Fifth normal form

Fifth normal form (5NF), also known as Project-join normal form (PJ/NF) is a level of database normalization designed to reduce redundancy in relational databases recording multi-valued facts by isolating semantically related multiple relationships. A table is said to be in the 5NF if and only if every join dependency in it is implied by the candidate keys.

A join dependency *{A, B, … Z} on R is implied by the candidate key(s) of R if and only if each of A, B, …, Z is a superkey for R.[1]



Consider the following example:

Travelling Salesman Product Availability By Brand
Travelling Salesman Brand Product Type
Jack Schneider Acme Vacuum Cleaner
Jack Schneider Acme Breadbox
Willy Loman Robusto Pruning Shears
Willy Loman Robusto Vacuum Cleaner
Willy Loman Robusto Breadbox
Willy Loman Robusto Umbrella Stand
Louis Ferguson Robusto Vacuum Cleaner
Louis Ferguson Robusto Telescope
Louis Ferguson Acme Vacuum Cleaner
Louis Ferguson Acme Lava Lamp
Louis Ferguson Nimbus Tie Rack

The table's predicate is: Products of the type designated by Product Type, made by the brand designated by Brand, are available from the travelling salesman designated by Travelling Salesman.

In the absence of any rules restricting the valid possible combinations of Travelling Salesman, Brand, and Product Type, the three-attribute table above is necessary in order to model the situation correctly.

Suppose, however, that the following rule applies: A Travelling Salesman has certain Brands and certain Product Types in his repertoire. If Brand B is in his repertoire, and Product Type P is in his repertoire, then (assuming Brand B makes Product Type P), the Travelling Salesman must offer products of Product Type P made by Brand B.

In that case, it is possible to split the table into three:

Product Types By Travelling Salesman
Travelling Salesman Product Type
Jack Schneider Vacuum Cleaner
Jack Schneider Breadbox
Willy Loman Pruning Shears
Willy Loman Vacuum Cleaner
Willy Loman Breadbox
Willy Loman Umbrella Stand
Louis Ferguson Telescope
Louis Ferguson Vacuum Cleaner
Louis Ferguson Lava Lamp
Louis Ferguson Tie Rack
Brands By Travelling Salesman
Travelling Salesman Brand
Jack Schneider Acme
Willy Loman Robusto
Louis Ferguson Robusto
Louis Ferguson Acme
Louis Ferguson Nimbus
Product Types By Brand
Brand Product Type
Acme Vacuum Cleaner
Acme Breadbox
Acme Lava Lamp
Robusto Pruning Shears
Robusto Vacuum Cleaner
Robusto Breadbox
Robusto Umbrella Stand
Robusto Telescope
Nimbus Tie Rack

Note how this setup helps to remove redundancy. Suppose that Jack Schneider starts selling Robusto's products. In the previous setup we would have to add two new entries since Jack Schneider is able to sell two Product Types covered by Robusto: Breadboxes and Vacuum Cleaners. With the new setup we need only add a single entry (in Brands By Travelling Salesman).


Only in rare situations does a 4NF table not conform to 5NF. These are situations in which a complex real-world constraint governing the valid combinations of attribute values in the 4NF table is not implicit in the structure of that table. If such a table is not normalized to 5NF, the burden of maintaining the logical consistency of the data within the table must be carried partly by the application responsible for insertions, deletions, and updates to it; and there is a heightened risk that the data within the table will become inconsistent. In contrast, the 5NF design excludes the possibility of such inconsistencies.

See also


Further reading