Ade is a suffix used to denote a beverage made from water (sometimes carbonated water), fruit juice, and sweetener. Examples of its usage are: lemonade, limeade, cherryade, and orangeade. Similar beverages that do not contain fruit juice may use the suffix “aid” in their brand name, e.g., Kool-Aid and Flavor Aid.
Ade is also used as a suffix in several brand names, including Lucozade, Powerade, Accelerade, Staminade, Sporade, and Gatorade, all of which are marketed as sports drinks. Lucozade was the first of these brands; it was first manufactured in 1927 under the name Glucozade.
In most of the world, lemonade and limeade are not carbonated. They are most often found carbonated in the British Isles and other parts of Europe. Carbonated lemonade is often sold in the United States as "French Lemonade."
Cherryade is a carbonated beverage.[1]
Orangeade, as it is called in the United Kingdom, is also carbonated, and for this reason it is referred to as "orange soft drink" in Australia and as "orange soda" or "orange pop" in the United States.