SPEAK UP is a national youth violence prevention initiative created by The Center to Prevent Youth Violence, which provides young people with tools to improve the safety of their schools and communities. The SPEAK UP program features the first-ever, anonymous, national hotline for young people to report threats of violence in their communities or at school. The 1-866-SPEAK-UP hotline is the only national hotline for students to report anonymously weapon threats 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week. The hotline is operated in accordance with a rigid protocol developed in collaboration with national education and law enforcement authorities, including the FBI. Trained counselors, with instant access to translators for 140 languages, collect information from callers and then immediately report the threat to appropriate school and law enforcement officials. The counselors also have access to an extensive database of local, city, and state referral sources, which they can offer callers who call with issues unrelated to youth violence. Since its launch in 2002, the hotline has received over 38,000 calls from youth nationwide.[1]