1893 in Canada
Events from the year 1893 in Canada.
Full date unknown
January to June
- January 8 - Jean Désy, diplomat (d.1960)
- February 7 - Joseph Algernon Pearce, astrophycisist (d.1988)
- May 5 - J. Dewey Soper, Arctic explorer, zoologist, ornithologist and author (d.1982)
- May 7 - Frank J. Selke, ice hockey manager (d.1985)
- May 28 - Donald MacLaren, World War I flying ace, businessman (d.1988)
- June 5 - George Croil, first Chief of the Air Staff of the Royal Canadian Air Force (d.1959)
- June 20 - Austin Claude Taylor, politician (d.1965)
- June 23 - Merrill Denison, playwright (d.1975)
July to December
Full date unknown
January to June
July to December