
Ad Dammam
Rotor Sails, Dammam


Coat of arms
Ad Dammam is located in Saudi Arabia
Ad Dammam
Location in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Country Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg Saudi Arabia
Province Eastern Province
 - Mayor Dhaifallah al-'Utaybi
 - Provincial Governor Muhammed Bin Fahd
 - City 800 km2 (308.9 sq mi)
Population (2009)
 - City 769,000
 Metro 2,054,710
  Dammam Municipality estimate
Postal Code (5 digits)
Area code(s) 03
Website www.dammam.gov.sa

Dammam (Also Ad Dammām) (Arabic: الدمام‎) is the capital of the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, (the most oil-rich region in the world). The judicial and administrative bodies of the Eastern Province and several government departments are located in the city. Dammam is the largest city in the Eastern Province and third largest in Saudi Arabia after Riyadh and Jeddah.

Dammam, and the rest of the Eastern Province, is served by the King Fahd International Airport (KFIA), the largest airport in the world in terms of land area (approximately 760 km2), is about 20 km to the northwest of the city.

Dammam's King Abdul Aziz Sea Port is the largest on the Persian Gulf. Its import-export traffic in the country is second only to Jeddah's port.



Dammam has ancient roots in history. Tombs, remnants of dwellings and historical references indicate that it was inhabited more than two thousand years ago. However, most vestiges of human habitation were buried by the encroaching desert sands and the area had been largely deserted for centuries.

Ad Dammam was first inhabited by a clan of Al Dossary tribe and a number of The Howela families in the early 1923. The families led by Sheikh Ahmed Ibn Abdullah ibn Hassan Al Dossary migrated from Bahrain and were given the chance to choose a land where to settle by HRM the late King Abdulaziz. Ad Dammam was immediately chosen for its vicinity to the island of Bahrain as the clan hoped to head back there soon, but the British rule in the region made it very hard for them to move in every sense (dividi et impera) so they finally realized they had to settle there for good. Years later, Sheikh Ahmed's brother moved south where he and his family settled in Al Khobar, which by that time was already inhabited.

However this tiny episode gave to Khobar a population boost and close ties with the bigger city of Dammam. The origins of the name "Dammam" is controversial, some say that it is onomatopoeic and it was given to the area because of a drum positioned in a nearby keep, when sounded for the alarm it produced a melody called "damdamah", others say that the name was given according to the Arabic word "dawwama" (whirlpool) which indicated a nearby sea site that Dhows usually had to avoid.

When the modern Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was founded in 1932, the area was the site of several hamlets that depended on fishing and pearls for their survival. Over a span of a little more than half a century, the area has developed into a thriving hub of industry, commerce and science, and home to more than half a million people. The area's transformation was launched with the discovery of oil in commercial quantities. The Eastern Province sits atop one of the largest oil fields in the world, and it was here in Dhahran in 1936 that Aramco, the predecessor of the national oil company of Saudi Arabia, Saudi Aramco, dug the famous Dammam No. 7 well that proved beyond doubt that the Kingdom possessed a large supply of hydrocarbons.

The discovery of new oil fields to the south, west and north of Dammam in the 1940s and 1950s, which now account for a quarter of the world's proven oil reserves, triggered a building boom. Experts and technicians from throughout the Kingdom and the world gathered to help search for new oil fields and bring them on-stream. New pipelines had to be installed, storage facilities built and jetties constructed to handle tankers. The growing number of experts working in Dhahran required the building of housing, hospitals, schools for their children and other amenities. Before long, Dhahran, the corporate headquarters of Saudi Aramco, the largest oil company in the world, was spilling out into the desert in all directions.

Dammam Highway

The growth of the oil industry in the region had a similar impact on the small fishing village of Dammam and the hamlet of Al-Khobar. Within two decades of the discovery of oil, the mudbrick huts of the fisherman that crowded the shore and which constituted the only permanent dwellings in the area had given way to concrete buildings, modern housing, highways and landscaped streets. Located to the east of Dhahran on the Gulf coast, Al-Khobar briefly became the shipping point for Saudi Arabian crude oil to the refinery in Bahrain. In the years leading up to World War II, Saudi Arabian oil production was very limited, and since the company had no refinery of its own, most of the oil was sent by small tankers to Bahrain. With the construction of a pipeline to Bahrain and the subsequent expansion of the oil industry in the post-war years, the focus of the shipping and oil industries shifted away from Al-Khobar northward to Dammam and Ras Tanura, one of the largest oil storage and shipping centers in the world, located 25 km to the north of Dammam. As a result, Al-Khobar gradually found a new role as the commercial center for the entire region.

In the early 1980s Dammam, the capital of the Eastern Region, was a separate city but so close to Al Khobar and Dhahran that the traveler could pass from one to the other in a few minutes. The discovery of oil in Dhahran and nearby fields and the growing importance of the entire region affected Dammam more than any other city in Saudi Arabia. Within three decades, the sleepy little fishing village had become the capital of the Eastern Province. The simultaneous growth of Dammam, Dhahran and Al-Khobar brought the three jurisdictions into physical contact, the three towns inevitably merged into one, creating a single municipality known as the Dammam Metropolitan Area, referred to simply as the Dammam Area. Each of the three towns which compose the Dammam Area retain their own character and some local administrative functions but, in terms of its place in the Kingdom, the Dammam Area forms a single administrative entity.

The growth of the Saudi Arabian oil industry into the largest in the world brought about the rapid development of the region. As oil production increased, so did the number of people required to run the industry. The growing population needed more housing and services. First-rate hospitals and schools provided further incentives for people considering a move to the area. Service industries sprouted up to support the oil industry and meet the needs of people living in the Dammam Area. As a result, a region which had several hundred inhabitants some sixty years ago now boasts a population of well over 1.5 million, growing at a pace of over five percent a year.

The key to the success of the Dammam Area is that unlike oil towns in other parts of the world, it has developed in all spheres. It is now a modern urban and industrial center which happens to be the headquarters of the Saudi Arabian oil industry. As this sector was growing in the early years, the Saudi Arabian government took steps to facilitate the evolution of the Dammam Area. New roads and highways connected the area to other urban and industrial centers in the Kingdom. A railway line connected Dammam to the agricultural center of Al-Kharj and on to Riyadh. Dhahran International Airport was established between Dhahran and Al-Khobar to connect the region to other parts of the Kingdom and the world.

Dammam and Khobar

To encourage the growth of non-oil industries, an industrial city was established in the open space between the three cities. Now home to more than 124 factories, the industrial complex is completely engulfed by an urban mass. As a result, a second industrial city was established further away from the Dammam Area along the highway to Riyadh. Located on nearly 6,000 acres of land, the Second Industrial City is already home to 120 factories, with 160 others under construction. These plants manufacture a variety of consumer and industrial products that are marketed throughout the Kingdom and are exported to other countries around the world. Handling such exports, as well as imports from abroad, is the domain of shipping agents and commercial companies located in Dammam and Al-Khobar, making the Dammam Area not only a major oil producing and exporting area, but also a commercial and shipping center.

The growth of the region has necessitated the construction of a larger and more modern airport to replace the Dhahran International Airport which is now cramped for space. The new King Fahd International Airport, located 30 miles to the west of Dammam, serves not only the Dammam Area but also the Jubail Industrial City, some 40 miles to the north.

As it has in other parts of the Kingdom, the Ministry of Health has established several modern hospitals and a network of health care centers in the Dammam Area. These are supplemented by hospitals and clinics set up by the private sector.

Having been built from the ground up, the Dammam Area was designed from the outset on the principles of modern urban planning. Residential areas are separate from commercial sections, roads are broad and straight and buildings conform to a master plan. One of the main features of the development of the area is land reclamation. Vast stretches of the shallow Gulf waters have been filled, with hotels and office buildings occupying what were once marshes. Water for household, urban and industrial use is provided by desalination plants that supply approximately seven million cubic feet of treated water to the area each day. The availability of water underpins the urban and industrial growth of the Dammam Area, and provisions have been made for expanding existing desalination facilities to meet future growth.

The Dammam-Dhahran-Khobar area is a major hub for shipping, oil, commerce and industry. Tankers take on oil at the terminal in Ras Tanura. The Dammam Area is also famous for the wide variety of recreational facilities it offers residents and visitors alike.

In many ways, the Dammam Area has evolved as the link between Saudi Arabia and the outside world, exporting the Kingdom's products and importing its needs and thriving on the interaction between Saudi Arabia and other countries. [1]

Geographical Districts

This list is incomplete.
  • Abdallah Fouad
  • Ad Dawaser
  • Al Adama
  • Al Ahmadiyyah
  • Al Amamrah
  • Al Amir Talal
  • Al Arifi
  • Al Aziziyah
  • Al Badee
  • Al Badia
  • Al Eskaan
  • Al Faisaliah
  • Al Gazzaz
  • Al Hamra
  • Al Itisalat
  • Al Jalawi
  • Al Jalawiyyah
  • Al Jam'iyyin
  • Al Khaleej
  • Al Khalidiya North
  • Al Khalidiya South
  • Al Khalidiyah Al Janubiah
  • Al Khalidiyah Al Shamalia
  • Al Marjan Island
  • Al Mazroeiah
  • Al Mubarkiyyah (حي المباركية)
  • Al Mutlaq
  • Al Naseriah
  • Al Rakah al Shamalia
  • Al Rabee
  • Al Shiraa
  • Al Souq
  • Al Toubaishi
  • An Nakhil
  • Ash Shati
  • Corniche
  • Faisaliyat Ash Sharq
  • Ghannam
  • Ghurnata
  • Ibn Khaldoun
  • 1st Industrial City
  • 2nd Industrial City
  • King Abdul Aziz Sea Port
  • King Fahd District
  • Muhammad bin Saud
  • Muhammadiyah
  • Madinat Al 'ummal
  • National Guard
  • Qadisiyah
  • Tarot Island
  • Al Rayyan (Andalusia)
  • Al-Manar
  • Anoud
  • Bader
  • Dana (حي الدانة)
  • Dora the Corniche (درة الكورنيش)
  • Ether (الاثير)
  • Faiha (حي الفيحاء)
  • Flame (Alfajrip)
  • Hussam
  • Marina (Fanar)
  • Nawras (Petromin)
  • Palace
  • Ulaymaniyah
  • Yamama
  • Safa
  • Zahra


Dammam features an arid climate under Koppen's climate classification. Unlike other Saudi Arabian cities, Dammam retains its warm temperature in winter, which can range from +10 °C (59 °F) to +22 °C. However the temperature regularly drops to as low as around 0°C some days. Summer temperatures are very hot and break the 40°C (104 °F) mark and on some days the 50°C mark. Though average summer temperatures usually lie between 40°C to 45°C.

Rainfall in Dammam is generally sparse, and usually occurs in small amounts in December. Though some winters rainfall has been comparatively heavy resulting in water logged roads. There have also been several notable incidents of hail. Heavy thunderstorms are not uncommon in winter. (The thunderstorm of December 2008 being the largest in recent memory, with rain reaching around 3 inches.)

Some unusual events often happen during the year, such as dust storms in summer, coming from the Arabian Peninsula's deserts or from North Africa.

Dammam Climatological Data[3]
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year
Record high °C (°F) 33 (91) 35 (95) 38 (100) 40 (104) 42 (108) 47 (117) 42 (108) 42 (108) 42 (108) 41 (106) 41 (106) 34 (93)
Average high °C (°F) 29 (84) 29 (84) 29 (84) 33 (91) 35 (95) 36 (97) 37 (99) 37 (99) 36 (97) 35 (95) 33 (91) 30 (86) 33 (91)
Average low °C (°F) 18 (64) 18 (64) 19 (66) 21 (70) 23 (73) 24 (75) 26 (79) 27 (81) 25 (77) 23 (73) 22 (72) 19 (66) 22 (72)
Record low °C (°F) 3 (37) 11 (52) 13 (55) 12 (54) 13 (55) 19 (66) 21 (70) 23 (73) 21 (70) 20 (68) 17 (63) 10 (50)
Rainfall mm (in) 5 (0.2) 6 (0.3) 1 (0.1) 1 (0.1) 5 (0.5) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 25 (1.0) 31 (1.2) 67 (2.6)


Saudi Aramco airplanes parked in the general aviation terminal in King Fahd International Airport in Dammam, Saudi Arabia


Dammam is served by the King Fahd International Airport, the largest airport in the world in terms of land area (approximately 780 km2). The terminal is about 20km (12 Miles) to the northwest of the city and is connected by an eight-lane highway. Other major cities that share this airport are Khobar, Dhahran and all other cities of the Eastern Province. Dammam is well connected by air with other cities in the Middle East, South Asia, South-East Asia, and Europe.


Dammam's King Abdulaziz Sea Port, located on the Persian Gulf coast, is the second largest port of Saudi Arabia. It was founded in the late 1940s. It has large equipment that allows it to receive various types of vessels. The most important equipment: 56 multi-purpose hoist, 8 container cranes, and 524 tanker containers. And a number of berths for ships and fishing, as well as ship repair yard.

Road to Dammam


Eastern Province cities like Abqaiq, Dhahran, Hofuf, Jubail, Khafji, Khobar, Ras Tanura, Sihat and Qatif, as well as many cities in other parts of the Kingdom are linked with Dammam by 6 to 8-lane highways. Dammam is connected to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, by a national highway. It is also linked to Bahrain by the 28 km long King Fahd Causeway. Dammam also has highways to other Middle-Eastern countries such as Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.


The headquarters of the Saudi Railways Organization, Saudi Arabia's sole railway operator, is in Dammam.[4] The passenger terminal in Dammam was the first in Saudi Arabia and built in 1981. It is considered to be a major terminal in the Saudi railway network. Saudi Railways Organization (SRO) operates a 449-kilometer passenger line that connects Dammam to Riyadh through Hofuf and Abqaiq. It also operates a 556-kilometer cargo line starting at King Abdul Aziz Port in Dammam and ending in a dry port in Riyadh, passing by Hofuf, Abqaiq, Al-Kharj, Haradh and Al-Tawdhihiyah. In addition, some 373 kilometers of auxiliary lines branch from SRO’s main lines to connect some industrial and agricultural areas and military sites with export ports and residential areas.[5]

Two future railway projects connecting Riyadh with Jeddah and Mecca in the western region and connecting Riyadh with Buraidah, Ha'il and Northern Saudi Arabia are underway.



Dammam residents are a mix of several different ethnicities and nationalities. This mixture of races has made a major impact on Dammam's traditional cuisine.

Like other Saudi cities, The Nejdi Kabsa is popular among the people of Dammam, often made with chicken instead of lamb meat. The Yemeni Mandi is also popular as a lunch meal. Hejazi cuisine is popular as well and dishes like Mabshoor, Mitabbak, Foul, Areika, Hareisa, Kabab Meiroo, Shorabah Hareira (Hareira soup), Migalgal, Madhbi (chicken grilled on stone) Madfun (literally meaning buried), Magloobah, Kibdah, Manzalah (usually eaten at Eid ul-Fitr), Ma'asoob, Magliya (Hijazi version of Falafel), Saleeig (Hijazi dish made of milk rice), Hummus, Biryani, Ruz Kabli, Ruz Bukhari, Saiyadyia, can be acquired in many traditional restaurants around the city.

Grilled meat has a good market in Dammam such as Shawarma, Kofta and Kebab. During Ramadan Sambousak and Ful are the most popular meals during Dusk. These meals are almost found in Lebanese, Syrian, and Turkish restaurants.

International food is also popular in the city. American chains such as McDonald's, Burger King, Domino's Pizza and KFC, among others are widely distributed in Dammam, as are more upscale chains like Applebee's and TGI Friday's. Due to the large number of South Asian immigrants, Indian, Pakistani, Chinese, Japanese, and other Eastern/Asian food are also popular. European restaurants, such as Italian and French, are also found throughout the city.

There are also local fast food chains such as Abu Nawas (serving mainly broasted chicken), Fillfillah and several others.


  1. Prince Mohamed bin Fahd Stadium is multi-purpose stadium, but mostly used for football. It is the largest stadium in Dammam with a capacity for 35,000 people. It was founded in 1973. It is the home of the Saudi Professional League club, Al-Ettifaq.
  2. Tennis Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd in Dammam Center.
  3. Hall Green located in the city sports between Dammam and Al Khobar.
  4. Club agreement and the famous b (Fares Dahna) is located in Sports City.
  5. Renaissance and the famous (b giant Dammam) is located in Sports City as well.


One of the most popular tourist attractions of the city of Dammam, is the Dammam Corniche.

Corniche Dammam

Corniche Dammam

A panoramic view of natural beauty, Dammam Corniche forms part of the gigantic seaside project stretching from Aziziah Beach to Tarot Island. The Corniche has expanded greatly since around 2007. Interspersed along the Corniche are massive, modern art installations, which reflect the creativity of their makers and the nation's love of art. The Corniche is a local destination for families and friends for leisure time, especially in the evenings after work to enjoy. A spacious area between Dammam and Al Khobar has been designated specifically for sports and game facilities. Major clubs, which allow locals and expatriates alike to take part in sport, are located in this area. Water sports are available to all at the Coastal City set up by the General Presidency for Youth Welfare, which is now a commercial concern open to families, in Half Moon Bay to the south of the city, and through private clubs in the area.

Interface Dammam Navy

The longest sea interface in the kingdom and called it (Park Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah) and a length of 4.5 km and is located in the western part of the neighborhood west coast, and features spacious green spaces and beautiful fountains that come from the sea, increase beauty of the place at night as they contain investment sites dedicated to various activities under implementation including the establishment of market folklore (The caesarean section) and the construction of a pier (marina Dammam) and the draft (vehicles cruise) and the draft (the gym) for young people.

Rotor Sails Dammam

Coral Island

Where family fun sessions and specificity, the first island tourist industry in the UK and away from the Corniche, a distance of 1800 meters was established by Saudi Aramco adorned with towering field name (Lighthouse), where the visitor can climb to the above and watch to see what can be the eye of the features of the city, and became a place to relax and amateur fishing fish.

Half Moon Bay

Half Moon Bay, covering an area about 22 thousand hectares, is the one of most popular beaches in the region and gets its name from it’s semi-circular shape. It also has two amusement parks in the vicinity.

There are many spots where diving is possible along the Arabian Sea coastline, but few are attractive. South of Khobar at Half-Moon Bay is a site where a diver group has placed old trucks and cars in the water near shore, attempting to create an artificial reef. The spot is about 5 kilometers south of the Prince Mohammed Bin Fahd Amusement Park in an open coast area just past a public bathroom, and a private marina (shown above left). Pull off the road and park next to the covered picnic structures (shown above right) that have a raised concrete floor. A large tractor tire in the inter-tidal shallow water area marks the spot to begin the dive. This location sports various types of fish and many many small shells. There is little if any coral growth here, and the vehicles seem to be covered in barnacles, but it remains an interesting dive. You can arrange diving here through Sharky's in Khobar or Durrah Dive Center in Jubail. There is a group of divers who meet here early on Friday mornings to dive

Heritage Centre Dammam

This museum depicts various aspects of regional life in Saudi Arabia. It also has a restaurant. Dammam Corniche. Regional Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography: Interesting collection of local Bedouin crafts, traditional costumes and Islamic pottery, as well as some Stone Age tools.

King Fahd International Airport (KFIA)

A concourse at Dammam King Fahd International Airport, Saudi Arabia

King Fahd International Airport (KFIA) is located 20 kilometers (about 12 miles) northwest of Dammam. It is the largest airport in the world in terms of land area (780 km²), thus making it larger than the nearby country of Bahrain. It was opened on November 28, 1999 to commercial traffic, and all airlines transferred their operations from the former Dhahran International Airport, which had been in use until then. The new Dammam airport serves the entire Eastern Region of Saudi Arabia and in particular the growing urban complex made up of Dammam, Dhahran, Al Khobar, Qatif, Ras Tanura, while its catchment area also covers Jubail. The airport is the third major hub for Saudi Arabian Airlines, it is also a hub for the Sama Airlines.

King Fahd Park

The King Fahd Park in Dammam is the largest in the Kingdom. King Fahd Park is located along the Dammam-Dhahran Express Road, north of the Gulf Palace and almost equidistant from the townships of Dammam and Al-Khobar. Spread over 1,120 million square meters in the heart of the Dammam Area, its millions of trees and bushes is a haven of greenery and many ornamental pools provide a refuge for families in the heart of the city. A large number of smaller parks are scattered throughout the area with scenic beauty, perfect places to spend evenings. The water for much of the parks comes from recycling urban and industrial runoff. The sprawling area of the park contains amenities for families, from children to elders alike. A central cafeteria serves fast food and drinks in a large sitting area for families. You will also find pools, man-made lagoons, artificial lakes, green spaces, large waterfalls, fountains, greenery, and buildings - all designed to offer soothing relief. Within the park, Saudi Amusement Center caters to the entertainment of children one of the largest parks in the region. Extremely modern in concept and design and run by professionals, the center boasts an exciting train ride to take visitors around the park.

Kind Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

Several hundred modern primary and secondary schools provide all residents of the Dammam Area with access to free education. The region boasts several colleges and is also the site of one of the most modern universities in the Middle East. The King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, located in Dhahran, offers graduate and post-graduate degrees in engineering, applied engineering, science, industrial management, environmental design and other fields. It also runs a state-of-the-art center where scientists conduct research on a variety of topics, from geology to computer design. Additionally, two of King Faisal University's Colleges, medicine and architecture and urban planning, are located in Dammam.

King Abdul Aziz Seaport

A modern port complex, known as the King Abdul Aziz Seaport, was built at Dammam to handle non-oil shipping. The Dammam-Riyadh railway and highways connect the port to points throughout the Kingdom. The complex is equipped with four jetties, the longest being two miles, hundreds of cranes and lifts, storage facilities, a ship repair dock and a modern ship traffic control center. The complex is now the Kingdom's largest outlet to the sea in eastern Saudi Arabia.

National Museum

Dammam National Museum is located on the 4th floor of the Dammam Public Library, opposite the Muhammad bin Fahd Stadium on the cross lane from the Dammam-Khobar Highway in Al Toubaishi district. A must for visitors to the region, the museum focuses on the country's history, culture, and inhabitants through displays of relics and remnants of handicrafts.

Amusements Parks

Coral Island

Besides these, almost every mall in Dammam has a section dedicated to rides and amusements for children. Al Shatea Mall, for example, features an indoor artificial ice skating rink and an amusement park.


Housing Dammam

Resorts and chalets

Rotor sails between Dammam and Khobar


Dammam is frequented by shoppers from the eastern region due to the large commercial complexes, malls and shops selling diverse goods and brands[6].

Many other malls, complexes and hypermarkets are under construction in the city.


There are many traditional markets called Souq as well as modern markets in Damamam including :

Restaurants and Fast Food chains

People's Village Restaurant

Cafés, Pastries and Parlours

Museums and Exhibitions


TV and Radio

In Dammam, the building of the television and radio station are each registration programs and meetings in the eastern region and in the sky Mainzawi information and send it to the main station in Riyadh for broadcast on Channel One.


Dammam published in the newspaper, a single official (today) that comes Bobaralamntqp and also publishes a weekly newspaper ad great free each Thursday morning in the newspaper (classified) and on Friday mornings (way), where the two newspapers and doesn't matter what is required, either from the consumer to buy or sell real estate or Tools Kahrbaiihp Phones as well as the Declaration of jobs and various other ads.

Also be found in the city offices of several newspapers in Saudi Arabia and some other publications such as Al-Riyadh newspaper, Okaz, home, life, sun, her journal, Layalina.


Dammam has a large number of schools, universities and colleges. Schools teaching various syllabus and in several different languages of instruction can be found. The International Indian School, Dammam is the largest school in the Gulf. [10]


  1. Dammam International School
  2. International Indian School Dammam
  3. Orbit Academy

Universities and Colleges

  1. University of Dammam (Branch of King Faisal University previously).
  2. Arab Open University.
  3. Technical College for students.
  4. Community College (King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals).
  5. Tomorrow International College for Health Sciences.
  6. Academy of ports for maritime studies and technical assistance.
  7. Academy of Health Sciences.
  8. Academic education.
  9. Scientific Institute (University of Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud).
  10. Health Institute.
  11. Technical Institute, the Saudi Petroleum Services.
  12. Institute of Beauty Specialist, Science and Technology (girls).
  13. Higher Institute of Engineering and Petroleum.
  14. Training Institute, the main electricity company in Saudi Arabia.
  15. Services Institute of Petroleum and natural gas.
  16. Institute of Public Administration (a branch of the eastern region).
  17. Technical Studies Institute of the Navy.
  18. Amal Institute for Deaf Girls.
  19. Vocational training institute.
  20. Institute of Education property.
  21. Industrial Secondary Institute.

Hospitals and Medical Care

  1. Al Ahmadi Medical Dispensary
  2. Al Amal Psychiatric Hospital (famous for dealing with drug abuse and addiction)
  3. Al Dukair Clinic
  4. Al Mana Hospital
  5. Al Mouwasat Hospital
  6. Al Rai Medical Dispensary
  7. Al Rawdah
  8. Astoon Hospital
  9. Badr Al Rabie
  10. Chest Hospital
  11. Dammam Central Hospital
  12. Dammam National Hospital
  13. General Security Hospital
  14. Imam Abdulrahman Al Faisal Hospital
  15. King Fahad Specialist Hospital
  16. Maternity & Children Hospital
  17. Magrabi Eye and Ear
  18. Najd & Hijaz
  19. Internal Security Forces Hospital.
  20. Tadawi Hospital
  21. Tower Dammam Medical Center
  22. Hospital kindergarten year.
  23. Dammam Hospital Alt_khasisi World
  24. Dipsomania Center of Ophthalmology.
  25. Center Al Saif of Ophthalmology.
  26. Moroccan Center of Ophthalmology and the ear.


Sign to Dammam

the waterfront of old and new waterfront.

See also


Further reading

External links