Edible mushroom
White mushrooms ready for cooking. While common, they are just one of the many types of mushrooms cultivated and eaten.
Picked edible mushrooms in a basket
Edible mushrooms are the fleshy and edible fruiting bodies of several species of fungi. They belong to the macrofungi, because their fruiting structures are large enough to be seen with the naked eye. They can appear either below ground (hypogeous) or above ground (epigous) where they may be picked by hand.[1] Edibility may be defined by criteria that include absence of poisonous effects on humans and desirable taste and aroma.[2][3] By some accounts, less than 10% of all mushrooms may be edible.[3]
Edible mushrooms are consumed by humans for their nutritional and occasionally medicinal value as comestibles.[4] Mushrooms consumed for health reasons are known as medicinal mushrooms. While hallucinogenic mushrooms (e.g. Psilocybin mushrooms) are occasionally consumed for recreational or religious purposes, they can produce severe nausea and disorientation, and are therefore not commonly considered edible mushrooms.[4]
Edible mushrooms include many fungal species that are either harvested wild or cultivated. Easily cultivatable and common wild mushrooms are often available in markets, and those that are more difficult to obtain (such as the prized truffle and matsutake) may be collected on a smaller scale by private gatherers. Some preparations may render certain poisonous mushrooms fit for consumption.
Before assuming that any wild mushroom is edible, it should be identified. Proper identification of a species is the only safe way to ensure edibility. Some mushrooms that are edible for most people can cause allergic reactions in some individuals, and old or improperly stored specimens can cause food poisoning. Deadly poisonous mushrooms that are frequently confused with edible mushrooms and responsible for many fatal poisonings are several species of the Amanita genus, in particular, Amanita phalloides, the death cap.
History of mushroom use
Mycophagy pronounced /ˈmaɪkəfeɪdʒi/, the act of consuming mushrooms, dates to ancient times. Edible mushroom species have been found in association with 13,000 year old ruins in Chile, but the first reliable evidence of mushroom consumption dates to several hundred years BC in China. The Chinese value mushrooms for medicinal properties as well as for food. Ancient Romans and Greeks ate mushrooms, particularly the upper class.[5] The Roman Caesars would have a food taster taste the mushrooms before the Caesar to make sure they were safe.
Mushrooms are also easily preserved, and historically have provided additional nutrition over winter.
Many cultures around the world have either used or continue to use Psilocybin mushrooms for spiritual purposes as well as medicinal mushrooms in folk medicine. Mushroom cultivation reached the United States in the late 1800s with imported spores from Mexico.
Current culinary use
A fraction of the many fungi consumed by humans are currently cultivated and sold commercially. Commercial cultivation is important ecologically, as there have been concerns of depletion of larger fungi such as chanterelles in Europe, possibly because the group has grown so popular yet remains a challenge to cultivate.
Commercially cultivated
Commercial cultivated Asian edible mushroom species. Clockwise from left, enokitake, buna-shimeji, bunapi-shimeji, king oyster mushroom and
Mushroom cultivation has a long history, with over twenty species commercially cultivated. Mushrooms are cultivated in at least 60 countries[6] with China, the United States, Netherlands, France and Poland being the top five producers in 2000.
Commercially harvested wild edibles
Chanterelles in the wild
A collection of Boletus edulis of varying ages
Hericium coralloides
Some species are difficult to cultivate; others (particularly mycorrhizal species) have not yet been successfully cultivated. Some of these species are harvested from the wild, and can be found in markets. When in season they can be purchased fresh, and many species are sold dried as well. The following species are commonly harvested from the wild:
- Boletus edulis or edible Boletus, native to Europe, known in Italian as Fungo Porcino (plural 'porcini') (Pig mushroom), in German as Steinpilz (Stone mushroom), in Russian as "white mushroom", in Albanian as (Wolf mushroom) and in French the cep. It also known as the king bolete, and is renowned for its delicious flavor. It is sought after worldwide, and can be found in a variety of culinary dishes.
- Cantharellus cibarius (The chanterelle), The yellow chanterelle is one of the best and most easily recognizable mushrooms, and can be found in Asia, Europe, North America and Australia. There are poisonous mushrooms which resemble it, though these can be confidently distinguished if one is familiar with the chanterelle's identifying features.
- Cantharellus tubaeformis, the tube chanterelle or yellow-leg
- Clitocybe nuda - Blewit (or Blewitt)
- Cortinarius caperatus the Gypsy mushroom (recently moved from genus Rozites)
- Craterellus cornucopioides - Trompette du Mort or Horn of Plenty
- Grifola frondosa, known in Japan as maitake (also "hen of the woods" or "sheep’s head"); a large, hearty mushroom commonly found on or near stumps and bases of oak trees, and believed to have Macrolepiota procera properties.
- Gyromitra esculenta this "False morel" is prized by the Finns. This mushroom is deadly poisonous if eaten raw, but highly regarded when parboiled (see below).
- Hericium erinaceus, a tooth fungus; also called "lion's mane mushroom."
- Hydnum repandum Sweet tooth fungus, hedgehog mushroom, urchin of the woods
- Lactarius deliciosus Saffron milk cap - Consumed around the world and prized in Russia
- Morchella species, (morel family), morels belong to the ascomycete grouping of fungi. They are usually found in open scrub, woodland or open ground in late spring. When collecting this fungus, care must be taken to distinguish it from the poisonous false morels, including Gyromitra esculenta.
- Morchella conica var. deliciosa
- Morchella esculenta var. rotunda
- Tricholoma matsutake the Matsutake, a mushroom highly prized in Japanese cuisine.
- Tuber species, (the truffle), Truffles have long eluded the modern techniques of domestication known as trufficulture. Although the field of trufficulture has greatly expanded since its inception in 1808, several species still remain uncultivated. For a list of domesticated truffles, see above.
- Tuber borchii
- Tuber brumale
- Tuber indicum - Chinese black truffle
- Tuber macrosporum - White truffle
- Tuber mesentericum - The Bagnoli truffle[7]
- Tuber uncinatum - Black summer truffle
Other edible wild species
Many wild species are consumed around the world. The species which can be identified "in the field" (without use of special chemistry or a microscope) and therefore safely eaten vary widely from country to country, even from region to region. This list is a sampling of lesser-known species that are reportedly edible.
Lactarius salmonicolor
- Amanita caesarea (Caesar's Mushroom)
- Armillaria mellea
- Boletus badius
- Boletus elegans
- Chroogomphus rutilus (pine-spikes or spike-caps)
- Calvatia gigantea (Giant Puffball)
- Clavariaceae species (coral fungus family)
- Clavulinaceae species (coral fungus family)
- Coprinus comatus, the Shaggy mane. Must be cooked as soon as possible after harvesting or the caps will first turn dark and unappetizing, then deliquesce and turn to ink. Not found in markets for this reason.
- Cortinarius variecolor
- Fistulina hepatica (beefsteak polypore or the ox tongue)
- Hygrophorus chrysodon
A particularly well developed example of Auricularia auricula-judae.
- Lactarius salmonicolor
- Lactarius subdulcis (mild milkcap)
- Lactarius volemus
- Laetiporous sulphureus (Sulphur shelf). Also known by names such as the "chicken mushroom", "chicken fungus", sulphur shelf is a distinct bracket fungus popular among mushroom hunters.
- Leccinum aurantiacum (Red-capped scaber stalk)
- Leccinum scabrum (Birch bolete)
- Lepiota procera
- Macrolepiota procera Parasol Mushroom - Globally, it is widespread in temperate regions
- Polyporus squamosus (Dryad's saddle and Pheasant's back mushroom)
- Polyporus sulphureus
- Polyporus mylittae
- Ramariaceae species (coral fungus family)
- Rhizopogon luteolus
- Russula, some members of this genus are edible.
- Sparassis crispa. Also known as "cauliflower mushroom".
- Suillus bovinus
- Suillus luteus
- Suillus tomentosus
- Tricholoma terreum
Conditionally edible species
Amanita muscaria.
There are a number of fungi that are considered choice by some and toxic by others. In some cases, proper preparation can remove some or all of the toxins.
- Amanita muscaria is edible if parboiled to leach out toxins.[8] Fresh mushrooms cause vomiting, twitching, drowsiness, and hallucinations due to the presence of ibotenic acid.
- Coprinopsis atramentaria is edible without special preparation. However, consumption with alcohol is toxic due to the presence of coprine. Some other Coprinus spp. share this property.
- Gyromitra esculenta is eaten by some after it has been parboiled; however, mycologists do not recommend it. Raw Gyromitra are toxic due to the presence of gyromitrin, and it is not known if all of the toxin can be removed by parboiling.
- Lactarius spp. - Apart from Lactarius deliciosus which is universally considered edible, other Lactarius spp. that are considered toxic elsewhere in the world are eaten in Russia after pickling or parboiling.[9]
- Verpa bohemica - Considered choice by some, it even can be found for sale as a "morel", but cases of toxicity have been reported. Verpas contain toxins similar to gyromitrin[10] and similar precautions apply.
Current medical use
The most well known "medicinal mushroom", Reishi
Many species of medicinal mushrooms have been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. The use of medicinal mushrooms in folk medicine is best documented in the East. Medicinal mushrooms are now the subject of study for many ethnobotanists and medical researchers. The ability of some mushrooms to inhibit tumor growth and enhance aspects of the immune system has been a subject of research for approximately 50 years.[11] International mushroom research continues today, with a focus on mushrooms that may have hypoglycemic activity, anti-cancer activity, anti-pathogenic activity, and immune system enhancing activity. Recent research has found that the oyster mushroom naturally contains the cholesterol drug lovastatin,[12] and that mushrooms produce large amounts of vitamin D when exposed to UV light,[13] Below is a list of edible mushrooms that are best known for their medicinal properties.
- Ganoderma Mushrooms (Reishi)
- Trametes versicolor (Turkey tail)
- Grifola frondosa (Maitake)
- Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster mushroom)
- Agaricus bisporus (common mushroom)
- Agaricus subrufescens (Agaricus blazei)
- Lentinula edodes (Shiitake)
- Inonotus obliquus (chaga mushroom)
Preparing wild edibles
A collection of dried mushrooms
Some wild species are toxic, or at least indigestible, when raw. As a rule all wild mushroom species should be cooked thoroughly before eating. Many species can be dried and re-hydrated by pouring boiling water over the dried mushrooms and letting them steep for approximately 30 minutes. The soaking liquid can be used for cooking as well, provided that any dirt at the bottom of the container is discarded.
One recipe for Auricularia auricula-judae is to collect it while still soft, wash it thoroughly and cut it into thin slices. The prepared slices should be stewed in stock or milk for around three-quarters of an hour, and then served with plenty of pepper. The result is crispy and not unlike seaweed.[14]
The difficult task of identifying mushrooms in the wild, for culinary or recreational purposes, can produce severe poisoning.[15]
Mushroom and
Truffle output in 2005
In 2003, the People's Republic of China was the world's largest edible mushroom producer.[16]
Vitamin D
Mushrooms contain large amounts of vitamin D when exposed to UV light.[17][18][19] Mushrooms that have been exposed to UV light are the only natural, vegetarian source of vitamin D.
See also
- ↑ Chang, Shu-Ting; Phillip G. Miles (1989). Mushrooms: cultivation, nutritional value, medicinal effect, and Environmental Impact. CRC Press. pp. 4–6. ISBN 0-8493-1043-1. http://books.google.com/books?id=XO4EGzpp1M0C&printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_navlinks_s#v=onepage.
- ↑ Arora D (1986). Mushrooms demystified. Ten Speed Press. p. 23. ISBN 0-89815-169-4.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Mattila P, Suonpää K, Piironen V. (2000). "Functional properties of edible mushrooms". Nutrition 16 (7-8): 694–6. doi:10.1016/S0899-9007(00)00341-5. PMID 10906601.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Boa E (2004). Wild edible fungi: A global overview of their use and importance to people. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. ISBN 92-5-105-157-7.
- ↑ Boa, Eric (2004). "Wild Edible fungi a global overview of their use and importance to people". FAO Corporate Document Repository. http://www.fao.org/docrep/007/y5489e/y5489e05.htm#P138_20454. Retrieved 2008-09-20.
- ↑ John Fereira. "U.S. Mushroom Industry". Usda.mannlib.cornell.edu. http://usda.mannlib.cornell.edu/MannUsda/viewDocumentInfo.do?documentID=1395. Retrieved 2010-05-30.
- ↑ T. mesenterium was first reported in Great Britain after thr wet August 2008 ((BBC News) " New fungi species unearthed in UK", 9 October 2008: accessed 9 October 2008.
- ↑ Rubel, William. Amanita Muscaria
- ↑ Arora, David. Mushrooms Demystified, 2nd ed. Ten Speed Press, 1986
- ↑ Borchers AT, Krishnamurthy A, Keen CL, Meyers FJ, Gershwin ME (Mar 2008). "The immunobiology of mushrooms" (Free full text). Exp Biol Med 233 (3): 259–76. doi:10.3181/0708-MR-227. ISSN 1535-3702. PMID 18296732. http://www.ebmonline.org/cgi/pmidlookup?view=long&pmid=18296732.
- ↑ Gunde-Cimerman N, Cimerman A. (Mar 1995). "Pleurotus fruiting bodies contain the inhibitor of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase-lovastatin.". Exp Mycol. 19 (1): 1–6. doi:10.1006/emyc.1995.1001. ISSN 0147-5975. PMID 7614366.
- ↑ "If mushrooms see the light". http://articles.latimes.com/2008/mar/31/health/he-eat31.
- ↑ Mabey, Richard (1984), Food for Free., Pub. Fontana / Collins. ISBN 0-00-633470-9. P. 54.
- ↑ Barbee G, Berry-Cabán C, Barry J, Borys D, Ward J, Salyer S (2009). [http://jmt.pennpress.org/strands/jmt/toc.htm;jsessionid= ECC1ED5314DF17993B4B357234FB1F8D?issue=20090502 "Analysis of mushroom exposures in Texas requiring hospitalization, 2005-2006"]. Journal of Medical Toxicology 5 (2): 59–62. doi:10.1007/BF03161087. PMID 19415588. http://jmt.pennpress.org/strands/jmt/toc.htm;jsessionid= ECC1ED5314DF17993B4B357234FB1F8D?issue=20090502.
- ↑ "China Becomes World's Biggest Edible Mushroom Producer". Allbusiness.com. http://www.allbusiness.com/company-activities-management/product-management/7665410-1.html. Retrieved 2010-05-30.
- ↑ "If mushrooms see the light - Los Angeles Times". Articles.latimes.com. 2008-03-31. http://articles.latimes.com/2008/mar/31/health/he-eat31. Retrieved 2010-05-30.
- ↑ Koyyalamudi SR, Jeong SC, Song CH, Cho KY, Pang G (April 2009). "Vitamin D2 formation and bioavailability from Agaricus bisporus button mushrooms treated with ultraviolet irradiation". J. Agric. Food Chem. 57 (8): 3351–5. doi:10.1021/jf803908q. PMID 19281276.
- ↑ Lee GS, Byun HS, Yoon KH, Lee JS, Choi KC, Jeung EB (March 2009). "Dietary calcium and vitamin D2 supplementation with enhanced Lentinula edodes improves osteoporosis-like symptoms and induces duodenal and renal active calcium transport gene expression in mice". Eur J Nutr 48 (2): 75–83. doi:10.1007/s00394-008-0763-2. PMID 19093162.