West Ukrainian National Republic

The West Ukrainian National Republic (Ukrainian: Західно-Українська Народна Республика, Zakhidno-Ukrayins’ka Narodna Respublyka or ЗУНР, ZUNR; also translated "West Ukrainian People's Republic") was a short-lived republic that existed in late 1918 and early 1919 in eastern Galicia, that claimed parts of Bukovina and Carpathian Ruthenia and included the cities of Lviv, Peremyshl', Kolomyia, and Stanislaviv.

The coat of arms of the West Ukrainian People's Republic was a yellow lion on the blue field looking to the right. The colors of the flag were blue and yellow.

Західно-Українська Народна Республика
Zakhidno-Ukrayins’ka Narodna Respublyka
West Ukrainian National Republic
Flag of Austria-Hungary 1869-1918.svg
Flag of Galicia (Central Europe).svg
1918 – 1919 Flag of Poland.svg
Flag of the Czech Republic.svg
Flag of Romania.svg
Flag Coat of arms
Flag Coat of arms
Location of West Ukraine
Map of the areas claimed by the West Ukrainian National Republic
Capital Lviv
Language(s) Ukrainian
Government Republic
Historical era World War I
 - Established October 18
 - Act Zluky January 22, 1918
 - Polish invasion July, 1919



The West Ukrainian People's Republic was proclaimed on October 18, 1918. According to the Austro-Hungarian census of 1910, the territory claimed by the West Ukrainian People's Republic had about 5.4 million people. Of these, 3,291,000 (approximately 60%) were Ukrainians, 1,351,000 (approximately 25%) were Poles, 660,000 (approximately 12%) were Jews, and the rest included Germans, Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Romani, Armenians and others. The cities and towns of this largely rural region were mostly populated by Poles and Jews, while the Ukrainians dominated the countryside. This would prove problematic for the Ukrainians, because the largest city, Lviv (Lemberg, Lwów, Lvov), had a majority Polish population and was considered to be one of the most important Polish cities. Conflict between the West Ukrainian People's Republic and Poland was thus inevitable. Shortly after the republic proclaimed independence from the Austro-Hungarian Empire a popular uprising took place in Lviv, where most residents were Polish and did not want to be part of a non-Polish state. A few weeks later Lviv's rebellious Poles received support from Poland.

The government of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic united with the Ukrainian People's Republic on January 22, 1919, although this was mostly a symbolic act because the western Ukrainians retained their own Ukrainian Galician Army and government structure. After the Polish-Ukrainian War, Poland took over most of territory of the West Ukrainian People's Republic by July 1919. Part of the defeated army found refuge in Czechoslovakia and became known there under the name Ukrajinská brigáda (in Czech), while most of the army, consisting of about 50,000 soldiers, crossed into the territory of the Ukrainian People's Republic and continued the struggle for Ukrainian independence there. In 1920 Poland and Ukraine agreed to a border on the river Zbruch.

Lesser Coat of Arms of Ukraine.svg

History of Ukraine

Ukraine · Name of Ukraine · Historical regions · Christianity in Ukraine

Ancient History
Trypillian-Cucuteni culture · Yamna culture · Catacomb culture · Cimmeria · Taurica · Scythia · Sarmatia · Zarubintsy culture · Chernyakhov culture · Hunnic Empire

Middle Ages
Early East Slavs · Onoghuria · White Croatia · Rus' Khaganate · Khazars · Kievan Rus' · Galicia-Volhynia · Cumania · Mongol invasion of Rus' · Golden Horde · Principality of Moldavia · Grand Duchy of Lithuania

Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth · Zaporozhian Host · Khmelnytsky Uprising · The Ruin · Cossack Hetmanate · Left bank · Sloboda Ukraine · Right bank · Danube

Early Modern Period
Russian Empire · Little Russia · New Russia · Habsburg Monarchy · Kingdom of Galicia · Bukovina · Carpathian Ruthenia

Twentieth Century
Ukraine in World War I · Ukraine after the Revolution (Ukrainian People's Republic · Ukrainian Civil War) · Soviet Union · Ukrainian SSR · Holodomor · Chernobyl · Ukraine in World War II · Reichskommissariat Ukraine

Modern Ukraine
Orange Revolution


     Ruthenian (Ukrainian and Rusyn)-inhabited areas of north-eastern Austro-Hungarian Empire, 1911

The West Ukrainian People's Republic governed an area of approximately 4 million people for much of its eight month existence. Elections on Ukrainian-controlled territory were held from November 22–25 for the 150 member Ukrainian National Council that was to serve as the legislative body. Approximately one third of the seats were reserved for the national minorities (Poles, Jews, Slovaks and others). The Poles boycotted the elections, while the Jews participated and were represented by about 10 percent of the delegates. Yevhen Petrushevych, the chairman of the Council and a former member of the Austro-Hungarian parliament, automatically became the Republic's president. Despite the war, the West Ukrainian People's Republic maintained the stability of the pre-war Austrian administration intact, employing Ukrainian and Polish professionals. The boundaries of counties and communities were kept the same as they had been during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The county, regional, and local courts continued to function as they had while the country had been a part of Austria. Austrian laws remained temporarily in force. Likewise, the government generally retained the Austrian system of tax collection, although war losses had impoverished the population and the amount of taxes collected was minimal. Most of the government's revenue came from the export of oil and salt.

On February 15, 1919, a law was passed that made the state language Ukrainian. According to this law, however, members of national minorities had the right to communicate with the government in their own languages.The Western Ukrainian People's Republic also passed laws that confiscated vast estates from private landlords and distributed the land to landless peasants. It divided the territory of the West Ukrainian National Republic into 12 military districts whose commanders were responsible for conscripting soldiers. The government was able to mobilize 100,000 soldiers in the spring of 1919, but due to a lack of military supplies only 40,000 were battle-ready.

In general, the government of the West Ukrainian National Republic was orderly and well-organized. This contrasted with the chaotic state of the Ukrainian governments that arose on the territory of the former Russian Empire.

Postage stamps

Main article: Postage stamps and postal history of West Ukrainian National Republic
This overprint of May 1919 is on a five-heller stamp of Austria.

The republic issue about one hundred types of postage stamps during its brief existence, all but two of which are overprints on existing stamps of Austria or Bosnia.

See also


External links