
Introduced 1987
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry China Internet Network Information Center
Sponsor Chinese Academy of Sciences
Intended use Entities connected with Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg People's Republic of China
Actual use Used by many sites in mainland China and sites of companies attempting to market to mainland China; much hoarding and speculation by foreigners is going on
Registration restrictions Second-level and most third-level names are unrestricted; .gov.cn and .edu.cn are limited to qualified entities
Structure Names may be registered directly at the second level or at the third level within generic second-level categories or Chinese province codes
Documents China Internet Domain Name Regulations
Dispute policies CNNIC Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy
Website CNNIC (domestic); Neulevel (foreign)

.cn is the country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for the People's Republic of China.

The domain name administration in People's Republic of China is done through a branch of the Ministry of Information Industry. This ministry oversees everything from telecommunications to broadcasting similar to the Federal Communications Commission in the United States. The registry is maintained by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). The actual registrations are done through commercial registrars similar to other parts of the world. Neulevel has entered into a partnership with CNNIC to market .cn outside mainland China.

It is currently the second most common top-level domain, only after .com, but before .de, and .net, with over 12 million registrations. [1][2]


Second-level domains

Like most countries, people can register for second-level domain names. However, there are preset ones for certain types of organizations and geographic locations. The third-level registrations were available before second-level registrations became available in 2004, and third-level registrants were given first shot at getting their name at the second level when this was opened up.

Generic second-level domains

Second-level domains of provinces

The two-letter abbreviations are the same as those found in GB/T 2260-2002.[3]

Domain names with Chinese characters

Domain names with Chinese characters may also be registered at the second level under the .cn top-level domain.

Furthermore, CNNIC also proposes Chinese domain names in .公司 (".com" in Chinese), .网络 (".net" in Chinese) and .中国 (".china" in Chinese). However, this alternative registration system is not recognized by ICANN and is only available via domestic registrars.


See also

External links