Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
Part of World War II and the The Holocaust
Stroop Report - Warsaw Ghetto Uprising 06.jpg
Photo from Jürgen Stroop Report to Heinrich Himmler from May 1943 and one of the best known pictures of World War II
Date April 19 1943 - May 16 1943
Location Warsaw Ghetto, Poland
Result Decisive German victory; heroic failure for Jewish rebels
Flag of Germany 1933.svg Germany
(Waffen-SS, SD, OrPo, Gestapo, Wehrmacht)
(Jewish Ghetto Police, Latvian Auxiliary Police, Lithuanian Security Police, Polish Blue Police)
Yellow star Jude Jew.svg Jewish resistance
Socialist red flag.svg ŻOB
Flag of Poland (normative).svg ŻZW
Flaga PPP.svg Polish resistance
Flag of Poland (normative).svg AK
Socialist red flag.svg GL
Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg (few hours only)
Jürgen Stroop
Stroop's field commanders (including Franz Bürkl and Erich Steidtmann)
Mordechaj Anielewicz †
Dawid Apfelbaum †
Icchak Cukierman
Marek Edelman
Paweł Frenkiel †
Henryk Iwański (AK)
Zivia Lubetkin
Dawid Wdowiński
and others (mostly killed)
Official daily average of 2,090 troops (including 821 Waffen-SS) according to the German internal report. Some 220[1] to 600[2] ŻOB and 150 to 400 ŻZW fighters (on April 19, 1943). Smaller numbers of a Polish fighters engaged at the different times.
Up to 70,000 civilians.
Casualties and losses
Officially 16 killed in action and 85 wounded according to the Jürgen Stroop's report for Friedrich Krüger; possibly higher. Total of 56,065 Jews accounted for (killed and deported) according to the Stroop's report; some 71,000 in his own unofficial count.

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (German: "Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto", Polish: "Powstanie w getcie warszawskim") was the Jewish insurgency that arose within the Warsaw Ghetto in German occupied Poland during World War II, and which opposed Nazi Germany's effort to transport the remaining ghetto population to the Treblinka extermination camp. The insurgency was launched against the Germans on January 18 1943. The most significant portion of the insurgency took place from April 19 until May 16, 1943, and ended when the poorly armed and supplied resistance was crushed by the German troops under the direct command of Jürgen Stroop. It was the largest single revolt by the Jews during the Holocaust.[3]



Main articles: Warsaw Ghetto, Gross-Aktion, and Operation Reinhard

In 1940, the Nazis began concentrating Poland's population of over three million Jews into a number of extremely crowded ghettos located in large Polish cities. The largest of these, the Warsaw Ghetto, concentrated approximately 300,000–400,000 people into a densely packed central area of Warsaw. Thousands of Jews died due to rampant disease and starvation under the SS and Police Leader Odilo Globocnik and SS-Standartenführer Ludwig Hahn, even before the mass deportations from the ghetto to the Treblinka extermination camp began. The Nazi forces conducted most of the deportations during the Gross Aktion, between July 23 and September 21 of 1942.[4][5] Approximately 254,000–300,000 Ghetto residents met their deaths at Treblinka during the 2 months long operation. The Gross-aktion was directed by SS Oberfuhrer Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg, the commander of the Warsaw area since 1941.[6] He was relieved of duty by SS–and–Polizeifuehrer Jürgen Stroop sent to Warsaw by Heinrich Himmler on April 17, 1943.[7][8] Stroop took over from Sammern following his unsuccessful ghetto offensive.[9] Just before the action began, German Schutzstaffel headed by the "Resettlement Commissioner", SS Sturmbannfuhrer Hermann Höfle, called the meeting of the Ghetto Jewish Council Judenrat and informed its leader Adam Czerniaków about the "resettlement to the East".[10][11][12] Czerniakow committed suicide once he became aware of the true meaning of the Nazi treacherous plan.

When the deportations first began, members of the Jewish resistance movement met and decided not to fight the SS directives, believing that the Jews were being sent to labour camps and not to their deaths. By the end of 1942 however, it became known to Ghetto inhabitants that the deportations were part of an extermination process. Many of the remaining Jews decided to resist.[13]

The fighting

January 1943 rebellion

On January 18, 1943, the Germans began their second deportation of the Jews, which led to the first instance of armed insurgency within the ghetto. While Jewish families hid in their "bunkers," Germans and the Jewish Combat Organization (Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa, ŻOB) fighters engaged in two direct clashes. As a consequence, even as the ŻOB suffered severe losses (among them Yitzhak Gitterman), the deportation was halted within a few days, and only 5,000 Jews were removed instead of the 8,000 as planned by Globocnik. There were almost a thousand people in the Warsaw ghetto ready to fight, adults and children. They were armed with pistols, and a few other weapons that had been smuggled into the ghetto.[2]

Two resistance organizations, the Jewish Military Union (Żydowski Związek Wojskowy, ŻZW) and the ŻOB took control of the Ghetto. They built dozens of fighting posts and executed individuals who collaborated with the Germans, including Jewish Police officers, members of German sponsored Zagiew organization and Gestapo agents (like Dr Alfred Nossig).[14] The ŻOB established a prison to hold and execute traitors and collaborators.[15] Józef Szeryński, the former head of the Jewish Police, committed suicide.[16]

Opposing forces

Jewish insurgents

Stroop Report: the original German caption reads: "Women captured with arms." For Jewish IDs see archive photo #1893
Main articles: Żydowska Organizacja Bojowa and Żydowski Związek Wojskowy

Ghetto fighters were armed, if at all, mostly only with pistols and revolvers, which were of limited value in combat. Just a few rifles and automatic firearms smuggled into the Ghetto were available. The insurgents had little ammunition, and relied heavily on improvised explosive devices and incendiary bottles. Some more weapons were supplied throughout the uprising or captured from the Germans. In his report of May 24, 1943, Stroop claimed to have captured a total of "seven Polish rifles, one Russian and one German rifle, 59 pistols of various calibers, several hundred incendiary bottles, home-made explosives, infernal machines with fuses, a large amount of explosives and ammunition for weapons of all calibers, including some machine gun ammunition" (adding that his forces were able to recover only a small part of the insurgent weapons).

Polish support

Support from outside the Ghetto was limited, but Polish Resistance units from Armia Krajowa (AK) (the Home Army)[17] and Polish Communist Gwardia Ludowa (GL) (the People's Guard)[18] attacked German units near the ghetto walls and attempted to smuggle weapons, ammunition, supplies and instructions into the ghetto.[19] Polish resistance also provided the insurgents with limited number of badly needed weapons and ammunitions from its meager stocks.[20] AK also disseminated information and appeals to help the Jews in the ghetto, both in Poland and by way of radio transmissions to the Allies.[17] Several ŻOB commanders and fighters later escaped through the sewers with assistance from the Poles and joined Polish underground.[17]

Polish AK unit, the National Security Corps (Państwowy Korpus Bezpieczeństwa), under the command of Henryk Iwański code name "Bystry", fought inside the Ghetto along with ŻZW. Subsequently, both groups retreated together (including 34 Jewish fighters) to the so-called "Aryan side". Although Iwański's action is the most well-known rescue mission, it was only one of many actions undertaken by the Polish resistance to help the Jewish fighters.[21] In one attack, three units of AK under command kpt. Józef Pszenny "Chwacki" tried to breach the Ghetto walls with explosives, but the Germans defeated this action.[19] AK and GL engaged the Germans between April 19 and April 23 at six different locations outside the ghetto walls, shooting at German sentries and positions and in one case attempting to blow-up a gate.[19]

Participation of the Polish underground in the uprising was confirmed by a report of the German commander Jürgen Stroop. He wrote that his forces were "...permanently under gun fire behind the ghetto. It means from the Aryan side .. When we invaded the Ghetto for the first time, the Jews and the Polish bandits succeeded in repelling the participating units, including tanks and armored cars, by a well-prepared concentration of fire." He described Iwański's action: "The main Jewish battle group, mixed with Polish bandits, had already retired during the first and second day to the so-called Muranowski Square. There, it was reinforced by a considerable number of Polish bandits."[22]

Nazi forces

Stroop Report: Nazi sentries with a Maschinengewehr 08 machine gun at one of the gates to the ghetto

Ultimately, the efforts of the Jewish resistance fighters proved insufficient against the German forces. The Germans eventually committed an average daily force of 2,090 well-armed troops, including 821 Waffen-SS Panzergrenadier troops (consisting of five SS reserve and training battalions and one SS cavalry reserve and training battalion), as well as 363 Polish Blue Policemen, who were ordered by the Germans to cordon the walls of the Ghetto.[23]

Stroop Report: orginal caption: "Askaris used during the operation". Two Ukrainian Askaris[24] peer into a doorway past the bodies of Jews killed during the suppression of the uprising

The other forces were drawn from the SS Ordnungspolizei (Orpo) "order police" (battalions from the regiments 22rd and 23rd), the SS Sicherheitsdienst (SD) security service, Warsaw Gestapo, one battalion each from two Wehrmacht railroad combat engineers regiments, a battery of Wehrmacht anti-aircraft artillery (and one field gun), a battalion of Ukrainian Trawniki-Männer from the SS Final Solution training camp Trawniki, Lithuanian and Latvian auxiliary policemen known by the nickname Askaris (Latvian Arajs Kommando and Lithuanian Saugumas), and technical emergency corps. Polish fire brigade personnel were forced to help in the operation. In addition, a number of criminals and executioners from the nearby Gestapo Pawiak prison, under the command of Franz Bürkl, volunteered to "hunt the Jews". Most of the remaining Jewish policemen were executed by the Gestapo, or used in the offensive and then subsequently executed as well.[25]

German assault

On the eve of Passover, April 19, 1943, the police and SS auxiliary forces entered the Ghetto under the command of SS-Oberführer Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg, planning to complete their Aktion within three days. However, they suffered losses as they were repeatedly ambushed by Jewish insurgents, who shot and launched Molotov cocktails and hand grenades at them from alleyways, sewers and windows. A French-made Lorraine 37L armoured fighting vehicle and an armoured car were set afire with ŻOB petrol bombs, and the German advance was halted.[25]

Stroop Report: orginal caption: "The leader of the grand operation". Surrounded by heavily armed guards, SS Brigadeführer Jürgen Stroop (center) watches housing blocks burn. SD Rottenführer at right is possibly Josef Blösche ("Frankenstein")

The Jewish insurgents achieved noteworthy success against von Sammern-Frankenegg's forces, and he subsequently lost his post as the SS and police commander of Warsaw. He was replaced by SS-Gruppenführer (then Brigadeführer) Jürgen Stroop, who rejected von Sammern-Frankenegg's proposal to call in bomber aircraft from Kraków and proceeded with a better-organized ground assault that included artillery support.

The longest-lasting defense of a position took place around the ŻZW stronghold at Muranowski Square from April 19 to late April. In the afternoon of April 19, two boys climbed up on the roof of the concrete headquarters of the ŻZW at Muranowski Square and raised two flags: the red-and-white Polish flag and the blue-and-white ŻZW flag (blue and white are the colors of the flag of Israel today). These flags were well-seen from the Warsaw streets and remained atop the house for four entire days, despite German attempts to remove them. Stroop recalled:

The matter of the flags was of great political and moral importance. It reminded hundreds of thousands of the Polish cause, it excited them and unified the population of the General-Government, but especially Jews and Poles. Flags and national colors are a means of combat exactly like a rapid-fire weapon, like thousands of such weapons. We all knew that - Heinrich Himmler, Krüger, and Hahn. The Reichsfuehrer [Himmler] bellowed into the phone: "Stroop, you must at all costs bring down those two flags."[26]

Another German armoured vehicle was destroyed in an insurgent counterattack, in which ŻZW commander Dawid Apfelbaum was also killed. After Stroop's ultimatum to surrender was rejected by the defenders, the Nazis resorted to systematically burning houses block by block with flamethrowers and blowing up basements and sewers: "We were beaten by the flames, not the Germans," recalled Marek Edelman in 2007.[1] "The sea of flames flooded houses and courtyards... There was no air, only black, choking smoke and heavy burning heat radiating form the red-hot walls, from the glowing stone stairs," Edelman recalled in 2003.[27]

The ŻZW lost all its leaders and, on April 29, 1943, the remaining fighters escaped the ghetto through the Muranowski tunnel, and relocated to the Michalin forest. This event marked the end of the organized resistance, and of significant fighting.

Stroop Report:orginal Caption:"A Patrol" A group of SS men on the street of Warsaw Ghetto during the uprising
Stroop Report: Original German caption reads: "Forcibly pulled out of dugouts." Captured Jews are led by German soldiers to the assembly point for deportation. For identification of Jewish victims see [1]

The remaining Jews, civilians and surviving fighters took cover in the "bunker" dugouts which were carefully hidden among the largely burned-out ruins of the ghetto. The German troops employed dogs to discover the hideouts, using smoke grenades and tear gas (and reportedly even poison gas) to force Jews out. In many instances, the Jews came out of their hiding places firing at the Germans, while a number of female fighters lobbed hidden grenades or fired concealed handguns after they had surrendered. Small groups of Jewish insurgents engaged German patrols in night-time skirmishes. However, German losses were minimal following the first ten days of the uprising.

On May 8, 1943, the Germans discovered the ŻOB's main command post, located at Miła 18 Street. Most of its leadership and dozens of remaining fighters were killed, while others committed mass suicide by ingesting cyanide. The dead included the organization's commander, Mordechaj Anielewicz. His deputy, Edelman, escaped through the sewers on May 10 with a handful of comrades. Two days later, the Bundist Szmul Zygielbojm committed suicide in London in protest, citing a lack of assistance for the insurgents on the part of Western governments:

I cannot continue to live and to be silent while the remnants of Polish Jewry, whose representative I am, are being murdered. My comrades in the Warsaw ghetto fell with arms in their hands in the last heroic battle. I was not permitted to fall like them, together with them, but I belong with them, to their mass grave. By my death, I wish to give expression to my most profound protest against the inaction in which the world watches and permits the destruction of the Jewish people.

The suppression of the uprising officially ended on May 16, 1943. Nevertheless, sporadic shooting could be heard within the Ghetto throughout the summer of 1943. The uprising was put down conclusively in a battle which took place on June 5, 1943 between Germans and a group of Jewish fighters without connection to the resistance groups.

Death toll

Memorial at Treblinka death camp representing the Jewish victims of Warsaw

Approximately 13,000 Jewish residents were killed during the uprising (some 6,000 among them were burnt alive or died from smoke inhalation). Of the remaining 50,000 inhabitants, most were captured and shipped to concentration and extermination camps, in particular to Treblinka.

Jürgen Stroop's internal SS report for Friedrich Krüger, written on May 13 1943, stated:

180 Jews, bandits and sub-humans, were destroyed. The former Jewish quarter of Warsaw is no longer in existence. The large-scale action was terminated at 20:15 hours by blowing up the Warsaw Synagogue. (...) Total number of Jews dealt with 56,065, including both Jews caught and Jews whose extermination can be proved. (...) Apart from 8 buildings (police barracks, hospital, and accommodations for housing working-parties) the former Ghetto is completely destroyed. Only the dividing walls are left standing where no explosions were carried out.[23]

According to the Stroop's report, his forces suffered 16 killed in action and 86 wounded (these figures included over 60 members of Waffen-SS, and did not include the Jewish collaborators). The real number of German losses, however, may be well higher if unknown. For the propaganda purposes, official German casualties were claimed to be only few wounded and none killed, while the Polish underground bulletins claimed that hundreds of Nazis died in the fighting.


Former Ghetto under continued Nazi occupation

Main article: Warsaw concentration camp
Leveled area of the former Warsaw Ghetto in 1945

After the uprising, most of the incinerated houses were razed, and the Warsaw concentration camp complex was established in their place. Thousands of people died in the camp or were executed in the ruins of the ghetto. At the same time, the SS were hunting down the remaining Jews still hiding in the ruins.

In 1944, during the general Warsaw Uprising, the AK battalion Zośka was able to rescue 380 Jewish concentration camp prisoners from the Gęsiówka sub-camp, most of whom immediately joined AK and fought in the Polish uprising. A few small groups of Ghetto inhabitants also managed to survive in the underground sewer system.

Fate of the German war criminals

Bürkl was assassinated by the Polish resistance in the Operation Bürkl in October 1943. In the same month, von Sammern-Frankenegg was killed by Yugoslav partisan ambush near the city of Klasznic in Yugoslavia.

Globocnik, Himmler, and Krüger all followed Adolf Hitler and committed suicide in May 1945.

Stroop was convicted of war crimes in two different trials and executed by hanging in Poland in 1952 (his aide Erich Steidtmann was exonerated for "minimal involvement"). Hahn went into hiding until 1975, when he was apprehended and sentenced to life for crimes against humanity; he died in prison in 1986.

Relation to 1944 Warsaw Uprising

Main article: Warsaw Uprising

The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising of 1943 took place over a year before the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. The Ghetto had been totally destroyed by the time of the Warsaw uprising, which was part of the larger Operation Tempest. Hundreds of the survivors from the first uprising took part in the 1944 general Warsaw Uprising, fighting in the ranks of the Armia Krajowa and Armia Ludowa.

Monument to the Ghetto Heroes in Warsaw in 2006

The Warsaw kneeling

Main article: Warschauer Kniefall

On December 7, 1970, West German Chancellor Willy Brandt spontaneously knelt while visiting a monument to the Uprising in the former People's Republic of Poland. At the time, the action surprised many and was the focus of controversy, but it has since been credited with helping improve relations between the NATO and Warsaw Pact countries.

Remembrance in Israel

A number of survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, known as the "Ghetto Fighters," went on to found Kibbutz Lohamey ha-Geta'ot (literally: "Ghetto Fighters' Kibbutz"), which is located north of Acre. The founding members of the kibbutz include Yitzhak Zuckerman, ŻOB deputy commander, and his wife Zivia Lubetkin, who also commanded a fighting unit. In 1984, the members of the kibbutz published Dapei Edut ("Testimonies of Survival"), four volumes of personal testimonies from 96 kibbutz members. The settlement also features a museum and archives dedicated to remembering the Holocaust.

Yad Mordechai, another kibbutz just north of the Gaza Strip, was named after Mordechai Anielewicz.

In 2008, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gabi Ashkenazi led a group of IDF officials to the site of uprising and spoke about the event's "importance for IDF combat soldiers."[28]

Marek Edelman, last living leader of the Ghetto Uprising.(2005)


See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 Last Warsaw ghetto revolt commander honours fallen comrades
  2. 2.0 2.1 World War II: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising history.net
  4. "Aktion Reinhard". Yad Vashem. Shoah Resource Center, The International School for Holocaust Studies. See: "Aktion Reinhard" named after Reinhard Heydrich, the main organizer of the "Final Solution"; also, Treblinka, 50 miles northeast of Warsaw, set up June/July 1942.
  5. (Polish) (English) Barbara Engelking-Boni; Centrum Badań nad Zagładą Żydów IFiS PAN, Warsaw Ghetto Internet Database hosted by Polish Center for Holocaust Research The Fund for support of Jewish Institutions or Projects, 2006. Timeline. See: 22 July, 1942 — the beginning of the great deportation action in the Warsaw ghetto; transports leave from Umschlagplatz for Treblinka.
  6. The Nizkor Project, Statement by Stroop to CMP investigators about his actions in the Warsaw Ghetto (February 24, 1946) Wiesbaden, Germany, 24 February 1946.
  7. Moshe Arens, Who Defended The Warsaw Ghetto? The Jerusalem Post
  8. Jurgen Stroop Diary, including The Stroop Report: Table of Contents (Jewish Virtual Library)
  9. Jewish Virtual Library, Ferdinand von Sammern-Frankenegg Source: Danny Dor (Ed.), Brave and Desperate. Israel Ghetto Fighters, 2003, p. 166.
  10. Treblinka — ein Todeslager der "Aktion Reinhard", in: "Aktion Reinhard" — Die Vernichtung der Juden im Generalgouvernement, Bogdan Musial (ed.), Osnabrück 2004, pp. 257–281.
  11. Court of Assizes in Düsseldorf, Germany. Excerpts From Judgments (Urteilsbegründung). AZ-LG Düsseldorf: II 931638.
  12. "Operation Reinhard: Treblinka Deportations" The Nizkor Project, 1991–2008
  13. Warsaw Ghetto Uprising USHMM
  14. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, by Marek Edelman
  15. Benjamin Wald Jewish Virtual Library
  16. Josef “Andzi” Szerynski Jewish Virtual Library
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 Addendum 2 – Facts about Polish Resistance and Aid to Ghetto Fighters, Roman Barczynski, Americans of Polish Descent, Inc. Last accessed on 13 June 2006.
  18. Getto 1943
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 Stefan Korbonski The Polish Underground State: A Guide to the Underground, 1939-1945
  20. Andrzej Sławiński, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising and The Polish Home Army – Questions and Answers . Translated from Polish by Antoni Bohdanowicz. Article on the pages of the London Branch of the Polish Home Army Ex-Servicemen Association. Last accessed on March 14 2008.
  21. Stefan Korbonski, "The Polish Underground State: A Guide to the Underground, 1939-1945", pages 120-139, Excerpts
  22. "The Stroop Report: The Warsaw Ghetto Is No More" (in German/English) 5. Retrieved on 2008-02-28.
  23. 23.0 23.1 From the Stroop Report by SS Gruppenführer Jürgen Stroop, May 1943.
  24. Two Ukrainian Members of the SS
  25. 25.0 25.1 World War II: Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
  26. THE CHANGING FACE OF MEMORY: Who Defended The Warsaw Ghetto? The Jerusalem Post
  27. Warsaw Jews mark uprising BBC News
  28. Azoulay, Yuval. "IDF Chief, in Warsaw: Israeli, its army are answer to Holocaust." Haaretz. 29 April 2008. 29 April 2008.

Further reading

  • Edelman, Marek (1990). The Ghetto Fights: Warsaw, 1941-43. London: Bookmarks Publications. ISBN 0-9062-2456-X. 
  • Gebhardt-Herzberg, Sabine (2003) (in German). "Das Lied ist geschrieben mit Blut und nicht mit Blei": Mordechaj Anielewicz und der Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto. Bielefeld: S. Gebhardt-Herzberg. ISBN 3-0001-3643-6. 
  • Goldstein, Bernard (2005). Five Years in the Warsaw Ghetto. Oakland: AK Press. pp. 256. ISBN 1904859054. [2]
  • Moczarski, Kazimierz (1984). Conversations with an Executioner. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-300-09546-3. 
  • Paulsson, Gunnar S. (2002). Secret City: The Hidden Jews of Warsaw, 1940-1945. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 0-1317-1918-1. Review
  • Wdowiński, Dawid; Lazar, Chaim; Chariton, Morris (1963), And we are not saved, New York: Philosophical Library, ISBN 0-8022-2486-5 

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