Water Margin

Water Margin  
An illustration of the novel
Author Shi Nai'an
Original title 水滸傳
Country China
Language Chinese
Media type Print

Water Margin (traditional Chinese: 水滸傳; simplified Chinese: 水浒传; pinyin: Shuǐhǔ Zhuàn) (also Outlaws of the Marsh, All Men Are Brothers or The Marshes of Mount Liang) is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. Attributed to Shi Naian, whom some believe to be Luo Guanzhong, the novel details the trials and tribulations of 108 outlaws during the mid Song Dynasty.


Historical context and development

Water Margin is vaguely based upon the historical bandit Song Jiang and his 36 companions. The group was active in the Huai River region and eventually surrendered to government troops in 1121. They are recorded in the Song Shi (Chinese: 宋史 - "History of the Song Dynasty) (1345), the name of Song Jiang appearing in the chapter of Emperor Huizong, the activities of the gang in the chapter for Zhang Shuye (Chinese: 張叔夜). Folk stories about Song Jiang circulated during the Southern Song. The first text to name Song Jiang's thirty-six companions was the 13th century Guixin Zashi (Chinese: 癸辛雜識 - "Miscellaneous Observations from the Year Guixin") by Zhou Mi (Chinese: 周密) (1232 - 1298). Among the thirty-six are Lu Junyi, Guan Sheng, Ruan Xiaoer, Ruan Xiaowu, Ruan Xiaoqi, Liu Tang, Hua Rong and Wu Yong. Some of the characters to later become associated with Song Jiang also appeared around this time. They include Sun Li, Yang Zhi, Lin Chong, Lu Zhishen and Wu Song.

A direct precursor of Water Margin was the Da Song Xuanhe Yishi (Chinese: 大宋宣和遺事 - "Old incidents in Xuanhe period of the great Song Dynasty"), which appeared around the mid-13th century. The text was basically a written version of storytellers' tales, based loosely on historical events. It is divided into ten chapters, roughly covering the history of the Song Dynasty from the early 11th century to the establishment of the Southern Song regime in 1127. The fourth chapter covers the adventures of Song Jiang and his 36 companions, and their eventual defeat by Zhang Shuye (Chinese: 張叔夜). Some of the more well-known stories and characters of the Water Margin are clearly visible, including "Yang Zhi selling his sword", "Stealing the birthday present", "Song Jiang kills his slave girl", "Fighting Fang La" etc. It places Song Jiang and his bandits in the Taihang Mountains, and his band ran the gamut from fishermen to ex imperial drill instructors to inn-keepers etc.

Stories about the bandits of Mount Liang became popular as subject for Yuan Dynasty drama. During this time the material on which the Water Margin was based evolved into what it is today. Song Jiang's bandits were expanded to number one hundred and eight, and though they came from different backgrounds, all eventually come to occupy Mount Liang. There is a theory that Water Margin became popular during the Yuan Dynasty due to resentment toward the Mongol rulers. Song Jiang's rebellion was safe to promote because it criticized the Song Dynasty on the surface, but it was also a call to oppose all corrupt governments.

Authorship and early editions


There is considerable disagreement as to the author of Water Margin. Most consider the first seventy chapters to have been written by Shi Nai'an, while the last thirty chapters were written by Luo Guanzhong, also the author of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Luo may have been the disciple of Shi Nai'an. It has also been suggested that Shi Nai'an did not exist but was merely a pseudonym for Luo Guanzhong himself. Clues from the text itself strongly suggest that the author was a native of Zhejiang province (as both Luo and Shi were) who had little knowledge of northern China. At a 2006 conference, the leading scholars of the work agreed that Shi and Luo were probably the same person, because the name Shi Nai'an written backwards spells "an nai shi", meaning "It is I again."

It is not clear how close the Luo's edition was to those that are known today. The earliest extant edition of Water Margin is a 100-chapter printed text dating from the mid-16th century. Another edition, with 120 chapters by Yang Dingjian (Chinese: 楊定見), has been preserved from the Wanli era (1573–1620). Yet other editions were published since this era to the early Qing Dynasty, including a 70-chapter edition by Jin Shengtan (1608-1661).

Outline of chapters

The opening episode is the release of the 108 spirits. The next chapter describes the rise of Gao Qiu, the main antagonist of the 108. Then follow the stories of different outlaws. At first the story may seem like separate stories, which, in a sense, they were. The connections were very vague between characters. But the story eventually comes together by Chapter 40 or so, during the exile and rescue of Song Jiang, who becomes the head of 108 outlaws. Once the main characters gather on the Mount Liang on the marsh, the story goes on with the conflicts with the Song dynasty, while Song Jiang keeps showing his loyalty to the emperor. After winning battles against the imperial forces, the outlaws are offered amnesty and invited by the emperor to become an official army, which Song Jiang willingly accepts. Gao Qiu, not being happy with them, sends them out to fight against the enemies of the dynasty, and finally we will see the tragic ending.

The following outline of chapters is based on a 100-chapter edition. Yang's 120-chapter edition includes other campaigns of the outlaws on behalf of Song dynasty, while Jin's 70-chapter edition omits the chapters on the outlaws' acceptance of amnesty and following campaigns.

Chapter Event
1 Marshal Hong Releases the 108 Spirits.
2 The rise of Gao Qiu.
2–3 The story of Shi Jin.
3–7 The story of Lu Zhishen.
7–12 The story of Lin Chong.
12–13 The story of Yang Zhi.
13–20 The robbing of the birthday gifts led by Chao Gai and the "original 7".
20–22 The story of Song Jiang.
23–32 The story of Wu Song.
32–35 The story of Hua Rong.
36–43 The exile and rescue of Song Jiang.
44–47 The story of Shi Xiu and Yang Xiong.
47–50 The three assaults on the Zhu Family Village.
51–52 The story of Lei Heng and Zhu Tong.
53–55 The outlaws attack Gaotangzhou; the search for Gongsun Sheng.
55–57 The first imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh (led by Huyuan Zhuo).
57–59 The outlaws attack Qingzhou.
59–60 The outlaws attack Mount Mangdang.
60 The first assault on the Zeng Family Village; the death of Chao Gai.
60–67 The story of Lu Junyi; the outlaws attack Damingfu; the second imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh (led by Guan Sheng).
67 The third imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh (led by Shan Ting-gui and Wei Ding-guo).
68 The second assault on the Zeng Family Village.
69–70 The outlaws attack Dongpingfu and Dongchangfu.
71–74 The 108 heroes are fully assembled; the funny and lethal antics of Li Kui.
75–78 The Emperor offers amnesty the first time; the fourth imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh.
78–80 The fifth imperial assault on Liangshan Marsh (led by Gao Qiu).
81–82 The outlaws are granted complete amnesty.
83–89 The outlaws attack the Liao Tatars.
90–99 The outlaws attack the southern rebels (Fang La).
100 The tragic dissolution of the outlaws of the Marsh.

The extended version adds the Liangshan Marsh bandits' expeditions against other noted rebel leaders, Tian Hu in Hebei and Wang Qing in Szechuan, prior to the campaign against Fang La.


Kinhyōshi yōrin (Yang Lin), hero of the Suikoden. From Utagawa Kuniyoshi's series of woodblock prints illustrating the 108 Suikoden.

Japanese translations of the Water Margin date to at least 1757, when the first volume of an early Suikoden (Water Margin rendered in Japanese) was printed.[1] Other early translations include Takebe Ayakari's 1773 Japanese Water Margin (Honcho suikoden),[2] the 1783 Women's Water Margin (Onna suikoden),[3] and Santō Kyōden's 1801 Chushingura Water Margin (Chushingura suikoden).[4]

In 1805, Takizawa Bakin released a Japanese translation of the Water Margin illustrated by Hokusai Katsushika.[5] The book, called the New Illustrated Edition of the Suikoden (Shinpen Suikogaden), was a huge success in urban Edo and spurred a Japanese "Suikoden" craze.[5] In 1827, publisher Kagaya Kichibei commissioned Utagawa Kuniyoshi to produce a series of woodblock prints illustrating the 108 heroes of the Water Margin.[5] The 1827-1830 series, called 108 Heroes of the Water Margin or Tsuzoku Suikoden goketsu hyakuhachinin no hitori, catapulted Kuniyoshi to fame.[5][6] It also brought about a craze for multicolored pictoral tattoos that covered the entire body from neck to mid-thigh.[6] Following the great commercial success of the Kuniyoshi series, other ukiyo-e artists were commissioned to produce prints of the Water Margin heroes, which began to be shown as Japanese heroes rather than the original Chinese personages.[5] Among these later series was Yoshitoshi's 1866-1867 series of 50 designs in Chuban size, which are darker than Kuniyoshi's and feature strange ghosts and monsters.[5]


Water Margin has been translated into many languages. One of the first English translations was made by Pearl S. Buck. Titled All Men are Brothers and published in 1933, the book was well-received by the American public. However, it was also heavily criticized for its many errors and inaccuracies, including many mispronunciations. An often cited example in this edition was her mistranslation of Lu Zhishen's nickname "Flowery Monk" into "Priest Hwa".

Of the later editions, Chinese-naturalized Jewish-American scholar Sidney Shapiro's Outlaws of the Marsh (1980) is considered one of the best. However, due to its being published during the Cultural Revolution, this edition received little attention at the time. Shapiro's translation is currently published by the Beijing Foreign Language Press, as a three-volume set.

Modern transformations

Film and television



Video games


  1. Shirane and Brandon, Early Modern Japanese Literature, p564.
  2. Shirane and Brandon. Early Modern Japanese Literature, p555 and 886.
  3. Shirane and Brandon. Early Modern Japanese Literature, p13.
  4. Shirane and Brandon. Early Modern Japanese Literature, p656 and 886
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 http://www.artelino.com/articles/heroes_suikoden.asp, citing Inge Klompmakers, "Of brigands and bravery - Kuniyoshi's heroes of the Suikoden", Hotei Publishing, Leiden, Breestraat 113, 2311 CL Leiden, The Netherlands, 1998, ISBN 90-74822-08-8.
  6. 6.0 6.1 Guth, Christine. Longfellow's Tattoos: Tourism, Collecting, and Japan. University of Washington Press (2004), p147. ISBN 0295984015.
  7. Kung Fu Cinema
  8. Dragon's Den UK
  9. Qian, Cai. General Yue Fei. Trans. Honorable Sir T.L. Yang. Joint Publishing (H.K.) Co., Ltd.,1995 (ISBN 978-962-04-1279-0), page 39
  10. Hsia, C.T. C. T. Hsia on Chinese Literature. Columbia University Press, 2004 (ISBN 0231129904), pg. 149
  11. Børdahl, Vibeke. Four Masters Of Chinese Storytelling: Full-length Repertoires Of Yangzhou Storytelling On Video. Nordic Institute of Asian Studies; Bilingual edition, 2004 (ISBN 8-7911-1464-0), pg. 166
  12. Hsia: pp. 448-449, footnote #31

Works cited

External links

