Adam Levin is an American fiction author. His short fiction has been published in places like Timothy McSweeney's Quarterly Concern and Tin House. Currently, he resides in Chicago, where he teaches Creative Writing and Literature at the School of the Art Institute. His first novel, The Instructions, was published in 2010 by McSweeney's.
Levin's first novel gained a great deal of early buzz after being selected by Powell's Indiespensable Book Club[1] and The Rumpus Book Club[2].
Early reviews have drawn comparisons between David Foster Wallace and Levin[3]. Many reviewers praise the dark humor, the depth of the setting, and the commentary on Jewish identity. Some reviewers criticize the book's length; others praise it. [4] [5] [6][7] [8].
Levin's next book Hot Pink is a collection of his short stories and is set to be released in 2012[9].