Democratic Party of Japan

Democratic Party

President Naoto Kan
Secretary-General Yukio Edano
Spokesperson Toshio Ogawa
Councilors leader Azuma Koshiishi
Representatives leader Naoto Kan
Founded 8 January 1998 (1998-01-08)
Headquarters 1-11-1 Nagata-cho, Chiyoda, Tokyo 100-0014, Japan
Ideology Liberalism
Social liberalism
Third Way
Political position center-left [1]
International affiliation Alliance of Democrats[2]
Official colours Red and black (informally)
Politics of Japan
Political parties
Outcome of the House of Representatives Election in 2009
Outcome of the House of Councillors election in 2010

The Democratic Party of Japan (民主党 Minshutō?) is a political party in Japan founded in 1998 by the merger of several opposition parties. After the 2009 election the DPJ became the ruling party in the House of Representatives, defeating the long-dominant Liberal Democratic Party and gaining the largest number of seats in both the House of Representatives and the House of Councillors.

It is not to be confused with the now-defunct Japan Democratic Party that merged with the Liberal Party in 1955 to form the Liberal Democratic Party.




The Democratic Party call their philosophy Democratic Centrism (ja:民主中道 Minshu Chudo?), which was determined in the first party convention on April 27, 1998.[3]

View of the status quo

The Democratic Party claim themselves to be revolutionary in that they are against the status quo and the current governing establishment. The Democratic Party argue that the bureaucracy of the Japanese government size is too large, inefficient, and saturated with cronies and that the Japanese state is too conservative and stiff. The Democratic Party wants to "overthrow the ancient régime locked in old thinking and vested interests, solve the problems at hand, and create a new, flexible, affluent society which values people's individuality and vitality."[4]

Political standpoint

We stand for those who have been excluded by the structure of vested interests, those who work hard and pay taxes, and for people who strive for independence despite difficult circumstances. In other words, we represent citizens, taxpayers, and consumers. We do not seek a panacea either in the free market or in the welfare state. Rather, we shall build a new road of the democratic center toward a society in which self-reliant individuals can mutually coexist and the government's role is limited to building the necessary systems.[4]


Democratic Centrism pursues the following five goals.[4]

The Democratic Party seek to build a society governed with rules which are transparent, just and fair.
While the party argue that the free market system should "permeate" economic life, they also aim for an inclusive society which guarantees security, safety, and fair and equal opportunity for each individual.
The party intend to devolve the centralized government powers to citizens, markets, and local governments so that people of all backgrounds can participate in decision-making.
The Democratic Party proclaim to hold the values in the meaning of the constitution to "embody the fundamental principles of the Constitution": popular sovereignty, respect for fundamental human rights, and pacifism.[4]
As a member of the global community, the party seek to establish Japan's international relations in the fraternal spirit of self-reliance and mutual coexistence to restore the world's trust in the country.[4]

Policy platforms

The DPJ's policy platforms include the restructuring of civil service, monthly allowance to a family with children (¥26,000 per child), cut in gas tax, income support for farmers, free tuition for public high schools, banning of temporary work in manufacturing,[5] raising the minimum-wage to ¥1,000 and halting of increase in sales tax for the next four years.[6][7]


The DPJ has some political factions or groups, although they are not as factionalized as the LDP, which has traditionally placed high priority on intra-party factional alignment. The groups are, from the most influential to the least influential:

The Independent’s Club is a minor political party which forms a political entity with the DPJ in both chambers of the house.

See also


Further reading

External links