2006 Côte d'Ivoire toxic waste dump

The 2006 Côte d'Ivoire toxic waste dump was a health crisis in Côte d'Ivoire in which a ship registered in Panama, the Probo Koala, chartered by the Dutch-based oil and commodity shipping company Trafigura Beheer BV, offloaded toxic waste at the Ivorian port of Abidjan. The waste was then dumped by a local contractor at as many as 12 sites in and around the city of Abidjan in August 2006.

The gas caused by the release of these chemicals is blamed by the UN and the government of Côte d'Ivoire for the deaths of 17 and the injury of over 30,000 Ivorians with injuries that ranged from mild headaches to severe burns of skin and lungs. Almost 100,000 Ivorians sought medical attention for the effects of these chemicals.[1]

The substance was claimed by Trafigura to have been "slops", or waste water from the washing of the Probo Koala's tanks. An inquiry in the Netherlands in late 2006 revealed the substance was more than 500 tonnes of a mixture of fuel, caustic soda, and hydrogen sulfide for which Trafigura chose to not pay a €1,000 per cubic metre disposal charge at the port of Amsterdam. The Probo Koala was turned away by several countries before offloading the toxic waste at the Port of Abidjan.[2][3]

Trafigura denied any waste was transported from the Netherlands, saying that the substances contained only tiny amounts of hydrogen sulfide, and that the company did not know the substance was to be disposed of improperly. In early 2007, the company paid US$198 million for cleanup to the Ivorian government without admitting wrongdoing, and the Ivorian government pledged not to prosecute the company.[4] A series of protests and resignations of Ivorian government officials followed this deal.

A civil lawsuit in London was launched in 2008 by almost 30,000 Ivorians against Trafigura. In May 2009, Trafigura announced it would sue the BBC for libel after its Newsnight program alleged the company had knowingly sought to cover up its role in the incident. In September 2009 The Guardian obtained and published internal Trafigura emails showing that the traders responsible knew how dangerous the chemicals were. Shortly afterwards Trafigura offered an unnamed settlement figure to the class action suit against it.[5]


The incident


In 2002, Mexican state-owned oil company Pemex began to accumulate significant quantities of coker gasoline, containing large amounts of sulfur and silica, at its Cadereyta refinery. By 2006 Pemex had run out of storage capacity and agreed to sell the coker gasoline to Trafigura. In early 2006, Pemex trucked the coker gasoline to Brownsville, Texas, where Trafigura loaded it aboard the Panamanian registered Probo Koala tanker, which was owned by Greek shipping company Prime Marine Management Inc. and chartered by Trafigura.[6]

Trafigura desired to strip the sulfurous products out of the coker gasoline to produce naphtha which could then be sold. Instead of paying a refinery to do this work, Trafigura used an obsolete process on board the ship called "caustic washing" in which the coker was treated with caustic soda.[6] The process worked, and the resulting naphtha was resold for a reported profit of $19 million.[6] The waste resulting from the caustic washing would typically include highly dangerous substances such as sodium hydroxide, sodium sulphide and phenols.[6]


On 19 August 2006, after balking at a €1,000 per cubic metre disposal charge in Amsterdam, and being turned away by several countries, the Probo Koala offloaded more than 500 tons of toxic waste at the Port of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire.[7] This material was then spread, allegedly by subcontractors, across the city and surrounding areas, dumped in waste grounds, public dumps, and along roads in populated areas. The substance gave off toxic gas and resulted in burns to lungs and skin, as well as severe headaches and vomiting. Seventeen people were confirmed to have died, and at least 30,000 were injured.[2] The company has claimed that the waste was dirty water ("slops") used for cleaning the ship's gasoline tanks, but a Dutch government report, as well as an Ivorian investigation, dispute this, finding that it was toxic waste. During an ongoing civil lawsuit by over 30,000 Ivorian citizens against Trafigura,[8] a Dutch government report concluded that in fact the liquid dumped contained two 'British tonnes' of hydrogen sulfide.[2] Trafigura, following an investigative report by the BBC's Newsnight program, announced on 16 May 2009 that they will sue the BBC for libel.[8]

Immediate effects

The scope of the dumping and the related illnesses were slow to emerge. While the first cargo was offloaded in August 2006, the dumping continued for almost three weeks before the population knew what was happening. But as early as 19 August, residents near the landfill at Akouedo were aware that trucks were dumping toxic liquid into the landfill and blocked the entrance of one of the trucks to the dump, which had been freshly painted with the logo of a newly created company.[9] Residents near several landfills in the suburbs of Abidjan began complaining publicly of foul smelling gas in the first week of September, and several people were reported to have died. Protests broke out in several areas against both the companies dumping liquid waste and the government.[10] On 4 September, the government called for protesters to allow free circulation of traffic so the area's hospitals, which were complaining of a flood of the injured, could operate.[10] In the aftermath of the crisis, many top government figures resigned.[11] This mass resignation has been called "unprecedented" in the Ivory Coast's history. In an effort to prevent the contamination of the food chain large numbers of livestock (among them 450 pigs) affected by the dump were culled.[12]

Trafigura's description of events

On 19 August 2006, the tanker ship Probo Koala, chartered by the company Trafigura and docked at the port of Abidjan, transferred a liquid into tankers owned by a firm called "Compagnie Tommy". The company claims the ship had been chartered by Trafigura to transport oil to another West African port, and was returning to Europe, empty. The transfer at Abidjan, according to the company, was a routine maintenance stop, not a delivery of waste from European ports.

Trafigura claims that this was done under agreement that it would be treated and disposed of legally, and that the substance was waste ("slops") from the routine washing of Probo Koala's tanks. Again according to Trafigura, it became apparent that the untreated slops had been dumped illegally at municipal refuse dumps. They contend that the slops were an alkaline mix of water, gasoline, and caustic soda, along with a very small amount of foul-smelling and toxic hydrogen sulfide. Further, the company says that their tests show that, while noxious, the slop from their ship could not have caused deaths, no matter how poorly it was handled by a third party. The company contends that the people of Abidjan, especially those living near dumps, suffered from a lifetime of exposure to toxic substances, not from their actions.[13]

Rejection in Europe

According to the City of Amsterdam report, before it dumped the waste in Abidjan, the Probo Koala was in port in Holland from 2 to 5 July 2006. There the ship had attempted to have the waste processed in Amsterdam, but Amsterdam Port Services BV, the company that had contracted to treat the waste, refused after its staff reported an incredible smell coming from the waste, which sickened several workers.[15] A company specializing in the disposal of chemical waste, Afvalstoffen Terminal Moerdijk in nearby Moerdijk, tendered for the disposal of the waste (based on the samples it received) for €500,000. Instead, the material was pumped back into the Probo Koala, which then left port on 5 July, appearing on 19 August in Côte d'Ivoire where "Compagnie Tommy", which was registered only days before the arrival of the Probo Koala, was contracted for €18,500 to dispose of the waste.[14]

The company contends there was no waste being transported from Europe, but this was an accident caused by the mishandling by an Ivorian company of waste water used to wash the ships storage tanks. A Dutch newspaper[16] reported on this possibility, saying the waste could have been generated as a result of attempted on-board desulfurization (removing mercaptans) of naphtha in a Merox-like process. In this way high mercaptan-laden gasoline is upgraded to meet certain country-specific specifications. This would explain the water/caustic soda/gasoline mix and also the presence in trace amounts of a certain catalyst called ARI-100 EXL, generally used in this process. It would on the other hand not explain the presence of hydrogen sulfide because the final stage of the Merox process is an organic disulfide unless the attempt at desulfurization had failed. The company has always contended that the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the waste was small. Press and government findings contend there was a substantial amount of hydrogen sulfide dumped, some 2 tonnes of the 500 tonnes of dumped liquid.[2]


Deaths and illnesses

In the weeks following the incident the BBC reported that 17 people died,[17] 23 were hospitalized, and a further 40,000 sought medical treatment (due to headaches, nosebleeds, and stomach pains). These numbers were revised upward over time, with the numbers reported by the Ivorian government in 2008 reaching 17 dead, dozens severely ill, 30,000 receiving medical treatment for ailments connected to the chemical exposure, of almost 100,000 seeking medical treatment at the time.[1][2] While the company and the Ivorian government continue to disagree on the exact make up of the chemicals, specialists from the United Nations, France, and the Dutch National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) were sent to Abidjan to investigate the situation.

Fall of government

Following revelations by local press and government on the extent of the illnesses involved, the nine month old transitional government of Prime Minister Charles Konan Banny resigned. The government vowed to provide treatment and pay all medical costs associated with the waste dump.[18]

Lawsuit by victims

On 11 November 2006, a £100 million lawsuit was filed in the High Court in London by the UK firm Leigh Day & Co. alleging that "Trafigura were negligent and that this, and the nuisance resulting from their actions, caused the injuries to the local citizens."[19] Martyn Day, of Leigh Day & Co said, "This has been a disaster on a monumental scale. We hold Trafigura fully to account for all the deaths and injuries that have resulted from the dumping of their waste." In response, Trafigura announced on Monday 13 November 2006 that it had started libel proceedings against British lawyer Martyn Day, of Leigh Day & Co.[20]


Shortly after it became apparent that the toxic slops from the Probo Koala had led to the outbreak of sickness, two Trafigura executives, Claude Dauphin and Jean-Pierre Valentini, travelled to Abidjan. They were arrested on 18 September, four days after their arrival, and were held in Abidjan's Maca prison, charged with breaking Côte d'Ivoire's laws against poisoning.[4] There were several reported attacks of the two executives during their imprisonment.[21] Trafigura called for their immediate release, but this did not occur until a settlement for the cleanup was paid to the Ivorian government.[4]

Seven Ivorians were eventually brought to trial in Abidjan for their part in the dumping. The head of the Ivorian contractor who dumped more than 500 tonnes of toxic liquid was sentenced to 20 years in prison in November 2008.[22]

Ivorian government finding

A November 2006 Ivorian government report into the incident said that Trafigura was to blame for the dumping of waste, and was aided by Ivorians. A government committee concluded that Trafigura knew that the nation had no facilities to store such waste and knowingly transported the waste from Europe to Abidjan.

The report further claimed that the "Compagnie Tommy" which actually dumped the substance "shows all the signs of being front company set up specifically to handle the Trafigura waste", and was "established in a period between Trafigura's decision not to pay for expensive waste disposal in Amsterdam and its ship's arrival in Abidjan."[1]

The government fact-finding committee had no prosecutorial powers, and its findings were rejected by the company. The committee also found that officials in the Port of Abidjan and a variety of local and national bodies either failed to plug holes in environmental laws or were guilty of ignoring laws through corruption.[1]

Company payment

On 13 February 2007, Trafigura agreed to pay the Ivorian government £100 million (US$198m) for the clean-up of the waste; however the group denied any liability for the dumping, and as a part of the deal the government would not pursue further action against the group. The Trafigura employees Claude Dauphin, Jean-Pierre Valentini and Nzi Kablan, held by the Côte d'Ivoire authorities after the incident, were then released and charges were dropped against them.[4][23] Further prosecutions against Ivorian citizens not employed by Trafigura continued.

Dutch inquiry

On 6 December 2006, an independent inquiry launched by the city of Amsterdam concluded that the city was negligent when they allowed Trafigura to take waste back on board the Probo Koala in Amsterdam in July. Part of the Probo cargo was offloaded with the intent to have it processed with an Amsterdam waste processing company but when this turned out too expensive Trafigura took it back. The responsible local civil servants were reportedly unaware of existing Dutch environmental laws that would not allow its export given these circumstances.[24] On 19 December 2006, a majority of the Dutch House of Representatives expressed their desire for a new investigation into the Probo Koala.[25] On 8 January 2007, The Guardian reported that the legal team for Leigh Day had arrived in Abidjan, and would begin taking statements from thousands of witnesses in the area.[26]

In late 2008 a criminal prosecution was begun in the Netherlands by the Dutch Public Prosecutors office. While the trial was not scheduled to begin until late 2009, the head of Trafigura, Claude Dauphin, was specifically cited as not under indictment.[22] Rather the company itself, the captain of the Probo Koala, and Amsterdam port authorities would be charged with "illegally transporting toxic waste into and out of Amsterdam harbour" and falsification of the chemical composition of the ships cargo on documents.[22]

The Dutch Supreme Court ruled on 6 July 2010, that the Court of Appeal should review again whether Claude Dauphin can be prosecuted for his part in the Probo Koala case, specifically for leading the export of dangerous waste materials. Earlier the Court of Appeal had ruled that this was not possible.

On 23 July 2010 Trafigura were fined €1 million for the transit of the waste through Amsterdam before being taken to the Côte d'Ivoire to be dumped.[27] The court ruled that the firm had concealed the problem when it was first unloaded from a ship in Amsterdam.[27] While previous settlements have been made in the case this is the first time Trafigura have been found guilty under criminal charges over the incident.[28] The company are looking at the result of the trial to see if they can appeal it.[29]


On 15 May 2009, the BBC publicly apologised for making claims that there had been 30,000 deaths, miscarriages, chronic and long-term injuries. In court, their experts had been unable to link these claims to the waste.[30] Nonetheless, on 20 September 2009, Trafigura announced it would pay more than $46 million to claimants, noting that 20 independent experts had examined the case but were "unable to identify a link".[31][32]

The package would be divided into groups of $1,546 which would then be paid to 31,000 people.[31][33][32] The deal came soon after a report by the UN claimed there was "strong prima facie evidence" that the waste was responsible for injuries.[31] The company responded by saying they were "appalled at the basic lack of balance and analytical rigour reflected in the report."[31][33] The Ivorian National Federation of Victims of Toxic Waste said Trafigura was trying to avoid a legal case.[32] Trafigura claimed that at least 75% of the receivers of money agreed with the deal.[34]

In January 2010, The Guardian reported that solicitors Leigh Day, working for the victims of toxic poisoning, had been ordered by an Ivory Coast court to transfer victim's compensation to a "shadowy local organisation", using the account of Claude Gouhourou, a "community representative".[35] Martyn Day, a partner in the firm, feared that the cash will not reach the victims.

Minton Report and legal controversy

In September 2006, Trafigura commissioned the internal "Minton Report" to determine the toxicity of the waste dumped in Abidjan.[36] The Minton Report was subsequently leaked to the Wikileaks web site and remains available there.[37]

On 11 September 2009, Trafigura, via lawyers Carter-Ruck, obtained a secret "super-injunction"[38] against The Guardian, banning that newspaper from publishing the contents of the Minton report. Trafigura also threatened a number of other media organizations with legal action if they published the report's contents, including the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation[36] and The Chemical Engineer magazine.[6] On 12 October, Carter-Ruck warned The Guardian against mentioning the content of a parliamentary question that was due to be asked about the Minton report. Instead the paper published an article stating that they were unable to report on an unspecified question and claiming that the situation appeared to "call into question privileges guaranteeing free speech established under the 1689 Bill of Rights".[39] The suppressed details rapidly circulated via the internet and Twitter[40][41] and, amid uproar, Carter-Ruck agreed the next day to the modification of the injunction before it was challenged in court, permitting The Guardian to reveal the existence of the question and the injunction.[42] The 11 September 2009 injunction remained in force in the United Kingdom until it was lifted on the night of 16 October.[43]

The report contains discussion of various harmful chemicals "likely to be present" in the waste—sodium hydroxide, cobalt phthalocyanine sulfonate, coker naphtha, thiols, sodium alkanethiolate, sodium hydrosulfide, sodium sulfide, dialkyl disulfides, hydrogen sulfide—and notes that some of these "may cause harm at some distance".

The report says potential health effects include "burns to the skin, eyes and lungs, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of consciousness and death", and suggests that the high number of reported casualties is "consistent with there having been a significant release of hydrogen sulphide gas".

The version published on WikiLeaks, which has been republished by The Guardian,[44] appears to be a preliminary draft, containing poor formatting and one comment in French. Trafigura has stated that the report was only preliminary and was inaccurate.[45]

Suppressed BBC report

Faced with a libel case which under British law could drag on for years and cost millions of pounds on 10 December 2009, the BBC removed the original story entitled "Dirty Tricks and Toxic Waste in the Ivory Coast", along with accompanying video, from its website. The story featured interviews with victims in Côte d'Ivoire, including relatives of two children who, it claimed, died from the effects of the waste. The story also claimed that Trafigura brought "ruin" on the country in order to make a "massive profit".[46] The stories remain available on WikiLeaks. On 15 December 2009, the broadcaster agreed to apologise to Trafigura for the "Dirty Tricks" report, pay £25,000 to charity, and withdraw any allegation that Trafigura's toxic waste dumped in Africa had caused deaths.

But at the same time, the BBC issued a combative statement, pointing out that the dumping of Trafigura's hazardous waste had led to the British-based oil trader being forced to pay out £30m in compensation to victims. "The BBC has played a leading role in bringing to the public's attention the actions of Trafigura in the illegal dumping of 500 tonnes of hazardous waste", the statement said. "The dumping caused a public health emergency with tens of thousands of people seeking treatment."[47]

The BBC did not agree to remove further allegations about the dumping such as the 16 September article:- "Trafigura knew of waste dangers"; this quoted from internal Trafigura emails which showed that the company knew the waste was toxic before they dumped it. In one a Trafigura employee says "This operation is no longer allowed in the European Union, the United States and Singapore" it is "banned in most countries due to the 'hazardous nature of the waste'" and another says "environmental agencies do not allow disposal of the toxic caustic."[48]

Daniel Pearl Award

On 24 April 2010, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists presented the Daniel Pearl Award for Outstanding International Investigative Reporting to the team of journalists who had revealed the story of Trafigura and the Côte d'Ivoire toxic waste dump. The award went to the British journalists Meirion Jones and Liz Mackean from BBC Newsnight and David Leigh from The Guardian, Synnove Bakke and Kjersti Knudsson from Norwegian TV, and Jeroen Trommelen from the Dutch paper De Volksrant. The citation says the award was for reports "which exposed how a powerful offshore oil trader tried to cover up the poisoning of 30,000 West Africans".[49]

Probo Koala

The vessel (renamed as Gulf Jash) was initially heading to Chittagong, Bangladesh for dismantling. However, the Government of Bangladesh imposed a ban on the ship from entering into its waters and therefore, as of June 2011, the ship was reportedly headed for Alang, India.[50][51][52]


  1. ^ a b c d "Ivory Coast Government Panel Releases Toxic Waste Findings". Voice of America. 23 November 2006. http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/a-13-2006-11-23-voa22.html. Retrieved 27 July 2010. 
  2. ^ a b c d e Papers prove Trafigura ship dumped toxic waste in Ivory Coast. David Leigh and Afua Hirsch. The Guardian, Thursday 14 May 2009
  3. ^ "In pictures: Ivorian toxic waste" bbc.co.uk Link 7 September 2006.
  4. ^ a b c d Trafigura to pay $198 mln settlement to Ivory Coast. Reuters. 13 February 2007.
  5. ^ The Guardian, 17 September 2009, How UK oil company Trafigura tried to cover up African pollution disaster
  6. ^ a b c d e Duckett, Adam (13 October 2009). "Trafigura story breaks". The Chemical Engineer. http://www.tcetoday.com/trafigura. Retrieved 14 October 2009. 
  7. ^ How Abidjan became a dump. Philippe Bernard, Jacques Follorou and Jean-Pierre Stroobants. Guardian Weekly, Friday 20 October 2006.
  8. ^ a b Newsnight sued over toxic waste claims. David Leigh, The Guardian, Saturday 16 May 2009
  9. ^ "Ivory Coast Dump Dwellers Revolt Amid Toxic Waste Scandal". Voice of America. 14 September 2006. http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/a-13-2006-09-14-voa47.html. Retrieved 27 July 2010. 
  10. ^ a b "Protesters Block Streets in Ivory Coast Over Toxic Waste Scandal". Voice of America. 6 September 2006. http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/a-13-2006-09-06-voa48.html. Retrieved 27 July 2010. 
  11. ^ "Ivorian cabinet quits over waste" bbc.co.uk Link 7 September 2006
  12. ^ "'Toxic' pigs cull in Ivory Coast" bbc.co.uk Link 10 November 2006
  13. ^ Trafigura Statement Newsnight, BBC. 13 May 2009.
  14. ^ a b Voor 15.500 euro wilde Tommy de klus wel klaren. NRC (Holland), 23 September 2006. Retrieved 2009-05-26.
  15. ^ "Global Sludge Ends in Tragedy for Ivory Coast", New York Times
  16. ^ "Petrochemie met de handboeken dicht" De Volkskrant, 2 October 2006 [1]
  17. ^ "Two jailed over Ivorian pollution – 23/10/08". BBC News. 23 October 2008. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/africa/7685561.stm. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  18. ^ "Ivory Coast Government Disbanded Over Toxic Waste Scandal". Voice of America. 7 September 2006. http://www1.voanews.com/english/news/a-13-2006-09-07-voa29.html. Retrieved 27 July 2010. 
  19. ^ "Ivory Coast toxic waste disaster claim issued in High Court" 17 November 2006]
  20. ^ "Trafigura Issue Libel Proceedings against Leigh Day & Co." Link 17 November 2006
  21. ^ "'Toxic waste' prisoners attacked" Link 17 November 2006
  22. ^ a b c Toxic waste executive not to be tried. Radio Netherlands. Friday 19 December 2008
  23. ^ Ivory Coast toxic clean-up offer. BBC News 13 February 2007
  24. ^ "Onderzoekscommissie: A'dam overtrad wet met Probo Koala" De Volkskrant 6 December 2006
  25. ^ (Dutch) "Mogelijk breed onderzoek naar Probo Koala" De Volkskrant 2006-12-19
  26. ^ "UK class action starts over toxic waste dumped in Africa". The Guardian. 8 January 2007.
  27. ^ a b Evans, Rob (23 July 2010). "Trafigura fined €1m for exporting toxic waste to Africa". The Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jul/23/trafigura-dutch-fine-waste-export. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  28. ^ "Trafigura found guilty of exporting toxic waste". BBC News Online. 23 July 2010. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-10735255. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  29. ^ "Trafigura fined euro1 million in hazardous waste case". Yahoo News. 23 July 2010. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100723/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_netherlands_toxic_waste. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  30. ^ {{Cite news|url=http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/8417913.stm|title=Trafigura v BBC: Statement in open court|date=15 May 2009publisher=BBC
  31. ^ a b c d "Firm agrees Ivorian waste payouts". BBC. 20 September 2009. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/africa/8265193.stm. Retrieved 21 September 2009. 
  32. ^ a b c "Oil firm 'settles' toxic waste case". Al Jazeera. 21 September 2009. http://english.aljazeera.net//news/africa/2009/09/2009920132129567154.html. Retrieved 21 September 2009. 
  33. ^ a b "Trader Trafigura says settles Ivorian waste case". Reuters. 20 September 2009. http://www.reuters.com/article/environmentNews/idUSTRE58J1C820090920?feedType=RSS&feedName=environmentNews. Retrieved 21 September 2009. 
  34. ^ "Trafigura settles over Ivory Coast toxic waste claims". The Sydney Morning Herald. 21 September 2009. http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-world/trafigura-settles-over-ivory-coast-toxic-waste-claims-20090920-fwut.html. Retrieved 21 September 2009. 
  35. ^ Rice, Xan (23 January 2010). "Fears over £30m payment to toxic waste victims in Trafigura case". The Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2010/jan/22/trafigura-compensation-gouhourou. Retrieved 26 March 2010. 
  36. ^ a b "A gag too far". Index On Censorship. October 2009. http://www.indexoncensorship.org/2009/10/a-gag-too-far/. Retrieved 14 October 2009. 
  37. ^ "RE: Caustic Tank Washings, Abidjan, Ivory Coast". http://wikileaks.org/leak/waterson-toxicwaste-ivorycoast-%C3%A92009.pdf. Retrieved 16 October 2009. 
  38. ^ "Minton report secret injunction gagging The Guardian on Trafigura", Wikileaks, https://secure.wikileaks.org/wiki/Minton_report_secret_injunction_gagging_The_Guardian_on_Trafigura,_11_Sep_2009, retrieved 15 October 2009 
  39. ^ Leigh, David (12 October 2009). Guardian gagged from reporting parliament. The Guardian.
  40. ^ Rusbridger, Alan (14 October 2009). The Trafigura fiasco tears up the textbook. The Guardian.
  41. ^ Higham, Nick (13 October 2009). When is a secret not a secret? BBC News.
  42. ^ Leigh, David (13 October 2009). "Gag on Guardian reporting MP's Trafigura question lifted". The Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/oct/13/guardian-gagged-parliamentary-question. Retrieved 14 October 2009. 
  43. ^ Beckford, Martin (16 October 2009). "Secret Trafigura report said 'likely cause' of illness was release of toxic gas from dumped waste". The Daily Telegraph (London). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/6350262/Secret-Trafigura-report-said-likely-cause-of-illness-was-release-of-toxic-gas-from-dumped-waste.html. Retrieved 16 October 2009. 
  44. ^ Minton Report. (PDF). The Guardian. 16 October 2009.
  45. ^ Leigh, David (16 October 2009). Minton report: Carter-Ruck give up bid to keep Trafigura study secret. The Guardian.
  46. ^ "BBC deletes important story on toxic waste dumping in the Ivory Coast after legal threats,". 12 December 2009. http://wikileaks.org/wiki/BBC_deletes_important_story_on_toxic_waste_dumping_in_the_Ivory_Coast_after_legal_threats%2C_12_Dec_2009. Retrieved 14 December 2009. 
  47. ^ David Leigh (17 December 2009). "BBC settles Trafigura libel case | Media | guardian.co.uk". The Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2009/dec/17/bbc-trafigura. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  48. ^ "Newsnight – Trafigura knew of waste dangers". BBC News. 16 September 2009. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/newsnight/8259765.stm. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  49. ^ USA (24 April 2010). "ICIJ Names Winners of 2010 Daniel Pearl Awards for Outstanding International Investigative Reporting – The Center for Public Integrity". Publicintegrity.org. http://www.publicintegrity.org/news/entry/2045/. Retrieved 24 July 2010. 
  50. ^ "Infamous Probo Koala Sent for Dismantling". fidh. 24 May 2011. http://www.fidh.org/Infamous-Probo-Koala-Sent-for-Dismantling. Retrieved 21 August 2011. 
  51. ^ "Banned in Bangladesh, toxic ship heads to India". The Times of India. 1 June 2011. http://articles.timesofindia.indiatimes.com/2011-06-01/pollution/29608165_1_toxic-material-toxic-laden-probo-koala. Retrieved 21 August 2011. 
  52. ^ "Probo Koala, Bangladesh Banned Toxic-Laden Ship headed towards Indian shores". India Summary. 1 June 2011. http://www.indiasummary.com/2011/06/01/probo-koala-bangladesh-banned-toxic-laden-ship-headed-towards-indian-shores/. Retrieved 21 August 2011. 

External links