De Kotmadam
De Kotmadam is a classic Belgian comedy TV series directed by Ronnie Commissaris and Wim Feyearts produced for Belgian television since 1991. The series is written by Jaak Boon and Frans Ceusters. It has produced 18 series so far.
The series revolves around Jeanne (Katrien Devos), who owns a small sweet shop in the centre of Leuven and rents out several rooms of her house to students studying in the city. She is a caring type and loves all her students. Her husband Jef (Mark Verstraete) works for the city's gardening department. Their friend Odilon (Odilon Mortier), a naïve warden in the local prison, visits regularly to give or seek help.
The sweet shop has one regular client: Bertje (Din Meysmans), a mischievous but well-meaning neighbourhood boy during the first four series, replaced by Mimi (Machteld Ramout), a middle aged woman who loves gossiping and is Jeanne's best friend.
Most of the stories in the show revolve around the antics of the five students. Because students can't realistically keep studying for more than a couple of years, there is high character turnover among the students. There is, however, some consistency in the stereotypicality of the characters:
- The hard-working, arrogant, know-it-all (M/F): Charles Victor, Ria, Gentil, Filip
- The fun-loving social type (M): Billy, Jo, Dieter, Hugo, Lukas, Stef
- The shy insecure type (M): Koen, Bas, Arnold
- The secure, responsible type (F): Sam, Pim, Lus, Brigitte, Saskia
- The fashionable outgoing boy-magnet (F): Betty, Veronique, Tineke, Lies
- Katrien Devos - Jeanne Piens (1991-)
- Mark Verstraete - Jef Liefooghe (1991-)
- Odilon Mortier - Odilon Bonheur (1991-)
- Machteld Ramout - Mimi (1995-)
- Marianne Devriese - Lies (2002-)
- Mieke Dobbels - Saskia (2004-)
- Jan Van Hecke - Arnold (2004-)
- Han Coucke - Stef (2003–2006)
- Mout Uyttersprot - Filip (2002–2006)
- Margot Brabants - Brigitte (2001–2004)
- Louis Van Derwaal - Bas (2001–2004)
- Fabrice Delecluse - Lukas (1998–2002)
- Bert Van Poucke - Hugo (1997–2002)
- Esther Leenders - Tinneke (1998–2002)
- Pepijn Caudron - Gentil (1998–2001)
- Steve Geerts - Dieter (1997–2001)
- Nicoline Dossche - Lus Haezevoets (1996–2000)
- Britt van der Borght - Ria Vranckx (1994–1998)
- Aron Wade - Koen Maertens (1991–1997)
- Geert Hunaerts - Jo Verhulst (1994–1997)
- Danaë van Oeteren - Pim Davignon (1996–1997)
- Tine Van den Brande - Veronique (1995–1996)
- Din Meysmans - Bertje (1991–1996)
- Christel Van Schoonwinkel - Betty Billen (1991–1996)
- Anne Denolf - Sam Detaeye (1991–1996)
- Pieter-Jan De Smet - Charles-Victor Blomme (1991–1994)
- Tom Van Landuyt - Billy (1991–1994)
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