
Žaltys (literally: grass snake) is a household spirit in the Lithuanian mythology. As sacred animal of the sun goddess Saulė,[1] it is a guardian of the home and a symbol of fertility.[2] People used to keep it as a pet by the stove or other special area of the house,[1] believing that it would bring good harvest and wealth.[2] Killing žaltys was said to bring great misfortunes upon the household.[1] If žaltys was found in the field, people gave it milk attempting to befriend the creature and make it a sacred houseld pet.[3]

See also


  1. ^ a b c Doniger, Wendy (2006). "Žaltys". Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions. Encyclopaedia Britannica. p. 1160. ISBN 1593394918. http://books.google.com/?id=IDsk47MeksAC&pg=PA1160. 
  2. ^ a b (Lithuanian) Kiškienė, Elena (2008-05-09). "Uteniškių keiksmai". Šiaurės Atėnai (892). http://www.culture.lt/satenai/?leid_id=892&kas=straipsnis&st_id=15963. 
  3. ^ Conway, D. J. (2001). Magickal, Mystical Creatures (2nd ed.). Llewellyn Worldwide. p. 128. ISBN 1-56718-149-X. http://books.google.com/?id=ZSA7XRf8kzIC&pg=PA128.