Aka-Jeru language

Spoken in India
Region Andaman Islands
Native speakers disputed  (date missing)
Language family
Great Andamanese
  • Northern
    • Jeru
Language codes
ISO 639-3 either:
akj – Aka-Jeru
gac – Great Andamanese creole

The Jeru language, Aka-Jeru (also known as Yerawa, not to be confused with Järawa), is a Great Andamanese language, of the Northern group. Whether Jeru is extinct is disputed. The Andaman website reports 7 speakers[1]; at issue is whether the surviving Great Andamanese language is Jeru, Pucikwar, or a creole based on several languages, of which Jeru is a primary component. Jeru was spoken in the interior and south coast of North Andaman and on Sound Island.


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