
Category Sulfide mineral
Chemical formula PbCuBiS3
Crystal symmetry Orthorhombic – dipyramidal, H-M symbol (2/m 2/m 2/m), space group Pbnm
Unit cell a = 11.297 Å, b = 11.654 Å, c = 4.061 Å, Z = 4
Molar mass 575.92 g
Color Lead gray, grayish black, reddish brown
Crystal habit Acicular, massive
Cleavage {010} indistinct
Mohs scale hardness 2-2.5
Luster Metallic
Streak Grayish black
Diaphaneity Opaque
Specific gravity 6.1–6.8, Average = 6.44
Other characteristics Not radioactive
References [1][2]

Aikinite is a sulfide mineral of lead, copper and bismuth with formula PbCuBiS3. It forms black to grey or reddish brown acicular orthorhombic crystals with a Mohs hardness of 2 to 2.5 and a specific gravity of 6.1 to 6.8. It was originally found in 1843 in the Beryozovskoye deposit, Ural Mountains. It is named after Arthur Aikin (1773–1854), an English geologist.


  1. ^ Aikinite. Webmineral
  2. ^ Aikinite.