Susan Pevensie

Narnia character

Anna Popplewell as Susan Pevensie in the 2005 film, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Susan Pevensie
Race Human
Nation England
Gender Female
Title Queen of Narnia/
Marksman Queen
Birthplace England, Earth
Parents Mr. & Mrs. Pevensie
Siblings Peter, Edmund and Lucy
Family Eustace Scrubb (cousin)
Major character in
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Prince Caspian
The Horse and His Boy
Portrayals in adaptations
1988 BBC miniseries: Sophie Cook (younger), Suzanne Debney (older)
2005 Disney film: Anna Popplewell (younger), Sophie Winkleman (older)
2008 Disney film Anna Popplewell[1]

Susan Pevensie is a fictional character in C. S. Lewis' Chronicles of Narnia series. Susan is the elder sister and the second eldest Pevensie child. She appears in three of the seven books — as a child in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian, and as an adult in The Horse and His Boy. She is mentioned in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and The Last Battle. During her reign at the Narnian capital of Cair Paravel, she is known as Queen Susan the Gentle or Queen Susan of the horn. She was the only Pevensie that survived the train wreck on Earth which sent the other children to Narnia after the Last Battle.

In Disney's live-action films, The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (2005) and Prince Caspian (2008), Susan is portrayed by actress Anna Popplewell. Actress Sophie Winkleman portrays an older Susan at the end of the first film.[1]


Fictional character biography

Prior story

Susan was born in 1928 and is 12 years old when she appears in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. She is 13 in "Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia", and by The Last Battle she is 21 years old.

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, Susan is given a bow and arrows by Father Christmas, together with a magical horn which, when blown, brings aid. Susan shows her excellence at archery, but is advised to stay out of the battle. Together with her sister Lucy, she witnesses Aslan's death and resurrection on the Stone Table. After the battle, she is crowned as Queen of Narnia by Aslan, and shares the monarchy with her brothers Peter and Edmund and her sister Lucy. She later becomes known as Queen Susan the Gentle. The period of their reign is considered the Golden Age of Narnia.

Throughout the book, Susan is the voice of caution and common sense. Even at the end, after a number of years in Narnia, she counsels against pursuing the White Stag, fearing the upset to the established order she and her siblings all sense the pursuit might bring.

Prince Caspian

Susan's magical horn plays an important part in the adventures of Prince Caspian. The horn is an ancient relic given to the future King Caspian X by his tutor, the half-dwarf magician Doctor Cornelius. When the Prince's life is threatened by King Miraz the Usurper, Caspian blows the horn and the Pevensies are magically transferred to Narnia from a railway station in England. Using the bow and arrows she has retrieved from the ruin of Cair Paravel, Susan proves her legendary prowess at archery by defeating Trumpkin the dwarf in a friendly competition. She denounces Lucy's belief in Aslan's presence although she later admits to having known deep down that it was true. Aslan tells Susan that she has "listened to fears", but his breath soon restores her faith and she immerses herself in their adventures as deeply as in the first book. She later accompanies Lucy as Aslan revives the forest and river spirits of Narnia. By the conclusion of Prince Caspian, Aslan says that she and Peter will never enter Narnia again because they have grown too old.

In the 2008 film adaptation, Susan is seen in a brief scene (newly added for the film). Set in front of the Strand London train station before the children are drawn into Narnia by magic, Susan has an encounter with a boy who recognizes her and tries to chat her up. He comments on how he's seen her before and how she often sits alone. She replies that she likes being alone and gives the fake name "Phyllis" when the boy asks for it. Upon entering Narnia and meeting Prince Caspian, there is an obvious attraction to the prince and mutual flirtation ensues throughout the film, ending bittersweetly as Susan must leave Caspian and Narnia to return to Earth, but not before giving him a kiss and an embrace. Also different in the film is the role that Susan plays in the battle scene at the end. She is much more involved in the actual battle and is in charge of her own corp of archers. She is later seen fighting in a style similar to Legolas from the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, stabbing and slashing Telmarines with her arrows in between shooting them. Also during the fight she can be seen clubbing the Telmarines with her bow.

The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

In The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, Susan accompanies her parents on a trip to America, while Peter is being tutored by Professor Digory Kirke, and Edmund and Lucy have to stay with their relatives, the Scrubbs. Susan is considered "the pretty one of the family", which makes Lucy insecure. Lucy is strongly tempted to recite a spell which she finds in Coriakin's magic book, which will make her beautiful "beyond the lot of mortals", and she pictures a plain-looking Susan jealous of her beauty.

The Horse and His Boy

In The Horse and His Boy, set during the Pevensie siblings' rulership of Narnia, Susan plays a minor part. She is described as a gentle lady with black hair falling to her feet. Shasta finds her to be the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. As Queen Susan, she is asked to marry the Calormene Prince Rabadash. Her rejection of him and her subsequent escape from Calormen lead the Prince to seek the secret approval of his father, the Tisroc, for his plan to attack Archenland, as a means of capturing Susan, and in the hope of conquering Narnia at a later date.

The Last Battle

In The Last Battle, Susan is conspicuous by her absence. Peter says that she is "no longer a friend of Narnia", and (in Jill Pole's words) "she's interested in nothing now-a-days except nylons and lipstick and invitations." Similarly, Eustace Scrubb reports that she says, "What wonderful memories you have! Fancy you still thinking about all those funny games we used to play when we were children," and Polly Plummer adds, "She wasted all her school time wanting to be the age she is now, and she'll waste all the rest of her life trying to stay that age. Her whole idea is to race on to the silliest time of one's life as quick as she can and then stop there as long as she can." Thus, Susan does not enter the real Narnia with the others at the end of the series. It is left ambiguous, however, whether or not Susan's absence is permanent, especially since Lewis stated elsewhere that "The books don't tell us what happened to Susan. She is left alive in this world at the end, having by then turned into a rather silly, conceited young woman. But there's plenty of time for her to mend and perhaps she will get to Aslan's country in the her own way." (From Lewis’ Letters to Children, 22 January 1957, to Martin). In his Companion to Narnia, Paul F. Ford writes at the end of the entry for "Susan Pevensie": "Susan's is one of the most important Unfinished Tales of The Chronicles of Narnia", but adds in Footnote 1 for that entry: "This is not to say, as some critics have maintained, that she is lost forever ... It is a mistake to think that Susan was killed in the railway accident at the end of LB (The Last Battle) and that she has forever fallen from grace. It is to be assumed, rather, that as a woman of twenty-one who has just lost her entire family in a terrible crash, she will have much to work through; in the process, she might change to become truly the gentle person she has the potential for being." It is not confirmed whether this event will be included in the film version, as so much effort has been put in to show Susan as a clever person.

Other appearances

In fantasy author Neil Gaiman's 2004 short story "The Problem of Susan", the protagonist, Professor Hastings, is depicted dealing with the grief and trauma of her entire family's death in a train crash. The woman's first name is not revealed, but she mentions her brother "Ed", and it is implied that this is Susan Pevensie as an elderly woman. In this way, Gaiman presents, in fictional form, a critique of Lewis' treatment of Susan. Gaiman is a featured author in the collection Flights: Extreme Visions of Fantasy Volume II edited by Al Sarrantonio, and the story can also be found in the Gaiman anthology Fragile Things. "The Problem of Susan" is written for an adult audience and deals with sexuality and violence. (Gaiman 2004, pp. 151ff)

In the 2005–2006 comic book series The Oz/Wonderland Chronicles, Susan is portrayed as sharing an apartment with Alice from Alice In Wonderland, Dorothy Gale from The Wonderful Wizard of Oz and Wendy Darling from Peter Pan (Alice and Wendy also met in House of Mouse, and they both met Sora in Kingdom Hearts).

Susan and her siblings are spoofed in the 2007 film Epic Movie.



  1. 1.0 1.1 "Caspian to be second Narnia movie", BBC (2006-01-18). Retrieved on 2006-12-01. 


External links