Acepsimas of Hnaita

Acepsimas of Hnaita (died October 10, 376) was a bishop, martyr and saint.

He was the bishop of Hnaita, residing at Paka in western Persia. He and several companions, including the priest Joseph of Bet-Katoba, who was then 70 years old, and the deacon Aitillaha of Bet-Nuhadra, who was then 60 six years, when they were arrested by Shapur II for refusing to worship the sun. They were taken to Arbela, where they were all tortured and whipped.

Acepsimas endured three years of prison before he was racked and whipped to death on October 10, 376. Joseph was taken to Hdajab where he was tortured until he was stoned to death by apostate Christians at Tabaha on the Friday after Pentecost, 377. Aithalla was stoned to death at Destegerd on November 3, 377. They were the last martyrs of the Christian persecution of Shapur II. The book of their acts, which has survived, is genuine.

They are considered saints. The Roman Catholic Church keeps their feast on April 22. The Greek Orthodox Church keeps their feast with the full office of the day on November 3. The Syriac Orthodox Church keeps their feast on September 2. Aithalla has a feast in the Greek Orthodox Church held in his specific honor on September 1.

Other individuals who are recognzed with this group include the bishop Abdjesus and a deacon named Abdjesu.
