Alan E. Sears is the president, CEO, and general counsel of the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF). Since ADF’s inception in 1994, he has coordinated the strategy, training, funding, and litigation initiatives dealing with freedom of religion, abortion, marriage, and the composition of families.
Sears was a federal prosecutor and served in the US Justice Department and Interior Departments under Ronald Reagan. With Craig Osten, he co-wrote The ACLU vs. America: Exposing the Agenda to Redefine Moral Values and The Homosexual Agenda: Exposing the Principal Threat to Religious Freedom. He is also a columnist with [1]
In November 2009, Sears signed an ecumenical statement known as the Manhattan Declaration calling on evangelicals, Catholics and Orthodox not to comply with rules and laws permitting abortion, same-sex marriage and other matters that go against their religious consciences.[2]