The 6V6 is a beam-power tetrode, introduced by Radio Corporation of America RCA United States in late 1937, and still in use in niche applications.
Similar to its predecessor the 6L6, the 6V6 was far more widely used. While the 6L6 was an excellent tube, it was not suitable for use in consumer electronic devices of the time because it required a lot of input power and hence a large, hot, and expensive power supply, and generated far more output power than required, especially in a distortion-reducing push-pull pair. With the introduction of the lower-powered 6V6, which required only half the heater power of the 6L6, the beam-power tetrode became a usable technology for the home, and became common in the audio output stage of radios and audio amplifiers where power pentodes such as the 6F6 had previously been used. The 6V6 required less heater power and produced less distortion than the 6F6, while still offering higher output in both single-ended and push-pull configurations.
In an audio output stage, a single 6V6 can be used to produce about 3W (continuous), and a push-pull pair about 10-12W with the higher power output requiring an expensive grain-oriented output transformer.
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The 6V6 was introduced in both metal and shouldered glass tubes. RCA was promoting the superiority of its metal tube designs in the second half of the 1930s, and this tube, having been introduced during that period, was produced in large quantities in this format. Other tube manufacturers also produced the 6V6 in glass tubes, which were commonly found in radios not made by RCA. By 1940 the 6V6 was mostly being produced in a smaller "GT" glass envelope, and later the 6V6GTA was introduced which had a controlled warm-up period.
Generally 6V6 tubes are sturdy and can be run beyond their published specifications (the 6P6S, which has poor tolerance for out-of-spec operation versus most American and West European-made 6V6 variants, is an exception). Because of this, the 6V6 became very popular for use in musical instrument amplifiers. This market allows Chinese, Slovakian and Russian tube factories to keep the 6V6 in production to this day. It is very often used in guitar amplifiers, such as the Fender Deluxe Reverb, the Fender Super Champ XD, or the tweed Fender Champ.
A similar tube is 6AQ5, which has similar specifications to the 6V6GT, but in a miniature glass shell with a 7 pin base (this base being known in the UK as B7G), and the 7408 as well as the Soviet-produced 6P1P, which is essentially the same as 6AQ5, but has a 9-pin base. Also with a 9 pin base (UK B9A) was the 6BW6, an exact miniature equivalent of the 6V6. The 12AB5 is a 9 pin miniature variant with a 12V heater, suitable for automotive radio applications.
In the Soviet Union a version of the 6V6GT was produced since the late 1940s which appears to be a close copy of the 1940s Sylvania-issue 6V6GT - initially under its American designation (in both Latin and Cyrillic lettering), but later, after USSR had adopted its own system of designations, the tube was being marked 6P6S (6П6С in Cyrillic.)