Telephone numbers in Chile
Country Code: +56
International Call Prefix: 1xx0
Trunk prefix: 0
Geographic area codes
Northern Zone
- XV Region: Arica and Parinacota
- I Region: Tarapacá
- II Region: Antofagasta
- III Region: Atacama
- IV Region: Coquimbo
Central Zone
- V Region: Valparaiso
- XIII Region: Metropolitan Region
- VI Region: O'Higgins Region
- VII Region: Maule Region
Central-Southern Zone
- VIII Region: Bío-Bío
- IX Region: Araucanía
Southern Zone
- XIV Region: Rivers Region
- X Region: Lakes Region
- XI Region: Aysen
- XII Region: Magallanes
Ageographical Zones
Special Services
There are a number of special numbers for public services, and they are in the format 1XY. The most important ones are:
- 130 Forest fires (Incendios forestales)
- 131 Ambulance (SAMU)
- 132 Firefighters (Bomberos)
- 133 Police Emergency (Emergencias Policiales)
- 134 Investigaciones
- 135 Drugs hot line (Fono drogas)[2]
- 136 Mountain Rescue (Cuerpo de Socorro Andino)
- 137 Sea Rescue (Rescate Marítimo de la Armada)
- 139 Police Information (Informaciones Policiales)
- 147 Child abuse (Fono niños)
- 149 Family Violence (Fono familia)
Long Distance Carriers
In Chile is possible to choose the carrier for long distance calls every time and therefore to obtain the best rate for any destination. Long distance carriers have a prefix that must be dialed when calling long distance. For:
- National destination (outside your current area): XXX + area + phone
- International destination : XXX + 0 + country code + area + phone
The current carrier codes are[3]:
- 110 Telmex
- 111 VTR Chile
- 112 Convergia Chile
- 113 Transam
- 114 Chile
- 115 Empresa de Telecomunicaciones Netonone
- 116 Heilsberg
- 119 Concert Chile
- 120 Globus
- 121 Telefónica del Sur
- 122 Gtd Manquehue
- 123 Entel Larga Distancia
- 124 GSP Chile
- 125 Equant Chile
- 127 Sur Telecomunicaciones
- 151 Astro
- 154 MiCarrier Telecomunicaciones
- 155 Telmex
- 155 AT&T Chile Long Distance
- 158 Fibersat
- 169 Carrier 169
- 170 Impsat Chile
- 170 Global Crossing
- 176 NetChile
- 177 Empresa de Transporte de Señales
- 180 Hogar de Cristo
- 181 Movistar
- 188 Telefónica CTC
Mobile phone numbers
Mobile network: 8 digits, starting with digits 9, 8, 7 or 6.
Calls from a landline phone to mobile phones have to use the non-geographical prefix 09. e.g.: 09 9XXX-XXXX, 09 8XXX-XXXX, 09 7XXX-XXXX, 09 6XXX-XXXX.
Calls between mobile phones have to be dialed without the non-geographical prefix. e.g.: 9XXX-XXXX, 8XXX-XXXX, 7XXX-XXXX, 6XXX-XXXX.
Internet Telephony
Recently, the Undersecretariat of Telecommunications (Subtel) created the possibility of telephone service using Internet as a connection technology [4]. The dialing plan will be modified to have a zone and is expected to be during the first half of 2009. Several companies have asked permission to provide this service to the public.
See also