1922 Turin Massacre

The 1922 Turin Massacre refers to the attack by Italian Fascists against members of a local labour movement in Turin, Italy.[1] The events began in Turin after Fascists raided and burned down of a trade union headquarters and attacks on two clubs of the Italian Socialist Party.[2] This was followed by Fascists taking a number of editors of the newspaper of the Communist Party of Italy hostage, taking them to the central park in Turin and threatening to execute them.[3] Fascists rounded up communists and trade unionists in the city and executed a number of them in gruesome manners with one victim being tied and dragged behind a truck until he died and another victim being bludgeoned to death.[3] Eleven people were killed and ten were seriously wounded by the Fascists.[3]


  1. ^ Sonnessa, Antonio. "The 1922 Turin Massacre (Strage di Torino): Working class resistance and conflicts within fascism". Modern Italy, Volume 10, Issue 2 November 2005. Goldsmiths College, University of London, United Kingdom. Pp. 187-205.[1]
  2. ^ Lajolo, Davide (author); Pietralunga, Mark (translator). 1983. An Absurd Vice: A Biography of Cesare Pavese. New Directions Publishing. Pp. 21[2]
  3. ^ a b c Lajolo, Davide (author). Pp. 21