2007 Skeleton World Cup

The 2007 Skeleton World Cup is a multi race tournament over a season for skeleton. The season started on 27 November 2006 and ended on 25 February 2007. The World Cup is organised by the FIBT who also run world cups and championships in bobsleigh.




Date Location Winner Second Third
November 27, 2006 Calgary, Canada Jeff Pain Alexander Tretiakov Jon Montgomery
December 7, 2006 Park City, Utah, United States Zach Lund Jeff Pain Alexander Tretiakov
December 15, 2006 Lake Placid, United States Zach Lund Caleb Smith Eric Bernotas
January 10, 2006 Nagano, Japan Eric Bernotas Zach Lund Masaru Inada
January 19, 2007 Igls, Austria Alexander Tretiakov Daniel Maechler Gregor Staehli
February 9, 2007 Cesana Pariol, Italy Zach Lund Eric Bernotas Michi Halilovic
February 16, 2007 Winterberg, Germany Alexander Tretiakov Michi Halilovic Martins Dukurs
February 24, 2007 Königssee, Germany Zach Lund Alexander Tretiakov Markus Penz


Date Location Winner Second Third
November 30, 2006 Calgary, Canada Katie Uhlaender Maya Pedersen Noelle Pikus-Pace
December 7, 2006 Park City, Utah, United States Katie Uhlaender Maya Pedersen Michelle Kelly
December 15, 2006 Lake Placid, United States Katie Uhlaender Noelle Pikus-Pace Maya Pedersen
January 13, 2007 Nagano, Japan Katie Uhlaender Michelle Steele Courtney Yamada
January 19, 2007 Igls, Austria Anja Huber Katie Uhlaender Michelle Kelly
February 9, 2007 Cesana Pariol, Italy Kerstin Juergens Monique Riekewald Noelle Pikus-Pace
February 16, 2007 Winterberg, Germany Katie Uhlaender Anja Huber Noelle Pikus-Pace
February 23, 2007 Königssee, Germany Anja Huber Michelle Kelly Noelle Pikus-Pace

Men's Overall Results


Pos. Skeletoner CAL PAC LPL NAG IGL TUR WIN KÖN Points
1. Zach Lund 65 100 100 90 65 100 33 100 653
2. Eric Bernotas 39 60 80 100 55 90 60 60 544
3. Alexander Tretiakov 90 80 27 100 100 90 487
4. Markus Penz 36 55 55 42 70 36 50 80 424
5. Adam Pengilly 60 65 45 65 27 65 36 45 408
6. Jon Montgomery 80 39 33 50 42 70 24 338
7. Christopher Hedquist 55 42 65 45 33 4 12 36 292
8. Jeff Pain 100 90 70 24 284
9. Tomass Dukurs 22 6 36 55 22 22 45 70 278
10. Anthony Sawyer 6 22 24 70 36 55 42 16 271
11. Daniel Mächler 50 33 50 90 8 8 20 259
12. Martins Dukurs 20 10 8 27 45 80 65 88
13. Masaru Inada 14 16 14 80 16 50 16 42 248
14. Kazuhiro Koshi 8 27 22 60 18 60 20 14 229
15. Michi Halilovic 80 90 42 212


1.  United States 70 75 79 79 70 79 63 75 590
2.  Canada 78 69 68 53 69 63 53 40 493
3.  United Kingdom 56 60 57 73 60 70 60 53 489
4.  Russia 67 67 44 56 59 49 58 65 465
5.  Austria 44 47 48 51 67 52 67 71 447
6.  Latvia 47 34 46 60 56 39 70 73 425
7.  Germany 49 65 45 50 64 75 65 413
8.  Japan 37 47 44 73 43 68 44 51 407
9.  Netherlands 30 43 57 130
10.  Switzerland 59 65 44 168
11.  Italy 21 27 27 75
12.  New Zealand 39 39 47 125
13.  Bermuda 10 9 7 26
14.  Ireland 7 10 9 26
15.  France
16.  Croatia

Women's Overall Results


Pos. Skeletoner CAL PAC LPL NAG IGL TUR WIN KÖN Points
1. Katie Uhlaender 100 100 100 100 90 65 100 60 715
2. Noelle Pikus-Pace 80 60 90 60 70 80 80 80 600
3. Michelle Kelly dsq 80 70 80 42 27 90 389
4. Courtney Yamada 39 27 60 80 45 22 65 50 388
5. Maya Pedersen 90 90 80 50 70 380
6. Kerstin Jürgens 50 45 36 60 100 55 30 376
7. Amy Gough 16 42 45 65 65 50 70 8 361
8. Anja Huber 100 70 90 100 360
9. Carla Pavan 65 55 70 55 60 16 33 354
10. Michelle Steele 45 50 30 90 33 33 30 39 350
11. Monique Riekewald 33 65 33 39 90 45 16 321
12. Bree Schaaf Boyer 60 20 50 36 30 39 24 4 263
13. Amy Williams 42 24 39 18 18 60 42 243
14. Julia Eichhorn 36 16 20 55 42 65 234
15. Lindsay Alcock 70 70 27 16 45 228


1.  United States 58 55 59 58 56 54 58 53 451
2.  Canada 53 55 54 53 54 48 45 51 413
3.  Germany 42 48 37 55 59 53 56 350
4.  Australia 38 42 31 53 32 36 40 39 311
5.  Switzerland 53 49 43 33 8 51 237
6.  United Kingdom 36 34 41 33 12 39 35 230
7.  Russia 29 18 23 38 23 26 35 26 218
8.  Japan 16 17 21 43 13 19 16 18 163
9.  Norway 10 14 24 23 16 19 9 9 124
10.  Italy 13 17 10 19 23 17 7 106
11.  United States Virgin Islands 5 4 7 4 5 13 38
12.  New Zealand 8 7 9 5 7 36