Zeno's paradoxes

Zeno's paradoxes are a set of problems generally thought to have been devised by Zeno of Elea to support Parmenides's doctrine that "all is one" and that, contrary to the evidence of our senses, the belief in plurality and change is mistaken, and in particular that motion is nothing but an illusion. It is usually assumed, based on Plato's Parmenides 128c-d, that Zeno took on the project of creating these paradoxes because other philosophers had created paradoxes against Parmenides's view. Thus Zeno can be interpreted as saying that to assume there is plurality is even more absurd than assuming there is only "the One" (Parmenides 128d). Plato makes Socrates claim that Zeno and Parmenides were essentially arguing the exact same point (Parmenides 128a-b).

Several of Zeno's eight surviving paradoxes (preserved in Aristotle's Physics[1] and Simplicius's commentary thereon) are essentially equivalent to one another; and most of them were regarded, even in ancient times, as very easy to refute. Three of the strongest and most famous—that of Achilles and the tortoise, the Dichotomy argument, and that of an arrow in flight—are presented in more detail below.

Zeno's arguments are perhaps the first examples of a method of proof called reductio ad absurdum also known as proof by contradiction. They are also credited as a source of the dialectic method used by Socrates.[2]

Zeno's paradoxes were a major problem for ancient and medieval philosophers, who found most proposed solutions somewhat unsatisfactory. More modern solutions using calculus have generally satisfied mathematicians and engineers. Many philosophers still hesitate to say that all paradoxes are completely solved, while pointing out also that attempts to deal with the paradoxes have resulted in many intellectual discoveries. Variations on the paradoxes (see Thomson's lamp) continue to produce at least temporary puzzlement in elucidating what, if anything, is wrong with the argument.

The origins of the paradoxes are somewhat unclear. Diogenes Laertius, citing Favorinus, says that Zeno's teacher Parmenides, was the first to introduce the Achilles and the Tortoise Argument. But in a later passage, Laertius attributes the origin of the paradox to Zeno, explaining that Favorinus disagrees.[3]


The Paradoxes of Motion

Achilles and the tortoise

In a race, the quickest runner can never overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so that the slower must always hold a lead.

Aristotle, Physics VI:9, 239b15

In the paradox of Achilles and the Tortoise, Achilles is in a footrace with the tortoise. Achilles allows the tortoise a head start of 100 feet. If we suppose that each racer starts running at some constant speed (one very fast and one very slow), then after some finite time, Achilles will have run 100 feet, bringing him to the tortoise's starting point. During this time, the tortoise has run a much shorter distance, for example 10 feet. It will then take Achilles some further time to run that distance, in which time the tortoise will have advanced farther; and then more time still to reach this third point, while the tortoise moves ahead. Thus, whenever Achilles reaches somewhere the tortoise has been, he still has farther to go. Therefore, because there are an infinite number of points Achilles must reach where the tortoise has already been--he can never overtake the tortoise. [4][5]

The dichotomy paradox

That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal.

Aristotle, Physics VI:9, 239b10

Suppose Homer wants to catch a stationary bus. Before he can get there, he must get halfway there. Before he can get halfway there, he must get a quarter of the way there. Before traveling a fourth, he must travel one-eighth; before an eighth, one-sixteenth; and so on.


The resulting sequence can be represented as:

 \left\{ \cdots,  \frac{1}{16},  \frac{1}{8},  \frac{1}{4},  \frac{1}{2},  1 \right\}

This description requires one to complete an infinite number of tasks, which Zeno maintains is an impossibility.

This sequence also presents a second problem in that it contains no first distance to run, for any possible (finite) first distance could be divided in half, and hence would not be first after all. Hence, the trip cannot even begin. The paradoxical conclusion then would be that travel over any finite distance can neither be completed nor begun, and so all motion must be an illusion.

This argument is called the Dichotomy because it involves repeatedly splitting a distance into two parts. It contains some of the same elements as the Achilles and the Tortoise paradox, but with a more apparent conclusion of motionlessness. It is also known as the Race Course paradox. Some, like Aristotle, regard the Dichotomy as really just another version of Achilles and the Tortoise.[6]

The arrow paradox

If everything when it occupies an equal space is at rest, and if that which is in locomotion is always occupying such a space at any moment, the flying arrow is therefore motionless.

Aristotle, Physics VI:9, 239b5

In the arrow paradox, Zeno states that for motion to be occurring, an object must change the position which it occupies. He gives an example of an arrow in flight. He states that in any one instant of time, for the arrow to be moving it must either move to where it is, or it must move to where it is not. It cannot move to where it is not, because this is a single instant, and it cannot move to where it is because it is already there. In other words, in any instant of time there is no motion occurring, because an instant is a snapshot. Therefore, if it cannot move in a single instant it cannot move in any instant, making any motion impossible. This paradox is also known as the fletcher's paradox—a fletcher being a maker of arrows.

Whereas the first two paradoxes presented divide space, this paradox starts by dividing time - and not into segments, but into points.[7]

Three other paradoxes as given by Aristotle

Paradox of Place:

"… if everything that exists has a place, place too will have a place, and so on ad infinitum."[8]

Paradox of the Grain of Millet:

"… there is no part of the millet that does not make a sound: for there is no reason why any such part should not in any length of time fail to move the air that the whole bushel moves in falling. In fact it does not of itself move even such a quantity of the air as it would move if this part were by itself: for no part even exists otherwise than potentially."[9]

The Moving Rows:

"The fourth argument is that concerning the two rows of bodies, each row being composed of an equal number of bodies of equal size, passing each other on a race-course as they proceed with equal velocity in opposite directions, the one row originally occupying the space between the goal and the middle point of the course and the other that between the middle point and the starting-post. This...involves the conclusion that half a given time is equal to double that time."[10]

For an expanded account of Zeno's arguments as presented by Aristotle, see: Simplicius' commentary On Aristotle's Physics.

Proposed solutions

Aristotle remarked that as the distance decreases, the time needed to cover those distances also decreases, so that the time needed also becomes increasingly small.[11] Aristotle solves the paradoxes by distinguishing "things infinite in respect of divisibility" (such as a unit of space that can be mentally divided into ever smaller units while remaining spatially the same) from things (or distances) that are infinite in extension ("with respect to their extremities").[12]

Before 212 BCE, Archimedes had developed a method to derive a finite answer for the sum of infinitely many terms that get progressively smaller. Theorems have been developed in more modern calculus to achieve the same result, but with a more rigorous proof of the method (see convergent series where the "reciprocals of powers of 2" series, equivalent to the Dichotomy Paradox, is listed as convergent). These methods allow construction of solutions stating that (under suitable conditions), if the distances are decreasing sufficiently rapidly, the travel time is finite (bounded by a certain amount).

Another proposed solution is to question the assumption inherent in Zeno's paradox, which is that between any two different points in space (or time), there is always another point. If this assumption is challenged, the infinite sequence of events is avoided, and the paradox resolved.[13]

Yet another proposed solution, that of Peter Lynds, is to question the assumption that moving objects have exact positions at an instant and that their motion can be meaningfully dissected this way. If this assumption is challenged, motion remains continuous and the paradoxes are avoided.[14]

Status of the paradoxes today

Mathematicians claim to have done away with Zeno's paradoxes with rigorous analysis of the units of distance and time involved in the problem, and the invention of the calculus and methods of handling infinite sequences by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in the 17th century, and then again when certain problems with their methods were resolved by the reformulation of the calculus and infinite series methods in the 19th century.. The paradoxes certainly pose no problems in engineering either, as the practical questions as to where and when events such as Achilles passing the Tortoise are satisfactorily handled by unit analysis and calculus.

However, some philosophers insist that the deeper metaphysical questions, as raised by Zeno's paradoxes, are not addressed by the calculus. That is, while calculus tells us where and when Achilles will overtake the Tortoise, philosophers do not see how calculus takes anything away from Zeno's reasoning that concludes that this event cannot happen in the first place [15].

Philosophers also point out that Zeno's arguments are often misrepresented in the popular literature. That is, Zeno is often said to have argued that the sum of an infinite number of terms must be infinite itself, which calculus shows to be incorrect. However, Zeno's problem wasn't with any kind of infinite sum, but rather with an infinite process: how can one ever get from A to B, if an infinite number of events can be identified that need to precede the arrival at B? Philosophers claim that calculus does not resolve that question, and hence a solution to Zeno's paradoxes must be found elsewhere [16].

Infinite processes remained theoretically troublesome in mathematics until the early 20th century. L. E. J. Brouwer, a Dutch mathematician of the 19th and 20th century, and founder of the Intuitionist school, was the most prominent of those who rejected arguments, including proofs, involving infinities. In this he followed Leopold Kronecker, an earlier 19th century mathematician.

However, modern mathematics, with tools such as Kurt Gödel's proof of the logical independence of the axiom of choice and the epsilon-delta version of Weierstrass and Cauchy (or the equivalent and equally rigorous differential/infinitesimal version by Abraham Robinson), argues rigorous formulation of logic and calculus has resolved theoretical problems involving infinite processes, including Zeno's.[17]

The quantum Zeno effect

In 1977[18], physicists studying quantum mechanics discovered that the dynamical evolution (motion) of a quantum system can be hindered (or even inhibited) through observation of the system. [19] This effect is usually called the quantum Zeno effect as it is strongly reminiscent of (but not fundamentally related to) Zeno's arrow paradox.

This effect was first theorized in 1958.[20]

See also

  • Zeno machine
  • Supertask
  • Thomson's lamp
  • Balls and vase problem
  • What the Tortoise Said to Achilles
  • 0.999...
  • Solvitur ambulando
  • Incommensurable magnitudes
  • Quantum Zeno effect


  1. Aristotle's Physics "Physics" by Aristotle translated by R. P. Hardie and R. K. Gaye
  2. ([fr. 65], Diog. IX 25ff and VIII 57)
  3. Diogenes Laertius, Lives, 9.23 and 9.29.
  4. "Math Forum".
  5. "Zeno's Paradoxes:Archilles and the turtle". Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  6. [1]Zeno's Paradoxes Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Dichotomy
  7. [2]Zeno's Paradoxes Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Arrow
  8. Aristotle Physics IV:1, 209a25
  9. Aristotle Physics VII:5, 250a20
  10. Aristotle Physics VI:9, 239b33
  11. Aristotle. Physics 6.9
  12. Aristotle. Physics 6.9; 6.2, 233a21-31
  13. Kevin Brown, Reflections on Relativity, [3]; Francis Moorcroft, Zeno's Paradox, [4];
  14. http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/13.06/physics_pr.html
  15. Kevin Brown, Reflections on Relativity, [5]; Francis Moorcroft, Zeno's Paradox, [6]; Alba Papa-Grimaldi, Why Mathematical Solutions of Zeno's Paradoxes Miss the Point: Zeno's One and Many Relation and Parmenides' Prohibition, The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 50, 1996.
  16. Kevin Brown, Reflections on Relativity, [7]; Francis Moorcroft, Zeno's Paradox, [8]; Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Zeno's Paradox, [9]; Alba Papa-Grimaldi, Why Mathematical Solutions of Zeno's Paradoxes Miss the Point: Zeno's One and Many Relation and Parmenides' Prohibition, The Review of Metaphysics, Vol. 50, 1996.
  17. Walter Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill Publishing Co.; 3Rev Ed edition (September 1, 1976), ISBN 978-0070856134.
  18. Sudarshan, E.C.G.; Misra, B. (1977), "The Zeno’s paradox in quantum theory", Journal of Mathematical Physics 18 (4): pp. 756–763 
  19. W.M.Itano; D.J.Heinsen, J.J.Bokkinger, D.J.Wineland (1990). "Quantum Zeno effect". PRA 41: 2295–2300. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.41.2295. http://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/general/pdf/858.pdf. 
  20. Khalfin, L.A. (1958), , Soviet Phys. JETP 6: 1053 

Further references

External links

This article incorporates material from Zeno's paradox on PlanetMath, which is licensed under the GFDL.