Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin
Founded 1905 (original party), 1970 ("provisional" Sinn Féin, see history below)
Leader Gerry Adams, MLA, MP
Headquarters 44 Parnell Square
Dublin, Republic of Ireland
53 Falls Road
Belfast, Northern Ireland[1]
BT12 4PD
Political Ideology Irish republicanism
Left-wing nationalism
Democratic socialism
Irish Unification
International Affiliation none
European Affiliation none
European Parliament Group European United Left–Nordic Green Left
Colours Green
See also Politics of Ireland
Political parties
Elections in Ireland
UK politics
UK political parties
UK elections

Sinn Féin (IPA: /ˌʃɪnˈfeɪn/, Irish pronunciation: [ʃɪnʲ fʲeːnʲ]) is a political party in Ireland. The current party, led by Gerry Adams, was formed following a split in January 1970. It was originally dubbed Provisional Sinn Féin[2][3][4] in recognition of its affiliation with the Provisional Army Council of the IRA, which had split from the IRA in the previous month. The party traces its origins back to the original SF formed in 1905. It is a major party of Irish republicanism and its political ideology is left wing. The name is Irish for "ourselves"[5] or "we ourselves",[6] and is commonly translated as "ourselves alone".

Sinn Féin is currently the second-largest party in the Northern Ireland Assembly, where it has four ministerial posts (including Deputy First Minister) in the power-sharing Northern Ireland Executive, and the fifth-largest party in Dáil Éireann, the lower house of the Oireachtas, the parliament of the Republic of Ireland.



Main article: History of Sinn Féin

Early days (pre-1916)

Arthur Griffith, Founder (1905) and third leader (1908 - 17)
Irish Political History series Ireland-up.png

Flag of Ireland.svg


– in Ireland
– in Northern Ireland
Irish republican legitimatism
Physical force republicanism
See also List of IRAs
for organisations claiming that name.

Key documents

Proclamation of the Republic
Declaration of Independence
Message to Free Nations
Democratic Programme
Dáil Constitution
Anglo-Irish Treaty
External Relations Act 1936
Constitution of Ireland
Republic of Ireland Act 1948
The Green Book
New Ireland Forum Report
Anglo-Irish Agreement
Belfast Agreement
Articles 2 & 3

Parties & Organisations

Aontacht Éireann
Clan na Gael
Clann na Poblachta
Communist Party of Ireland
Cumann na mBan
Cumann na Poblachta
Cumann Poblachta nahÉ
Córas na Poblachta
Fenian Brotherhood
Fianna Éireann
Fianna Fáil · Ind FF
Fine Gael
Irish Citizen Army
Irish National Invincibles
Irish Republican Army
Anti-Treaty IRA
Continuity IRA
Official IRA
Provisional IRA
Real IRA
Official Sinn Féin
Red Republican Party
Republican Congress
Republican Sinn Féin
Saor Éire
Sinn Féin
United Irishmen
Workers Party
Young Ireland
See also: Party youth wings


An Phoblacht · Daily Ireland
Irish Press · Sunday Press
Republican News · Saoirse
The Nation· United Irishman
Wolfe Tone Weekly


Éire Nua
Armed Struggle
Armalite and Ballot Box


The Tricolour · Easter Lily

Other movements

Loyalism {{IrishL}}
Monarchism {{}}
Nationalism {{IrishN}}
Unionism {{IrishU}}

The origins of the term “Sinn Féin,” according to the Party's publication, Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, published to coincide with its centenary celebrations, can be traced to the Conradh na Gaeilge journal An Claidheamh Soluis. A leading article titled “Sinn Féin, Sinn Féin” appeared on 27 April 1901, and afterwards as “Sinn Féin agus ár gCairde” over the advertising section to encourage readers to buy Irish made goods.[7]

On St. Patrick’s Day, 17 March 1902, in Oldcastle, County Meath, members of Conradh na Gaeilge founded Sinn Féin: the Oldcastle Monthly Review.[8] In a later edition of the Review the paper commented "While Sinn Féin is in existence it will always champion the cause of the oppressed against the oppressor and will be the stern champion of the labouring class."[9]

The early Sinn Féin movement was far from being the organised political party it would later become. It was initially a community of like-minded individuals that crystallised around the propaganda campaign of Arthur Griffith, a nationalist printer and typesetter, and William Rooney, a republican office clerk, both of whom were extremely active in Dublin's nationalist clubs at the beginning of the 20th century.

In his account of the movement's early years, the propagandist Aodh de Blácam says that Sinn Féin "was not a party: it was the amorphous propaganda of the Gaelicised young men and women".[10]

Griffith was first and foremost a newspaperman with an impressive network of friends in the Dublin printing industry. His newspapers, the United Irishman and Sinn Féin, and his Sinn Féin Printing & Publishing Company channeled the enormous energy of the self-help generation into an unorthodox political project based on the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy of 1867 and the theories of the German nationalist economist Friedrich List.

Tapping into the growing self-awareness of an Irish identity which was reflected in movements like the Gaelic Athletic Association, the Gaelic League (Conradh na Gaeilge) and in the founding of the Abbey Theatre, he created a loose federation of nationalist clubs and associations which competed with John Redmond's Irish Parliamentary Party to embody the aspirations of 20th-century nationalists.

The Sinn Féin Party was founded on 28 November 1905, when in the Rotunda, Dublin the first annual Convention of the National Council was held. The meeting began at 11am and among delegates were Arthur Griffith, Edward Martyn, Thomas Martin, John Sweetman, Jenny Wyse-Power, Padraig Mac Piarais, Máire de Buitléir, Patrick McCartan, Oliver St. John Gogarty, Peadar Ó Cearnaigh, Sean T Ó Ceallaigh, Michael O'Hanrahan and William Cosgrave.[11]

It was Conradh na Gaeilge activist, Máire de Buitléir, who suggested to Arthur Griffith the name Sinn Féin for the new movement. In a letter of sympathy to her sister, following Maire’s death in 1920, Arthur Griffith wrote from Mountjoy Jail:

"…Did you know that it was she who christened this movement which has at last got Ireland out of the corner in which her oppressor had hidden her away and made her people again valiant? It was she who suggested the name Sinn Féin to me one day at the end of 1904. Her name will forever be linked with its history."[12]

In his writings, Griffith declared that the Act of Union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1800 was illegal and that, consequently, the Anglo-Irish dual monarchy which existed under Grattan's Parliament and the so-called Constitution of 1782 was still in effect.

Though Sinn Féin had a high name recognition factor among some voters it attracted minimal support. In August 1909, it had only 581 paid-up members throughout all of Ireland. 211 were in Dublin, while Sligo had only two members, a student and a shopkeeper.[13] By 1915, it was, in the words of one of Griffith's colleagues, "on the rocks", so insolvent financially that it could not pay the rent on its party headquarters in Harcourt Street in Dublin.

The Easter Rising

Sinn Féin was wrongly blamed by the British for the Easter Rising, with which it had no association apart from a desire of separation stronger than Home Rule — the leaders of the Rising were certainly looking for more than Dual Monarchy. Any group that disagreed with mainstream constitutional politics was branded 'Sinn Féin' by British commentators. The term 'Sinn Féin Rebellion'[14] was also used by the Irish media, the Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC), the Dublin Metropolitan Police (DMP) and even by a few of those involved in the Rising.

Eamon de Valera replaced Griffith as president. On 25 October 1917 the Sinn Féin Ard Fheis for the first time committed the party to the establishment of an Irish Republic. de Valera devised the formula of words in the Constitution,[15] as a concession to Arthur Griffith who argued that, as he saw it, demands should be kept within achievable limits, and therefore favourde a monarchy along Scandinavian lines.[16]

Sinn Féin was boosted by the anger over Maxwell's execution of Rising leaders, the Irish Independent newspaper even before the executions, actually calling for them. The public sympathy did not give Sinn Féin decisive electoral advantage. It fought with the Irish Parliamentary Party under John Redmond, with each side winning by-elections. It was only after the World War I German Spring Offensive, when Britain threatened to impose conscription on Ireland to bring its decimated divisions up to strength, that the ensuing Conscription Crisis swung support decisively behind Sinn Féin. Efforts were made to agree an amicable form of home rule and to negotiate a deal between the Irish Unionist Party (IUP) and the Irish Parliamentary Party, in the 'Irish Convention' arranged by former IUP leader Walter Long in 1917. These were undermined by his cabinet colleague David Lloyd George and were not attended by Sinn Féin.

First elections

Sinn Féin won 73 of Ireland's 105 seats,[17] 70% of the vote, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland parliament at the general election in December 1918, twenty-five of the seats it won were uncontested.

In Ulster Unionists won twenty-two seats, Sinn Féin, twenty-six and the Irish Parliamentary Party, six. In Leinster Sinn Féin won twenty-six and Unionists won one. In Connacht Sinn Féin won all thirteen seats. In Munster Sinn Féin won twenty-three seats with the Irish Parliamentary Party winning one. In the Universities the Unionists won three seats to Sinn Féin's one. In the thirty-two counties of Ireland, twenty-four returned only Sinn Féin candidates. In the nine counties of Ulster the Unionists polled a majority in only four.[18]

On 21 January 1919, 27 of the Sinn Féin MPs assembled in Dublin's Mansion House and proclaimed themselves the parliament of Ireland, the First Dáil Éireann. They elected an Aireacht (ministry) headed by a Príomh Aire (prime minister). Though the state was declared to be a republic, no provision was made for a head of state. This was rectified in August 1921 when the Príomh Aire (also known as President of Dáil Éireann was upgraded to President of the Republic, a full head of state.

In the 1920 city council elections, Sinn Féin gained control of ten of the twelve city councils in Ireland. Only Belfast and Derry remained under Unionist and IPP (respectively) control. In the local elections of the same year, they won control of all the county councils except Antrim, Down, Londonderry and Armagh.

Sinn Féin subsequently underwent successive splits (1922, 1926, 1970 and 1986), from which emerged a range of parties, Cumann na nGaedhael, now known as Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Official Sinn Féin, later Sinn Féin The Workers Party, later The Workers Party and then Democratic Left, which finally joined the Labour Party after serving in government with them, and Republican Sinn Féin.

The split over the Anglo-Irish Treaty

Éamon de Valera, Fourth leader of Sinn Féin (1917–26)

Following the conclusion in December 1921 of the Anglo-Irish Treaty negotiations between representatives of the British Government and de Valera's republican government and the narrow approval of the Treaty by Dáil Éireann, a state called the Irish Free State was established. Northern Ireland, set up as part of the Government of Ireland Act 1920 along with Southern Ireland, opted out as the Treaty allowed.

The reasons for the split were various, though the IRA did not split in the North and pro- and anti-treaty republicans looked to pro-treaty Michael Collins for leadership and weapons. One of the principal reason for the split is usually described as the question of the Oath of Allegiance to the Irish Free State, which members of the new Dáil would be required to take. It explicitly recognised that the Irish Free State would be part of the British Commonwealth and many republicans found that unacceptable. The pro-treaty forces argued that the treaty gave "freedom to achieve freedom". In the elections of June 1922 in the southern twenty-six counties de Valera and the anti-treaty Sinn Féin secured 35% of the popular vote. The anti-treaty element of the IRA had formed an Executive that did not consider itself subordinate to the new parliament.

A bitter Irish Civil War (June 1922 – April 1923) erupted between the supporters of the Treaty and its opponents. De Valera resigned as President of the Republic and sided with the anti-treatyites. The pro-treaty "Free Staters", who amounted to a majority of Sinn Féin TDs, set up the Irish Free State. The pro-treaty Sinn Féin TDs changed the name of the party to Cumann na nGaedhael, subsequently merging with the National Centre Party and the Army Comrades Association or The Blueshirts in 1933 to form Fine Gael.

Having temporarily suspended armed action in the Free State, the movement split again with the departure (March 1926) of its leader Éamon de Valera, after having lost a motion to abandon abstention if the statement of "Fidelity to the King" were abolished. He subsequently founded Fianna Fáil with fellow advocates of participation in constitutional politics, and entered the Irish parliament (Dáil Éireann) the following year, forming a government in 1932.

1930s to 1968 – Decline to fringe movement

A number of unsuccessful attempts at armed insurrection, including a bold link-up to procure weapons in the 1940s between some IRA members and the German Government failed when communication broke down between the German destroyer delivering the arms and the IRA soldiers on shore in County Kerry. Sinn Féin's inability to garner any increased support from the virtual collapse of the economy in 1950s Ireland, south of the border, is particularly striking.

In the 1960s the party moved to the left, adopting a 'stagist' approach similar to orthodox Communist analysis. The party came under the influence of a generation of intellectuals who were associated with the Communist Party of Great Britain's Connolly Association and sought a decisive break from the confessional politics of the past. The new generation of leaders sought to engage Ulster's Protestant workers in an anti-imperialist popular front.

At the same time a new generation of Catholics in Northern Ireland benefited from the creation of a welfare state in the UK and were increasingly likely to demand their rights to equality in jobs and housing. The republicans, together with the Communists and a new generation of social democrats, formed the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Association to demand an end to discrimination. NICRA's campaigns - and the violent response of the Northern Ireland government in Stormont - increasingly destabilised Northern Ireland, particularly as Harold Wilson's Labour government in Britain began to exert political pressure on Stormont for change.

1969–1970 Resurgence and "Provisional" / "Official" split

There were two splits in the Republican Movement in the period 1969 to 1970. One in December 1969 in the IRA, and the other in Sinn Fein in January 1970.[19]

The stated reason for the split in the IRA was ‘partition parliaments’ [20] however the division was the product of discussions in the 1960s over the merits of political involvement as opposed to a purely military strategy. [21] The split when it finally did come in the December 1969, arose over the playing down of the role of the IRA and its inability in defending the Nationalist population in Northern Ireland. [22] One section of the Army Council wanted to go down a purely political (Marxist) road, and abandon armed struggle.[23] IRA had been dabbed on the walls over the north and was used to disparage the IRA, by writing beside it, “I Ran Away.” [24]Those in favour of a purely military strategy accused the leadership of rigging the Army convention, held in December and the vote on abandoning the policy of abstentionism and abandoning the Nationalists.[25]

In January 1970 at a reconvening of the Army council, the two motions in December were overturned. It was then decided to set up a provisional Army Council because it was intended to reconvene in six months in order to regularise the IRA, when the term provisional would be abandoned. [26] The split in the Republican Movement was completed on 11 January 1970, when at the Sinn Fein Ard Fheis the proposal to drop abstention was put before the members. [27] The policy of abandoning abstentionism had to be passed by a two-thirds majority to change the Party’s constitution.[28] Again there were allegations of malpractice and pro-Goulding supporters casting votes though they were not entitled to. [29] In addition, the Leadership had also refused delegate status (voting rights) to a number of Sinn Fein Cummann (branch) particularly in the north were they knew them to be opposed. When the vote was taken the result was 153 to 104 in favour. The leadership had failed to achieve the two thirds majority. The Leadership then attempted to propose a motion in support of the (Goulding) IRA Army Council. This motion would only have required a simple majority. [30] As the (Goulding) IRA Army Council had already agreed to drop abstentionism, this was seen by members as an attempt to subvert the Parties Constitution, and refused to vote and withdrew from the meeting.[31] Pre-empting this move they had booked a hall in 44 Parnell square, were they established a “caretaker executive” of Sinn Fein.[32] One section of the Party was referred to as Sinn Fein (Gardiner Place) and the other as Sinn Fein (Kevin Street), this came from the location of the opposing offices.

Despite the dropping of the word 'Provisional' at an Army convention in September 1970, and becoming the dominant group, they are still known 'to the mild irritation of senior members' as Provisionals, Provos or Provies.[33][34] People began to flock to join the “Provos” [35] as they were called and in an effort to reassert its authority the Goulding section began to call its self “Official IRA” and “Official Sinn Fein,” but to no avail. Within two years the “Provos” had secured control of the Republican Movement. [36]

See main article: Official Sinn Féin

1970s and 1980s

Gerry Adams, Leader of Sinn Féin (1983–present)

With the Officials' repudiation of violence in 1972, and its move from republicanism to Marxism, Provisional Sinn Féin became the political voice of the minority of northern nationalists who saw IRA violence as the means of forcing an end to British rule and institutionalised discrimination against nationalists which, in the words of Ulster Unionist leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate David Trimble, had created "a cold house for Catholics".[37] The British government agreed to legalise Sinn Féin in May 1974, legalising the paramilitary Ulster Volunteer Force at the same time to placate angry unionists. By 1977, the Provisionals had undisputed use of the name "Sinn Féin" as the Officials became the "Sinn Féin The Workers Party". However, Sinn Féin never succeeded in attracting the majority of Catholic support while the IRA continued its campaign of violence: most Catholics voted for the Social Democratic and Labour Party, under Gerry Fitt and later John Hume. A small minority voted for the Alliance Party; small numbers of Catholics also voted for the leading unionist parties, the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP), the Democratic Unionist Party and the shortlived Unionist Party of Northern Ireland.[38] Sinn Féin only achieved the support of the majority of the nationalist community in 2001, three years after the Belfast Agreement.

Nationalist alienation in the aftermath of the deaths of ten Republican hunger-strikers in Long Kesh prison in 1981 gave Sinn Féin a springboard into electoral politics in Northern Ireland. An internal power struggle, between a southern leadership under Ruairí Ó Brádaigh and a northern leadership under Gerry Adams, saw Ó Brádaigh and his associates leave to establish Republican Sinn Féin in 1986, which they claimed was the 'true' Sinn Féin. The split was over the decision of a majority of Sinn Féin members to alter party policy on abstentionism at the 1986 Sinn Féin Ard Fheis (i.e. the refusal to accept the legitimacy of, or to participate in, the parliaments of the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland); while the policy of abstentionism towards the Westminster British Parliament was continued, it was dropped in relation to Dáil Éireann. Under the presidency (from November 1983) of Gerry Adams, Sinn Féin leaders sought to explore wider political engagement through political agitation and the use or threat of violence.

In October 1982 a Sinn Féin function was held at Tralee, attended by, among others, Pat Doherty, Martin Ferris and Martin McGuinness. According to Sean O'Callaghan, he was informed by McGuinness ... that he and Gerry Adams were stepping down as Chief of Staff and adjutant-general respectively, to be replaced by McKenna (Kevin McKenna) and Doherty (Pat Doherty). The reason given was that both Adams and McGuinness had been chosen by Sinn Féin to contest assembly elections in Northern Ireland, which had been called by Jim Prior, the secretary of state for Northern Ireland. There is no doubt, however that the supergrass system, an exclusively Northern Ireland phenomenon, also played a part in their decision, for nobody knew where the next supergrass would come from. It was no coincidence that both McKenna and Doherty lived in the Republic and were safe from compromise by a new supergrass."

Whatever the true explanation, that decision, augmented by the much-later involvement of SDLP leader John Hume in the Hume-Adams dialogue, and the decision of successive Irish Taoisigh (prime ministers), Charles Haughey, Albert Reynolds, John Bruton and Bertie Ahern to initiate and maintain contact with the Sinn Féin leadership, helped produce the Northern Ireland peace process in the 1990s.

Ironically, Adams and company had originally come to dominate the republican movement because of their unwillingness to compromise and their refusal to contemplate a ceasefire. They reassessed their position after it became clear that British intelligence successes, as well as war weariness meant that a decisive military breakthrough was unlikely and that the violent stalemate would continue.

The new strategy - famously described by Danny Morrison as "a ballot paper in one hand and the Armalite in the other"[39] - was also, if subtly, eventually ditched as republicans again came to terms with the limits on their political success that continued "armed struggle" imposed. The very thing that propelled Adams into leadership, his opposition to military ceasefires, now became central to his approach (albeit this time, unlike during previous ceasefires, the IRA would retain their ability to return to violence at short notice).

Electoral performances 1982–1992

In the 1982 Assembly elections, Sinn Féin won five seats with 64,191 votes (10.1%). The party narrowly missed winning additional seats in Belfast North and Fermanagh and South Tyrone. In the 1983 Westminster elections eight months later saw an increase in Sinn Féin support with the party breaking the hundred thousand vote barrier for the first time by polling 102,701 votes (13.4%). Gerry Adams won the Belfast West constituency with Danny Morrison only 78 votes short of victory in Mid Ulster.

The 1984 European elections proved to be a disappointment with Sinn Féin's candidate Danny Morrison polling 91,476 (13.3%) and falling well behind the SDLP candidate John Hume.

By the beginning of 1985 Sinn Féin had won their first representation on local councils due to three by-election wins in Omagh (Seamus Kerr, May 1983) and Belfast (Alex Maskey in June 1983 and Sean McKnight in early 1984). Three sitting councillors also defected to Sinn Féin in Dungannon, Fermanagh and Derry (the last defecting from the SDLP). [40] Sinn Féin succeeded in winning 59 seats in the 1985 local government elections, however the results continued to show a decline from the peak of 1983 as the party won 75,686 votes (11.8%). The party failed to gain any seats in the 1986 by-elections caused by the resignation of Unionist MPs in protest at the Anglo-Irish Agreement, partly this was due to an electoral pact between Unionist candidates, however the SF vote fell in the four constituencies they contested.

In the 1987 election Gerry Adams held his Belfast West seat but the party elsewhere failed to make breakthroughs and overall polled 83,389 votes (11.4%). The same year saw the party contest the Dáil election in the Republic of Ireland, however they failed to win any seats and polled less than 2%.

The 1989 local government elections came in the aftermath of a number of PIRA atrocities most notably the Enniskillen massacre and proved disastrous for SF. Defending 58 seats (the 59 won in 1985 plus two 1987 by-election gains in West Belfast minus three councillors who had defected to Republican Sinn Féin in 1986) the party lost 15 seats. In the aftermath of the election Mitchell McLaughlin admitted that recent PIRA activity had affected the Sinn Féin vote.[41]

The nadir for SF in this period came in 1992, with Gerry Adams losing his Belfast West seat to the SDLP and the SF vote falling in the other constituencies that they had contested relative to 1987.

The Peace Process

Multi-party negotiations began in 1994, without Sinn Féin. The Provisional IRA declared a ceasefire in the autumn of 1994. The Conservative government had asked that the IRA decommission all of their weapons before Sinn Féin be admitted to the talks, but the Labour government of Tony Blair let them in on the basis of the ceasefire.

Good Friday Agreement

The talks led to the Good Friday Agreement of 10 April 1998 (officially known as the Belfast Agreement), which set up an inclusive devolved government in the North, and altered the Southern government's constitutional claim to the whole island in Articles 2 and 3 of the Constitution of Ireland. The party has been fully committed to constitutional politics since the Good Friday Agreement, although the unionist demand that the IRA decommission all of its arms led to repeated suspensions of the Assembly. The IRA started decommissioning arms after a deal was agreed restoring the suspended NI Assembly. The attacks of September 11th, 2001 in America have led to a sharp decline in Irish-American tolerance for paramilitary activities.

Increase in support

The party overtook its nationalist rival, the Social Democratic and Labour Party as the largest nationalist party in the 2001 Westminster General Election and Local Election, winning four Westminster seats to the SDLP's three. The party however continues to subscribe to an abstentionist policy towards seats in the Westminster British parliament, as taking the seats they won would require them to swear allegiance to the British monarchy and recognise British jurisdiction over Northern Ireland.[42] The party won five TDs in the 2002 Republic general election, an increase of four.

Results in Northern Ireland from the past three UK General Elections. Sinn Féin has gained three constituencies in the west.
Results in Northern Ireland from the past three UK General Elections. Sinn Féin has gained three constituencies in the west.

It went on to increase its domination of the nationalist vote in the 2003 Assembly elections, with Martin McGuinness, previously Minister for Education, in line to take the post of Deputy First Minister in the Northern Ireland Power-Sharing Executive Committee, should the executive be reformed. However, the electoral success of the hardline anti-Agreement Democratic Unionist Party, which replaced the Ulster Unionist Party as the leading unionist party, is thought to make the prospect of setting up a new executive less likely. Some critics of Sinn Féin allege that the DUP's electoral success, and its resulting threat to the Agreement, was contributed to by the failure of the PIRA to decommission its weapons, a decision that seriously undermined the ability of the pro-Agreement David Trimble to win majority unionist community support. Sinn Féin does not accept that allegation and sees little difference between the two unionist parties.

For a period of time after 1999 (when Democratic Left, who had a councillor in Dungannon, merged with Labour), Sinn Féin was the only Irish party with elected representatives on both sides of the border. The Green Party in Northern Ireland voted to become a region of the Irish Green Party in 2005. Several other parties organise on both sides of the border, including Fianna Fáil and the Irish Labour Party.

Latest developments

When Sinn Féin and the DUP became the largest parties of the two communities, it was clear (because of the dual majority required by the Good Friday Agreement) that no deal could be made without the support of both parties. They nearly reached a deal in November 2004, but the DUP had a requirement for visible evidence that decommissioning had been carried out.[43] Sinn Féin then withdrew from talks with the British Government because they refused to provide this visible evidence.

The robbery of £26.5 million from the Northern Bank in Belfast in December 2004 further scuppered chances of a deal. Because of the timing of the robbery it is considered that the plans for the robbery must have been laid whilst Sinn Féin was engaged in talks about a possible peace settlement. This undermined confidence within the unionist community about the sincerity of republicans towards reaching agreement. In the aftermath of the row over the robbery, a further controversy erupted when, on RTÉ's Questions and Answers programme, the chairman of Sinn Féin, Mitchel McLaughlin, insisted that the IRA's controversial killing of a mother of ten young children, Jean McConville, in the early 1970s though "wrong", was not a crime, as it had taken place in the context of the political conflict. Politicians from the Republic, along with the Irish media strongly attacked McLaughlin's comments.[44][45]

On 10 February 2005, the government-appointed Independent Monitoring Commission reported that it firmly supported the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Garda assessments that the IRA was responsible for the Northern Bank robbery and that certain senior members of Sinn Féin were also senior members of the IRA and would have had knowledge of and given approval to the carrying out of the robbery.[46] Sinn Féin have argued that the IMC is not independent and the inclusion of former Alliance Party Leader John Alderdice and a British security head was proof of this.[47] It recommended further financial sanctions against Sinn Féin members of the Northern Ireland Assembly. The British government responded by saying it would ask MPs to vote to withdraw the parliamentary allowances of the four Sinn Féin MPs elected in 2001.[48]

Gerry Adams responded to the IMC report by challenging the Irish Government to have him arrested for IRA membership, a "crime" in both jurisdictions, and conspiracy.[49]

On 20 February 2005, Irish Minister for Justice Michael McDowell publicly accused three of the Sinn Féin leadership, Gerry Adams, Martin McGuinness and Martin Ferris (TD for Kerry North) of being on the seven-man IRA Army Council. Gerry Adams denied this at an address in Strabane and Martin McGuinness denied the allegations in a TV interview on RTÉ.[50][51]

On 27 February 2005, a demonstration against the murder of Robert McCartney on 30 January 2005 was held in East Belfast. Alex Maskey, a former Sinn Féin Mayor of Belfast, was told by relatives of McCartney to "stop making stupid comments" to the press following Gerry McKay's demand that Maskey "hand over the 12" IRA members involved.[52] The McCartney family, though formerly Sinn Féin voters themselves, urged witnesses to the crime to contact the PSNI.[53][54] People have been reluctant to do so for two reasons; the traditional mistrust of the police in Northern Ireland by republicans and the nationalist community and fear of reprisal from the IRA.[55] Three IRA men were expelled from the organisation, and a man was charged with McCartney's murder.[56][57]

Irish Taoiseach Bertie Ahern subsequently called Sinn Féin and the IRA "both sides of the same coin".[58] The ostracism of Sinn Féin was shown in February 2005 when Dáil Éireann passed a motion condemning the party's alleged involvement in illegal activity. US President George W. Bush and Senator Edward Kennedy refused to meet Gerry Adams while meeting the family of Robert McCartney.[59] Senators Kennedy and Hillary Clinton introduced a motion into the US Senate calling on Sinn Féin to break off links with the IRA.

On 10 March 2005, the British House of Commons in London passed without significant opposition a motion placed by the British Government to withdraw the allowances of the four Sinn Féin MPs for one year in response to the Northern Bank Robbery. This measure cost the party approximately £400,000. However, the debate prior to the vote mainly surrounded the more recent events connected with the murder of Robert McCartney. Conservatives and Unionists put down amendments to have the Sinn Féin MPs evicted from their offices at the House of Commons but these were defeated by 358-170 and 357-171 votes respectively.[60]

In March 2005, Mitchell Reiss, the United States special envoy to Northern Ireland, condemned the party's links to the IRA, saying "it is hard to understand how a European country in the year 2005 can have a private army associated with a political party".[61]

The party expelled Denis Donaldson, a party official, in December 2005, with him stating publicly that he had been in the employ of the British government as an agent since the 1980s. Mr Donaldson told reporters that the British security agencies who employed him were behind the collapse of the Assembly and set up Sinn Féin to take the blame for it, a claim disputed by the British Government.[62] Donaldson was found fatally shot in his home in County Donegal on 4 April 2006, and a murder inquiry was launched.[63] As of June 2008, nobody has been charged with his murder.

On 2 September 2006, Martin McGuinness publicly stated that Sinn Féin would refuse to participate in a shadow assembly at Stormont, asserting that his party would only take part in negotiations that were aimed at restoring a power-sharing government within Northern Ireland. This development follows a decision on the part of members of Sinn Féin to refrain from participating in debates since the Assembly's recall this past May. The relevant parties to these talks have been given a deadline of 24 November 2006 in order to decide upon whether or not they will ultimately form the executive.[64]

On 28 January 2007, a Sinn Féin Ard Fheis was held and its delegates voted overwhelmingly to support the PSNI.[65] This ended an 86 year boycott of policing in Northern Ireland. This decision means that Sinn Féin members will sit on Policing Boards and District Policing Partnerships.[66] The decision has received welcome although, some opposition has been evident from people such as former IRA prisoner Gerry McGeough, who stood in the 2007 Assembly Elections against Sinn Féin in the assembly constituency of Fermanagh and South Tyrone.[67] In 2007 parliamentary election in the Republic of Ireland, Sinn Féin won four seats in the Dáil, one less than in 2002. Other parliamentary parties have ruled out government formation with Sinn Féin. The party subsequently won one seat in the 23rd Seanad.

Modern Sinn Féin

Sinn Féin local office in Tralee, County Kerry

Sinn Féin is the largest nationalist political party in Northern Ireland, having recently displaced the previously dominant nationalist Social Democratic and Labour Party (SDLP) in national elections. It currently has five MPs (gaining one in the United Kingdom general election of 2005) in the House of Commons (out of eighteen MPs representing Northern Ireland) and twenty-eight Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) (out of a Northern Ireland Assembly membership of 108, making it the second largest, behind the Democratic Unionist Party with thirty-six seats and ahead of both the Ulster Unionist Party who have eighteen and Social Democratic and Labour Party with sixteen seats).

It is a much smaller political force, in electoral terms, in the Republic of Ireland, where it currently has four TDs (out of 166) in Dáil Éireann and one member of the Republic's Seanad Éireann (Senate). The party performed less well than expected in the 2007 Dáil elections. Although their overall vote was marginally up, this was only because of a considerable increase in the number of SF candidates. Sinn Féin has two Members of the European Parliament (MEPs); one out of Northern Ireland's three MEPs, and one out of the Republic's thirteen. It is the only political party in Europe to be represented by members from different EU states. Its MEPs sit as part of the left wing European United Left - Nordic Green Left group in the European Parliament.

Sinn Féin has three ministers in the Executive Committee (cabinet) of the Northern Ireland Assembly but has never sat in cabinet in the Republic. In 2005 the Unionist parties indicated that they would not serve in government with Sinn Féin until its relationship with the Provisional Irish Republican Army was terminated. Since then agreement between Unionist and Republicans has led to a re-opened and revived Executive based at Stormont.

Sinn Féin and other republicans often refer to Northern Ireland as the Six Counties or The North, but rarely Northern Ireland. This is due to the early 20th century political history of the region - part of the Northern Ireland naming dispute. In 2007 one Sinn Féin departmental minister, Conor Murphy of the Department for Regional Development, allegedly requested that civil servants in the department refer to Northern Ireland as "here" or "the north" and that staff were also to refer to Derry in place of Londonderry and to refer to the Republic of Ireland as "all Ireland".[68]

Links with the IRA

Sinn Féin is the largest group in the Republican wing of Irish nationalism and is closely associated with the IRA, with the Irish Government alleging that senior members of Sinn Féin have held posts on the IRA Army Council.[69] However the SF leadership has denied these claims.[70]

Sinn Féin organiser Danny Morrison at the party's Ard Fheis (Annual Conference) in 1981, said:

"Who here really believes we can win the war through the ballot box? But will anyone here object if, with a ballot paper in this hand and an Armalite in the other, we take power in Ireland?"[71]

To some, this statement confirmed the relationship between the IRA and Sinn Féin.

The current British Government stated in 2005 that "we had always said all the way through we believed that Sinn Féin and the IRA were inextricably linked and that had obvious implications at leadership level".[72]

Organisational structure

Sinn Féin poster in Dublin (Republic of Ireland)

Sinn Féin is organised throughout Ireland, and membership is open to all Irish residents over the age of 16. The party is organised hierarchically into cumainn (branches), comhairle ceantair (district executives), cúigí (regional executives). At national level, the Coiste Seasta (Standing Committee) oversees the day-to-day running of Sinn Féin. It is an eight-member body nominated by the Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle and also includes the chairperson of each cúige. The Sinn Féin Ard Chomhairle (National Executive) meets at least once a month. It directs the overall implementation of Sinn Féin policy and activities of the party.

The Ard Chomhairle also oversees the operation of various departments of Sinn Féin, viz Administration, Finance, National Organiser, Campaigns, Ógra Shinn Féin, Women's Forum, Culture, Publicity and International Affairs. It is made up of the following: Officer Board and nine other members, all of whom are elected by delegates to the Ard Fheis, fifteen representing the five Cúige regions (three delegates each). The Ard Chomhairle can co-opt eight members for specific posts and additional members can be co-opted, if necessary, to ensure that at least thirty per cent of Ard Chomhairle members are women.

The ard fheis (national delegate conference) is the ultimate policy-making body of the party where delegates - directly elected by members of cumainn - can decide on and implement policy. It is held at least once a year but a special Ard Fheis can be called by the Ard Chomhairle or the membership under special circumstances.

Political views

Apart from the obvious support of a united Ireland, Sinn Féin outlined several other key policies from their most recent election manifesto. Several are listed below:

A vast majority of their policies are intended to be implemented on an 'all-Ireland' basis which further emphasises their central aim of creating a united Ireland.

Sinn Féin usually refers to itself as a democratic socialist or left-wing party and aligns itself with the European United Left–Nordic Green Left. The party pledges support for minority rights, migrants' rights, and eradicating poverty, although it is not in favour of the extension of legalized abortion (British 1967 Act) to Northern Ireland. Though Sinn Féin state they are also opposed to the attitudes in society, which "pressurise women" to have abortions, and "criminalise" women who make this decision. Sinn Féin do recognize however that in cases of incest, rape, sexual abuse, or when a woman's life and health are at risk or in danger, that the final decision must rest with the woman.[74]

Sinn Féin urged a "No" vote in the referendum held in Ireland on 12 June 2008 on the Lisbon Treaty.[75]

Sinn Féin are opposed to the "illegal occupation of Palestine" by Israel.[76]

Ard Chomhairle members 2005–2006

Officer Board

  • Gerry Adams – President
  • Pat Doherty – Vice President
  • Mitchel McLaughlin – General Secretary
  • Mary Lou McDonald – Chairperson
  • Margaret Adams – Treasurer
  • Treasa Quinn – Treasurer
  • Dawn Doyle – Director of Publicity

Ard Fheis elected members 2005–2006

  • Martina Anderson – Derry
  • Bairbre de Brún – Belfast
  • Dodie McGuinness – Derry
  • Gerry Kelly – Belfast
  • Daithí Doolan – Dublin
  • Martin McGuinness – Derry
  • Francie Molloy – Tyrone
  • Shannonbrooke Murphy – Galway
  • Jacqueline Russell – Leinster
  • Alex Maskey – Belfast
  • Eibhlin Glenholmes – Belfast
  • Aengus Ó Snodaigh – Dublin

Elected representatives

Members of the United Kingdom Parliament

All Sinn Féin Westminster MPs follow an abstentionist policy, meaning they do not take their seats in Parliament.

Members of the European Parliament

Members of Dáil Éireann

Member of Seanad Éireann

Member of Údarás na Gaeltachta

Members of the Northern Ireland Assembly


In 1923, a substantial portion of the membership became Cumann na nGaedheal
In 1926, de Valera resigned from Sinn Féin and launched Fianna Fáil
In 1970, split into two parties claiming to be the legitimate Sinn Féin
  • Sinn Féin (Gardiner Place), was more commonly referred to as Official Sinn Féin. The party renamed itself Sinn Féin, the Workers Party (1982), before settling on the Workers Party (1982).
  • Sinn Féin (Kevin Street), was also referred to as Provisional Sinn Féin. This wing is now generally known as Sinn Féin.
In 1986, Ó Brádaigh left and set up Republican Sinn Féin.

Parties with origins in Sinn Féin

  • Democratic Left (Split from the Workers' Party in 1992; merged into the Labour Party in 1999)

See also

Notes and references

  1. Irish republicans, including Sinn Féin, often use the term "Six Counties" to refer to Northern Ireland. Their website simply states that their Belfast Office is in "Ireland". See Northern Ireland naming dispute.
  2. Sydney Elliott and W. D. Flackes with John Coulter, ed. (1999) (in English). Northern Ireland: A Political Directory 1968-1999. Belfast: Blackstaff Press. ISBN 0-85640-628-7. 
  3. "Abstracts on Organisations". Conflict Archive on the Internet. Retrieved on 2008-09-10.
  4. "Northern Ireland". Jonathan Tonge. Retrieved on 2008-09-10.
  5. Féin, Sinn (2005). Mícheál MacDonncha. ed. (in Irish / English). Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle. Dublin: Sinn Féin. pp. pp.12. ISBN 0 9542946 2 9. 
  6. Ó Dónaill, Niall (1977). (advisory ed. Tomás de Bhaldraithe). ed. (in Irish). Foclóir Gaeilge-Béarla. Dublin: An Gúm. pp. 533, 1095. ISBN 1-85791-037-0. 
  7. Féin, Sinn (2005). Mícheál MacDonncha. ed. (in Irish / English). Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle. Dublin: Sinn Féin. pp. pp.12. ISBN 0 9542946 2 9. 
  8. Pádraig Mac Piarias attended the first meeting as a guest speaker
  9. Féin, Sinn (2005). Mícheál MacDonncha. ed. (in Irish / English). Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle. Dublin: Sinn Féin. pp. pp.12. ISBN 0 9542946 2 9. 
  10. What Sinn Féin Stands For, Aodh de Blácam, Dublin, Mellifont Press, 1921
  11. Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, Mícheál MacDonncha, Dublin, 2005, ISBN 0 9542946 2 9 pg.13
  12. Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, Mícheál MacDonncha, Dublin, 2005, ISBN 0 9542946 2 9 pg.13
  13. Michael Laffan, The Resurrection of Ireland: The Sinn Féin Party 1916—1923 (Cambridge, 1999) p.30.
  14. National Library of Ireland
  15. The wording was "having achieved that status the Irish people may by referendum freely choose their own form of Government"
  16. Féin, Sinn (2005). Mícheál MacDonncha. ed. (in Irish / English). Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle. Dublin: Sinn Féin. pp. pp.59. ISBN 0 9542946 2 9. 
  17. Google book search
  18. Féin, Sinn (2005). Mícheál MacDonncha. ed. (in Irish / English). Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle. Dublin: Sinn Féin. pp. pp.63. ISBN 0 9542946 2 9. 
  19. The Secret Army: The IRA, J Bowyer Bell, Poolbeg Press Ltd. Ireland 1997 (revised Third Edition), ISBN 1 85371 813 0 pg.366-1, Sinn Féin: A Hundred Turbulent Years, Brian Feeney, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 695 9 pg. 250-1, Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, Parnell Publications, Mícheál MacDonncha, 2005, ISBN 0 9542946 2 9 pg.131-2, The I.R.A., Tim Pat Coogan, HarperCollins Publishers London 2000 ((Fully Revised & Updated), ISBN 0 00 653155 5 pg.337-8, Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles 1968-1993, Paul Bew & Gordon Gillespie, Gill & Macmillan, Dublin 1993, ISNB 0 7171 2081 3 pg.24-5,
  20. The I.R.A., Tim Pat Coogan, HarperCollins Publishers London 2000 ((Fully Revised & Updated), ISBN 0 00 653155 5 pg.337-8
  21. The Transformation of Ireland 1900-2000, Diarmaid Ferriter, Profile Books, London 2005, ISBN 978 1 861974 43 3 pg.624
  22. Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles 1968-1993, Paul Bew & Gordon Gillespie, Gill & Macmillan, Dublin 1993, ISNB 0 7171 2081 3 pg.24-5, Ireland: A History, Robert Kee, Abacus, London (Revised Edition 2005), ISBN 0 349 11676 8 pg.237, Eyewitness to Irish History, Peter Berresford Ellis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Canada 2004, ISBN 0 471 26633 7 pg.281, The Secret Army: The IRA, J Bowyer Bell, Poolbeg Press Ltd. Ireland 1997 (revised Third Edition), ISBN 1 85371 813 0 pg.366-1, Sinn Féin: A Hundred Turbulent Years, Brian Feeney, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 695 9 pg. 249-50, Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, Parnell Publications, Mícheál MacDonncha, 2005, ISBN 0 9542946 2 9 pg.131-2
  23. Ireland: A History, Robert Kee, Abacus, London (Revised Edition 2005), ISBN 0 349 11676 8 pg.237, Eyewitness to Irish History, Peter Berresford Ellis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Canada 2004, ISBN 0 471 26633 7 pg.281, The I.R.A., Tim Pat Coogan, HarperCollins Publishers London 2000 ((Fully Revised & Updated), ISBN 0 00 653155 5 pg.337-8
  24. Ireland: A History, Robert Kee, Abacus, London (Revised Edition 2005), ISBN 0 349 11676 8 pg.237, Eyewitness to Irish History, Peter Berresford Ellis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Canada 2004, ISBN 0 471 26633 7 pg.281
  25. The Secret Army: The IRA, J Bowyer Bell, Poolbeg Press Ltd. Ireland 1997 (revised Third Edition), ISBN 1 85371 813 0 pg.363, Sinn Féin: A Hundred Turbulent Years, Brian Feeney, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 695 9 pg. 250-1, Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.186
  26. Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.184
  27. Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.186
  28. Sinn Féin: A Hundred Turbulent Years, Brian Feeney, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 695 9 pg. 250-1, Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, Parnell Publications, Mícheál MacDonncha, 2005, ISBN 0 9542946 2 9 pg.131-2, Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.186
  29. Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.186
  30. Sinn Féin: A Hundred Turbulent Years, Brian Feeney, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 695 9 pg. 250-1, Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, Parnell Publications, Mícheál MacDonncha, 2005, ISBN 0 9542946 2 9 pg.131-2, Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.186
  31. The Secret Army: The IRA, J Bowyer Bell, Poolbeg Press Ltd. Ireland 1997 (revised Third Edition), ISBN 1 85371 813 0 pg.366-1, Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, Parnell Publications, Mícheál MacDonncha, 2005, ISBN 0 9542946 2 9 pg.131-2, Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.186
  32. The Secret Army: The IRA, J Bowyer Bell, Poolbeg Press Ltd. Ireland 1997 (revised Third Edition), ISBN 1 85371 813 0 pg.367, Sinn Féin: A Century of Struggle, Parnell Publications, Mícheál MacDonncha, 2005, ISBN 0 9542946 2 9 pg.131-2, Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.186, The I.R.A., Tim Pat Coogan, HarperCollins Publishers London 2000 ((Fully Revised & Updated), ISBN 0 00 653155 5 pg.337-8
  33. Joe Cahill: A Life in the IRA, Brendan Anderson, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 674 6, pg.186
  34. Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles 1968-1993, Paul Bew & Gordon Gillespie, Gill & Macmillan, Dublin 1993, ISNB 0 7171 2081 3 pg.24-5 cite.’ Two leading commentators on the Provisionals noted: ‘The nomenclature, with its echoes of the 1916 rebels’ provisional government of the Irish Republic, reflected the delegates’ belief that the irregularities surrounding the extraordinary convention rendered it null and void. Any decisions it took were revokable. They proposed to call another convention within twelve months to ‘resolve the leadership of the movement. Until this happened they regarded themselves as a provisional organisation. Ten months later, after the September 1970 Army Council meeting, a statement was issued declaring that the “provisional” period was now officially over, but by then the, name had stuck fast.’ (Bishop and Mallie, p.137)
  35. Eyewitness to Irish History, Peter Berresford Ellis, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Canada 2004, ISBN 0 471 26633 7 pg.281
  36. Sinn Féin: A Hundred Turbulent Years, Brian Feeney, O'Brien Press, Dublin 2002, ISBN 0 86278 695 9 pg. 252, The Transformation of Ireland 1900-2000, Diarmaid Ferriter, Profile Books, London 2005, ISBN 978 1 861974 43 3 pg.624
  37. "David Trimble – Nobel Lecture". Nobel Foundation (10 December 1998). Retrieved on 2006-06-13.
  38. Ian Paisley in European Elections regularly attracted votes from the entirely Catholic Rathlin Island, while research showed Catholic support for then-UUP leader, David Trimble. In the 1990s, the UUP had a Catholic candidate, Sir John Gorman, elected to the Northern Ireland Assembly.
  39. "The Hunger Strike of 1981 - A Chronology of Main Events". CAIN (23 March 2006). Retrieved on 2006-06-14.
  40. The three were S. Cassidy, J. J. McCusker and W. McCartney
  41. quoted in Gordon Lucy, The Northern Ireland Local Government Elections of 1993, Ulster Society Press
  42. "Sinn Féin press release". Sinn Féin (18 December 2001). Retrieved on 2008-08-16.
  43. Angelique Chrisafis (25 November 2004). "Paisley hints at movement on IRA". The Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  44. "Resignation call rejected". BBC (19 January 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  45. Katie Mingey (24 January 2005). "Fallout from bank raid". Irish Emigrant. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  46. "Fourth report of the Independent Monitoring Commission" (PDF). Independent Monitoring Commission (10 February 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  47. Conor Murphy (27 February 2006). "IMC should be scrapped". Sinn Féin. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  48. "Sinn Féin facing raid sanctions". BBC (22 February 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  49. "Adams challenges Ahern to have him arrested". RTÉ News (10 February 2005). Retrieved on 2006-04-27.
  50. Tom Brady & Senan Molony (21 February 2005). "McDowell: These men are leaders of the IRA". Irish Independent. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  51. Peter Taggart (21 February 2005). "Dublin: Sinn Féin chiefs in IRA". CNN. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  52. "Give up killers, people's protest tells IRA". The Times (28 February 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  53. Angelique Chrisafis (28 February 2005). "How pub brawl turned into republican crisis". The Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-03-29.
  54. Angelique Chrisafis (26 February 2005). "IRA expels three over McCartney murder". The Guardian. Retrieved on 2007-03-29.
  55. "MEPs back McCartney justice fight". BBC (10 May 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-29.
  56. "IRA expels three after killing". BBC (26 February 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-29.
  57. "Two remanded in McCartney killing". BBC (4 June 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-29.
  58. "Sinn Féin must prove it supports the rule of law". Belfast Telegraph (9 January 2007). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  59. Garry Kelly (14 March 2005). "Senator Kennedy snubs Adams as US recoils at IRA crime". The Independent. Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  60. "SF stripped of Commons allowances". (10 March 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  61. "Sinn Féin chief says IRA may cease to exist". MSNBC (March 12, 2005). Retrieved on 2006-04-27.
  62. "Sinn Féin man admits he was agent". BBC (16 December 2005). Retrieved on 2007-03-29.
  63. "Donaldson murder scene examined". BBC (6 April 2006). Retrieved on 2007-03-29.
  64. "Sinn Féin rejects 'shadow' Assembly". RTÉ (2 September 2006). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  65. "Sinn Féin ends policing boycott". (28 January 2007). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  66. "Sinn Féin 'must show visible support for policing'". (28 January 2007). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  67. "Former IRA prisoner to stand against SF". (29 January 2007). Retrieved on 2007-03-28.
  68. Meredith, Fionola (2007-05-21). "What the papers say", BBC News, BBC. Retrieved on 2008-10-16. 
  69. Irish government allegations about IRA army council
  70. SF leadership denies army council membership.
  71. Taylor, Peter (1997). Provos The IRA & Sinn Féin. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 281–282. ISBN 0-7475-3818-2. 
  72. Press Briefing: 3.45 pm Monday 21 February 2005 10 Downing Street website.
  73. Sinn Féin website, International Department
  74. "Sinn Féin on the Assembly debate on Abortion". Sinn Féin (22 October 2007). Retrieved on 2007-11-14.
  75. Irish Times 26 May 2008
  76. SF press release, 16 March 2006

Further reading

Sinn Féin's previous logos

External links

Sinn Féin

Other links