
WikiMapia as seen in Firefox with fullscreen mode
Slogan Let's describe the whole World!
Commercial? Yes
Type of site Collaborative mapping
Registration Optional
Available language(s) 101 languages, including English
Content license Not creative commons or free content license. [1]
Created by Alexandre Koriakine and Evgeniy Saveliev
Launched May 24, 2006
Revenue From AdSense
Current status Active

WikiMapia is a privately owned, online map and satellite imaging resource that combines Google Maps with a wiki system, allowing users to add information, in the form of a note, to any location on Earth.[2] Users may currently use this information for free; however, contrary to popular belief, Wikimapia is not creative commons and they make explicitly clear in their terms of service agreement that they retain the right to impose fees or usage restrictions at any time.[3] Inspired by the success of Google Maps and Wikipedia, two Russian Internet entrepreneurs Alexandre Koriakine and Evgeniy Saveliev launched the website on May 24, 2006.[4] Its aim is to "describe the whole world". It now has over 13 million places marked.[5] Although registration is not required to edit or add to WikiMapia, over 870,500 users from around the world currently are registered.[6] All content uploaded by users is currently made available for non-commercial use through Wikimapia API.[7]



Tag a location

WikiMapia allows any contributor to add a "tag" (placemark) to any location by marking out a polygon around the location and then providing a default language, title, description and one or more categories.[8] An optional note can be provided, as well as images and embedded YouTube videos, which all appear on the place's information window.[9]

Multiple categories can be added to any placemark by clicking the add category link and either selecting from a list of common categories, or by typing in the first few letters of the word to search for a category. The numbers displayed in parentheses next to each category indicate the number of placemarks belonging to that category. Basic functions also allow users to link to a corresponding Wikipedia article, add an address, or specify whether a polygon outlines a building (as opposed to a parcel of land).


Users also can add up to seven pictures to each tag by selecting Add/Manage Photos from the placetag's menu. This opens a dialog box, allowing the user to upload a photo from their computer or the internet.


Location tagging is fully multi-lingual, meaning that there is no need to create separate tags for different languages. If a place is described in multiple languages, the user can navigate to other language pages by clicking on the link at the bottom of the window. Currently a total of 101 languages are supported, and 100% of the interface has been translated into 56 languages. Most of the languages (except Chinese) use ISO 639-1 naming conventions.[10] Registered users can help translate the WikiMapia interface at a special page (

Linear features

Wikimapia also allows users to add "linear features", meaning roads, railroads, ferry lines, and rivers. The interface allows users to specify the size of the road (major highway, side street, dirt road, etc.), to indicate one-way streets, and to provide a brief description. It also allows users to describe intersections and tunnels.

The railroad and ferry line interfaces are similar to the one used for roads. The river-marking tool is somewhat more complex, as there are secondary lines that can be used to define the river's shoreline.

The roads feature is also used to populate a drop-down list of nearby street names in a tag's address box.

Wikimapia API

In December 2009 Wikimapia launched an API for non-commercial use.[11]


WikiMapia also allows registered users to set up watchlists to monitor changes on certain areas of the map. Users can define the size and location of each watched region and save it under a unique name.

WikiMapia forum

In addition to the Messaging system, which runs from the map screen, WikiMapia also operates a forum, which was launched in October 2007.[12] Although a separate wiki User Guide exists, most of WikiMapia's policy discussions take place at the forum.

Voting and user statistics

Users can vote in favor of or against other users' contributions, thereby allowing users to rise in status among the community. There also is a user statistics and ranking board which automatically ranks users based on their contributions. However, vote tallies and user statistics have no impact on a user's user-level.

User accounts and levels

Optional user accounts were introduced in October 2006.[13] User levels and permissions have evolved over time in response to the need to control vandalism or abuse. As explained in the WikiMapia FAQ, there are three user-levels.

UL2 status

UL2 status may be one of the most misunderstood aspects of WikiMapia's hierarchy, in part, because the process of promotion remains mysterious to most new users.[14] Level 2 permissions are granted solely at the discretion of WikiMapia Administrators (or site owners), and have been revoked in a few instances. Although Wikimapia Administrators have historically taken recommendations by senior users into account when promoting new users,[15] they have also occasionally acted unilaterally to demote UL2 users.

Clutter and filtering

In some areas of the world with out-of-date or very expensive mapping, such as India, WikiMapia growth has been phenomenally rapid. This rapid growth brought problems of its own, however. Urban areas became covered with thousands of overlapping rectangles marking the positions of private residences, but there was no provision in the WikiMapia interface for distinguishing those residences from places of public interest. Recently, however, category browsing has been introduced, allowing users to select what category or categories of features they want displayed.


Unlike Wikipedia, WikiMapia is not creative commons or free content. All user content on WikiMapia is licensed non-exclusively to WikiMapia, so royalties and control of publication are forfeited upon submission. According to the site's Terms of Service, all content uploaded by users becomes the property of WikiMapia and its future successors who retain all rights to future sublicensing and the potential transfer of licensing to other entities.[7] Currently, user submissions are available for personal or educational non-commercial purposes through the website and can be used for non-commercial use through Wikimapia API.

Business model

The site generates some income using Google ads.


A GPS receiver can be connected to WikiMapia using a plug-in program (beta, download for Windows OS from WikiMapia site [16]).

Limited WikiMapia functionality is available on:

See also


  2. Bear, David (2007-01-07). "Getting a bird's-eye view of any place on Earth". Retrieved 2007-11-13. 
  3. "Wikimapia Terms of Service". Retrieved 2010-06-16. 
  4. Mount, Nick; Paul Aplin, and Gary Priestnall (2008). Representing, Modeling, and Visualizing the Natural Environment. CRC Press. p. 271. ISBN 1420055496. 
  5. "Wikimapia Main Page". Retrieved 2010-01-24.  (See bottom right corner)
  6. "Wikimapia user statistics page". Retrieved 2010-01-24. 
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Wikimapia Terms of Service". 2007-10-27. Retrieved 2008-06-24. 
  8. Koriakine, Alexandre (2006-12-04). "Place types, etc.". Retrieved 2007-11-14. 
  9. Jones, Matt (2007-01-11). "How To #5: YouTube in Wikimapia!". Retrieved 2007-11-14. 
  10. "Wikimapia forum: ISO letters". Retrieved 2009-05-12. 
  11. [1]
  12. "WikiMapia FAQ". 2006-10-08. Retrieved 2007-11-14. 
  13. Koriakine, Alexandre (2006-10-08). "Registration started". Retrieved 2007-11-14. 
  14. "Forum Topic: Pitr". Retrieved 2009-07-18. 
  15. "Wikimapia forum: Good users". Retrieved 2009-07-18. 
  16. GPS to WikiMapia (at this time for Windows only)

External links