
Vinegar is sometimes infused with spices or herbs—as here, with oregano

Vinegar is an acidic liquid processed from the fermentation of ethanol in a process that yields its key ingredient, acetic acid (also called ethanoic acid). It also may come in a diluted form. The acetic acid concentration typically ranges from 4 to 8 percent by volume for table vinegar [1] (typically 5%) and higher concentrations for pickling (up to 18%). Natural vinegars also contain small amounts of tartaric acid, citric acid, and other acids. Vinegar has been used since ancient times and is an important element in Western, European, Asian, and other traditional cuisines of the world.

The word "vinegar" derives from the Old French vin aigre, meaning "sour wine". It is also known as acidity regulator E260.


Chemical and physical properties

pH value

Vinegar has a pH value of between 2.4 and 3.4.


Vinegar has a density of approximately 0.96 g/mL. The density level depends on the acidity of the vinegar. Household vinegar used for cooking is 1.05 g/mL.


Vinegar has been made and used by people for thousands of years. Traces of it have been found in Egyptian urns dating from around 3000 BC.

In the Bible, it is mentioned as something not very pleasant (Ps. 69:21, Prov. 25:20), but Boaz allows Ruth to "dip her piece of bread in the vinegar" (Ruth 2:14). Jesus was offered vinegar or sour wine while on the cross (Matthew 27:48; Mark 15:36). In Islamic traditions, vinegar is one of the four favored condiments of the Prophet Muhammad, who called it a "blessed seasoning".[2]

Louis Pasteur showed in 1864, that vinegar results from a natural fermentation process.


Vinegar is made from the oxidation of ethanol in wine, cider, beer, fermented fruit juice, or nearly any other liquid containing alcohol.

Commercial vinegar is produced either by fast or slow fermentation processes. Slow methods generally are used with traditional vinegars and fermentation proceeds slowly over the course of weeks or months. The longer fermentation period allows for the accumulation of a nontoxic slime composed of acetic acid bacteria and soluble cellulose, known as the mother of vinegar.

Fast methods add mother of vinegar (i.e. bacterial culture) to the source liquid before adding air using a Venturi pump system or a turbine to promote oxygenation to obtain the fastest fermentation. In fast production processes, vinegar may be produced in a period ranging from 20 hours to three days.

Vinegar eels (Turbatrix aceti), a form of nematode that has cells that are air-borne, may occur in some forms of vinegar unless the vinegar is kept covered. These feed on the mother of vinegar and can occur in naturally fermenting vinegar.[1] This is the reason vinegar condiment jars have tightly-fitting stoppers. Most manufacturers filter and pasteurize their product before bottling to eliminate any potential adulteration, although they are harmless when ingested.


White vinegar can be made by oxidizing a distilled alcohol. Alternatively, it may be nothing more than a solution of acetic acid and salt in water. They are made from grain (often maize) and water.

White vinegar is used for culinary as well as cleaning purposes because vinegar also can be used for sterilization. White vinegar also is used in some cases to kill Athlete's foot.


Malt vinegar is made by malting barley, causing the starch in the grain to turn to maltose. Then an ale is brewed from the maltose and allowed to turn into vinegar, which is then aged. It typically is light brown in color, however, most supermarket vinegar is extracted from beetroot.

A cheaper alternative, called "non-brewed condiment," is a solution of 4-8% acetic acid colored with caramel (usually E150). There also is around 1-3% citric acid present. Non-brewed condiment is more popular in the North of England, and gained popularity with the rise of the Temperance movement .


Wine vinegar is made from red or white wine and is the most commonly used vinegar in Mediterranean countries and Central Europe. As with wine, there is a considerable range in quality. Better quality wine vinegars are matured in wood for up to two years and exhibit a complex, mellow flavor. Wine vinegar tends to have a lower acidity than that of white or cider vinegars. There are more expensive wine vinegars that are made from individual varieties of wine, such as Champagne, Sherry, or pinot grigio.

Apple cider

Apple cider vinegar, otherwise known simply as cider vinegar, is made from cider or apple must and has a brownish-yellow color. It often is sold unfiltered and unpasteurized with the mother of vinegar present, as a natural product. It is very popular, partly due to alleged beneficial health and beauty properties. Due to its acidity, apple cider vinegar may be very harsh, even burning to the throat. If taken straight (as opposed to use in cooking), it can be diluted (e.g. with fruit juice, honey, or sugar) before drinking.[3] Others dilute it with warm water and add some honey.[4] When taken as a supplement, the main side effects are irritability, nervousness, and palpitations. Other side effects can occur, and it may interact with certain medicines.[5] There have been reports of acid chemical burns of the throat in using the pill form.[6]


Persimmon vinegar produced in South Korea

Fruit vinegars are made from fruit wines, usually without any additional flavoring. Common flavors of fruit vinegar include apple, black currant, raspberry, quince, and tomato. Typically, the flavors of the original fruits remain in the final product.

Most fruit vinegars are produced in Europe, where there is a growing market for high-priced vinegars made solely from specific fruits (as opposed to non-fruit vinegars which are infused with fruits or fruit flavors). Several varieties, however, also are produced in Asia. Persimmon vinegar, called gamsik cho (감식초), is popular in South Korea. Jujube vinegar photo (called 枣醋 or 红枣醋 in Chinese) and wolfberry vinegar photo (called 枸杞醋 in Chinese) are produced in China.

Umezu (梅酢; often translated as "umeboshi vinegar" or "ume vinegar"), a salty, sour liquid that is a by-product of umeboshi (pickled ume) production, is produced in Japan, but technically is not a true vinegar.


Balsamic vinegar is an aromatic, aged type of vinegar traditionally manufactured in Modena, Italy from the concentrated juice, or must, of white grapes (typically of the Trebbiano variety). It is very dark brown in color and its flavor is rich, sweet, and complex, with the finest grades being the product of years of aging in a successive number of casks made of various types of wood (including oak, mulberry, chestnut, cherry, juniper, ash, and acacia). Originally an artisanal product available only to the Italian upper classes, balsamic vinegar became widely known and available around the world in the late twentieth century. True balsamic vinegar is aged for between 3 and 12 years. One can sometimes find balsamic vinegars that have been aged for up to 100 years, though they usually are very expensive. The commercial balsamic sold in supermarkets typically is made with red wine vinegar or concentrated grape juice mixed with a strong vinegar, which is laced with caramel and sugar. However it is produced, balsamic must be made from a grape product.

Balsamic has a high acid level, but the sweetness covers the tart flavor, making it very mellow.


A bottle of rice vinegar produced in Guangdong, China

Rice vinegar is most popular in the cuisines of East and Southeast Asia. It is available in "white" (light yellow), red, and black varieties. The Japanese prefer a light and more delicate rice vinegar for the preparation of sushi rice and salad dressings. Red rice vinegar traditionally is colored with red yeast rice, although some Chinese brands use artificial food coloring instead. Black rice vinegar (made with black glutinous rice) is most popular in China, although it also is produced in Japan (see East Asian black, below). It may be used as a substitute for balsamic vinegar, although its dark color and the fact that it is aged may be the only similarity between the two products.

Some varieties of rice vinegar are sweetened or otherwise seasoned with spices or other added flavorings.


Coconut vinegar, made from fermented coconut water, is used extensively in Southeast Asian cuisine (particularly in the Philippines, a major producer, where it is called suka ng niyog), as well as in some cuisines of India. A cloudy white liquid, it has a particularly sharp, acidic taste with a slightly yeasty note.


Palm vinegar (sukang paombong)

Palm vinegar, made from the fermented sap from flower clusters of the nipa palm (also called attap palm), is used most often in the Philippines, where it is produced, and where it is called sukang paombong.


Cane vinegar, made from sugar cane juice, is most popular in the Philippines, in particular, the Ilocos Region of the northern Philippines (where it is called sukang iloko), although it also is produced in France and the United States. It ranges from dark yellow to golden brown in color and has a mellow flavor, similar in some respects, to rice vinegar, though with a somewhat "fresher" taste. Contrary to expectation, containing no residual sugar, it is not sweeter than other vinegars. In the Philippines, it often is labeled as sukang maasim, although this is simply a generic term meaning "sour vinegar."


Raisin vinegar produced in Turkey

Vinegar made from raisins, called khal 'anab (خل عنب) in Arabic (literally meaning "grape vinegar") is used in cuisines of the Middle East, and is produced therein. It is cloudy and medium brown in color, with a mild


Vinegar made from dates is a traditional product of the Middle East.[1]


A bottle of German beer vinegar

Vinegar made from beer is produced in Germany, Austria, and the Netherlands. Although its flavor depends on the particular type of beer from which it is made, it often is described as having a malty taste. That produced in Bavaria, is a light golden color with a very sharp and not-overly-complex flavor.


Vinegar made from honey is rare, although commercially available honey vinegars are produced in Italy and France.

East Asian black

Chinese black vinegar is an aged product made from rice, wheat, millet, sorghum, or a combination thereof. It has an inky black color and a complex, malty flavor. There is no fixed recipe and thus some Chinese black vinegars may contain added sugar, spices, or caramel color. The most popular variety, Chinkiang vinegar (鎮江香醋), originated in the city of Zhenjiang, in the eastern coastal province of Jiangsu, China[7] and also is produced in Tianjin and Hong Kong.

Japanese kurozu

A somewhat lighter form of black vinegar, made from rice, also is produced in Japan, where it is called kurozu. Since 2004 it has been marketed as a healthful drink; its manufacturers claim that it contains high concentrations of amino acids.

Flavored vinegars

Cantonese red vinegar

Popular fruit-flavored vinegars include those infused with whole raspberries, blueberries, or figs (or else from flavorings derived from these fruits). Some of the more exotic fruit-flavored vinegars include blood orange and pear.

Herb vinegars are flavored with herbs, most commonly Mediterranean herbs such as thyme or oregano. Such vinegars can be prepared at home by adding sprigs of fresh or dried herbs to vinegar purchased at a grocery store; generally a light-colored, mild tasting vinegar, such as that made from white wine, is used for this purpose.

Sweetened vinegar is of Cantonese origin and is made from rice wine, sugar and herbs including ginger, cloves, and other spices.

Spiced vinegar, from the Philippines (labeled as spiced sukang maasim), is flavored with chili peppers, onions, and garlic.

Job's Tears

In Japan, an aged vinegar also is made from Job's Tears; it is similar in flavor to rice vinegar.


Kombucha vinegar is made from kombucha, a symbiotic culture of yeast and bacteria. The bacteria produce a complex array of nutrients and populate the vinegar with bacteria which some claim promotes a healthy digestive tract, although no scientific studies have confirmed this. Kombucha vinegar primarily is used to make a vinaigrette and is flavored by adding strawberries, blackberries, mint, or blueberries at the beginning of fermentation.

Culinary uses

Vinegar commonly is used in food preparation, particularly in pickling processes, vinaigrettes, and other salad dressings. It is an ingredient in sauces such as mustard, ketchup, and mayonnaise. Vinegar sometimes is used while making chutneys. It often is used as a condiment. Marinades often contain vinegar.

Medicinal uses

Many remedies and treatments have been ascribed to vinegar over millennia and in many different cultures, however, few have been verifiable using controlled medical trials and, several that are effective to some extent, have significant risks and side effects.

Lowering cholesterol and triacylglycerol

A scientific study published in 2006 concluded that a test group of rats fed with acetic acid (the main component of vinegar) had "significantly lower values for serum total cholesterol and triacylglycerol", among other health benefits. [9]

Blood glucose control and diabetic management

Small amounts of vinegar (approximately 20 ml or two tablespoons of domestic vinegar) added to food, or taken along with a meal, have been shown by a number of medical trials to reduce the glycemic index of carbohydrate food for people with and without diabetes.[10][11][12] This also has been expressed as lower glycemic index ratings in the region of 30%.[13][14]

Diet control

Multiple trials indicate that taking vinegar with food increases satiety (the feeling of fullness) and so, reduces the amount of food consumed.[15][16] Even a single application of vinegar can lead to reduced food intake for a whole day.[17]

Infections and acne

Vinegar has been used to fight infections since Hippocrates, who lived between 460-377 BC, prescribed it for curing persistent coughs. According to myth, vinegar, and particularly vinegar made from apples, is a natural bacteria-fighting agent that can kill off infections. However, according to evidence-based medicine studies on the benefits of vinegar show that vinegar is not an effective bacteria-fighting agent: not when you drink it, nor when you apply it directly to the infected area. Studies have also shown that vinegar does not effectively eliminate lice, or treat fungus.[18]

Other medicinal uses

Dangers of cider vinegar

There was a reported adverse event (Esophageal Injury by Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets) recorded by members of Department of Human Environmental Science (Human Nutrition), University of Arkansas, and available on Pubmed as an abstract of a paper submitted to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association: There also is a paper reporting on a woman in whom chronic ingestion of excessive amounts of cider vinegar caused serious health problems - Hypokalemia, Hyperreninemia and Osteoporosis in a Patient Ingesting Large Amounts of Cider Vinegar, available from

Veterinary uses

Vinegar mixed with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is used in the livestock industry to kill bacteria and viruses before refrigerated storage. A chemical mixture of peracetic acid is formed when acetic acid is mixed with hydrogen peroxide.

Vinegar is being used in some Asian countries in an aerosol spray to control pneumonia. A mixture of five-percent acetic acid and three-percent hydrogen peroxide is commonly used.

Cleaning uses

White vinegar is often used as a natural household cleaning agent. With most such uses dilution with water is recommended for safety, reduced risk of damaging certain surfaces, and budgetary reasons. It is especially useful for cleaning mineral deposits found on glass, inside a coffee maker, or other smooth surfaces.

Vinegar is an excellent solvent for cleaning epoxy resin and epoxy hardener. It will even clean epoxy that is starting to harden. Care should be taken not to allow contact with the eyes (if such contact occurs, the eyes should be flushed immediately and persistently with water) or skin (the affected skin area should be washed thoroughly after use). See household chemicals.

Vinegar also is very good to clean off chewing gum stains from clothes; usually normal cleaning products are not capable of cleaning off chewing gum, so rubbing with vinegar before the machine wash should do the trick.

Diluted apple cider vinegar can be used to deep clean dreadlocks, removing residue and even beeswax. One method involves spraying a mixture of one part vinegar to four parts water onto the hair, letting it soak in, rinsing with water, and repeating this process as many times as necessary.

A few tablespoons of white vinegar mixed with a few teaspoons of common table salt makes an excellent cleanser for cleaning badly-stained stainless steel cookware. This vinegar and salt mixture also can remove oxidation from copper-clad cookware and make it shine with practically no rubbing required.

One cup of white vinegar to four cups of water (for a stronger solution, one cup of white vinegar to one cup of water works) makes a fine window-washing fluid, substituting for Windex. If windows appear streaky after washing with vinegar, add a half-teaspoon of liquid soap to the mix. This removes the waxy, streak-causing residue left over by commercial window cleaners.

Malt vinegar sprinkled onto crumpled newspaper is a traditional, and still-popular, method of cleaning grease-smeared windows and mirrors in the UK.

Plumbing drains can be cleaned by using a combination of vinegar and baking soda. Pour one-half cup baking soda down the drain, followed by one-half cup of white vinegar. Let sit for a while. Cover the drain while it works, meanwhile bring a tea kettle of water to a boil, and pour the boiling water down the drain. This is a good way to prevent build-up in the drain.

Vinegar also works well as a fabric softener; just add half a cup to the rinse cycle.

Add a cup of vinegar to an empty dishwasher and run through the washing cycle to remove mineral deposits and odors. One also can put it in the rinse dispenser instead of Jet Dry. However, it's advisable to check the instruction manual or contacting the dishwasher manufacturer before using vinegar in the appliance.

Removing odors using commercial cleaners often causes damage to surfaces. Vinegar can act as a very effective odor-remover especially in situations involving sensitive surfaces.

Vinegar is effective in removing rust from metals and for cleaning ice-skate blades.

To remove limescale from chrome taps and other non-plated taps, moisten paper towels with white vinegar and wrap around the affected areas. Leave overnight and the limescale should come off easily - repeat if necessary.

Agricultural and horticultural uses

Herbicide use

Vinegar can be used as an herbicide as shown by scientific trials reported by the U.S. Dept of Agriculture in 2002.[24] Vinegar made from natural products classifies as organic and so there is interest in its being used on farms, orchards, and gardens which are certified as organic.

The trials showed that a number of common weeds could be controlled effectively by using vinegar with 5% to 20% acetic acid as a herbicide, although the lower concentration is less effective. A crop of corn may be sprayed with vinegar at 20% strength without causing harm to that crop, so it may be used to help keep a corn crop clear of weeds. In Fall 2007, the EPA registered the world's first organic vinegar-based weed and grass killer, named Weed Pharm. The product's active ingredient is 200-grain “food grade” vinegar.

Acetic acid is not absorbed into root systems, so vinegar will kill top growth, but perennial plants will reshoot.[25]

Commercial vinegar, available to consumers for household use, does not exceed 5% and solutions above 10% need careful handling since they are corrosive and damaging to skin. Stronger solutions (i.e., greater than 5%) that are labeled for use as herbicides are available from some retailers.[26]


When a bottle of vinegar is opened, the mother of vinegar may develop. It is considered harmless and can be removed by filtering. Colloquially-collected knowledge recommends an expiration or shelf-life date of 12-18 months,[27] although no reference explicitly states its toxicity. Various records can be found warning of decomposition of flavoring elements, such as whole leaves, prepared in the vinegar.

When vinegar is added to sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), it produces a volatile mixture of carbonic acid rapidly decomposing into water and carbon dioxide bubbles, making the reaction, "fizz". It is exemplified as the typical acid-base reaction in school science experiments. The salt that is formed is sodium acetate. This also serves as a qualitative test for some carboxylic acids.

Some countries, prohibit the selling of vinegar over a certain percentage acidity. As an example, the government of Canada limits the acetic acid of vinegars to between 4.1% and 12.3%."Departmental Consolidation of the Food and Drugs Act and the Food and Drug Regulations - Part B - Division 17-28". Health Canada (2003-03). Retrieved on 2008-09-02.

According to Muhammad[How?], vinegar is one of the best condiments.[28]

Lord Byron would consume vast quantities of white vinegar in an attempt to keep his complexion pale.

Some people also believe that vinegar can be used as a detoxification agent for marijuana, but this is myth.[29][30]

Posca, a Roman legionaries' basic drink was vinegar mixed with water and optional honey.[31]

According to legend, in France during the Black Plague, four thieves were able to rob houses of plague victims without being infected themselves. When finally caught, the Judge offered to grant the men their freedom, on the condition that they revealed how they managed to stay healthy. They claimed that a medicine woman sold them a potion, made of garlic soaked in soured red wine (vinegar). Variants of the recipe, called Four Thieves Vinegar, have been passed down for hundreds of years and are a staple of New Orleans Hoodoo practices.[32][33]

Vinegar can be mixed with heated milk to create a casein-based plastic.[34][35]

Diluted vinegar can be used as a homemade stop bath during photographic processing.

See also


  1. 1.0 1.1 FDA: Sec. 525.825 Vinegar, Definitions - Adulteration with Vinegar Eels (CPG 7109.22)
  2. Health Benefits of Prophetic Condiments: Part One of Five: IslamOnline
  3. "Apple Cider Vinegar Cures".
  4. "Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey".
  5. "Apple Cider Vinegar - Medical Weight Loss Guide".
  6. Hill, L., et al (2005). "Esophageal Injury by Apple Cider Vinegar Tablets and Subsequent Evaluation of Products". Journal of the American Dietetic Association Volume 105 (Issue 7): 1141–1144. doi:10.1016/j.jada.2005.04.003. 
  8. New babies
  9. Fushimi, Takashi 1, et al (May 2006). "Dietary acetic acid reduces serum cholesterol and triacylglycerols in rats fed a cholesterol-rich diet.". British Journal of Nutrition 95 (5): 916–924. doi:10.1079/BJN20061740. 
  10. Liljeberg H, Bjorck I. Delayed gastric emptying rate may explain improved glycemia in healthy subjects to a starchy meal with added vinegar. Eur J Clin Nutr. 1998;64:886-893
  11. Leeman M, Ostman E, Bjorck I. Vinegar dressing and cold storage of potatoes lowers postprandial glycemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2005;59:1266-1271
  12. Johnston CS, Kim CM, Buller AJ. Vinegar improves insulin sensitivity to a high carbohydrate meal in subjects with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Care. 2004;27:281-282
  13. Sugiyama M, Tang AC, Wakaki Y, Koyama W. Glycemic index of single and mixed meal foods among common Japanese foods with white rice as a reference food. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2003;57:743-752
  14. Ostman EM, Liljeberg Elmstahl HG, Bjorck IM. Inconsistency between glycemic and insulinemic responses to regular and fermented milk products. Am J Clin Nutr. 2001;74:96-100
  15. Ostman E, Granfeldt Y, Persson L, Bjorck I. Vinegar supplementation lowers glucose and insulin responses and increases satiety after a bread meal in healthy subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2005;59,983-988
  16. [High-glycemic index foods, hunger, and obesity: is there a connection?Roberts SB. High-glycemic index foods, hunger, and obesity Is there a connection? Nutr Rev. 2000;58:163-169]
  17. Carb and weight control through acetic acid?
  18. "Vinegar: elixir of life? Or fool’s gold? by Wendy Zukerman" (html) (in english). Retrieved on 2008-11-20.
  19. A randomized paired comparison trial of cutaneous treatments for acute jellyfish (Carybdea alata) stings
  20. Diving article on Portuguese Man 'o Wars and their sting treatment
  21. McMillen, R.N., B.S.N, Bonnie K. (1998). "Vinegar: An Ancient Medicine and Popular Home Remedy". Connections Quarterly, Summer 1998 Issue. Retrieved on 2007-12-23.
  22. "Wart Remedies". Earth Clinic. Retrieved on 2007-12-23.
  23. "Vinegar and Acid Reflux"
  24. Spray Weeds With Vinegar?
  25. Vinegar as herbicide
  26. Conquer Weeds with Vinegar?
  27. Expiration Dates - AlgerWiki
  28. Sahih Muslim Book 023, Number 5091)
  29. Schaffer Library of Drug Policy
  30. Fooling the Bladder Cops
  31. Roman food and drink
  32. Hunter, Robert (1894). The Encyclopaedic Dictionary. 
  33. Kacirk, Jeffery (2000). The Word Museum:The most remarkable English ever forgotten. Touchstone. ISBN 0-684-85761-8. 
  34. Homemade Plastic

This article incorporates text from the Citizendium article "Vinegar" (retrieved on 2008-04-14), which has been licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.

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