
Introduced 1994
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry KazNIC
Sponsor Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan
Intended use Entities connected with  Kazakhstan
Actual use Popular in Kazakhstan
Registration restrictions None for second-level names; some restrictions for third-level names depending on which second-level name they are under
Structure Registrations are made directly at the second level, or at the third level beneath second-level categories
Documents Rules
Dispute policies Dispute resolution policy
Website NIC.kz

.kz is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Kazakhstan.

Registrations can be made directly at the second level (with no requirement of Kazakhstan presence) or at the third level beneath categories which have specific restrictions, and are generally limited to Kazakhstan-related entities.


Second-level domains


A minor incident was caused when the right to use the domain name www.borat.kz, the website of Sacha Baron Cohen's Kazakh character, Borat, was suspended.[1] The domain-issuing body said that they took this action since false names were given for the site's administrators, and also because the site www.borat.kz was hosted outside Kazakhstan. However, the underlying cause of the action was in order to censor the content of the site: "We've done this so he can't badmouth Kazakhstan under the .kz domain name," Nurlan Isin, President of the Association of Kazakh IT Companies, told Reuters. "He can go and do whatever he wants at other domains."

In June 2011, Google redirected [2] all traffic from google.kz to google.com in response to a demand issued by the Kazakh Ministry of Communications and Information that requires all .kz domain names to operate on physical servers within the borders of Kazakhstan. SVP Bill Coughran said "creating borders on the web raises important questions for us not only about network efficiency but also about user privacy and free expression." By hosting google.kz only on servers inside Kazakhstan, "we would be helping to create a fractured Internet."

Second top-level domain for Kazakhstan

A second country code top-level domain, .қаз ("kaz") has been requested for Kazakhstan.[3] It is assumed to used for web sites within year 2012, and to be used with web addresses using Cyrillic letters.

See also

External links


  1. ^ "Kazakhs cut Borat", TheAge.com.au (source:Reuters), December 14, 2005
  2. ^ Changes to the open Internet in Kazakhstan, Official Google Blog, June 7, 2011
  3. ^ IDN ccTLD Fast Track String Evaluation Completion, ICANN