
Introduced 1997
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry AFNIC
Sponsor AFNIC
Intended use Entities connected with the French Southern and Antarctic Lands
Actual use Rarely used except for free, redirected third-level domains
Structure Registrations are made at second level; an unofficial service makes free, redirected domains available at third level
Documents ICANN redelegation resolution
Dispute policies
Website nic.tf

.tf is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the French Southern and Antarctic Lands (France). Along with .fr and .re, it is administered by AFNIC. Before October 23, 2004, Adamsnames, based in Cambridge, administered this TLD.

There is also an additional free service offering third-level .tf domains, under the name United Names Organisation. They occupy 14 second-level domains, including .eu.tf, .us.tf, .net.tf, and .edu.tf. They are run by the same company as smartdots.com, and are given away as URL redirections.

Part of this territory, according to the French government, is a section of the continent of Antarctica claimed by France, although this claim is not recognized by most other countries. This creates an overlap between the territory of .tf and the Antarctica domain .aq.

External links