
King of Babylon
Reign 1067-1046 BC
Predecessor Marduk-šapik-zeri
Successor Marduk-aḫḫe-eriba
Royal House 2nd Dynasty of Isin

Adad-apla-iddina,[nb 1] meaning the storm god “Adad gave a son/heir”, was the 8th king of the 2nd Dynasty of Isin and the 4th Dynasty of Babylon and ruled 1067-1046 BC. He was a contemporary of the Assyrian King Aššur-bêl-kala and his reign was a golden age for scholarship.




The broken obelisk of Aššur-bêl-kala relates that the Assyrians raided Babylonia, early[nb 2] in his reign:

In that year (the eponomy of Aššur-rēm-nišēšu), in the month of Shebat, (11th month, Jan.-Feb.), the chariots and […] went from the Inner City (Assur) (and) conquered the cities of [x-x]indišulu and […]sandû, cities which are in the district of the city of Dūr-Kurigalzu. They captured Kadašman-Buriaš, the son of Itti-Marduk-Balāṭu, governor of their land.[1]
—Aššur-bêl-kala, From column iii lines 1 to 32.[i 1]

Depending on the exact synchronization of the Assyrian and Babylonian chronologies, this would have been shortly before, or at the very beginning of Adad-apla-iddina’s reign.

His ancestor Esagil-Šaduni is named in the Synchronistic History[i 2] as his “father”, but he was actually ”a son of a nobody,” i.e. without a royal parent.[2] This chronicle recounts that he was appointed by the Assyrian king Aššur-bêl-kala, who took his daughter for a wife and “took her with a vast dowry to Assyria,” suggesting Babylon had become a vassal of Assyria. He names Nin-Duginna as his father in one of his own inscriptions, but this is indicative of divine provenance.[3] Adad-apla-iddina who was “son” of Itti-Marduk-balaṭu, recorded in the Chronicle 24: 8[i 3] and also duplicated in the Walker Chronicle[i 4] possibly meaning a descendant of the early 2nd Dynasty of Isin king, by a collateral line,[4] or speculatively the aforementioned father of Kadašman-Buriaš.

His reign was apparently marked by an invasion of Arameans led by an usurper.[nb 3]Der, Dur-Anki (Nippur). Sippar, Parsa (Dur-Kurigalzu) they demolished. The Suteans attacked and the booty of Sumer and Akkad they took home.”[i 3] These attacks were confirmed in an inscription of a later king of the following dynasty, Simbar-šihu, which relates

The throne of Ellil in the E-kur-igi-gal which Nabū-kudurri-uṣur, a former king, had fashioned – during the reign of Adad-apla-iddina, king of Bābil, hostile Arameans and Suteans,[nb 4] enemies of the E-kur and of Nippur, they who laid hands on the Duranki, (who) upset in Sippar, the pristine town, the seat of the high judge of the gods, their rites, (who) sacked the land of the Sumerians and the Akkadians, leveled all temples – the goods and the property of Ellil which the Arameans carried off and which the Suteans had appropriated…[5]
—Simbar-šihu, Inscription

The Epic of the plague-god Erra, a politico-religious composition from the time of Nabu-apla-iddina, ca. 887-855, which endeavors to provide a theological explanation for the resurgence of Babylonia following years of paralysis, begins its tale of distress with the reign of Adad-apla-iddina. The god Erra, whose name means “scorched (earth),” is accompanied by Išum, "fire," and disease-causing demons called Sibitti.[6]

Period scholarship

His reign was a golden age for scholarship and he appears twice in the Uruk List of Sages and Scholars[i 5] alongside Šaggil-kīnam-ubbib and Esagil-kin-apli.[7]

The Babylonian Theodicy was apparently composed by the scholar Šaggil-kīnam-ubbib during his reign.[8] It is a dialogue where the protagonist bemoans the state of contemporary social justice and his friend reconciles this with theology. Originally with 27 stanzas each of 11 lines, an acrostic has been restored which reads, “I, Šaggil-kīnam-ubbib, the incantation priest, am adorant of the god and the king.”[nb 5] It is extant in multiple copies from the Library of Ashurbanipal in Nineveh, Assur, Babylon and Sippur.[9] His career spanned the reigns of Nabū-kudurri-uṣur to Adad-apla-iddina, or five reigns if the latter king’s name can be restored in context.

Esagil-kin-apli,[nb 6] the ummânu (chief scholar) and a “prominent citizen” of Borsippa, gathered together the many extant tablets of diagnostic omens and produced the edition that became the received text of the first millennium.[i 6] In the introduction he warned, “Do not neglect your knowledge! He who does not attain(?) knowledge must not speak loud the SA.GIG omens, nor must he pronounce out loud Alamdimmû SA.GIG (concerns) all diseases and all (forms of) distress.” Referred to as SA.GIG, the omen series continued on a series of 40 tablets grouped under six chapters, the second of which, “when you approach the sick man,” is subdivided into sections with the titles Alamdimmû, Nigdimdimmû, Kataduggû, Šumma Sinništu, and Šumma Liptu.[10]

He rebuilt extensively, including the Imgur-Enlil, city wall of Babylon, which had collapsed from old age according to a cylinder inscription, and the Nīmit-Marduk, rampart of the wall of Nippur.[11] He made a votive offering the the E-zida temple at Borsippa. The ramp leading up to the temple of Nin-ezena in Isin bears his inscriptions recording his repairs. In Larsa, he repaired the Ebabbar temple and in Kiš he reconstructed the Emete’ursag for Zababa.[12] A fragment of a kudurru[i 7] records his gift of an estate to Mušallimu and another[i 8] records a deed of land to Marduk-akhu-[.....].


  1. ^ Broken Obelisk excavation ref. 11.2.467,480.
  2. ^ The Synchronistic History (ABC 21) column 2 lines 31 to 37.
  3. ^ a b The Eclectic Chronicle (ABC 24) tablet, BM 27859, lines 8 to 11.
  4. ^ The Walker Chronicle (ABC 25), BM 27796.
  5. ^ W 20030,7 the Seleucid List of Sages and Scholars, recovered from Anu’s Bīt Rēš temple during the 1959/60 excavation.
  6. ^ Tablets BM 41237, 46607 and 47163 and ND (Nimrud excavation numbers) 4358+4366 in the British Museum.
  7. ^ Fragment of basalt boundary-stone, BM 90940.
  8. ^ Fragment of limestone tablet, BM 103215.


  1. ^ mdAdad-àpla-idinnana.
  2. ^ Year 4 or 5, suggested to be 1070/69 (K. Lawson Younger).
  3. ^ kurA-ra-mu u šarru ḫammā’u.
  4. ^ nakru A-ra-mu ù Su-tu-ú.
  5. ^ a-na-ku sa-ag-gi-il-ki-[i-na-am-u]b-bi-ib ma-àš-ma-šu ka-ri-bu ša i-li ú šar-ri.
  6. ^ mé-sag-giI-ki-in-ap-li.


  1. ^ K. Lawson Younger (2007). Ugarit at Seventy-Five. Eisenbrauns. p. 156. 
  2. ^ Albert Kirk Grayson (1975). Assyrian and Babylonian chronicles. J. J. Augustin. pp. 203–204. 
  3. ^ Tremper Longman (July 1, 1990). Fictional Akkadian autobiography: a generic and comparative study. Eisenbrauns. pp. 158–161. 
  4. ^ Edward Lipiński (2000). The Aramaeans: their ancient history, culture, religion. Peeters. pp. 409–411. 
  5. ^ A. Goetze (1965). "An Inscription of Simbar-šihu". JCS 19: 121–135. 
  6. ^ J. Neumann, S. Parpola (Jul., 1987). "Climatic Change and the Eleventh-Tenth-Century Eclipse of Assyria and Babylonia". Journal of Near Eastern Studies 46 (3): 179–180. JSTOR 544526. 
  7. ^ Alan Lenzi (2008). "The Uruk List of Kings and Sages and Late Mesopotamian Scholarship". Journal of Ancient Near Eastern Religions 8 (2): 137–169. 
  8. ^ Eckart Frahm (2011). Karen Radner, Eleanor Robson. ed. The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture. Oxford University Press. p. 522. 
  9. ^ W. G. Lambert (1960). Babylonian Wisdom Literature. Eisenbrauns. pp. 63–67. 
  10. ^ Irving L. Finkel (1988). "Adad-apla-iddina, Esagil-kin-apli, and the series SA.GIG". In Erle Leichty, Maria Dej Ellis. A Scientific Humanist: Studies in Memory of Abraham Sachs.. Philadelphia: University Museum. pp. 143–59. 
  11. ^ A. R. George (1992). Babylonian topographical texts. Peeters. pp. 344, 350. 
  12. ^ J. A. Brinkman (1999). Dietz Otto Edzard. ed. Reallexikon Der Assyriologie Und Vorderasiatischen Archaologie: Ia – Kizzuwatna. 5. Walter De Gruyter. pp. 188–189.