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The Coptic cycle of canonical hours is largely monastic, primarily composed of psalm readings. The Coptic equivalent of the Byzantine Horologion is the Agpeya.

Seven canonical hours exist, corresponding largely to the Byzantine order, with an additional "Prayer of the Veil" which is said by Bishops, Priests, and Monks (something like the Byzantine Midnight Office). The Coptic terms for 'Matins' and 'Vespers' are 'The Morning Raising of Incense' and 'The Evening Raising of Incense' respectively.

The hours are chronologically laid out, each containing a theme corresponding to events in the life of Jesus Christ:

Terce and Sext are prayed before each Divine Liturgy.
Vespers and Compline are both read before the Liturgy during Lent and the fast of Nineveh.


Every one of the Hours follows the same basic outline:

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