128 (number)

128 (one hundred [and] twenty-eight) is the natural number following 127 and preceding 129.

Cardinal one hundred [and] twenty-eight
Ordinal 128th
(one hundred [and] twenty-eighth)
Numeral system 128
Factorization 2^7
Divisors 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128
Roman numeral CXXVIII
Binary 100000002
Octal 2008
Duodecimal A812
Hexadecimal 8016


In mathematics

One hundred [and] twenty-eight is the seventh power of 2. It is the largest number which cannot be expressed as the sum of any number of distinct squares.[1][2] But it is divisible by the total number of its divisors, making it a refactorable number.[3]

The sum of Euler's totient function φ(x) over the first twenty integers is 128.[4]

128 can be expressed by a combination of its digits with mathematical operators thus 128 = 28 - 1, making it a Friedman number in base 10.[5]

A hepteract has 128 vertices.

128 is the only 3-digit number that is a 7th power. 2 to the 7th power.

In bar codes

In computing

In the military

In transportation

In other fields

One hundred [and] twenty-eight is also:

See also


  1. ^ Sprague, R. (1948), "Über Zerlegungen in ungleiche Quadratzahlen", Math. Z. 51: 289–290, doi:10.1007/BF01181594, MR0027285 
  2. ^ OEIS:A001422. Similarly, the largest numbers that cannot be expressed as sums of distinct cubes and fourth powers, respectively, are 12758 and 5134240 (sequence A001661 in OEIS).
  3. ^ OEIS:A033950.
  4. ^ OEIS:A002088.
  5. ^ OEIS:A036057.


External links