ALGO is an algebraic programming language developed between 1959 and 1961 for the Bendix G-15 computer.
ALGO was one of several programming languages inspired by the Preliminary Report on the International Algorithmic Language written in Zürich in 1958. This report underwent several modifications before becoming the Revised Report on which most ALGOL implementations are based. As a result, ALGO and other early "ALGOLs" have a very different syntax from ALGOL 60.
Other languages developed from the Zürich report include BALGOL, MAD (Michigan Algorithm Decoder) and NELIAC.
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Here is the Trabb Pardo-Knuth algorithm in ALGO:
1. TITLE TRABB PARDO-KNUTH ALGORITHM 2. SUBSCript I,J 3. DATA A(11) 4. FORMAt FI(2DT), FLARGE(3D) 5. PROCEdure F(T=Z) 6. BEGIN 7. Z=SQRT(ABS(T))+5*T^3 8. END 9. FOR I=0(1)10 10. A[I]=KEYBD 11. FOR J=0(1)10 BEGIN 11. I=J-10 12. F(A[I]=Y) 13. PRINT(FI)=I 14. IF Y > 400 15. GO TO LARGE 16. PRINT(FL)=Y 17. GO TO NEXT 18. LARGE: PRINT(FLARGE)=999 19. NEXT: CARR(1) END 20. END