APG is an abbreviation with several different meanings:
- Aberdeen Proving Ground, a United States Army installation in Aberdeen, Maryland, also
- Aboriginal Provisional Government, Indigenous Australian independence movement
- Algemene Pensioen Groep, a Netherlands-based pension fund established under the Algemene Ouderdoms Wet
- Ambulatory Patient Group
- Android Privacy Guard, an implementation of Pretty Good Privacy for the Android operating system
- Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, a collaboration of botanists, publishing classification systems of flowering plants
- Arc Pair Grammar
- Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering, the FATF-style regional body for the Asia and Pacific region
- Aspley Guise railway station, from its National Rail code
- Association of Professional Genealogists
- Associated petroleum gas
- Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies
- Automated Password Generator, a software generating password.
- Automatic platform gate, a safety facility preventing awaiting passenger falling from station platform to rail tracks
- Assists per game, in basketball