Alaattin Çakıcı

Born Alaattin Çakıcı
January 20, 1953
Arsin, Trabzon
Conviction(s) Assault with a firearm, contracting a murder, member of a organized criminal organizaiton
Penalty 36 years and 10 months imprisonment
Status in prison[1]
Occupation Mafia boss,[2] Hitman[3]

Alaattin Çakıcı (b. January 20, 1953 in Arsin, Trabzon) is a former member of the ultra-nationalist organization Grey Wolves and one of the leading mobs of the Turkish underworld.


Early years

He was born in Arsin district of Trabzon on the eastern Black Sea coast of Turkey. He dropped off the school at the eight grade. Alaattin Çakıcı moved with his family to Istanbul. His father Ali Çakıcı was known as a wealthy businessman, who ran a snack food kiosk and a hardware store.[4]

In 1978, his nephew was shot dead. His father was killed in 1980 by left extremists in a coffeehouse in Gültepe, Istanbul during a political motivated gunned assault.[4][5][6] Alaattin found himself in the political movement of the right-extremist Grey Wolves before the 1980 Turkish coup d'état.[5]

His first offense was involvement in the battery of a city transportation worker as he was only 17.[6] Alaattin Çakıcı was arrested after the 1980 military coup for the reason of committing extortion in gambling houses, clubs and businesses owned by Grey Wolves in Mecidiyeköy neighborhood of Istanbul. He served a sentence until March 2, 1982.[4]

Alaattin Çakıcı ran an illegal gambling house in Harbiye neighborhood of Istanbul. Later, he opened up an office under the false name "Hakettin Biber" to illegally collect third party's unpaid promissory notes at a rate of 50% of the principal amount that brought him fortune.[4]

In the service of National Intelligence

Mehmet Eymür, a leading official of the Turkish National Intelligence Organization (MİT) disclosed that he was the first person to employ Alaattin Çakıcı for covered operations of the MİT. Yavuz Ataç, an operations official, confirmed that he was introduced to Alaattin Çakıcı two months later he joined the MİT in May 1987 as the manager of the security department. Ataç says "Çakıcı has been a fugitive, sought for six or seven crimes at the time he first met him". According to Ataç, Çakıcı was assigned to operations outside of Turkey.[4]

As determined by the security forces, Çakıcı was in 1995 on the assassination list of Dev Sol, a Marxist-Leninist organization.[4]

Second marriage

In 1991, Çakıcı made his second marriage with Nuriye Uğur Kılıç, the daughter of Dündar Kılıç, a mob boss of the Turkish underworld nicknamed the "godfather of godfathers" (Turkish: Babaların Babası).[7] However, he and his father-in-law fell out following the chain of incidents known as the "Engin Civan Scandal".[4] In November 1994, the couple divorced.[7] He contracted killing of his ex-wife Uğur Kılıç and his ex-henchman Nurullah Tevfik Ağansoy.[4] On January 20, 1995,[8] she was shot dead with three bullets fired by the hitman Abdurrahman Keskin in front of her son Onur in Uludağ, a ski-resort in Bursa. It was on Çakıcı's birthday.[7]

Political ties and scandals

Çakıcı contracted the assassination of Cavit Çağlar, a wealthy businessman from Bursa and a high-level politician and government minister, and Mehmet Üstünkaya, former president of Beşiktaş JK, in relation with the incidents known as the "Turkish Bank Scandal". The plot was uncovered by the police at the stage of preparations.[4]

Çakıcı fled abroad in 1992 with the help of a fake passport. It was determined that he toured in Belgium, USA, Italy, South Africa, France, Brazil, Singapour and Japan. He was being held responsible for the murder of 41 people.[6]

Apprehension in France

Informed by the Turkish police, French police apprehended him on August 17, 1998 in a hotel in Nice, France together with his bodyguard Murat Güler and his courier Aslı Fatoş Ural, daughter of composer Selçuk Ural.[6] He had been carrying a fake diplomatic passport (red passport) on the name of "Nedim Caner" and US$17,000 cash with him.[5]

His capture revealed his connections not only to the intelligence service people but also to high-level politicians.[4] Recording tapes published after his capture in 1998 in France led to the resignation of the government minister from the Motherland Party (ANAP) Eyup Aşık, who was accused of warning Çakıcı to flee. Meral Akşener, minister of interior from the True Path Party (DYP), MİT agent Yavuz Ataç and businessman Erol Evcil were also accused of the same allegation.[6] After 16 months of isolated incarceration in France, he was returned to Turkey on his own will on December 14, 1999. He was imprisoned in Kartal Prison in Istanbul. Following controversies with rival gang member inmates, he was transferred to the maximum security Kandıra Prison in Kocaeli.[6]

Çakıcı was released from the prison on December 1, 2002.[9] Although not allowed to leave Turkey and his passport confiscated, he fled from Antalya[10] to Greece by sea as told by a group of people, including his nephew and Erol Evcil, who were apprehended by the police in Foça, Izmir.[11] Çakıcı had obtained a passport with false identity and photograph from the police in Ümraniye, Istanbul.[10]

Apprehension in Austria

Çakıcı stayed four-and-half months in Paris and Strasbourg in France as observed by the Turkish police.[12] In order to visit Ali Çakıcı, his son from the first marriage, in a hospital in Graz,[13] he drove to Austria changing three times his car underway.[14] His intention was to pass later to Italy to join his sweetheart Aslı Fatoş Ural. Austrian police, informed by the Turkish police, apprehended Çakıcı on July 14, 2004 out of Graz. He had been carrying a Turkish special passport (green passport) issued on the name Faik Meral, a retired MİT agent, and its expiration extended from the police in İzmir. He had EUR 4,000 in cash with him.[12] Visas in his passport showed that he traveled first to Russia and then entered Germany, where he stayed a while before going to France.[14]

On October 14, 2004, Çakıcı was deported from Austria on the request of the Turkish Ministry of Justice. He was brought from Vienna to Istanbul in a commercial airline escorted by five policemen. After trial, he was imprisoned in the maximum security prison in Tekirdağ.[15]

Proven crimes and charges

After his return to Turkey, Çakıcı was trialed, and found guilty of the following crimes he committed and charged to:


  1. ^ Imprisoned mob boss questioned in Ergenekon case FAZ (German)
  2. ^ Notorious Turkish mafia boss caught in Nizza (German)
  3. ^ Çakıcı committed over 40 murders (German)
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Akyol, Fuat (December 4, 1999) (in Turkish). Babaların Sonu, Reislerin Yükselişi. 261. Aksiyon. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  5. ^ a b c "Çakıcı Nice'te Yakalandı" (in Turkish). Radikal. August 18, 1998. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  6. ^ a b c d e f "Alaattin Çakıcı Kimdir?" (in Turkish). Sabah. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  7. ^ a b c d e "Çakıcı İçin 19 Yıl Hapis" (in Turkish). Radikal. November 29, 2006. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  8. ^ "Çakıcı'yı Dava Maratonu Bekliyor" (in Turkish). Radikal. July 15, 2004. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  9. ^ "'Çakıcı Kaçtı' Alarmı" (in Turkish). Radikal. January 8, 2003. Retrieved Januzry 24, 2009. 
  10. ^ a b "Çakıcı İşte Böyle Kaçtı" (in Turkish). Star Gazette. Mat 10, 2004. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  11. ^ "Emniyet'ten 'Çakıcı Kaçtı' Açıklaması" (in Turkish). Radikal. May 6, 2004. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  12. ^ a b "Çakıcı Avusturya'da Yakalandı" (in Turkish). NTV MSNBC. July 15, 2004. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  13. ^ Elibol, Kamil and Kubilay Gülbek (July 16, 2004). "Çakıcı'nın Çarpıcı İlişkileri" (in Turkish). Star Gazette. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  14. ^ a b "Çakıcı Hakim Karşısına Çıktı" (in Turkish). NTV MSNBC. July 16, 2004. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  15. ^ "Alaattin Çakıcı Dosyası" (in Turkish). Sabah. Retrieved January 24, 2009. 
  16. ^ a b Bilge, Demet (July 14, 2000). "Çakıcı'ya Çıkış Yok" (in Turkish). Redikal. Retrieved January 24, 2009.