Acorna's Rebels (2003) is a fantasy or science fiction novel by Anne McCaffrey and Elizabeth Ann Scarborough. It was the sixth in the Acorna Universe series initiated by McCaffrey and Margaret Ball in Acorna: The Unicorn Girl (1997). Rebels was preceded by Acorna's Search and followed by Acorna's Triumph, the seventh and last in Acorna's biography.[1]
Acorna, a member of the unicorn-like Linyaari race, has finally found her people. Once conquered, their world scoured flat, they are now using a combination of holographics and time travel to recreate the great civilization they once had. In one of these time traveling trips, her life-mate, Aari, has been lost.
Acorna and her friends crash their spaceship on the prohibited planet of Makahomia. Acorna's space-faring companion, Roadkill (RK), is actually one of the mysterious Makahomian Temple Cats.
Discovering that the cats are dying of a disease, Acorna rushes to save them and foil the plot of their enemies. She also unearths clues that may help her locate Aari. [2]