Clad with a mantle, or bond of the Lord", one of the Gadite heroes who joined David in the wilderness I Chronicles 12:13


Machi of the Tribe of Gad was the father of Geuel, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:15.


Hebrew: sickness, a company of dancers, or a harp

  1. Mahalath, one of the wives of Esau, and a daughter of Ishmael (Genesis 28:6-9). Thought to be the same as Basemath of Genesis 36.
  2. Mahalath, a daughter of Jerimoth and Abihail; the wife of king Rehoboam. (1 Chronicles 11:18)


Mahali (also Mahli) was a son of Merari of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:19, born in Egypt.


Hebrew for "Grasping"


Heb. "Visions", a Kohathite Levite, chief of the twenty-third course of musicians I Chronicles 25:4,I Chronicles 25:30


Maher-shahal-has-baz ("Hurry to spoil!" or "He has made haste to the plunder!") was the second mentioned son of the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 8.1-4). The name is a reference to the impending plunder of Samaria and Damascus by the king of Assyria.


Mahlah (“infirmity,” “a harp”, or “pardon”) is the name of two biblical persons:


Heb. "Dance", the father of four sons Kg1. 4:31 who were inferior in wisdom only to Solomon.


Malchiel was a son of Beriah according to Genesis 46:17 and Numbers 26:45. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Heb. "King of help", one of the four sons of Saul I Chronicles 8:33. He perished along with his father in the battle of Gilboa Sa1. 31:2.


Heb. "My fulness", a Kohathite Levite, one of the sons of Heman the Levite (I Chronicles 25:4), and chief of the nineteenth division of the temple musicians I Chronicles 25:26


Heb. "Reigned over, or reigning."


Mash was a son of Aram according to Genesis 10:23.


Hebrew for a type of gift, one of the sons of Ishmael, the founder of an Arabian tribe (Gen. 25:14); a nomad tribe inhabiting the Arabian desert toward Babylonia.


Matri, of the Tribe of Benjamin was an ancestor of Saul according to I Samuel 10:21.


"Gift of God", possibly also translated as Matthan.


Mehetabeel ("Whom God benefits" or "God causes good") was the father of Delaiah, and grandfather of Shemaiah, who joined Sanballat against Nehemiah (Nehemiah 6:10).


Mehetabel ("Whom God benefits" or "God causes good") was the wife of Hadad, one of the kings of Edom (Genesis 36:39).


In Genesis 4:18 Mehujael is a descendant of Cain, the son of Irad and the father of Methusael.


Faithful, one of the eunuchs whom Ahasuerus commanded to bring in Vashti (Ester 1:10).


"My king" The son of Addi, and father of Neri (Luke 3:28), (Luke 3:24).


King, the second of Micah's four sons I Chronicles 8:35), and thus grandson of Mephibosheth. Also related to a southwest Asian god, see Melech


Fullness, the son of Menan and father of Eliakim, in the genealogy of our Lord (Luke 3:31).


Probably a Persian word meaning master of wine, i.e., chief butler; the title of an officer at the Babylonian court Daniel 1:11,Daniel 1:16 who had charge of the diet of the Hebrew youths.


"Increase", or "Majority", the eldest of Saul's two daughters. (1 Samuel 14:49) She was offered to David after his victory over Goliath, but does not seem to have entered heartily into this arrangement (1 Samuel 18:17-19). She was at length, however, married to Adriel of Abel-Meholah, a town in the Jordan valley, about 10 miles south of Bethshean, with whom the house of Saul maintained an alliance. She had five sons, who were all put to death by the Gibeonites on the hill of Gibeah (2 Samuel 21:8) It is also a common feminine name in Israel.


"Resistance", a chief priest, a contemporary of the high priest Joiakim (Neh 12:12).




"Exaltations, heights", a priest who returned from Babylon with Zerubbabel (Nehemiah 12:3), to whom were sent the sacred vessels (Ezra 8:33) belonging to the temple. He took part in rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem (Neh 3:4).


Meaning "Contender with Baal," (Ch1 8:34),(Ch1 9:40), elsewhere called Mephibosheth (Sa2 4:4), the son of Jonathan.


"Friendship of Jehovah", a Levite of the family of the Korhites, called also Shelemiah (Ch1 9:21),(Ch1 26:1-14) He was a temple gate-keeper in the time of David.


"Requitals". (1.) The father of Berechiah (Ch2 28:12). (2.) A priest, the son of Immer (Neh 11:13).


Meshullam, meaning "befriended", was the name of eleven biblical individuals. (See Meshullam.)


"Friend", the wife of King Manasseh of Judah, and the mother of King Amon of Judah ((Kg2 21:19).


In Genesis 4:18 Methusael is a descendant of Cain, the son of Mehujael and the father of Lamech.


"Water of gold", the father of Matred (Gen 36:39),(Ch1 1:50), and grandfather of Mehetabel, wife of Hadar, the last king of Edom.


"Choice", a Hagarene, one of David's warriors (Ch1 11:38); called also Bani the Gadite (Sa2 23:36).




Michael of the house of Asher was the father of Sethur, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:13.


"Prize of Jehovah" or "Selling", a Benjamite, the father of Uzzi (Ch1 9:8).


Mijamin or Miamin ("from the right hand") is the name of three persons mentioned in the Bible:


"Staves" or "Looking Down".

  1. An officer under Dodai, in the time of David and Solomon (Ch1 27:4).
  2. A Benjamite (Ch1 8:32),(Ch1 9:37), (Ch1 9:38).


"Eloquent", a Levitical musician (Neh 12:36) who took part in the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem.


This was the name of two biblical men.

Mishael was a son of Uzziel of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:22, born in Egypt. He was a nephew of Amram and a cousin of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses. He and Elzaphan were asked by Moses to carry away Nadab’s and Abihu’s bodies to a place outside the camp. (Leviticus 10:4)

Mishael was one of the three Hebrew youths who were trained with Daniel in Babylon (Dan. 1:11, 19). He and his companions were cast into and miraculously delivered from the fiery furnace for refusing to worship the king's idol (3:13-30). Mishael's Babylonian name was Meshach.


"Their cleansing" or "their beholding", a Benjamite, one of the sons of Elpaal ((Ch1 8:12).


"Fatness", one of the Gadite heroes who gathered to David at Ziklag ((Ch1 12:10).


(Hebrew: מִתְרְדָת‎; Greek: Μιθραδάτης; Latin: Mithridates) Meaning given by Mithra, or dedicated to Mithra, i.e., the sun, the Hebrew form of the Persian name Mithridates.


"Reminding, or remembrancer". A Christian of Jerusalem with whom Paul lodged ((Act 21:16). He was apparently a native of Cyprus, like Barnabas ((Act 11:19-20), and was well known to the Christians of Caesarea ((Act 4:36). He was an "old disciple" (R.V., "early disciple"), i.e., he had become a Christian in the beginning of the formation of the Church in Jerusalem.


"A going forth."


Muppim or Shuphim was the eighth son of Benjamin in Genesis 46:21 and Numbers 26:39.


Mushi was a son of Merari of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:19, born in Egypt.


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Naaman is the fifth son of Benjamin in Genesis 46:21.


Nahbi, the son of Vophsi of the house of Naphtali, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:14.


"Neariah" was a descendant of David, and father of Elionenai. He was the son of Shemaiah.


Nehushta was the wife of King Jehoiakim and daughter of Elnathan ben Achbor of Jerusalem, according 2 Kings 24:8. She was also the mother of King Jehoiachin.


Nekoda was the ancestor of 652 Jews who returned from Babylonia with Ezra, but were declared ineligible to serve as Kohanim (priests) because they could not prove that their ancestors had been Kohanim. This is recounted in Ezra 2:48,60 and in Nehemiah 7:50, 62, where the number of men is given as 642.


Nemuel was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Nepheg was a son of Izhar of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:21, born in Egypt. He was a nephew of Amram and a cousin of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses.


Ner was an uncle of Saul and the father of Abner according to I Samuel 14:50.


Nereus was a Christian mentioned with his unnamed sister in Romans 16:15 with other saints to whom Paul the apostle sent greetings and salutations.


Nobah, of the Tribe of Manasseh defeated the Amorites, took the villages of Kenath and renamed it Nobah according to Numbers 32:42.


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"Obadiah" was a descendant of David, father of Sheconiah, and son of Arnan


Obal, also Ebal, was a son of Joktan according to Genesis 10:28, 1 Chronicles 1:22.


Obil was an Ishmaelite, a keeper of camels in the time of David, according to 1 Chronicles 27:30.


Ocran was a member of the house of Asher according to Numbers 1:13. He was the father of Pagiel.


On, the son of Peleth, of the Tribe of Reuben was a participant in Korah’s rebellion against Moses according to Numbers 16:1.


Ophir was a son of Joktan according to Genesis 10:29, 1 Chronicles 1:23.


Ozem is a Hebrew name meaning strong, which applies to two people in the Bible.

  1. A brother of David, and the sixth son of Jesse (1 Chronicles 2:15).
  2. A son of Jerahmeel (1 Chronicles 2:25).


See Ezbon above.


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Pagiel was a son of Ocran and a prince of the house of Asher according to Numbers 1:13.


Palti, the son of Raphu of the house of Benjamin, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:9.


Paltiel Prince of the tribe of Issachar; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan amongst the tribe (Num. 34:26).


Parnach was the father of Elizaphan, a prince of the Tribe of Zebulun. (Num. 34:25).


Pedahel Prince of the tribe of Naphtali; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan amongst the tribe (Num. 34:28).


Pedahzur was a member of the house of Manasseh according to Numbers 1:10. He was the father of Gamaliel.


Peleth, of the Tribe of Reuben, was the father of On, a participant in Korah’s rebellion against Moses according to Numbers 16:1.


Pethuel, the father of Joel, in Joel 1:1.


Phallu or Pallu was a son of Reuben according to Genesis 46:9, Exodus 6:14 and Numbers 26:5. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Phurah was a servant of Gideon in Judges 7. Gideon takes Phurah with him to spy on the Midianites before battle.


Phuvah or Pua was a son of Issachar according to Genesis 46:13 and Numbers 26:23. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Pildash was the son of Nahor and Milcah (Genesis 22:22).


Putiel was the father of Eleazar's wife according to Exodus 6:25. According to Rashi this was another name of Jethro.


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Raamiah ("thunder of the Lord") is one of the princes who returned from the Exile (Neh. 7:7). He is also called Reelaiah in Ezra 2:2.


Rabmag is the name of two figures in the Bible:

  1. The Assyrian "Rab-mugi" — a "chief physician" who was attached to the king of Babylon (Jeremiah 39:3,13).
  2. The title of one of Sennacherib's officers sent with messages to Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem demanding the surrender of the city. He was accompanied by a "great army;" but his mission was unsuccessful (II Kings 18:17-19:13 and Isaiah 36:12-37:13).


Rephaiah, a descendant of David was the father of Arnan and the son of Jeshaiah.


Raphu of the house of Benjamin was the father of Palti, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:9.


Reba was one of five Midianite kings killed during the time of Moses by an Israelite expedition led by Phinehas, son of Eleazar according to Numbers 31:8 and Joshua 13:21.


Rekem was one of five Midianite kings killed during the time of Moses by an Israelite expedition led by Phinehas, son of Eleazar according to Numbers 31:8 and Joshua 13:21.


In I Chronicles 26:7–8, Rephael (Hebrew: רְפָאֵל, Modern Refaʾel Tiberian Rəp̄āʾēl ; "healed of God") was one of Shemaiah's sons. He and his brethren, on account of their "strength for service," formed one of the divisions of the temple porters.


Ribai, a Benjamite of Gibeah, was the father of Ittai, one of King David's Warriors (2 Samuel 23:29, 1 Chronicles 11:31).


Rosh is the seventh of the ten sons of Benjamin named in Genesis 46:21.

A nation named Rosh is also mentioned in Ezekiel 38:2-3; 39:1 "Son of man, set your face toward Gog, the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal; and prophesy concerning him." Also in a variant reading of Isaiah 66:19 (MT) and the Septuagint Jeremiah 32:23.[17]


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Sabtah was a son of Cush according to Genesis 10:7, 1 Chronicles 1:9.


Sabtechah was a son of Cush according to Genesis 10:7, 1 Chronicles 1:9.


Sachar was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Salu, of the house of Simeon, was the father of Zimri who was involved in the Heresy of Peor according to Numbers 25:14.


Seba was a son of Cush according to Genesis 10:7, 1 Chronicles 1:9.


Sered was a son of Zebulun according to Genesis 46:14 and Numbers 26:26. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Sethur, the son of Michael of the house of Asher, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:13.


Shabbethai, a Levite who helped Ezra in the matter of the foreign marriages (Ezra 10:15), probably the one present at Ezra's reading of the law (Nehemiah 8:7), and possibly the Levite chief and overseer (Nehemiah 11:16). The name might mean "one born on Sabbath", but more probably is a modification of the ethnic Zephathi (Zephathite), from Zarephathi (Zarephathite). Meshullam and Jozabad, with which Shabbethai's name is combined, both originate in ethnic names. (Encyclopaedia Biblica)


Shaharaim, a member of the house of Benjamin. He had three wives, Hushim, Baara, and Hodesh, according to 1 Chronicles 8:8-9.


Shammua, the son of Zaccur of the house of Reuben, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:4.


Shaphat, the son of Hori of the house of Simeon, was a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:5.

Also the name of one of King David's sons by Bathsheba.

Sharar also known as shararer jat


Shearjashub, the first-mentioned son of Isaiah according to Isaiah 7:3. His name means "the remnant shall return" and was prophetic; offering hope to the people of Israel, that although they were going to be sent into exile, and their temple destroyed, God remained faithful and would deliverance "a remnant" from Babylon and bring them back to their land.


Sheconiah was a descendant of David, father of Shemaiah, and son of Obadiah.


Shechem was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


Shedeur was a member of the house of Reuben according to Numbers 1:5. He was the father of Elizur.


Shelomi was the father of Ahihud, a prince of the Tribe of Asher. (Num. 34:27).


Shelumiel (Hebrew: שלמיאל) was a son of Zurishaddai and a prince of the house of Simeon according to Numbers 1:6.


Shelomith was a daughter of Dibri of the house of Dan according to Leviticus 24:11, married to an Egyptian. Her son was stoned to death for blasphemy.


Shemaiah was the father of Neariah,and the son of Sheconiah


Shemeber is the king of Zeboiim in Genesis 14 who joins other Canaanite city kings in rebelling against Chedorlaomer.


Shemida was a son of Manasseh according to Numbers 26:32, Joshua 17:2, and 1 Chronicles 7:19.


Shemuel Prince of the tribe of Simeon; one of those appointed by Moses to superintend the division of Canaan amongst the tribe (Num. 34:20).


Shephatiah was the son of David and Abital, David's fifth son, according to II Samuel 3:4.


Shillem was a son of Naphtali according to Genesis 46:24 and Numbers 26:49. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Shimeah or Shammah was a third son of Jesse, a brother of David (1 Samuel 16:9}, and the father of Jonadab (2 Samuel 13:3).


Shimi was a son of Gershon of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:17. He was born in Egypt.


Shimron was a son of Issachar according to Genesis 46:13, Numbers 26:24 and 1 Chronicles 7:1. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Shimshai was a scribe who was represented the peoples listed in Ezra 4:9-10 in a letter to King Artaxerxes.


Shinab is the king of Admah in Genesis 14 who joins other Canaanite city kings in rebelling against Chedorlaomer.


Shiphtan was the father of Kemuel, a prince of the Tribe of Ephraim. (Num. 34:24).


Shisha was the father of Elihoreph and Ahijah, who were secretaries to King Solomon. 1 Kings 4:3.


Shobal was a Horite chief in the hill country of Seir during the days of Esau. He was a son of Seir the Horite, and his sons were Alvas, Manahath, Ebal, Shepho and Onam. He is mentioned in Genesis 36:20-29.


Shuni was a son of Gad according to Genesis 46:16 and Numbers 26:15. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Shuthelah was a son of Ephraim according to Numbers 26:35 and 1 Chronicles 7:20.


Sodi of the house of Zebulun was the father of Gaddiel, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:10.


Susi of the house of Manasseh was the father of Gaddi, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:11.


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Tahan was a son of Ephraim according to Numbers 26:35 and 1 Chronicles 7:25.


Tola (Hebrew: תּוֹלָע, Modern Tolaʻ Tiberian Tôlāʻ ; "Worm; grub") was the name of two individuals mentioned in the Bible:


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In Ezra 10:34 : "Of the sons of Bani; Maadai, Amram, and Uel."


Uri is mentioned 7 times, 6 of which indicate that another figure is the "son of Uri". The meaning of the name in English is "my light", "my flame" or "illumination".

Uriah ben Shemaiah

Uriah ben Shemaiah is mentioned in Jeremiah 26:20-23 as a minor prophet from Kiriath-Jearim who 'spoke in the name of the Lord against this city and nation just as Jeremiah did'. King Jehoiakim heard about his activities, and tried to kill him, but Uriah fled to Egypt 'in terror'. Elnathan son of Achbor was sent to return him, and Jehoiakim had him killed when he was brought back to Judah.


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Vaniah, meaning nourishment, or weapons, of the Lord; one of many sons of Bani named in Ezra 10:36.


Vophsi of the house of Naphtali was the father of Nahbi, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:14.


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Zaavan (za'-a-van or za'-awan) ("terror, trembling"), son of Ezer, was a Horite chief in the Land of Edom. (Gen. 36:27, I Chr. 1:42)


Zabad is the name of seven men in the Hebrew Bible. Zabad means gift or endowment.


Zabdi, son of Zerah, of the Tribe of Judah, was the father of Carmi and the grandfather of Achan, according to Joshua 7:1. He was present at the Battle of Jericho.


Zabud (zā´ bed, meaning "gift"), son of Nathan, a priest and friend of King Solomon, according to 1 Kings 4:5.


Zaccur of the house of Reuben was the father of Shammua, a scout sent to Canaan prior to the crossing of the Jordan River according to Numbers 13:4.


See Ziphion.


Zeror, son of Bechorath, of the tribe of Benjamin, was the great-grandfather of King Saul and of his commander Abner. According to Saul, his family was the least of the tribe of Benjamin. (1 Samuel 9)


Ziba was a servant of Saul and later of Saul's grandson Mephibosheth. (2 Samuel 9, 16, 19)


Zichri was a son of Izhar of the house of Levi according to Exodus 6:21, born in Egypt. He was a nephew of Amram and a cousin of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses.


Zidkijah is mentioned in chapter 10 of Nehemiah.


In Genesis 4:19,22-23 Zillah is a wife of Lamech and the mother of Tubalcain and Naamah.


In I Chronicles 4:16, Ziphah (zī´fe) is mentioned as a son of Jehaleleel, a descendant of Judah.


Ziphion or Zephon is a son of Gad (Genesis 46:16), and was the progenitor of the Zephonites (Numbers 26:15). There may be a connection with the angel Zephon.


In Exodus 6:22, Zithri ("the Lord protects"), a Levite, was the son of Uzziel.


Ziza (or Zizah) was a Gershonite, the second son of Shimei (1 Chronicles 23:10-11). The spelling is according to the Septuagint; most Hebrew manuscripts have Zina.[18]


Zobebah (also known as Hazzobebah[19]) was a son of Koz (1 Chronicles 4:8).


Zohar or Zerah was a son of Simeon according to Genesis 46:10, Exodus 6:15, and Numbers 26:13. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.


Zuar was a member of the house of Issachar according to Numbers 1:8. He was the father of Nethaneel.


Zuriel ("My Rock is God") was the son of Abihail (Num. 3:35). A Levite, Zuriel was chief prince of the Merarites at the time of the Exodus.


In Numbers 1:2, Zurishaddai ("Shaddai is my rock") was the father of Shelumiel, the prince of the Tribe of Simeon. He is mentioned in this context five times in the Book of Numbers.

See also


  1. ^ a b - ABDEEL
  2. ^ International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "Abdi."
  3. ^ This verse, in the King James Version and some other Bibles, is verse 44 of chapter 6.
  4. ^ a b c Jewish Publication Society Bible of 1917
  5. ^ This section on Abdon incorporates information from the 1897 Easton's Bible Dictionary.
  6. ^ Easton's Bible Dictionary entry on Adah
  7. ^ Magonet, Jonathan (1992) Bible Lives (London, SCM), 116
  8. ^
  9. ^ International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "Basemath"
  10. ^ See for example Magonet, Jonathan (1992) Bible Lives (London, SCM), 107
  11. ^ Jeremiah 36:25
  12. ^ Judges 6 - 8
  13. ^ Easton's Bible Dictionary entry on Julia
  14. ^
  15. ^ Easton's Bible Dictionary
  16. ^ Mandel, David (2007). Who's who in the Jewish Bible. Jewish Publication Society. p. 241. ISBN 0827608632. 
  17. ^ For a discussion on the controversial grammar behind rendering Rosh as a national name, see Jon Ruthven, The Prophecy That Is Shaping History (Fairfax, VA: Xulon Press, 2003), 21-25. On its historical geography, see pp. 55-116. [1]
  18. ^ See New International Version, footnote.
  19. ^ E.g. New International Version.

This article incorporates text from Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897), a publication now in the public domain.