
Introduced 1986
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry AFNIC
Sponsor AFNIC
Intended use Entities connected with Flag of France.svg France
Actual use Very popular in France
Registration restrictions There is a French presence requirement and administrative contact address must be in France; some other restrictions on some of the specific subdomains
Structure Registrations are taken directly at the second level or at the third level beneath various second-level subdomains
Documents Registration Agreement
Dispute policies Alternative Dispute Resolutions
Website AFNIC

.fr is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for France. Along with .re and .tf, it is administered by AFNIC.

There also exist a number of second-level domains:

Apart from these six second-level domains AFNIC also reserves the right to introduce sector-based second-level domains. An example therefore would be the .gouv.fr domain reserved to identify the web addresses of French governmental institutions.

Registrations are processed via accredited registrars.

External links