The Return of the King

The Lord of the Rings
Volume I · Volume II · Volume III

The Return of the King is the third and final volume of J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, following The Fellowship of the Ring and The Two Towers.



Tolkien conceived of The Lord of the Rings as a single volume comprising six "books" plus extensive appendices. The original publisher split the work into three, publishing the fifth and sixth books with the appendices under the title The Return of the King. Tolkien felt the chosen title revealed too much of the story, and indicated he preferred The War of the Ring as a title.[2]

Tolkien may have hoped to publish the one large volume together with The Silmarillion, and to give names to the individual six books. The discarded title for Book V was The War of the Ring. Book VI was to be The End of the Third Age.[3]

The Return of the King was in the end published as the third and final part of The Lord of the Rings, on October 20, 1955.

Plot summary

Book V

The story begins with Gandalf and the hobbit Peregrin Took (Pippin) arriving at Minas Tirith in the kingdom of Gondor, delivering the news to Denethor, the Lord and Steward of Gondor, that a devastating attack on his city by Sauron, the Dark Lord of Mordor is imminent. Pippin then enters the service of the Steward as repayment of a debt he owes to Boromir, Denethor's dead son and preferred heir. (Boromir was a member of the Fellowship in The Fellowship of the Ring who fell defending Pippin and his fellow hobbit Merry Brandybuck against raiding Uruk-hai).

Now clad in the uniform of the tower guard, Pippin watches the fortunes of war unfold, while the Lord Denethor descends into madness as the hosts of Mordor press ever closer to Gondor's capital city of Minas Tirith. Faramir, Boromir's younger brother, returns from his campaign with the shattered remnants of his company and is soon ordered to ride out and continue the hopeless defence of Osgiliath against the Mordor orc horde. Osgiliath is soon overrun and a gravely wounded Faramir is carried back to Denethor. His people seemingly lost and his only remaining son all but dead, Denethor orders a funeral pyre built that is to claim both him and his dying son. Minas Tirith stands encircled and besieged.

Meanwhile, in far-off Rohan, Théoden and his Rohirrim are recovering from the Battle of the Hornburg, in which they defended Rohan against the forces of Saruman at great cost. Aragorn, having confronted Sauron through the palantír of Isengard, sets out to find the lost army of the undead oathbreakers who dwell in the Paths of the Dead, a mountain hall where they have been enslaved since their treachery ages ago. Helped by his companions Legolas and Gimli as well as a Company of Rangers from Arnor in the north (the "Grey Company"), he sets out to recruit the Army of the Dead to his cause. As Aragorn departs on his seemingly impossible task, King Théoden musters the Rohirrim to come to the aid of Gondor.

The hosts of Mordor, led by the dreaded Witch-king of Angmar and the Captain of the Nazgûl, succeed in breaking through the gates of Minas Tirith, but are in turn crushed by the arriving cavalry of Rohan. The battle is also joined by a "black fleet with black sails". The forces of Mordor initially rejoice at its arrival; and then are horrified to see the banner of the King upon the ships. Aragorn has succeeded in using the Oathbreakers to defeat the Corsairs of Umbar; the men of Gondor who were once slaves on the ships are brought back to fight the host of Mordor. In the following Battle of the Pelennor Fields the Witch-king is slain by Éowyn, the niece of King Théoden, with help from Merry; Thus the invasion is prevented but at heavy cost — many warriors of Gondor and Rohan fall, among them King Théoden. Denethor immolates himself and Faramir on his funeral pyre, but Gandalf and Pippin succeed in saving Faramir, who is subsequently healed by Aragorn. Aragorn also heals Merry and Éowyn, who were hurt by the Witch-King before he fell. Furthermore, it is revealed that Denethor had discovered and used a palantír. Denethor saw huge forces arrayed against Gondor, which drives Denethor to despair and eventually, madness. The palantír was in Denethor's hands as he burnt on his pyre: thus, only people of great power could see anything in the palantír beyond two withered hands.

Knowing that it is only a matter of time before Sauron rebuilds his forces for another attack, Aragorn and Gandalf decide to draw out the host of Mordor with an assault on the Black Gate, providing a distraction so Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee may have a chance of reaching Mount Doom and destroy the One Ring unseen by the Eye of Sauron. Gandalf and Aragorn lead an army to the Black Gate of Mordor and lay siege to it. Book V ends with the army of the West desperately trying to keep the mighty hosts of Mordor at bay till Frodo can complete his task.

Book VI

Book VI begins with Frodo held captive in the enemy stronghold of Cirith Ungol after being poisoned by Shelob. The brave and loyal Sam—who for a short time bears the One Ring in Frodo's place—rescues his master from torture and death by Orcs and the two navigate the barren wasteland of Mordor. They are overtaken by a company of Orcs but escape and are forced to disguise themselves in Orcish armour. Gandalf's plan to distract Sauron from the Ring is successful: Mordor is almost empty as all the remaining Orcs have been summoned to defend the land against the assault of the army led by Gandalf and Aragorn.

The two Hobbits, after a length of time and a weary and dangerous journey, finally reach the Crack of Doom. Yet just as he is about to throw the Ring into Mount Doom, Frodo succumbs to the Ring's power and refuses to let it go. Just then, Gollum, who had been following the pair still, attacks Frodo and bites off his finger with the Ring. Gollum gloats over his prize, but loses his balance and falls into the lava below, taking the Ring with him. The Ring is destroyed, freeing Middle-earth from Sauron's power. Frodo and Sam are rescued by Great Eagles who carry them from Mount Doom. Upon Sauron's defeat, his armies at the Gate flee.

Aragorn is crowned King of Gondor outside the walls of Minas Tirith in a celebration during which all four hobbits are greatly honoured for their contribution to the War of the Ring. A healed Faramir is appointed Steward of Gondor and Aragorn marries Arwen, daughter of Elrond of Rivendell. After a series of goodbyes, the Hobbits return home, only to find the Shire in ruins, its inhabitants under the control of "Sharkey", who turns out to be Saruman. Saruman has taken complete control of the Shire using corrupt Men, and begins felling trees for "industrialization". Merry and Pippin, now experienced warriors of Rohan and Gondor respectively, make plans to set things right once more. They lead an uprising of Hobbits against Saruman and are victorious at the Battle of Bywater which effectively frees the Shire. At the very doorstep of Bag End, Saruman is betrayed by his much-abused servant Wormtongue, who slits his master's throat. Wormtongue is slain by hobbit archers as he attempts to flee after murdering Saruman.

Over time, the Shire is healed. The many trees that Saruman's men cut down for machines are replanted; buildings are rebuilt and peace is restored. Sam marries Rosie Cotton, with whom he had been entranced for some time. Merry and Pippin lead Buckland and Tuckborough to greater achievements. Frodo, however, cannot escape the pain of his wounds, having been stabbed by the Witch-king and poisoned by Shelob. Eventually he departs for the Undying Lands in the West, with Gandalf, Bilbo Baggins, and many Elves. Sam, Merry and Pippin watch them depart and return home. Now heir to all of Frodo's possessions, Sam is greeted by his wife Rosie and his daughter Elanor. In the last line of the book, Sam says to Rosie: "Well, I'm back."

Chapter summaries

The Return of the King is divided into books five and six. Book Five follows Aragorn and Gandalf up to the opening of the Black Gate. Book Six begins with Frodo and Sam's journey to Mount Doom.

Book V

Book VI


The structure of The Return of the King mirrors somewhat that of The Two Towers in that the first section recounts the various adventures of several characters including a massive battle, and the second section resumes the quest of the Ring-bearers.

A Annals of the Kings and Rulers
I The Númenórean Kings
(i) Númenor
(ii) The Realms in Exile
{iii) Eriador, Arnor, and the Heirs of Isildur
(iv) Gondor and the Heirs of Anárion
(v) Here follows a part of the tale of Aragorn and Arwen
II The House of Eorl
III Durin's Folk
B The Tale of Years (Chronology of the Westlands)
C Family Trees (Hobbits)
D Calendars
E Writing and Spelling
I Pronunciation of Words and Names
II Writing
I The Languages and Peoples of the Third Age
II On Translation
I Songs and Verses
II Persons, Beasts and Monsters
III Places
IV Things

Film, television or theatrical adaptations


  2. Carpenter, Humphrey, ed. (1981), The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, no. 140, ISBN 0-395-31555-7 
  3. Carpenter, Humphrey, ed. (1981), The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, no. 136, ISBN 0-395-31555-7 

External links