Apolipoprotein A-V
Symbols APOA5; APOAV; FLJ97995; MGC126836; MGC126838; RAP3
External IDs OMIM606368 MGI1913363 HomoloGene14197 GeneCards: APOA5 Gene
Species Human Mouse
Entrez 116519 66113
Ensembl ENSG00000110243 ENSMUSG00000032079
UniProt Q6Q788 Q8C7G5
RefSeq (mRNA) NM_001166598.1 NM_080434.3
RefSeq (protein) NP_001160070.1 NP_536682.2
Location (UCSC) Chr 11:
116.66 – 116.66 Mb
Chr 9:
46.08 – 46.08 Mb
PubMed search [1] [2]

Apolipoprotein A-V is a protein that in humans is encoded by the APOA5 gene.[1][2][3]

The protein encoded by this gene is an apolipoprotein and an important determinant of plasma triglyceride levels, a major risk factor for coronary artery disease. It is a component of several lipoprotein fractions including VLDL, HDL, chylomicrons. It is believed that apoA-V affects lipoprotein metabolism by interacting with LDL-R gene family receptors.[4]

This gene uses alternate polyadenylation sites and is located proximal to the apolipoprotein gene cluster on chromosome 11q23.[3]


Interactive pathway map

Click on genes, proteins and metabolites below to link to respective articles. [5]

Statin Pathway edit

See also


  1. ^ Pennacchio LA, Olivier M, Hubacek JA, Cohen JC, Cox DR, Fruchart JC, Krauss RM, Rubin EM (Oct 2001). "An apolipoprotein influencing triglycerides in humans and mice revealed by comparative sequencing". Science 294 (5540): 169–73. doi:10.1126/science.1064852. PMID 11588264. 
  2. ^ van der Vliet HN, Sammels MG, Leegwater AC, Levels JH, Reitsma PH, Boers W, Chamuleau RA (Nov 2001). "Apolipoprotein A-V: a novel apolipoprotein associated with an early phase of liver regeneration". J Biol Chem 276 (48): 44512–20. doi:10.1074/jbc.M106888200. PMID 11577099. 
  3. ^ a b "Entrez Gene: APOA5 apolipoprotein A-V". http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?Db=gene&Cmd=ShowDetailView&TermToSearch=116519. 
  4. ^ Nilsson SK, Christensen S, Raarup MK, Ryan RO, Nielsen MS, Olivecrona G (July 2008). "Endocytosis of Apolipoprotein A-V by Members of the Low Density Lipoprotein Receptor and the Vps10p Domain Receptor Families". J. Biol. Chem. 283 (38): 25920–7. doi:10.1074/jbc.M802721200. PMC 2533778. PMID 18603531. http://www.pubmedcentral.nih.gov/articlerender.fcgi?tool=pmcentrez&artid=2533778. 
  5. ^ The interactive pathway map can be edited at WikiPathways: "Statin_Pathway_WP430". http://www.wikipathways.org/index.php/Pathway:WP430. 

Further reading