
Brazing practice

Brazing is a metal-joining process whereby a filler metal is heated above and distributed between two or more close-fitting parts by capillary action. The filler metal is brought slightly above its melting (liquidus) temperature while protected by a suitable atmosphere, usually a flux. It then flows over the base metal (known as wetting) and is then cooled to join the workpieces together.[1] It is similar to soldering, except the temperatures used to melt the filler metal is above 450 °C (842 °F), or, as traditionally defined in the United States, above 800 °F (427 °C).



In order to obtain high-quality brazed joints, parts must be closely fitted, and the base metals must be exceptionally clean and free of oxides. In most cases, joint clearances of 0.03 to 0.08 mm (0.0012 to 0.0031 in) are recommended for the best capillary action and joint strength.[2] However, in some brazing operations it is not uncommon to have joint clearances around 0.6 mm (0.024 in). Cleanliness of the brazing surfaces is also of vital importance, as any contamination can cause poor wetting. The two main methods for cleaning parts, prior to brazing are: chemical cleaning, and abrasive or mechanical cleaning. In the case of mechanical cleaning, it is of vital importance to maintain the proper surface roughness as wetting on a rough surface occurs much more readily than on a smooth surface of the same geometry.[2]

Another consideration that cannot be over-looked is the effect of temperature and time on the quality of brazed joints. As the temperature of the braze alloy is increased, the alloying and wetting action of the filler metal increases as well. In general, the brazing temperature selected must be above the melting point of the filler metal. However, there are several factors that influence the joint designer's temperature selection. The best temperature is usually selected so as to: (1) be the lowest possible braze temperature, (2) minimize any heat effects on the assembly, (3) keep filler metal/base metal interactions to a minimum, and (4) maximize the life of any fixtures or jigs used.[2] In some cases, a higher temperature may be selected to allow for other factors in the design (e.g. to allow use of a different filler metal, or to control metallurgical effects, or to sufficiently remove surface contamination). The effect of time on the brazed joint primarily affects the extent to which the aforementioned effects are present; however, in general most production processes are selected to minimize brazing time and the associated costs. This is not always the case, however, since in some non-production settings, time and cost are secondary to other joint attributes (e.g. strength, appearance).


In the case of brazing operations not contained within an inert or reducing atmosphere environment (i.e. a furnace), flux is required to prevent oxides from forming while the metal is heated. The flux also serves the purpose of cleaning any contamination left on the brazing surfaces. Flux can be applied in any number of forms including flux paste, liquid, powder or pre-made brazing pastes that combine flux with filler metal powder. Flux can also be applied using brazing rods with a coating of flux, or a flux core. In either case, the flux flows into the joint when applied to the heated joint and is displaced by the molten filler metal entering the joint. Excess flux should be removed when the cycle is completed because flux left in the joint can lead to corrosion, impede joint inspection, and prevent further surface finishing operations. Phosphorus-containing brazing alloys can be self-fluxing when joining copper to copper.[3] Fluxes are generally selected based on their performance on particular base metals. To be effective, the flux must be chemically compatible with both the base metal and the filler metal being used. Self-fluxing phosphorus filler alloys produce brittle phosphides if used on iron or nickel.[3] As a general rule, longer brazing cycles should use less active fluxes than short brazing operations.[4]

Filler materials

A variety of alloys are used as filler metals for brazing depending on the intended use or application method. In general, braze alloys are made up of 3 or more metals to form an alloy with the desired properties. The filler metal for a particular application is chosen based on its ability to: wet the base metals, withstand the service conditions required, and melt at a lower temperature than the base metals or at a very specific temperature.

Braze alloy is generally available as rod, ribbon, powder, paste, cream, wire and preforms (such as stamped washers).[5] Depending on the application, the filler material can be pre-placed at the desired location or applied during the heating cycle. For manual brazing, wire and rod forms are generally used as they are the easiest to apply while heating. In the case of furnace brazing, alloy is usually placed beforehand since the process is usually highly automated.[6] Some of the more common types of filler metals used are:


As the brazing work requires high temperatures, oxidation of the metal surface occurs in oxygen-containing atmosphere. This may necessitate use of other environments than air. The commonly used atmospheres are:[8][9]

Common techniques

Torch brazing

Torch brazing is by far the most common method of mechanized brazing in use. It is best used in small production volumes or in specialized operations, and in some countries, it accounts for a majority of the brazing taking place. There are three main categories of torch brazing in use:[10] manual, machine, and automatic torch brazing.

Manual torch brazing is a procedure where the heat is applied using a gas flame placed on or near the joint being brazed. The torch can either be hand held or held in a fixed position depending on if the operation is completely manual or has some level of automation. Manual brazing is most commonly used on small production volumes or in applications where the part size or configuration makes other brazing methods impossible.[10] The main drawback is the high labor cost associated with the method as well as the operator skill required to obtain quality brazed joints. The use of flux or self-fluxing material is required to prevent oxidation.

Machine torch brazing is commonly used where a repetitive braze operation is being carried out. This method is a mix of both automated and manual operations with an operator often placing brazes material, flux and jigging parts while the machine mechanism carries out the actual braze.[10] The advantage of this method is that it reduces the high labor and skill requirement of manual brazing. The use of flux is also required for this method as there is no protective atmosphere, and it is best suited to small to medium production volumes.

Automatic torch brazing is a method that almost eliminates the need for manual labor in the brazing operation, except for loading and unloading of the machine. The main advantages of this method are: a high production rate, uniform braze quality, and reduced operating cost. The equipment used is essentially the same as that used for Machine torch brazing, with the main difference being that the machinery replaces the operator in the part preparation.[10]

Furnace brazing

Furnace brazing schematic

Furnace brazing is a semi-automatic process used widely in industrial brazing operations due to its adaptability to mass production and use of unskilled labor. There are many advantages of furnace brazing over other heating methods that make it ideal for mass production. One main advantage is the ease with which it can produce large numbers of small parts that are easily jigged or self-locating.[11] The process also offers the benefits of a controlled heat cycle (allowing use of parts that might distort under localized heating) and no need for post braze cleaning. Common atmospheres used include: inert, reducing or vacuum atmospheres all of which protect the part from oxidation. Some other advantages include: low unit cost when used in mass production, close temperature control, and the ability to braze multiple joints at once. Furnaces are typically heated using either electric, gas or oil depending on the type of furnace and application. However, some of the disadvantages of this method include: high capital equipment cost, more difficult design considerations and high power consumption.[11]

There are four main types of furnaces used in brazing operations: batch type; continuous; retort with controlled atmosphere; and vacuum.

Batch type furnaces have relatively low initial equipment costs and heat each part load separately. It is capable of being turned on and off at will which reduces operating expenses when not in use. These furnaces are well suited to medium to large volume production and offer a large degree of flexibility in type of parts that can be brazed.[11] Either controlled atmospheres or flux can be used to control oxidation and cleanliness of parts.

Continuous type furnaces are best suited to a steady flow of similar-sized parts through the furnace.[11] These furnaces are often conveyor fed, allowing parts to be moved through the hot zone at a controlled speed. It is common to use either controlled atmosphere or pre-applied flux in continuous furnaces. In particular, these furnaces offer the benefit of very low manual labor requirements and so are best suited to large scale production operations.

Retort-type furnaces differ from other batch-type furnaces in that they make use of a sealed lining called a "retort". The retort is generally sealed with either a gasket or is welded shut and filled completely with the desired atmosphere and then heated externally by conventional heating elements.[11] Due to the high temperatures involved, the retort usually made of heat resistant alloys that resist oxidation. Retort furnaces are often either used in a batch or semi-continuous versions.

Vacuum furnaces is a relatively economical method of oxide prevention and is most often used to braze materials with very stable oxides (aluminum, titanium and zirconium) that cannot be brazed in atmosphere furnaces. Vacuum brazing is also used heavily with refractory materials and other exotic alloy combinations unsuited to atmosphere furnaces. Due to the absence of flux or a reducing atmosphere, the part cleanliness is critical when brazing in a vacuum. The three main types of vacuum furnace are: single-wall hot retort, double-walled hot retort, and cold-wall retort. Typical vacuum levels for brazing range from pressures of 1.3 to 0.13 pascals (10−2 to 10−3 Torr) to 0.00013 Pa (10−6 Torr) or lower.[11] Vacuum furnaces are most commonly batch-type, and they are suited to medium and high production volumes.

Silver brazing

Silver brazing, colloquially (however, incorrectly) known as a silver soldering or hard soldering, is brazing using a silver alloy based filler. These silver alloys consist of many different percentages of silver and other metals, such as copper, zinc and cadmium.

Brazing is widely used in the tool industry to fasten hardmetal (carbide, ceramics, cermet, and similar) tips to tools such as saw blades. "Pretinning" is often done: the braze alloy is melted onto the hardmetal tip, which is placed next to the steel and remelted. Pretinning gets around the problem that hardmetals are hard to wet.

Brazed hardmetal joints are typically two to seven mils thick. The braze alloy joins the materials and compensates for the difference in their expansion rates. In addition it provides a cushion between the hard carbide tip and the hard steel which softens impact and prevents tip loss and damage, much as the suspension on a vehicle helps prevent damage to both the tires and the vehicle. Finally the braze alloy joins the other two materials to create a composite structure, much as layers of wood and glue create plywood.

The standard for braze joint strength in many industries is a joint that is stronger than either base material, so that when under stress, one or other of the base materials fails before the joint.

One special silver brazing method is called pinbrazing or pin brazing. It has been developed especially for connecting cables to railway track or for cathodic protection installations. The method uses a silver- and flux-containing brazing pin which is melted down in the eye of a cable lug. The equipment is normally powered from batteries.

Braze welding

A braze-welded T-joint

Braze welding, also known as fillet brazing, is the use of a bronze or brass filler rod coated with flux to join steel workpieces. The equipment needed for braze welding is basically identical to the equipment used in brazing. Since braze welding usually requires more heat than brazing, acetylene or methylacetylene-propadiene (MPS) gas fuel is commonly used. The American Welding Society states that the name comes from the fact that no capillary action is used.

Braze welding has many advantages over fusion welding. It allows the joining of dissimilar metals, minimization of heat distortion, and can reduce the need for extensive pre-heating. Additionally, since the metals joined are not melted in the process, the components retain their original shape; edges and contours are not eroded or changed by the formation of a fillet. Another side effect of braze welding is the elimination of stored-up stresses that are often present in fusion welding. This is extremely important in the repair of large castings. The disadvantages are the loss of strength when subjected to high temperatures and the inability to withstand high stresses.

Carbide, cermet and ceramic tips are plated and then joined to steel to make tipped band saws. The plating acts as a braze alloy.

Cast iron "welding"

The "welding" of cast iron is usually a brazing operation, with a filler rod made chiefly of nickel being used although true welding with cast iron rods is also available. Ductile cast iron pipe may be also "cadwelded," a process which connects joints by means of a small copper wire fused into the iron when previously ground down to the bare metal, parallel to the iron joints being formed as per hub pipe with neoprene gasket seals. The purpose behind this operation is to use electricity along the copper for keeping underground pipes warm in cold climates.

Vacuum brazing

Vacuum brazing is a materials joining technique that offers significant advantages: extremely clean, superior, flux-free braze joints of high integrity and strength. The process can be expensive because it must be performed inside a vacuum chamber vessel. Temperature uniformity is maintained on the work piece when heating in a vacuum, greatly reducing residual stresses due to slow heating and cooling cycles. This, in turn, can significantly improve the thermal and mechanical properties of the material, thus providing unique heat treatment capabilities. One such capability is heat-treating or age-hardening the workpiece while performing a metal-joining process, all in a single furnace thermal cycle.

Vacuum brazing is often conducted in a furnace; this means that several joints can be made at once because the whole workpiece reaches the brazing temperature. The heat is transferred using radiation, as many other methods cannot be used in a vacuum.

Dip brazing

Dip brazing is especially suited for brazing aluminum because air is excluded, thus preventing the formation of oxides. The parts to be joined are fixtured and the brazing compound applied to the mating surfaces, typically in slurry form. Then the assemblies are dipped into a bath of molten salt (typically NaCl, KCl and other compounds) which functions both as heat transfer medium and flux.

Heating methods

There are many heating methods available to accomplish brazing operations. The most important factor in choosing a heating method is achieving efficient transfer of heat throughout the joint and doing so within the heat capacity of the individual base metals used. The geometry of the braze joint is also a crucial factor to consider, as is the rate and volume of production required. The easiest way to categorize brazing methods is to group them by heating method. Here are some of the most common:[1][12]

Advantages and disadvantages

Brazing has many advantages over other metal-joining techniques, such as welding. Since brazing does not melt the base metal of the joint, it allows much tighter control over tolerances and produces a clean joint without the need for secondary finishing. Additionally, dissimilar metals and non-metals (i.e. metalized ceramics) can be brazed. In general, brazing also produces less thermal distortion than welding due to the uniform heating of a brazed piece. Complex and multi-part assemblies can be brazed cost-effectively. Another advantage is that the brazing can be coated or clad for protective purposes. Finally, brazing is easily adapted to mass production and it is easy to automate because the individual process parameters are less sensitive to variation.[13][14]

One of the main disadvantages is: the lack of joint strength as compared to a welded joint due to the softer filler metals used.[1] The strength of the brazed joint is likely to be less than that of the base metal(s) but greater than the filler metal. Another disadvantage is that brazed joints can be damaged under high service temperatures.[1] Brazed joints require a high degree of base-metal cleanliness when done in an industrial setting. Some brazing applications require the use of adequate fluxing agents to control cleanliness. The joint color is often different than that of the base metal, creating an aesthetic disadvantage.

Filler metals

Composition Family M.P.  °C Toxic Comments
Al94.75Si5.25 Al 575/630[15] - BAlSi-1, AL 101
Al92.5Si7.5 Al 575/615[15] - AL 102
Al90Si10 Al 575/590[15] - BAlSi-5, AL 103
Al88Si12 Al 575/585[15]
- BAlSi-4, AL 104, AL 718. Free-flowing, most fluid of aluminium filler metals. General purpose filler metal, can be used with brazeable aluminiums in all types of brazing. For joining aluminium and its alloys. Can be used for joining aluminium and titanium to dissimilar metals; the risk of galvanic corrosion then has to be considered. Excellent corrosion resistance when joining aluminium metals. Grayish-white color.
Al86Si10Cu4 Al 520/585[15] - BAlSi-3, AL 201, AL 716. General purpose filler metal, can be used with brazeable aluminiums in all types of brazing. For joining aluminium and its alloys. Good corrosion resistance. Can be used for joining aluminium and titanium to dissimilar metals; the risk of galvanic corrosion then has to be considered. Tendency to liquation, has to be heated rapidly through the melting range. Grayish-white color.
Al88.75Si9.75Mg1.5 Al 555/590[15] - AL 301. Suitable for vacuum brazing.
Al88.65Si9.75Mg1.5Bi0.1 Al 555/590[15] - AL 302. Suitable for vacuum brazing.
Al76Cu4Zn10Si10 Al 516/560[17] - AL 719. For joining aluminium and its alloys. Can be used for brazing otherwise unbrazeable aluminiums, e.g. castings. Used with flux. Unsuitable for vacuum brazing due to high zinc content. Worse corrosion resistance due to higher alloying. Tendency to liquation, has to be heated rapidly through the melting range. Grayish-white color.
Zn98Al2 382/392[18] - AL 802. General purpose filler metal for aluminium soldering/brazing with a torch. Grayish-white color.
Al73Cu20Si5Ni2Bi0.01Be0.01Sr0.01 Al-Cu-Si 515/535 [19] - For brazing aluminium. Traces of bismuth and beryllium disrupt the surface aluminium oxide. Strontium refines grain structure of the brazing alloy, improving ductility and toughness.
Al61.3Cu22.5Zn9.5Si4.5Ni1.2Bi0.01Be0.01Sr0.01 Al-Cu-Si 495/505 [19] - For brazing aluminium. Traces of bismuth and beryllium disrupt the surface aluminium oxide. Strontium refines grain structure of the brazing alloy, improving ductility and toughness.
Al71Cu20Si7Sn2 Al-Cu-Si 505/525 [19] - For brazing aluminium.
Al70Cu20Si7Sn2Mg1 Al-Cu-Si 501/522 [19] - For brazing aluminium.
Zn85Al15 381/452[20] - AL 815. General purpose filler metal for aluminium soldering/brazing with a torch. Grayish-white color.
Zn78Al22 426/482[21] - AL 822. High-strength, low-temperature. For aluminium-to-aluminium and aluminium-to-copper.
Cu80Ag15P5 Cu-Ag-P 643/802[22]
- BCuP-5, CP 102, CP1, Sil-Fos, Silvaloy 15, Matti-phos 15. Ductile, slow-flowing. Gap-filling. Can resist torsional stresses, shock loads, and flexing. For copper, copper alloys, brass, bronze. Primarily for copper-to-copper. Can be used also on silver, tungsten and molybdenum. Low vibration resistance. Light copper color. Used in plumbing. Frequently used for resistance brazing. Used where ductility is important and low tolerances are not achievable. Ductile copper-copper joints. Used on electrical assemblies, e.g. motors or contacts. Used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems, and brass and copper pipe fitting. More fluid than BCuP-3 due to higher phosphorus content. Mutually soluble with copper and copper alloys. Strong tendency to liquate. Available also in strip and sheet form. Gaps 0.051-0.127 mm (0.05-0.2 mm). Flow point 705 °C. Maximum service temperature 149 °C (intermittently 204 °C).
Cu75.75Ag18P6.25 Cu-Ag-P 643/668[25] - Silvaloy 18M. Close to eutectic, narrow melting range, suitable for low heating rates, e.g. in furnace brazing. Very fluid, for tight-fitting joints. For copper, copper alloys, brass, bronze. Can be used also on silver, tungsten and molybdenum. Due to low melting point suitable for joining copper to brass, as dezincification of brass is less pronounced. Light copper color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C (intermittently 260 °C).
Cu45.75Ag18Zn36Si0.25 Ag-Cu-Zn 784/816[26] - Matti-sil 18Si. Cheaper alternative of high-silver alloys. Suitable for automotive industry for brazing steel components where higher-temperature bronze alloys can not be used. Gap 0.075-0.2 mm.
Cu75.9Ag17.6P6.5 Cu-Ag-P 643[27] - Sil-Fos 18. Eutectic. For copper, brass and bronze alloys. Self-fluxing on copper. Extremely fluid. Good fitup required. Gap 0.025-0.075 mm. Gray color.
Cu89Ag5P6 Cu-Ag-P 643/813[22]
- BCuP-3, CP 104, CP4, Sil-Fos 5, Silvaloy 5, Matti-phos 5. Slow-flowing, very fluid. Less expensive than BCuP-5. Can fill gaps and form fillets. Strong tendency to liquate. For copper tube brazing, used in plumbing. Used for fluxless brazing in refrigeration, air conditioning, medical gas pipework, and heat exchangers. Gap 0.051-0.127 mm. Flow point 720 °C. Light copper color. Maximum service temperature 149 °C (intermittently 204 °C).
Cu88Ag6P6 Cu-Ag-P 643/807[28] - Silvaloy 6. Flow point 720 °C. For copper, copper alloys, brass, bronze. Primarily for copper-to-copper. Can be used also on silver, tungsten and molybdenum. Low vibration resistance. Light copper color. Maximum service temperature 149 °C (intermittently 204 °C).
Cu86.75Ag6P7.25 Cu-Ag-P 645/720[24]
- BCuP-4, Sil-Fos 6, Matti-phos 6. Very fluid, fast flow, for narrow joints. Low melting range. Flow point 690 °C. Lowest melting point from the low-silver alloys. Low cost. Used for fluxless brazing in refrigeration, air conditioning, medical gas pipework, and heat exchangers. Tends to liquate. Extremely fluid above flow point, readily penetrates narrow gaps. Gap 0.025-0.076 mm (0.05-0.2 mm). Less ductile than BCuP-1 or BCuP-5.
Cu90.5Ag2P7 Cu-Ag-P 705/800[23] - CP 202, CP3. Gap-filling. Used in plumbing.
Cu91Ag2P7 Cu-Ag-P 643/802[22]
- BCuP-6, CP 105, Sil-Fos 2, Silvaloy 2, Matti-phos 2. Medium flow. Flow point 704-720 °C. Very fluid, can penetrate narrow gaps. Gaps 0.025-0.127 mm (0.05-0.2 mm). Comparable to Fos-Flo 7. For copper, copper alloys, brass, bronze. Primarily for copper-to-copper. Can be used also on silver, tungsten and molybdenum. Low vibration resistance. Tends to liquate. Light copper color. Maximum service temperature 149 °C (intermittently 204 °C).
Cu91.5Ag2P6.5 Cu-Ag-P 643/796[34] - Silvaloy 2M. Medium flow. Flow point 718 °C. Very fluid, can penetrate narrow gaps. For copper, copper alloys, brass, bronze. Primarily for copper-to-copper. Can be used also on silver, tungsten and molybdenum. Low vibration resistance. Light copper color. Maximum service temperature 149 °C (intermittently 204 °C).
Cu91.7Ag1.5P6.8 Cu-Ag-P 643/799[35] - Silvalite. For copper, brass and bronze. Self-fluxing on copper. Also usable on silver, tungsten, and molybdenum. Primarily for copper-to-copper joining. Low resistance to vibrations. Good for tight-fitting copper pipes and tubing. Extremely fluid, will penetrate even thin joints. Light copper color. Maximum service temperature 149 °C (intermittently 204 °C). Flow point 732 °C. Optimal brazing temperature slightly above flow point. Sluggish at low temperatures, suitable for gap-filling. Very fluid at high temperatures, suitable for deep penetration to tight-fitting joints.
Cu92.85Ag1P6Sn0.15 Cu-Ag-P 643/821[36] - Silvabraze 33830. For copper, brass and bronze. Self-fluxing on copper. Also usable on silver, tungsten, and molybdenum. Primarily for copper-to-copper joining. Low resistance to vibrations. Good for tight-fitting copper pipes and tubing. Extremely fluid, will penetrate even thin joints. Light copper color. Maximum service temperature 149 °C (intermittently 204 °C).
Cu93.5P6.5 Cu-P 645/740[23] - CP 105, CP2. Gap-filling. Used in plumbing.
Cu92.8P7.2 Cu-P 710/793[22][37]
- BCuP-2, Fos-Flo 7, Silvaloy 0, Copper-flo. Fast flow, very fluid. Can withstand moderate vibration, not very ductile. For copper, brass and bronze. Primarily for copper-to-copper. Can be used also on silver, tungsten and molybdenum. For joining tight fittings and tubing, will penetrate narrow gaps. Unsuitable for larger gaps, should be used only where good fitup can be maintained. For heat exchanger return bends, hot water cylinders, refrigeration pipes. Flow point 730 °C. Gap 0.051-0.127 mm (0.075-0.2 mm, 0.025-0.076). Tends to liquate. Maximum service temperature 149 °C, intermittently 204 °C. Steel gray color.
Cu93.85P6.15 Cu-P 710/854[24] - Fos-Flo 6. Ductile, moderate flow. Economical. Wide melting range. Use where joint tolerances are larger and ductility is important. Flow point 746 °C. Gap 0.076-0.127 mm.
Cu97Ni3B0.02-0.05 Cu 1085/1100[15] - CU 105. Fluid. Capable of bridging larger gaps than pure copper (up to 0.7 mm in extreme cases).
Cu99Ag1 Cu 1070/1080[15] - CU 106. Slightly lower melting point than pure copper. More expensive due to silver content. Rarely used now. Can be used after CU 105 in step brazing.
Cu95Sn4.7P0.3 Cu-Sn 953/1048[38] - CDA 510. Bronze. For steels where lower temperature than with pure copper is required.
Cu93.5Sn6.3P0.2 Cu-Sn 910/1040[15] - CU 201. Bronze. Requires fast heating to avoid problems with wide melting range.
Cu92Sn7.7P0.3 Cu-Sn 881/1026[38] - CDA 521. Bronze. For steels where lower temperature than with pure copper is required.
Cu87.8Sn12P0.2 Cu-Sn 825/990[15] - CU 202. Bronze. Requires fast heating to avoid problems with wide melting range.
Cu86.5Sn7P6.5 Cu-Sn 649/700[39] - Silvacap 35490. Bronze. Self-fluxing on copper. Generally provides joints stronger than the base metals. Used for joining copper assemblies with low tolerances. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C.
Cu86.8Sn7P6.2 Cu-Sn 657/688[40] - Fos-Flo 670. Low-cost. Useful for joining copper to copper or copper alloys where strong impacts and vibrations are not encountered. Requires good fitup. Self-fluxing on copper. Silver-free. Extremely fluid above flow point, for tight-fitting joints. Gap 0.025-0.075 mm. Light brown color.
Cu85.3Sn7P6.2Ni1.5 Cu-Sn 612/682[41] - Fos-Flo 671. Low-cost. Useful for joining copper to copper or copper alloys where strong impacts and vibrations are not encountered. Requires good fitup. Self-fluxing on copper. Silver-free. Extremely fluid above flow point, for tight-fitting joints. Gap 0.025-0.075 mm.
Cu58.5Zn41.3Si0.2 Cu-Zn 875/895[15][23] - CU 301. Brass. Brasses are often used on mild steel assemblies. For use on brass, bronze, and low carbon steel. Used in plumbing.
Cu58.5Zn41.1Sn0.2Si0.2 Cu-Zn 875/895[15][23] - CU 302. Brass. For carbon steel and galvanized steel. Used in plumbing.
Cu60Zn29.55Si0.3Mn0.15 Cu-Zn 870/900[15] - CU 303. Brass.
Cu60Zn29.35Sn0.35Si0.3 Cu-Zn 870/900[15] - CU 304. Brass.
Cu60Zn40 Cu-Zn 865/887[38] - RBCuZn-C, CDA 681. Brass. Fluid. For alloys of iron, copper, and nickel.
Cu46Zn45.4Sn0.5Si0.1Ni8 Cu-Zn 890/920[15][23] - CU 305. Brass. For use on carbon and galvanized steel, slightly higher tensile strength than CU 302. Used in plumbing.
Cu56Zn38.25Sn1.5Si0.5Mn0.2Ni0.2 Cu-Zn 870/890[15][23] - CU 306. Brass. For use on cast and malleable iron. Used in plumbing.
Cu54.85Zn25Mn12Ni8Si0.15 Cu-Zn 855/915[42] - Hi-Temp 080. Economical. High-strength. For attaching carbides to alloy steels. Light yellow joint.
Cu52.5Mn38Ni9.5 Cu-Mn 855/915[42]
- AMS 4764, Hi-Temp 095, Nicuman 38. High-strength. For carbides, steels, stainless steels, cast iron, and nickel refractory alloys. Ideal for combined brazing/heat treatment. Good for materials where copper-brazing would require too high temperature or where boron alloys would be detrimental. Relatively free-flowing; melting point may rise when more nickel is dissolved from the base metal. Fluxless brazing requires vacuum, argon or dry hydrogen atmosphere. Reddish gray color.
Cu67.5Mn23.5Ni9 Cu-Mn 925/955 - Nicuman 23.
Cu55Zn35Ni6Mn4 Cu-Zn 880/920[42]
- Hi-Temp 548, Silvaloy X55. Modified nickel-silver. Moderate-strength, tough. Excellent plasticity in molten state. Gap-filling. Excellent strength and ductility during cooling, which is an advantage over silver brazes when joining materials with dissimilar thermal expansion. For carbides, stainless steels, tool steels, and nickel alloys. Used for joining carbide tool tips to steel holders. Light yellow color. May contain 0.2% silicon for better flow. For induction, torch and furnace brazing.
Cu87Mn10Co2 Cu-Mn 960/1030[42] - Hi-Temp 870. High-temperature strength. Free-flowing. For carbides, stainless steels, tool steels, and nickel alloys. Excellent wetting of carbides, stainless steel and copper. Good gap-filling at lower brazing temperatures. Fluxless brazing possible in vacuum or suitable atmosphere. Brazing often done together with heat treatment.
Cu87.75Ge12Ni0.25 Cu 880/975[45] - Gemco. Used for special purposes, e.g. brazing CFC (carbon fibre composites), pure copper, copper-zirconium alloys and molybdenum.[46] As the braze does not contain active elements, the carbon-based material may have to be surface-treated for sufficient wetting, e.g. by a solid-state reaction with chromium.[47]
Ag38Cu32Zn28Sn2 Ag-Cu-Zn 649/721[22]
- BAg-34, AMS 4761, Braze 380, Silvaloy A38T. Free-flowing, for ferrous alloys, nickel, copper and their alloys, and combinations. Tin content improves wetting of tungsten carbide, stainless steel, and other difficult metals. Absence of lead and cadmium allows use of long heating cycles. Cheaper alternative of BAg-28 with similar properties. Suitable for fluxless controlled atmosphere brazing. Mostly used in furnace brazing. Best for narrow gaps. General purpose alloy for air conditioning applications for joining steels, copper, and copper and nickel alloys. Gap 0.075-0.2 mm. Pale yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C (intermittently 316 °C).
Ag40Cu30Zn30 Ag-Cu-Zn 674/727[22]
- Braze 401, AMS 4762. Low-temperature, fairly free flowing. Narrow melting range. For ferrous and non-ferrous metals. For copper alloys, brass, nickel silver, bronze, mild steel, stainless steel, nickel, and Monel. Cadmium-free substitute of BAg-2a. Moderate liquation, but can be exploited for bridging larger gaps. Pale yellow color.
Ag45Cu30Zn25 Ag-Cu-Zn 663/743[22][50]
- BAg-5, Braze 450, Silvaloy A45, Matti-sil 45. Low-temperature. For ferrous, non-ferrous, and dissimilar metals. For band instruments, brass lamps, ship piping, aircraft engine oil coolers. Can be used in food industry. Allows larger joint clearances. Melting range sufficient to braze joints with gaps commonly encountered in commercial tubing and fittings. Yellow white color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C (intermittently 316 °C). Gap 0.075-0.2 mm.
Ag45.75Cu18.3Zn25.62Ni1.93 Ag-Cu-Zn -
Ag50Cu20Zn28Ni2 Ag-Cu-Zn 660/707[22]
- BAg-24, AMS 4788, Braze 505, Silvaloy A50N, Argo-braze 502. For most metals, incl. stainless steel and carbides. Highly recommended. Recommended for 300-series stainless steel. Good for food-handling applications with close joint tolerances. Gap 0.1-0.25 mm. Alloy specifically designed for brazing tungsten carbide tips to steel tools and wear parts. Readily wets nickel and iron alloys. Nickel offsets embrittlement by aluminium diffusion when brazing aluminium bronzes. Retards interface corrosion where base metals can cope. Zinc-free alloys suggested where there is a risk of dezincification, e.g. exposure to salt water at high temperatures. Very fluid, quickly fills long narrow joints. Tends to liquate. Yellow-white color. Cadmium-free replacement for BAg-3.
Ag54Cu40Zn5Ni1 Ag-Cu-Zn 725/855[52]
- BAg-13, AMS 4772, Braze 541, Silvaloy A54N. Atmosphere furnace brazing. Melts through mushy state, tends to liquate. Broader melting range suitable for non-uniform clearances. Suitable for hand-feeding of wide-gap joints as the mushy alloy can be worked into shape. For joining ferrous, nonferrous and dissimilar metals. Used in furnace brazings due to low zinc content. For high-temperature applications e.g. on jet engines, especially on stainless steel; maximum service temperature 371 °C. Used in many jet engine subassemblies for US Air Force. White color.
Ag56Cu42Ni2 Ag-Cu 770/895[52]
- BAg-13a, AMS 4765, Braze 559. Atmosphere furnace brazing. For high-temperature applications (up to 370 °C), e.g. on jet engines. Zinc free; used instead of BAg-13 where zinc fumes in the furnace are not allowed. Similar to BAg-13. Tends to liquate. Can be used for wide gap joints. Can be used with flux, but mostly used for fluxless furnace brazing of stainless steel in dry hydrogen. White color.
Ag49Cu16Zn23Mn7.5Ni4.5 Ag-Cu-Zn 680/700[52]
- BAg-22, AG 502, Braze 495, Silvaloy A49NM, Argo-braze 49H. Low-temperature. For tungsten carbide and all types of carbon steels and stainless steels. For attaching tungsten carbide tips to steel holders. Excellent wetting properties, used extensively for attaching tungsten carbide bits to cutting tools and rock drills. Tends to liquate.
Ag49Cu27.5Zn20.5Mn2.5Ni0.5 Ag-Cu-Zn 670/710[56] - Argo-braze 49LM. For attaching tungsten carbide tips to steel holders. Supplied as Trifoil - copper foil sandwiched between braze alloy foils. The copper layer helps absorbing stresses caused by differential heating.
Ag65Cu20Zn15 Ag-Cu-Zn 670/720[57] - BAg-9, Braze 650. For iron, silverware, and nickel alloys. Slight tendency to liquate. Silver-white color; used in silversmithing due to color match. Corrosion-resistant. Remelt temperature altered by dissolving base metal; increased by silver, decreased by copper. Often used for step brazing.
Ag65Cu28Mn5Ni2 Ag-Cu 750/850[57] - Braze 655. For alloys like kovar and invar to copper, for vacuum tubes. As rubbing seals in jet engines.
Ag70Cu20Zn10 Ag-Cu-Zn 690/740[57] - BAg-10, Braze 700. For silverware. Wets nickel and iron alloys. For step brazing, with BAg-9 as next step. Slight tendency to liquate. Silver-white color; used in silversmithing due to color match. Corrosion-resistant. Remelt temperature altered by dissolving base metal; increased by silver, decreased by copper. Often used for step brazing.
Ag56Cu22Zn17Sn5 Ag-Cu-Zn 620/655[15]
- BAg-7, AG 102, Ag 1, AMS 4763, Braze 560, Silvaloy A56T, Matti-sil 56Sn. Low-melting. Excellent for general purpose brazing of close-tolerance joints. Lowest melting point cadmium-free silver alloy. Low zinc content minimizes issues with prolonged or repeated heating. Slight tendency to liquate. Used in plumbing. Used in food equipment. Gap 0.05-0.15 mm. White color; often chosen for silver or stainless steel due to excellent color match. Maximum service temperature 204 °C (intermittently 316 °C). For improved corrosion resistance on stainless steel, use a nickel-containing alloy, e.g. BAg-24 or BAg-21.
Ag57.5Cu32.5Sn7Mn3 Ag-Cu 605/730[52] - Braze 580. Free-flowing. For brazing tungsten carbide. Wets some metals that are difficult to wet by more standard alloys, e.g. chromium and tungsten carbides. Does not tend to produce porous fillets despite manganese content. Excellent wetting of high manganese stainless steels in vacuum brazing. Does not outgas during titanium nitride coating.
Ag68Cu27Sn5 Ag-Cu 743/760 - Cusiltin 5. Low vapor pressure. Stronger than BAg-8.
Ag60Cu25Zn15 Ag-Cu-Zn 675/720[52] - Braze 600. For nickel alloys (e.g. Monel). For silverware instead of BAg-9 when only one joint is needed. Fluidity decreased on copper and increased on silver due to dissolution of base metal. Easily wets nickel and iron alloys due to zinc content. Eutectiferous. White color, slightly more yellow than BAg-9.
Ag71.5Cu28Ni0.5 Ag-Cu 780/795[57] - BAg-8b, BVAg-8b, AMS 4766, Braze 715, Braze 716 (VTG grade, for vacuum systems, with reduced volatile impurities) For ferrous and nonferrous alloys. For atmospheric brazing of nickel and ferrous alloys. High electrical and thermal conductivity. Nickel-modified silver-copper eutectic. Nickel addition makes the alloy more sluggish but improves wetting of ferrous alloys. Dissolution of copper, silver or nickel from base metal increases remelt temperature. Silver-white color.
Ag72Cu28 Ag-Cu 780[57]
- BAg-8, BVAg-8, Silvaloy B72, Braze 720, Braze 721 (VTG grade, for vacuum systems, with reduced volatile impurities). Eutectic. For nonferrous alloys. Remelt temperature increased by dissolution of copper or silver from the base metals. High electrical and thermal conductivity. For controlled-atmosphere fluxless brazing. Very fluid when molten. Limited wetting on nickel and ferrous metals, poor wetting on carbon steel; in these cases wetting mediated by copper as iron and nickel are not soluble in silver but are soluble in copper. Wetting in hydrogen atmosphere is superior to wetting with flux. Mostly used on copper and nickel alloys. Used with reducing or inert atmospheres or vacuum. Widely used for joining metalized ceramics to metals in vacuum. White color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C (intermittently 316 °C).
Ag71.7Cu28Li0.3 Ag-Cu-Li 760[57] - BAg-8a, Lithobraze 720, Lithobraze BT. High fluidity. For ferrous and nonferrous alloys. Especially suitable for thin stainless steel. For general purpose fluxless furnace brazing of stainless steels. Requires hydrogen or inert atmosphere.[60]
Ag92.5Cu7.3Li0.2 Ag-Cu-Li 760/890[57] - BAg-19, Lithobraze 925. Good for precipitation-hardened steel. Often used for joining skins to honeycomb cores of airframe structures made of precipitation-hardened steels. For general purpose fluxless furnace brazing of stainless steels. Not suitable for torch brazing. Requires hydrogen or inert atmosphere, most often argon. Silver-white color.[61]
Ag63Cu28.5Sn6Ni2.5 Ag-Cu 690/800[52]
- BAg-21, AMS 4774, Braze 630, Nicusiltin 6. For 400-series stainless steels. Resistant to chloride corrosion and dezincification; withstands chlorine solutions, salt sprays, etc. Very sluggish, can bridge wide gaps. Tends to liquate. Combined brazing/heat treatment at above 925 °C improves fluidity of the alloy. Can be used in protective atmosphere (e.g. hydrogen-nitrogen) or in vacuum for fluxless brazing. Used in food handling and surgical equipment. Used in joints requiring higher corrosion resistance than alternative alloys offer. Used in vacuum applications. White color. High strength, low vapor pressure.
Ag71.15Cu28.1Ni0.75 Ag-Cu 780/795 - Nicusil 3. Better strength and wetting than BAg-8.
Ag75Cu22Zn3 Ag-Cu-Zn 740/790[57] - Braze 750. For silverware. For step brazing. For enameling; low zinc content causes very little change in brilliance of the enamel. Corrosion-resistant. Remelt temperature altered by dissolving base metal; increased by silver, decreased by copper. For iron or nickel alloys. Silver-white color; used in silversmithing due to color match. Low zinc content minimizes zinc evaporation, especially in controlled atmospheres during fluxless brazing.
Ag50Cu34Zn16 Ag-Cu-Zn 675/775[52]
- BAg-6, Braze 501, Braze 502, Braze 503, Silvaloy A50. For steam turbine blades. For thickly galvanized steel, aluminium and brass tubing. Widely used in electrical industry. Used in dairy industry. Broad melting range, can form fillets and bridge large gaps.
Ag50Cu17Zn33 Ag-Cu-Zn 780/870[52] - BAg-6b, BVAg-6b, Braze 502, Braze 503 (VTG grade for vacuum systems, with reduced volatile impurities). For nonferrous alloys. High electrical and thermal conductivity. Higher gap-filling capability than corresponding BAg-8. (DUBIOUS, see the other BAg-6b entry)
Ag50Cu50 Ag-Cu 779/870[64] - BVAg-6b, Braze 503. Vacuum-grade. For electronics where cadmium and zinc have to be avoided.
Ag61.5Cu24In14.5 Ag-Cu 625/705[57] - BAg-29, BVAg-29, Premabraze 616, Incusil 15. Vacuum grade. For ferrous and nonferrous alloys in moderate temperature vacuum systems. Slightly sluggish. Tends to liquate. Can be used without flux in hydrogen, inert gas, or vacuum. Indium improves wetting of ferrous alloys. Silver-white color. Lowest melting point from ductile low-vapor pressure alloys.
Ag63Cu27In10 Ag-Cu 685/730[64] - Premabraze 631, Incusil 10. Low vapor pressure. For ferrous and nonferrous alloys.
Ag65Cu20Zn15 Ag-Cu-Zn 850/900[15] - PD 103.
Ag55Cu21Zn22Sn2 Ag-Cu-Zn 630/660[15] - AG 103
Ag45Cu27.75Zn25Sn2.25 Ag-Cu-Zn 640/680[15][23] - AG 104, Ag 2. Low-temperature, free-flowing. Used in plumbing.
Ag45Cu27Zn25Sn3 Ag-Cu-Zn 640/680[52]
- BAg-36, Braze 452, Silvaloy A45T, Matti-sil 453. Low-temperature, free-flowing. General-purpose. Good substitute of cadmium-containing alloys. Narrow melt range, suitable for manual or machine feeding to the joint. Good for narrow gaps. Gap 0.025-0.15 mm. Pale yellow color. Similar to AG 104. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C. For improved corrosion resistance on stainless steel, use a nickel-containing alloy instead, e.g. BAg-24.
Ag45Cu25Zn26.8Sn3Si0.2 Ag-Cu-Zn 643/671[66] - Matti-sil 453S. Similar to BAg-36, addition of silicon promotes flow and produces smoother fillets.
Ag40Cu30Zn28Ni2 Ag-Cu-Zn 660/780[48] - BAg-4, Braze 403, Argo-braze 40N. Slow flow. For tungsten carbides. For stainless steel food handling equipment. Economical alloy for brazing tungsten carbide tool tips to stainless steels. For brazing stainless steel, mild steel, cast iron, malleable iron, and many nonferrous alloys. Particularly good for stainless steel containers and equipment for food handling. Tends to liquate. Gap 0.1-0.25 mm. Light yellow color.
Ag40Cu30Zn25Ni5 Ag-Cu-Zn 660/860[48] - Braze 404. For tungsten carbides. For stainless steel.
Ag40Cu30Zn28Sn2 Ag-Cu-Zn 650/710[15][23][48][67] - BAg-28, AG 105, Ag 3, Braze 402, Silvaloy A40T, Matti-sil 40Sn. Free-flowing. Gap-filling. Often chosen for its low temperature, good wetting and good flow. Suitable for torch brazing with manual feed, where heating may be inconsistent. For steel, copper and copper alloys; for joining ferrous, nonferrous and dissimilar alloys with narrow tolerances. General-purpose, often used in refrigeration work. Used in plumbing. Best suited for narrow-gap joints. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C. Gap 0.075-0.2 mm. Pale yellow color.
Ag34Cu36Zn27.5Sn2.5 Ag-Cu-Zn 630/730[15] - AG 106, Silvaloy A34T. Tin provides good wetting of difficult metals, e.g. tungsten carbide and stainless steel. For copper, nickel and their alloys, and ferrous alloys. Absence of lead and cadmium allows use of long heating cycles. Can be used for controlled atmosphere fluxless brazing. Mostly used for furnace brazing. Pale yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C.
Ag30Cu36Zn32Sn2 Ag-Cu-Zn 665/755[15] - AG 107
Ag25Cu40Zn33Sn2 Ag-Cu-Zn 680/760[15]
- BAg-37, AG 108, Braze 255. Economical. For ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. For joints not requiring high impact strength nor high ductility.
Ag24Cu43Zn33 Ag-Cu-Zn 688/810[68] - Silvaloy A24. Lower-silver modification of BAg-20; higher melting temperature provides higher mechanical strength at elevated temperatures. For copper, brass, silver, nickel and ferrous alloys. Often used for ferrous, non-ferrous and dissimilar metals with close tolerances. Light yellow color. Maximum service temperature 260 °C, intermittently 371 °C.
Ag63Cu24Zn13 Ag-Cu-Zn 690/730[15] - AG 201
Ag60Cu26Zn14 Ag-Cu-Zn 695/730[15] - AG 202
Ag44Cu30Zn26 Ag-Cu-Zn 675/735[15] - AG 203
Ag30Cu38Zn32 Ag-Cu-Zn 680/765[15]
- BAg-20, AG 204, Ag 4, Braze 300, Silvaloy A30, Matti-sil 30. Used in plumbing. For steel and nonferrous alloys with melting point above 790 °C. For nickel silver knife handles. For electrical equipment. Gap-filling; wide melting range allows producing fillets. For assemblies that come in contact with food and dairy. General purpose braze extensively used for joining copper, brass, bronze, nickel-silver, steel and nonferrous alloys. Suitable for dip-brazing of wires in electronics; the flow point matches melting point of borax, which is used as a flux to cover the surface of the molten metal in the pot. Light yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C.
Ag35Cu32Zn33 Ag-Cu-Zn 685/755[48] - BAg-35, Braze 351, Silvaloy A35. Good general purpose alloy. Can be used in food industry. For ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. Used in electrical industry and for brazing parts of ships, lamps, piping, band instruments, etc. Yellow white color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C.
Ag25Cu40Zn35 Ag-Cu-Zn 700/790[15] - AG 205
Ag20Cu44Zn36Si0.05-0.25 Ag-Cu-Zn 690/810[15] - AG 206
Ag12Cu48Zn40Si0.05-0.25 Ag-Cu-Zn 800/830[15] - AG 207
Ag5Cu55Zn40Si0.05-0.25 Ag-Cu-Zn 820/870[15] - AG 208
Ag50Cu15Zn16Cd19 Ag-Cu-Zn 620/640[15] Cd AG 301
Ag45Cu15Zn16Cd24 Ag-Cu-Zn 605/620[15][71]
Cd BAg-1, AMS 4769, AG 302, Easy-Flo 45, Mattibraze 45. Very ductile, good flow properties. High-strength. For ferrous, nonferrous and dissimilar alloys. For close joint clearances. Lowest melting point of Ag-Cu-Zn-Cd alloys. Suitable for most metals, e.g. steel, stainless steel, copper, nickel and their alloys. Unsuitable for aluminium and magnesium. Narrow melting range, good capillary flow. Wide acceptance by industrial users. Light yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C (intermittently 316 °C).
Ag50Cu15.5Zn16.5Cd18 Ag-Cu-Zn 625/635[71][72] Cd BAg-1a, AMS 4770, Easy-Flo, Easy-Flo 50, Silvaloy 50, Mattibraze 50. Near-eutectic. Same applications as BAg-1. Suitable for most metals, e.g. steel, stainless steel, copper, nickel and their alloys. Unsuitable for aluminium and magnesium. For ferrous, nonferrous and dissimilar alloys. Narrow melting range, no liquation. High fluidity, for close joint clearances. Very free-flowing, used where minimum brazing temperatures are required. When brazing cast iron, graphite must be removed from the surface to assure good wetting. May facilitate stress cracking of some alloys by liquid metal embrittlement; prior stress relief annealing is required then, or use of a higher melting point alloy that does not melt until stress relief temperature of the base metal is reached. Light yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C (intermittently 316 °C).
Ag30Cu27Zn23Cd20 Ag-Cu-Zn 605/710[71]
Cd BAg-2a, Easy-Flo 30, Silvaloy 30, Mattibraze 30. Similar to BAg-2, more economical. For ferrous, nonferrous and dissimilar alloys. For larger gaps, where fillets are desired. For steel, stainless steel, copper, copper alloys, nickel, nickel alloys, and combinations. For larger gaps, where fillets are desired and clearances are not uniform. Light yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C.
Ag25Cu35Zn26.5Cd13.5 Ag-Cu-Zn 605/745[71] Cd BAg-27, Easy-Flo 25, Silvaloy 25. Similar to BAg-2a, more economical due to lower silver content; higher melting point and melting range results. For steel, stainless steel, copper, copper alloys, nickel, nickel alloys, and combinations. Melts through mushy state. For larger gaps, where fillets are desired and clearances are not uniform. Light yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C.
Ag25Cu40Zn33Sn2 Ag-Cu-Zn 685/771[75] - BAg-37, Silvaloy A25T. Similar to BAg-28, more economical due to lower silver content; less-active flow, higher melting point, higher melting range. For ferrous and nonferrous alloys. For joints not requiring ductility and impact strength. Not ductile during cooling, must be allowed to cool without mechanical and thermal shocks.
Ag42Cu17Zn16Cd25 Ag-Cu-Zn 610/620[15] Cd AG 303
Ag40Cu19Zn21Cd20 Ag-Cu-Zn 595/630[15] Cd AG 304
Ag35Cu26Zn21Cd18 Ag-Cu-Zn 610/700[15]
Cd BAg-2, AMS 4768, AG 305, Easy-Flo 35, Silvaloy 35, Mattibraze 35. Similar to BAg-1, more economical. For ferrous, nonferrous and dissimilar alloys. Free-flowing, for larger gaps, where fillets are desired. For steel, stainless steel, copper, copper alloys, nickel, nickel alloys, and combinations. Light yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C, intermittently 316 °C.
Ag30Cu28Zn21Cd21 Ag-Cu-Zn 600/690[15] Cd AG 306
Ag25Cu30Zn27.5Cd17.5 Ag-Cu-Zn 605/720[15]
Cd BAg-33, AG 307, Easy-Flo 25HC. Similar to BAg-2a, more economical. For ferrous, nonferrous and dissimilar alloys. For larger gaps, where fillets are desired.
Ag21Cu35.5Zn26.5Cd16.5Si0.5 Ag-Cu-Zn 610/750[15] Cd AG 308
Ag20Cu40Zn25Cd15 Ag-Cu-Zn 605/765[15] Cd AG 309
Ag50Cu15.5Zn15.5Cd16Ni3 Ag-Cu-Zn 635/655[15]
Cd BAg-3, AMS 4771, AG 351, Easy-Flo 3, Silvaloy 50N, Mattibraze 50N. For 300-series stainless steel. For joining tungsten carbide, beryllium copper and aluminium bronze to steel. Introduced as a replacement of BAg-1a due to its increased corrosion resistance in certain conditions. Resistant to chloride corrosion. Used in marine applications. Used in dairy equipment exposed to strong chlorine-based cleaning solutions. Used extensively for brazing tungsten carbide tips on woodcutting, metal cutting and mining tools. Recommended for aluminium bronze as the nickel content offsets the detrimental effect of aluminium diffusion. Mushy during melting, most volume melts at the higher end of melting range. Can be used to shape fillets and to bridge large gaps. Fillets may be used for bridging large gaps or for distributing stresses in the assembly. Tendency to liquation. Light yellow color. Maximum service temperature 204 °C (intermittently 316 °C). Gap 0.1-0.25 mm. Cadmium-free alternative is BAg-24.
Ag44Cu27Zn13Cd15P1 Ag-Cu-Zn 595/660[71] Cd Braze 440. For electrical contacts and copper-tungsten electrodes. Low-melting filler.
Cd95Ag5 Cd-Ag 340/395[71] Cd Braze 053, Braze 53. A high-temperature solder. For medium-strength joints. Can join copper, brass and steel. Used where joint strength needs to be higher than achievable by solders and temperature must be low, e.g. thermostatic bellows operating at temperatures too high for soft solders and requiring being joined below their annealing temperature. Large use on small electric motors, where soft soldering would fail on overheating. Used for soldering gun parts instead of soft solders due to high resistance to alkali solutions used for blacking, and due to higher strength at high temperatures. Gray color.
Cu58Zn37Ag5 Ag-Cu-Zn 840/880[48] - Braze 051. For nichrome resistance elements; the brazing temperature allows simultaneous stress relief annealing which prevents intergranular cracking. For brazing and simultaneous heat treatment of steels. For various ferrous and nonferrous alloys. Zinc content and high temperature required causes rapid alloying with nonferrous metals, so the duration of contact with liquid alloy with base metals should be limited. In furnace brazing the heat cycles should be kept short, as otherwise zinc could volatilize and leave pinholes in the alloy. Brass yellow color.
Cu57Zn38Mn2Co2 Cu-Zn 890/930[78] - F Bronze. For brazing tungsten carbide to steels. Primarily used for rock drills or when simultaneous heat treatment is required.
Cu86Zn10Co4 Cu-Zn 960/1030[79] - D Bronze. For brazing tungsten carbide to steels. Primarily used for rock drills or when simultaneous heat treatment is required.
Cu85Sn8Ag7 Ag-Cu 665/985[48] - Braze 071. For vacuum systems. As a lower-temperature alternative to copper. For brazing with following heat treatment.
Cu85Sn15 Cu-Sn 789/960[45] - Cutin.
Cu60.85Ag36Si3Sn0.15 Ag-Cu [19] - Developed as a replacement for Ag72Cu28 eutectic, with half the silver content and correspondingly lower material cost. very similar mechanical and physical properties and application temperature.
Cu53Zn38Cd18Ag9 Ag-Cu-Zn 765/850[48] Cd Braze 090. For copper alloys, e.g. in band instruments. Also for brazing of steels with simultaneous cyanide case hardening.
Cu45Zn35Ag20 Ag-Cu-Zn 710/815[48]
- Braze 202, Silvaloy A20. Has variety of applications but used rarely due to high melting point. Close temperature match for heat treating carbon steel, allows brazing and heat treating in a single step. Strength generally higher than of base metals. Maximum service temperature 149 °C, intermittently 260 °C.
Cu52.5Zn22.5Ag25 Ag-Cu-Zn 675/855[48]
- Braze 250. For joining ferrous and non-ferrous alloys. Tends to liquate, rapid heating preferred. Long melting range is advantageous for large gap joints. Special use in jet engine compressors as bearing surface material on rubbing seals. Brass yellow color.
Ag72Cu28 Ag-Cu 780[15][82] - AG 401. Eutectic. Good ductility, moderate temperature. Widely used.
Ag60Cu30Sn10 Ag-Cu 600/730[15]
- AG 402, BAg-18, BVAg-18, AMS 4773, Braze 603, Braze 604 (VTG grade for vacuum systems, with reduced volatile impurities), Cusilitin 10. For vacuum tube seals. Can braze some ferrous and nonferrous alloys without flux. For marine heat exchangers (which come in contact with sea water at elevated temperature, where zinc would tend to leach). Some tendency to liquate. Tin content improves wetting of ferrous alloys. Useful for seals on vacuum tube components and for fluxless brazing in controlled atmosphere. White color.
Ag56Cu27.25In14.5Ni2.25 Ag-Cu 600/710[15] - AG 403
Ag55Cu30Pd10Ni5 Ag-Cu 827/871[64] - Premabraze 550. For corrosion-resistant joints on stainless steel.
Ag85Mn15 Ag 960/970[15][57] - BAg-23, AMS 4766, AG 501, Braze 852. For high-temperature service where good strength is required. For complex chromium-titanium carbides, stainless steel, Stellite, Inconel. For torch and furnace brazing. High melting point advantageous for subsequent heat treatments. Used for carbide tools subjected to high temperatures. White color. Can be used for infiltrating porous components made by powder metallurgy ("infiltration brazing"); the lubricity of silver and its resistance to galling makes it attractive for bearings. Can be strain-hardened by mechanical cold working.[84]
Ag49Cu16Zn23Mn7.5Ni4.5 Ag-Cu-Zn 680/705[15] - AG 502
Ag27Cu38Zn20Mn9.5Ni5.5 Ag-Cu-Zn 680/830[15] - AG 503
Ag25Cu38Zn33Mn2Ni2 Ag-Cu-Zn 710/815[48] - BAg-26, Braze 252. Economical. For tungsten carbide, stainless steel, and steels.
Ag90Pd10 Ag-Pd 1002/1065[64]
- Premabraze 901, Palsil 10. For stainless steels, nickel, molybdenum, tungsten, and fast brazing cycles on titanium.
Ag48.5Pd22.5Cu19Ni10 Ag-Pd 910/1179 - Palnicusil. Economical. Ductile, for stainless steels. Wide gaps.
Ni57.1Pd30Cr10.5B2.4 Pd-Ni 941/977[83] - Palnicro 30. Better high-temperature creep resistance than BAu-4.
Ni47Pd47Si6 Pd-Ni 810/851[83] - Palnisi-47. Better high-temperature creep resistance than BAu-4.
Ni50Pd36Cr10.5B3Si0.5 Pd-Ni 820/960[83] - Palnicro-36-M. Better high-temperature creep resistance than BAu-4.
Cu62.5Au37.5 Au-Cu 990/1015[85]
- BAu-1, Premabraze 399. For copper, nickel, kovar, and molybdenum-manganese metallized ceramics.
Au80Cu20 Au-Cu 891[85]
- BAu-2. Eutectic. Loses ductility above 200 F.[83]
Au80Sn20 Au 280[64] - Au80, Indalloy 182, Premabraze 800, Orotin. Good wetting, high strength, low creep, high corrosion resistance, high thermal conductivity, high surface tension, zero wetting angle. Limited ductility. Suitable for step soldering. The original flux-less alloy, does not need flux. Used for die attachment and attachment of metal lids to semiconductor packages, e.g. kovar lids to ceramic chip carriers. Coefficient of expansion matching many common materials. Due to zero wetting angle requires pressure to form a void-free joint. Alloy of choice for joining gold-plated and gold-alloy plated surfaces. As some gold dissolves from the surfaces during soldering and moves the composition to non-eutectic state (1% increase of Au content can increase melting point by 30 °C), subsequent desoldering requires higher temperature.[86] Forms a mixture of two brittle intermetallic phases, AuSn and Au5Sn.[87] Brittle. Proper wetting achieved usually by using nickel surfaces with gold layer on top on both sides of the joint. Comprehensively tested through military standard environmental conditioning. Good long-term electrical performance, history of reliability.[88] Low vapor pressure, suitable for vacuum work. Good ductility. Also classified as a solder. Lowest melting point alloy with low vapor pressure.
Au88Ge12 Au 356[64] - Au88, Indalloy 183, Premabraze 880, Georo. Eutectic. Low ductility. Used for die attachment of some chips. The high temperature may be detrimental to the chips and limits reworkability. Very low vapor pressure.
Ag90Ge10 Ag 651/790[83] - Low vapor pressure. Copper-free. Much lower thermal conductivity than silver. Low tarnishing due to germanium content; transparent passivation layer of germanium oxide protects against silver sulfide formation. Can be precipitation-hardened. See also Argentium sterling silver.
Ag82Pd9Ga9 Ag-Pd 845/880[83] - Gapasil 9. Ductile. Corrosion-resistant. For brazing titanium to titanium and titanium to stainless steel.
Cu62Au35Ni3 Au-Cu 974/1029[64][85] - BAu-3, Premabraze 127, Nicoro. For nickel, kovar, stainless steel, molybdenum, and molybdenum-manganese metallized ceramics. Excellent wetting, low base metal erosion.
Au35Cu31.5Ni14Pd10Mn9.5 Au-Pd 971/1004[83] - RI-46. For tungsten carbide and superalloys.
Au82Ni18 Au-Ni 950[15]
- BAu-4, BVAu-4, AU 105, Premabraze 130, Premabraze 131 (vacuum grade), AMS 4787, Nioro. Eutectic. Excellent wetting. Ductile. Oxidation resistance exceeds palladium-bearing alloys. High mechanical strength at high temperatures. Nickel gray color. For stainless steel, tungsten, all common iron and nickel refractory alloys, Inconel X, A286, Kovar, and similar alloys. Normally not used for copper or silver based alloys; flow point close to melting point of silver, and too readily alloys with copper. Low penetration of base metal, suitable for brazing thin parts, e.g. thin-wall tubing or vacuum tubes. Does not produce severe intergranular penetrations characteristic for boron-containing nickel brazing alloys. Extensively used in nuclear industry except in high-neutron flux regions and in contact with liquid sodium or potassium. Oxidation and scaling resistance up to 815 °C. Brazing done in inert atmospheres or vacuum.
Au82In18 Au 451/485 - Au82, Indalloy 178. High-temperature solder, extremely hard, very stiff.
Au60Cu37In3 Au-Cu 860/900[83] - Incuro 60. Lower brazing temperature than other Au-Cu.
Au20Cu68In2 Au-Cu 975/1025[83] - Incuro 20. Cheaper substitute of BAu-3 and other gold-rich gold-copper alloys.
Au72Pd22Cr6 Au-Pd 975/1000[83] - Croniro. For brazing diamond to stainless steel. Minimizes chromium depletion of base metals. High corrosion resistance.
Au75Ni25 Au-Ni 950/990[15] - AU 106. Oxidation resistance exceeds palladium-bearing alloys. High mechanical strength at high temperatures.
Au73.8Ni26.2 Au-Ni 980/1010[83] - Nioro-Ni. For loose tolerances with stainless steel and superalloys. Excellent flow.
Au81.25Ni18Ti0.75 Au-Ni 945/960[83] - Nioro-Ti. Wets difficult-to-wet metals.
Au70Ni30 Au-Ni 960/1050[83] - Ductile, oxidation resistant. Flow strength. Excellent wetting.
Au75Cu20Ag5 Au-Cu 885/895[64] - Premabraze 051, Silcoro 75. Narrow melting range, suitable for step brazing.
Au80Cu19Fe1 Au-Cu 905/910[15] - AU 101
Au62.5Cu37.5 Au-Cu 930/940[15] - AU 102
Au60Ag20Cu20 Au-Ag-Cu 835/845[64] - Premabraze 408, Silcoro 60. Narrow melting range, good for step brazing.
Au81.5Cu16.5Ni2 Au-Cu 955/970[64] - Premabraze 409, Nicoro 80. Remains ductile when solid. Low vapor pressure. For copper, nickel, molybdenum-manganese.
Au50Cu50 Au-Cu 955/970[64] - Premabraze 402. For copper, nickel, kovar, and molybdenum-manganese metallized ceramics.
Au37.5Cu62.5 Au-Cu 980/1000[15]
- AU 103. For copper, nickel, kovar, and molybdemum-manganese metallized ceramics.
Au35Cu65 Au-Cu 990/1010[64] - Premabraze 407. For copper, nickel, kovar, and molybdenum-manganese metallized ceramics.
Au30Cu70 Au-Cu 995/1020[15] - AU 104
Ni36Pd34Au30 Au-Pd-Ni 1135/1166[85] - BAu-5.
Au70Ni22Pd8 Au-Pd-Ni 1007/1046[85]
- BAu-6, AMS 4786, Premabraze 700, Palniro 7. High strength and ductility. For stainless steels and superalloys.
Au50Pd25Ni25 Au-Pd-Ni 1102/1121[85] - BVAu-7, AMS 4784, Premabraze 500, Palniro 1. High strength, good oxidation resistance. Suitable for joining superalloys. Like Au30Pd34Ni36, lower brazing temperature.
Au30Pd34Ni36 Au-Pd-Ni 1135/1169[90] - AMS 4785, Palniro 4. High-strength. Corrosion-resistant. For superalloys.
Au92Pd8 Au-Pd 1199/1241[85] - BAu-8, BVAu-8, Paloro. Ductilie, nonoxidizable. Wets tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum and superalloys.
Au25Cu31Ni18Pd15Mn11 Au-Pd-Ni 1017/1052[83] - Palnicurom 25. For tungsten carbide and superalloys.
Au25Cu37Ni10Pd15Mn13 Au-Pd-Ni 970/1013[83] - Palnicurom 10. For tungsten carbide and superalloys.
Ag68Cu27Pd5 Ag-Cu 807/810[85] - BVAg-30, Premabraze 680, Palcusil 5. Narrow melting range. For kovar and molybdenum-manganese seals, better wetting here than Cusil.
Ag59Cu31Pd10 Ag-Cu 824/852[85] - BVAg-31, Premabraze 580, Palcusil 10. (Ag58Cu32Pd10?) Excellent for vacuum-tight joints. For brazing nickel, kovar, copper, and molybdenum-manganese.
Ag54Pd25Ni21 Ag-Pd 899/949[85]
- BAg-32, BVAg-32, Premabraze 540, Palcusil 25. Similar to Au-Ni, cheaper, lower density. Does not embrittle kovar.
Pd65Co35 Pd 1229/1235[85] - BVPd-1, Premabraze 180. Narrow melting range, low erosion of substrates.
Ag54Cu21Pd25 Pd 900/950[15] - PD 101.
Ag52Cu28Pd20 Pd 875/900[15] - PD 102.
Ag65Cu20Pd15 Pd 850/900[15][64] - PD 103, Premabraze 265, Palcusil 15. For copper, stainless steel, kovar, and non-manganese/molybdenum metallized ceramics.
Ag67.5Cu22.5Pd10 Pd 830/860[15] - PD 104.
Ag58.5Cu31.5Pd10 Pd 825/850[15] - PD 105.
Ag68.5Cu26.5Pd5 Pd 805/810[15] - PD 106.
Pd60Ni40 Pd 1235[15] - PD 201, Palni. Eutectic. Does not flow well due to high Ni content. Wets tungsten, nickel, stainless steel, superalloys.
Ag75Pd20Mn5 Ag-Pd 1000/1120[15]
- PD 202, Palmansil 5. For tungsten carbide and superalloys.
Cu82Pd18 Cu-Pd 1080/1090[15] - PD 203
Ag95Pd5 Ag-Pd 970/1010[15] - PD 204
Ag95Al5 780/830[83] - Ductile. For titanium alloys.
Au75.5Ag12.4Cu9.5Zn2.5Ir0.1 860/882[91] - Wieland Porta Optimum 880. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au73Ag12.4Zn14.5Ir0.1 680/700[92] - Wieland Porta Optimum 710. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au73.5Ag25Zn1.5 960/1010[93] - Wieland Bio Porta 1020. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au88.7Ag3Zn6.2Pt2Ir0.1 830/890[94] - Wieland Porta Optimum 900. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au89Zn5.7Pt5Ir0.3 850/930[95] - Wieland Porta Optimum 940. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au49.7Ag32.5Zn4.5Pd13Ir0.3 980/1090[96] - Wieland Porta-1090W. Dental solder. White color.
Au80Ag17.5Sn0.2In0.3Pt1.9Ir0.1 1015/1055[97] - Wieland Porta IP V-1. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au64Ag34.9In0.6Pt0.4Ir0.1 1015/1030[98] - Wieland Porta IP V-2. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au62Ag17Cu7Zn6In5Pd3 710/770[99] - Wieland Auropal M-1. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au62Ag22Cu4Zn12 720/750[100] - Wieland Auropal W-2. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au71.5Ag17.5Zn10Pt1 750/810[101] - Wieland Porta OP M-1. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Au68Ag19Zn12Pt1 710/765[102] - Wieland Porta OP W-2. Dental solder. Yellow color.
Ni73.25Cr14Si4.5B3Fe4.5C0.75 Ni-Cr 980/1060[15]
- BNi-1, AMS 4775, NI 101, Hi-Temp 720. Relatively aggressive to the base metal. Good flow. Good corrosion characteristics. Limited applications, usually in brazing of heavier sections. Recommended for light stresses at elevated temperatures. Gap 0.05-0.12 mm. When joining martensitic stainless steels, cracks appear in the fillets on cooling (due to volume strain caused by martensitic transition of the base metal) and may reduce fatigue life of the joint; this can be prevented by a time-intensive stress relief heating just above the martensitic transition of the base metal, or by using BNi-1A, a reduced-carbon version, which reduces modulus of the filler alloy enough to prevent crack formation.[19]
Ni73.25Cr14Si4.5B3Fe4.5 Ni-Cr 980/1070[15]
- BNi-1A, AMS 4776, NI 101A, Hi-Temp 721. <0.06% C. Low-carbon version of BNi-1, used where carbon content of BNi-1 would be detrimental. Low flow, slower than BNi-1. Oxidation-resistant joints. Used in some gas turbine applications. Gaps 0.05-0.15 mm.
Ni73.25Cr7Si4.5B3Fe3C0.75 Ni-Cr 970/1000[15] - NI 102. Near-eutectic. General purpose alloy. Relatively low-temperature. Good flow at rapid heating rates. Gaps 0.03-0.10 mm.
Ni82.4Cr7Si4.5Fe3B3.1 Ni-Cr 966/1040[104]
- BNi-2, AMS 4777, Hi-Temp 820. <0.06% C. Good flow, good fillets, low base metal erosion. Widely used. For food-handling components, medical devices, and aircraft parts. For furnace brazing.
Ni92.5Si4.5B3 Ni 980/1040[15]
- BNi-3, AMS 4778, NI 103, Hi-Temp 910. <0.5% Fe, <0.06% C. Relatively fluid, free-flowing. Chromium-free. Limited use in specialized applications. Good for tight and longer joints. Relatively insensitive to furnace atmosphere dryness.
Ni94.5Si3.5B2 Ni 970/1000[15] - BNi-4, AMS 4779, NI 104, Hi-Temp 930. <1.5% Fe, <0.06% C. More hypoeutectic version of BNi-3. Wider use than BNi-3. Relatively sluggish. Relatively ductile. Often capable of higher loads than other nickel-based metals. Gaps 0.05-0.10 mm. For stainless steels and alloys of cobalt and nickel. Suitable for brazing thin sections in e.g. chemical devices and jet engine parts.
Ni71Cr19Si10 Ni-Cr 1080/1135[15] - BNi-5, AMS 4782, NI 105. High melting point, lowered only by silicon. Good flow, limited gap-filling. Avoid fillets, these tend to be crack initiators. Avoid larger gaps. Can produce small, tough, very oxidation-resistant joints. Gaps 0.03-0.1 mm.
Ni89P11 Ni-P 875[15]
- BNi-6, NI 106, Hi-Temp 932. <0.06% C. Eutectic. Extremely fluid, therefore limited gap-bridging. Good performance in nitrogen-bearing atmospheres. Can be plated from electroless baths. Used for low-stress joints. Not widely used. Can be used for brazing stainless-steel to phosphorus-deoxidized or OFHC copper. Gaps about 0.03 mm. For stainless steels and alloys of cobalt and nickel. Suitable for brazing thin sections in e.g. chemical devices and jet engine parts. Provides high temperature properties and good corrosion resistance with relatively low processing temperatures.
Ni76Cr14P10 Ni-Cr-P 890[15]
- BNi-7, NI 107, Hi-Temp 933. <0.06% C. Eutectic. Chromium-containing version of BNi-6. Originally developed for brazing parts for cores of nuclear reactors. Extended flow at higher temperatures. Good results for low-stress tight joints. Used for e.g. immersion heaters and thermocouple harnesses. Suitable for continuous furnace brazing in dissociated ammonia atmosphere. Gaps below 0.03 mm. Often used for brazing honeycomb structures and thin-walled tubing. Used in nuclear applications due to absence of boron. Chromium content provides improved high temperature properties and better corrosion resistance than BNi-6.
Ni65.5Si7Cu4.5Mn23 Ni 980/1010[15] - NI 108. Specialized use, for very thin sections. Very low diffusion, low interaction with base metal. Manganese volatility requires special handling for vacuum brazing. Gaps below 0.03 mm.
Ni81.5Cr15B3.5 Ni-Cr 1055[15] - NI 109. Eutectic. <1.5% Fe. Good initial penetration. Specialized use in aerospace. Good choice for gap-filling powders.
Ni62.5Cr11.5Si3.5B2.5Fe3.5C0.5W16 Ni-Cr-W 970/1105[15] - NI 110. Moderate flow. Use in aerospace. Almost always requires tracing. Gaps 0.1-0.25 mm.
Ni67.25Cr10.5Si3.8B2.7Fe3.25C0.4W12.1 Ni-Cr-W 970/1095[15] - NI 111. Reduced-tungsten version of NI 110, improved flow. May have better fatigue resistance than other nickel alloys.
Ni65Cr25P10 Ni-Cr-P 880/950[15] - NI 112. Chromium-rich version of NI 107, similar flow; non-eutectic but penetrates well. Excellent corrosion resistance in many weak electrolytes.
Co67.8Cr19Si8B0.8C0.4W4 Co-Cr 1120/1150[15] - CO 101. Suitable for gas turbine operations. In some cases can withstand temperature excursions above brazing temperature. Suitable for both new and braze-repaired parts.[105]
Co50Cr19Ni17Si8W4B0.8 Co-Cr 1107/1150[106] - BCo-1, AMS 4783.
Au100 pure 1064[85] - Pure metal. Very ductile, wets most metals.
Ag100 pure 962 - BAg-0, BVAg-0, Braze 999. Pure metal. VTG alloy. For ceramics for semiconductors. Good mechanical properties, compatible with most metals, low vapor pressure, excellent fluidity when molten. Mostly used for brazing reactive metals, e.g. beryllium and titanium. Does not significantly alloy with nor wet iron. Rarely used alone due to relatively high cost.
Pd100 pure 1555[85] Pure metal. High-temperature brazing of refractory metals.
Pt100 pure 1767 - Very high temperature brazing. For refractory metals for high-temperature applications.
Cu100 pure 1085[15] - pure metal; CU 101 (99.90%), CU 102 or CDA 102 (99.95%), CU 103 (99%), CU 104 (99.90%, 0.015-0.040% P), BCu-1 or CDA 110 (99.99%). Free-flowing. Can be used for press fits. For ferrous alloys, nickel alloys and copper-nickel alloys. BVCu-1x is OFHC, vacuum-grade, for furnace brazing of steels, stainless steels and nickel alloys. Oxygen-containing copper is incompatible with hydrogen-containing atmopsheres which cause its embrittlement. Cheaper than silver, but requires higher processing temperatures and is oxidation-prone. Used in fluxless vacuum brazing of stainless steels. High fluidity, low base metal erosion, extremely good wetting of steel. Relatively soft, which is beneficial for stress relief but impairs joint strength.
Ni100 pure - Pure metal. Rarely used due to high melting point. Used for joining molybdenum and tungsten for high-temperature applications.
Ti100 pure 1670 - Pure metal.
Fe40Ni38B18Mo4 - Amorphous metal. For brazing and soft magnetic applications. Crystallization at 410 °C. Maximum service temperature 125 °C.[107]
Ti60Cu20Ni20  ?/950[19] - Recommended for brazing titanium alloys; composition similar to many titanium engineering alloys.
Ti54Cr25V21 active  ?/1500[19] - High-temperature. Narrow melting range. Excellent wettability of ceramics; penetrates and seals surface pores and cracks, increasing fracture toughness.
Ti91.5Si8.5 [19] - High-temperature. Brazing temperature 1400 °C. Can be used for brazing molybdenum.
Ti70V30 [19] - High-temperature. Brazing temperature 1650 °C. Can be used for brazing molybdenum.
V65Nb35 [19] - High-temperature. Brazing temperature 1870 °C. Can be used for brazing molybdenum.
Nb97.8B2.2 [19] - High-temperature. Can be used for brazing tungsten.
Nb80Ti20 [19] - High-temperature. Can be used for brazing tungsten.
Pt85W11B4 [19] - High-temperature. Joint remelt temperature 2200 °C. Can be used for brazing tungsten.
W75Os25 [19] - Very-high-temperature. Requires very intense heating, e.g. electric arc. Can be used for brazing tungsten.
W47Mo50Re3 [19] - Very-high-temperature. Requires very intense heating, e.g. electric arc. Can be used for brazing tungsten.
Mo95Os5 [19] - Very-high-temperature. Requires very intense heating, e.g. electric arc. Can be used for brazing tungsten.
Ti70Cu15Ni15 902/932[19] - For superalloys and engineering ceramics. Available as amorphous foil.
Ti60Zr20Ni20 848/856[19] - For superalloys and engineering ceramics. Available as amorphous foil.
Zr83Ni17 961[19] - For brazing titanium alloys. Available as amorphous foil.
Zr56V28Ti16 1193/1250[19] - For brazing titanium alloys. Available as amorphous foil.
Ag57Cu38Ti5 active 775/790[19] - Active alloy. Can be used for brazing ceramics, e.g. silicon nitride. Titanium forms an interfacial layer with Si3N4, yielding TiN, TiSi, and Ti5Si3.[82] For brazing engineering ceramics. Available as amorphous foil.
Ag68.8Cu26.7Ti4.5 active 780/900[19] - Ticusil. Active alloy. Can be used for brazing ceramics, e.g. silicon nitride. Titanium forms an interfacial layer with Si3N4, yielding TiN, TiSi, and Ti5Si3.[82] For brazing engineering ceramics. Available as amorphous foil.
Au97.5Ni0.75V1.75 active 1045/1090[19] - Gold-ABA-V.
Au96.4Ni3Ti0.6 active 1003/1030[19] - Gold-ABA.
Cu92.75Si3Al2Ti2.25 active 958/1024[19] - Copper-ABA.
Au82Ni15.5V1.75Mo0.75 active 940/960[19] - Nioro-ABA.
Ag92.75Cu5Al1Ti1.25 active 860/912[19] - Silver-ABA. Hallmark-compliant, specifically tailored to meet sterling silver standard, used in jewellery. Zinc-free. Preforms made by rapid solidification.
Ag63Cu35.25Ti1.75 active 780/815[19] - Cusil-ABA.
Ag63Cu34.25Sn1Ti1.75 active 775/805[19] - Cusin-1-ABA.
Ag59Cu27.25In12.5Ti1.25 active 605/715[19] - Incusil-ABA.
Ti67Ni33 active 942/980[108] - Tini 67.
Ti70Cu15Ni15 active 910/960[108] - Ticuni.
Pd54Ni38Si8 Pd 830/875[19] - For brazing stainless steels, superalloys, and cemented carbides.
Ta60W30Zr10 active - Can be used for brazing graphite. For use at temperatures up to over 2700 °C.[82]

Some brazes come in the form of trifoils, laminated foils of a carrier metal clad with a layer of braze at each side. The center metal is often copper; its role is to act as a carrier for the alloy, to absorb mechanical stresses due to e.g. differential thermal expansion of dissimilar materials (e.g. a carbide tip and a steel holder), and to act as a diffusion barrier (e.g. to stop diffusion of aluminium from aluminium bronze to steel when brazing these two).

Braze families

Brazing alloys form several distinct groups; the alloys in the same group have similar properties and uses.[109]

Role of elements

Active metals

Some additives and impurities act at very low levels. Both positive and negative effects can be observed. Strontium at levels of 0.01% refines grain structure of aluminium. Beryllium and bismuth at similar levels help disrupt the passivation layer of aluminium oxide and promote wetting. Carbon at 0.1% impairs corrosion resistance of nickel alloys. Aluminium can embrittle mild steel at 0.001%, phosphorus at 0.01%.[19]

In some cases, especially for vacuum brazing, high-purity metals and alloys are used. 99.99% and 99.999% purity levels are available commercially.

Care has to be taken to not introduce deletrious impurities from joint contaminations or by dissolution of the base metals during brazing.

Melting behavior

Alloys with larger span of solidus/liquidus temperatures tend to melt through a "mushy" state, where the alloy is a mixture of solid and liquid material. Some alloys show tendency to liquation, separation of the liquid from the solid portion; for these the heating through the melting range has to be sufficiently fast to avoid this effect. Some alloys show extended plastic range, when only a small portion of the alloy is liquid and most of the material melts at the upper temperature range; these are suitable for bridging large gaps and for forming fillets. Highly fluid alloys are suitable for penetrating deep into narrow gaps and for brazing tight joints with narrow tolerances but are not suitable for filling larger gaps. Alloys with wider melting range are less sensitive to non-uniform clearances.

When the brazing temperature is suitably high, brazing and heat treatment can be done in a single operation simultaneously.

Eutectic alloys melt at single temperature, without mushy region. Eutectic alloys have superior spreading; non-eutectics in the mushy region have high viscosity and at the same time attack the base metal, with correspondingly lower spreading force. Fine grain size gives eutectics both increased strength and increased ductility. Highly accurate melting temperature allows joining process to be performed only slightly above the alloy's melting point. On solidifying, there is no mushy state where the alloy appears solid but is not yet; the chance of disturbing the joint by manipulation in such state is reduced (assuming the alloy did not significantly change its properties by dissolving the base metal). Eutectic behavior is especially beneficial for solders.[19]

Metals with fine grain structure before melting provide superior wetting to metals with large grains. Alloying additives (e.g. strontium to aluminium) can be added to refine grain structure, and the preforms or foils can be prepared by rapid quenching. Very rapid quenching may provide amorphous metal structure, which possess further advantages.[19]

Interaction with base metals

For successful wetting, the base metal has to be at least partially soluble in at least one component of the brazing alloy. The molten alloy therefore tends to attack the base metal and dissolve it, slightly change its composition in process. The composition change is reflected in the change of the alloy's melting point and the corresponding change of fluidity. For example, some alloys dissolve both silver and copper; dissolved silver lowers their melting point and increases fluidity, copper has the opposite effect.

The melting point change can be exploited. As the remelt temperature can be increased by enriching the alloy with dissolved base metal, step brazing using the same braze can be possible.

Alloys that do not significantly attack the base metals are more suitable for brazing thin sections.

Nonhomogenous microstructure of the braze may cause non-uniform melting and localized erosions of the base metal.

Wetting of base metals can be improved by adding a suitable metal to the alloy. Tin facilitates wetting of iron, nickel, and many other alloys. Copper wets ferrous metals that silver does not attack, copper-silver alloys can therefore braze steels silver alone won't wet. Zinc improves wetting of ferrous metals, indium as well. Aluminium improves wetting of aluminium alloys. For wetting of ceramics, reactive metals capable of forming chemical compounds with the ceramic (e.g. titanium, vanadium, zirconium...) can be added to the braze.

Dissolution of base metals can cause detrimental changes in the brazing alloy. For example, aluminium dissolved from aluminium bronzes can embrittle the braze; addition of nickel to the braze can offset this.

The effect works both ways; there can be detrimental interactions between the braze alloy and the base metal. Presence of phosphorus in the braze alloy leads to formation of brittle phosphides of iron and nickel, phosphorus-containing alloys are therefore unsuitable for brazing nickel and ferrous alloys. Boron tends to diffuse into the base metals, especially along the grain boundaries, and may form brittle borides. Carbon can negatively influence some steels.

Care has to be taken to avoid galvanic corrosion between the braze and the base metal, and especially between dissimilar base metals being brazed together.

Formation of brittle intermetallic compounds on the alloy interface can cause joint failure. This is discussed more in-depth with solders.

The potentially detrimental phases may be distributed evenly through the volume of the alloy, or be concentrated on the braze-base interface. A thick layer of interfacial intermetallics is usually considered detrimental due to its commonly low fracture toughness and other sub-par mechanical properties. In some situations, e.g. die attaching, it however does not matter much as silicon chips are not typically subjected to mechanical abuse.[19]

On wetting, brazes may liberate elements from the base metal. For example, aluminium-silicon braze wets silicon nitride, dissociates the surface so it can react with silicon, and liberates nitrogen, which may create voids along the joint interface and lower its strength. Titanium-containing nickel-gold braze wets silicon nitride and reacts with its surface, forming titanium nitride and liberating silicon; silicon then forms brittle nickel silicides and eutectic gold-silicon phase; the resulting joint is weak and melts at much lower temperature than may be expected.[19]

Metals may diffuse from one base alloy to the other one, causing embrittlement or corrosion. An example is diffusion of aluminium from aluminium bronze to a ferrous alloy when joining these. A diffusion barrier, e.g. a copper layer (e.g. in a trimet strip), can be used.

A sacrificial layer of a noble metal can be used on the base metal as an oxygen barrier, preventing formation of oxides and facilitating fluxless brazing. During brazing, the noble metal layer dissolves in the filler metal. Copper or nickel plating of stainless steels performs the same function.[19]

In brazing copper, a reducing atmosphere (or even a reducing flame) may react with the oxygen residues in the metal, which are present as cuprous oxide inclusions, and cause hydrogen embrittlement. The hydrogen present in the flame or atmosphere at high temperature reacts with the oxide, yielding metallic copper and water vapour, steam. The steam bubbles exert high pressure in the metal structure, leading to cracks and joint porosity. Oxygen-free copper is not sensitive to this effect, however the most readily available grades, e.g. electrolytic copper or high-conductivity copper, are. The embrittled joint may then fail catastrophically without any previous sign of deformation or deterioration.[111]

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Groover 2007, pp. 746–748.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Scwartz 1987, pp. 20–24.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Lucas-Milhaupt SIL-FOS 18 Copper/Silver/Phosphorus Alloy
  4. Scwartz 1987, pp. 271–279.
  5. Scwartz 1987, pp. 131–160
  6. Scwartz 1987, pp. 131–160.
  7. Scwartz 1987, pp. 163–185.
  8. The Brazing Guide
  9. Joseph R. Davis, ASM International. Handbook Committee (2001). Copper and copper alloys. ASM International. p. 311. ISBN 0871707268. 
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Scwartz 1987, pp. 189–198.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 Scwartz 1987, pp. 199–222.
  12. Scwartz 1987, pp. 24–37.
  13. Scwartz 1987, p. 3.
  14. Scwartz 1987, pp. 118–119.
  15. 15.00 15.01 15.02 15.03 15.04 15.05 15.06 15.07 15.08 15.09 15.10 15.11 15.12 15.13 15.14 15.15 15.16 15.17 15.18 15.19 15.20 15.21 15.22 15.23 15.24 15.25 15.26 15.27 15.28 15.29 15.30 15.31 15.32 15.33 15.34 15.35 15.36 15.37 15.38 15.39 15.40 15.41 15.42 15.43 15.44 15.45 15.46 15.47 15.48 15.49 15.50 15.51 15.52 15.53 15.54 15.55 15.56 15.57 15.58 15.59 15.60 15.61 15.62 15.63 15.64 15.65 15.66 15.67 15.68 15.69 15.70 15.71 15.72 15.73 15.74 15.75 15.76 15.77 15.78 15.79 15.80 15.81 Industrial brazing practice - Google Books. 2004. ISBN 9780849321122. Retrieved 2010-07-26. 
  16. AL 718 Aluminum Brazing Filler Metal
  17. AL 719 Aluminum Brazing Filler Metal
  18. AL 802 Aluminum Brazing Filler Metal
  19. 19.00 19.01 19.02 19.03 19.04 19.05 19.06 19.07 19.08 19.09 19.10 19.11 19.12 19.13 19.14 19.15 19.16 19.17 19.18 19.19 19.20 19.21 19.22 19.23 19.24 19.25 19.26 19.27 19.28 19.29 19.30 19.31 19.32 19.33 19.34 19.35 19.36 19.37 19.38 19.39 19.40 19.41 19.42 19.43 19.44 19.45 19.46 19.47 19.48 19.49 Principles of brazing - Google Books. 2005. ISBN 9780871708120. Retrieved 2010-07-26. 
  20. AL 815 Aluminum Brazing Filler Metal
  21. "Aluminum Filler Metals | Aluminum Braze | Filler Metals | Brazing & Soldering Products". Lucas-Milhaupt. Retrieved 2010-07-26. 
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  25. Silvaloy® 18M Brazing Alloy
  26. Matti-sil 18Si Cadmium Free Brazing Alloy
  27. SIL-FOS 18 Silver/ Copper/ Phosphorus Alloy
  28. Silvaloy® 6 Brazing Alloy
  29. Matti-phos 6 Alloy for Fluxless Brazing of Copper
  30. SIL-FOS 6 Silver/ Copper/ Phosphorus Alloy
  31. Matti-phos 2 Alloy for Fluxless Brazing of Copper
  32. Silvaloy® 2 Brazing Alloy
  33. SIL-FOS 2 Silver/ Copper/ Phosphorus Alloy
  34. Silvaloy® 2M Brazing Alloy
  35. Silvalite Brazing Alloy
  36. Silvabraze 33830 Brazing Alloy
  37. Silvaloy® 0 Brazing Alloy
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  39. Silvacap 35490 Brazing Alloy
  40. FOS FLO 670 Copper Phosphorus Tin Braze Filler Metal
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  44. Silvaloy® X55 Brazing Alloy
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  49. Matti-sil 38Sn Cadmium Free Brazing Alloy
  50. Silvaloy® A45 Brazing Alloy
  51. Matti-sil 45 Cadmium Free Brazing Alloy
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  53. Silvaloy® A54N Brazing Alloy
  54. BRAZE 559 Silver Based Cadmium Free Filler Metal
  55. BRAZE 495 Carbide Brazing Alloy
  56. Argo-braze 49LM Silver Brazing Alloy for Tungsten Carbide Brazing
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  58. Matti-sil 56Sn Cadmium Free Brazing Alloy
  59. Silvaloy® B72 Brazing Alloy
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  61. Lithobraze 925 Silver Based Cadmium Free Filler Metal
  62. BRAZE 630 Silver Based Cadmium Free Filler Metal
  63. Silvaloy® A50 Brazing Alloy
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  65. Matti-sil 453 Cadmium Free Brazing Alloy
  66. Matti-sil 453S Cadmium Free Brazing Alloy
  67. Silvaloy® A40T Brazing Alloy
  68. Silvaloy® A24 Brazing Alloy
  69. A complete line of premium brazing alloys, high silvers, solders and fluxes
  70. Matti-sil 30 Cadmium Free Brazing Alloy
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  72. Mattibraze 50 Cadmium Containing Silver Brazing Alloy
  73. Silvaloy® 30 Brazing Alloy
  74. Mattibraze 30 Cadmium Containing Silver Brazing Alloy
  75. Silvaloy® A25T Brazing Alloy
  76. Silvaloy® 35 Brazing Alloy
  77. EASY FLO 3 Carbide Brazing Alloy
  78. F Bronze High Temperature Alloy for Tungsten Carbide Brazing
  79. D Bronze High Temperature Alloy for Tungsten Carbide Brazing
  80. Silvaloy® A20 Brazing Alloy
  81. BRAZE 250 Silver Based Cadmium Free Filler Metal
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  86. Gold Tin – The Unique Eutectic Solder Alloy
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  88. Merrill L. Minges (1989). Electronic Materials Handbook: Packaging. ASM International. p. 758. ISBN 0871702851. 
  89. Au-Pd-Ni (AMS 4786) Gold Brazing Filler Metal
  90. BAu-5 (AMS 4785) Gold Brazing Filler Metal
  91. Wieland Porta Optimum 880 Solder
  92. Wieland Porta Oprimum 710 Solder
  93. Wieland Bio Porta 1020 Solder
  94. Wieland Porta Optimum 900 Solder
  95. Wieland Porta Optimum 940 Solder
  96. Wieland Porta 1090-W Solder
  97. Wieland Porta IP V-1 Solder
  98. Wieland Porta IP V-2 Solder
  99. Wieland Auropal M-1 Solder
  100. Wieland Auropal W-2 Solder
  101. Wieland Porta OP M-1 Solder
  102. Wieland Porta OP W-2 Solder
  103. 103.0 103.1 103.2 103.3 103.4 103.5 "Nickel-Based Alloys | BNi Alloys | Filler Metals". Lucas-Milhaupt. Retrieved 2010-07-26. 
  104. BNi-2 (AMS 4777) Nickel Base Brazing Filler Metal
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  106. BCo-1 (AMS 4783) Nickel Base Brazing Filler Metal
  107. Goodfellow Iron 40/Nickel 38/Boron 18 Alloy
  108. 108.0 108.1 "Braze Alloys Material Selector". Retrieved 2010-07-26. 
  109. "Guidelines for Selecting the Right Brazing Alloy". Retrieved 2010-07-26. 
  110. 110.0 110.1 110.2 110.3 110.4 110.5 110.6 Gold: Science and Applications - Google Books. 2009-06-15. ISBN 9781420065237. Retrieved 2010-07-26. 
  111. Supplies of Cadmium Bearing Silver Solders Continue (2009-01-20). "Strength of Silver Solder Joints". Retrieved 2010-07-26. 


Further reading

External links