Adult lifetime cannabis use by country

See also: Annual cannabis use by country (as opposed to lifetime use).


Adult lifetime cannabis use by country refers to the lifetime prevalence of cannabis use among all adults in surveys among the general population.[1][2] Lifetime prevalence means any use during a person’s life.[3] Unless another reference is indicated (see "Refs" column) all the data comes from the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.[1] The table is sortable.

Note: The table is sortable in various ways. Click the sort button cell at the top of the column you wish to sort. Click again to reverse the order of sorting. Reload the page to reset everything to its original format.

Country Geographical area Year Age range Cannabis (%) Refs
 Australia National 2007 14+ 33.5 [4]
 Austria National 2004 15-64 20.1
 Belgium National 2004 15-64 10.4 [2]
 Bulgaria National 2005 18-60 4.4
 Canada National 2005 15+ 44.5 [5]
 China Beijing and Shanghai metropolitan areas. 2002-3 18+ 0.3 [2]
 Colombia All urban areas of the country (approximately 73% of the total national population). 2003 18-65 10.8 [2]
 Cyprus National 2006 15-64 6.6
 Czech Republic National 2004 18-64 20.6
 Denmark National 2005 16-64 36.5
 Finland National 2004 15-64 12.9
 France National 2005 15-64 30.6
 Germany National 2003 18-59 24.5
 Greece National (except Aegean and Ionian Islands) 2004 15-64 8.9
 Hungary National 2003 18-54 9.8
 Ireland National 2002-3 15-64 17.4
 Israel National 2002-4 21+ 11.5 [2]
 Italy National 2005 15-64 29.3
 Japan Four metropolitan areas (Fukiage, Kushikino, Nagasaki, Okayama). 2002-3 20+ 1.5 [2]
 Latvia National 2003 15-64 10.6
 Lebanon National 2002-3 18+ 4.6 [2]
 Lithuania National 2004 15-64 7.6
 Luxembourg National 1998 15-64 12.9
 Malta National 2001 18-64 3.5
 Mexico All urban areas of the country (approximately 75% of the total national population). 2001-2 18-65 7.8 [2]
 Netherlands National 2005 15-64 22.6
 New Zealand National 2004-5 16+ 41.9 [2]
 Nigeria 21 of the 36 states in the country, representing 57% of the national population. 2002-3 18+ 2.7 [2]
 Norway National 2004 15-64 16.2
 Poland National 2002 16-64 7.7
 Portugal National 2001 15-64 7.6
 Romania National 2008 15-64 7.4
 Slovakia National 2004 15-64 15.6
 South Africa National 2003-4 18+ 8.4 [2]
 Spain National 2005-6 15-64 28.6
 Sweden National 2006 16-64 12.0
 England National 2005-6 16-59 29.8
 Wales National 2005-6 16-59 29.8
Northern Ireland National 2002-3 15-64 16.8
 Scotland National 2004 16-64 20.5
 United Kingdom United Kingdom overall 2004 29.6
 United States National 2002-3 18+ 42.4 [2]


See also


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