Abhidhéya - Sanskrit term along with Sambandham and Prayojana is one of the three Fundamental concepts of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, where it is used to denote a means of achieving the ultimate goal, dedicated ministry in the stage of practice «Sadhana-Bhakti». Abhidheya - is that a person must develop to achieve the ultimate goal - Prize, or pure love of Krishna, which is considered the highest achievements of the prayojana.
Concepts sambandha, abhidheya and prayojana explained in his works such prominent Krishnan profit theologians as Rupa Goswami and Raghunatha dasa Goswami Abhidheya - is a Sadhana, spiritual practice, performed by a man after he realized the sambandhu - their original relationship with Krishna. Abhideya - an activity aimed at meeting the Krishna, the pure, selfless service to Krishna, which is a means of understanding the eternal relationship of love between Krishna and the smallest jiva.
About eternal relationship jiva with Krishna described in the Vedic literature. Information on these relationships is called sambandha. Understanding these relationships and the subsequent effect on the basis of this understanding is called abhidheya. Reaching Prize, or pure love of Krishna and return the spiritual world, the Society of Krishna and its satellites - is the ultimate goal of life, which is called prayojana.