

Sicko theatrical poster
Directed by Michael Moore
Produced by Michael Moore and Meegan O'Hara[1]
Written by Michael Moore
Starring Michael Moore
Distributed by The Weinstein Company
Lionsgate (theatrical)
Release date(s) Flag of the United States June 22, 2007
Flag of South Korea April 3, 2008
Language English
Budget $9,000,000 US[2]

Sicko is a 2007 documentary film by American filmmaker Michael Moore. The film investigates the American health care system, focusing on its health insurance and pharmaceutical industry. The film compares the for-profit, non-universal U.S. system with the non-profit universal health care systems of Canada, the United Kingdom, France and Cuba.

Sicko opened to positive reviews, but also generated criticism and controversy. Some policy specialists have praised the film while others have criticized the film for its positive portrayal of the publicly funded health systems of Canada, the United Kingdom and Cuba, and for its negative portrayal of the health care system in the United States.

Sicko was made on a budget of approximately $9 million,[3] and grossed $24.5 million theatrically in the United States.[4] This box office result met the official expectation of The Weinstein Company, which hoped for a gross in line with Bowling for Columbine's $21.5 million US box office gross.[5]



According to Sicko, almost fifty million Americans are uninsured and those who are covered are often victims of insurance company fraud and red tape. Interviews are conducted with people who thought they had adequate coverage but were denied care, as well as former employees of insurance companies who describe cost-cutting initiatives that encourage bonuses for insurance company physicians to deny medical treatments for policy holders.

In Canada, Moore describes the case of Tommy Douglas, who was voted the greatest Canadian in 2004 for his contributions to the Canadian health system. Moore also interviews a microsurgeon and people waiting in the emergency room of a Canadian public hospital.

Against the backdrop of the history of the American health care debate, opponents of universal health care are set in the context of 1950s-style anti-communist propaganda. A 1960s record distributed by the American Medical Association and narrated by Ronald Reagan warns that universal health care could lead to communism. In response, Moore shows that socialized public services like police, fire service, postal service, public education and community libraries have not led to communism in America.

The origins of the Health Maintenance Organization Act of 1973 are presented using a taped conversation between John Ehrlichman and President Richard Nixon on February 17, 1971; Ehrlichman is heard telling Nixon that "...the less care they give them, the more money they make", a plan that Nixon remarked "appeals to me". This led to the expansion of the modern HMO-based health care system. Connections are highlighted between Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA), the lobbying arm of the largest drug companies in the United States, lobbying groups in Washington D.C., and the United States Congress. Hillary Clinton, a champion of the Clinton health care plan, is shown to be the Senate's second-highest recipient of health care industry campaign donations.

In the United Kingdom, a country whose National Health Service is a comprehensive publicly-funded health care system, Moore interviews patients and inquires about in-hospital expenses incurred by patients, only to be told that there are no out-of-pocket payments. Moore visits a UK pharmacy, where pharmaceuticals are free of charge for persons under 16 or over 60, and subsidised in most cases for everyone else; only a fixed amount of £7.10 per item on a prescription is charged (e.g 5 items on a single perscription would cost £35.50), irrespective of cost to the NHS. Further, NHS hospitals employ a cashier, part of whose job is to reimburse low-income patients for their out-of-pocket travel costs to the hospital. Interviews include an NHS general practitioner, an American woman residing in London, and Tony Benn, a Labour politician and former Member of Parliament. Benn compares a hypothetical attempt to dismantle the NHS with reversing women's suffrage and says it would result in a revolution.

In France, Moore visits a hospital and interviews the head of obstetrics and gynaecology and a group of American expatriates. Moore rides with the "SOS Médecins", a 24-hour French medical service that provides house calls by physicians.[7] Moore discovers that the French government provides social services, such as day care for $1 an hour and neonatal support that includes cooking, cleaning, and laundry services for new mothers.

Returning to the United States, interviews disclose that 9/11 rescue workers who volunteered after the September 11, 2001 attacks were denied government funds to care for physical and psychological maladies they subsequently developed, including respiratory disease and PTSD. Unable to receive and afford medical care in the U.S., the 9/11 rescue workers, as well as all of Moore's friends in the film needing medical attention, sail from Miami to Cuba on three speedboats in order to obtain free medical care provided for the enemy combatants detained at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay detainment camp. The group arrives at the entrance channel to "Gitmo" and Moore uses a megaphone to request access, pleading for the 9/11 victims to receive treatment that is on par with the medical attention the "evildoers" are receiving. The attempt ceases when a siren is blown from the base, and the group moves on to Havana, where they purchase inexpensive medicine and receive free medical treatment.[8] Providing only their name and birth date, the volunteers are hospitalized and receive medical attention.

Finally, Moore addresses the audience, emphasizing that people should be "taking care of each other, no matter the differences". To demonstrate his personal commitment to this theme, Moore decides to help one of his biggest critics, Jim Kenefick, webmaster of MooreWatch. According to a blog posting, Kenefick was planning to shut down his anti-Moore website because he needed US $12,000 to cover the costs of medical treatment for his sick wife. Not wanting the U.S. health care system to trump Kenefick's ability to express his opinion, Moore sends Kenefick the money anonymously.


Sicko premiered on May 19 2007 at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival, receiving a 15-minute standing ovation[9] from 2,000 people at the Grand Theatre Lumiere.[10] The North American premiere of Sicko was held in London, Ontario (where some scenes from the movie were filmed) at the Silver City movie theatre at Masonville Place on June 8 2007, with Moore in attendance.[11] It also had an early premiere in Washington D.C. on June 20, two days before its U.S. release, with Moore appearing at a Capitol Hill press conference to promote the film.[12]

The European premiere was held in Great Britain on October 24, 2007 at the Odeon Leicester Square as part of the 51st London Film Festival. Moore was to introduce the film, but remained in America due to a 'family issue,' sending a lengthy letter to be read in his stead. Part of the letter gave thanks to the Rt Hon Tony Benn, featured in the film, who delivered a succinct speech before the showing.

Box office

Made on a budget of $9 million USD,[13] Sicko earned $4.5 million on its opening weekend.[14] In 441 theaters, it took in an average of $10,204 per theater, the second highest average gross of the weekend. As of February 24, 2008, Sicko has grossed $24,540,079 in the United States and $11,105,296 in foreign markets. It has been named the third-highest grossing documentary in the USA since 1982 excluding concert movies, reality films, and "large-format" documentaries.[15]

Critical reaction

Sicko at the Cannes Film Festival receiving a standing ovation

The review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes reported that 93% of critics gave the film positive reviews, based on 181 reviews.[16] Metacritic reported the film had an average score of 74 out of 100, based on 39 reviews.[17] After its Cannes release, Variety described Sicko as "an affecting and entertaining dissection of the American health care industry".[18]

In an early review a week before the premiere, Richard Roeper and Michael Phillips gave the film two thumbs up. Roger Friedman of Fox News called the film a "brilliant and uplifting new documentary" and praised Moore for the way in which he lets "very articulate average Americans tell their personal horror stories at the hands of insurance companies" and "criticizes both Democrats and Republicans for their inaction and in some cases their willingness to be bribed by pharmaceutical companies and insurance carriers."[19]

British film magazine Empire praised Moore's filmmaking and personal artistic vision, exclaiming "Sicko is the film that truly reveals Moore as an auteur."[20]

David Denby of the New Yorker called the film "feeble, even inane"[21], but film critic Stephen Schaefer of the Boston Globe described Sicko as "a very strong and very honest documentary about a health system that's totally corrupt and that is without any care for its patients."[22]

Marjorie Baumgarten of The Austin Chronicle named it the 8th best film of 2007.[23]


The film was nominated for an Academy Award for Documentary Feature.[24] Sicko was commended in the Australian Film Critics Association 2007 Film Award for Best Documentary.


News media

John Stossel of ABC's 20/20 wrote an article in the Wall Street Journal on September 13, 2007 entitled "Sick Sob Stories", that claimed Julie Pierce's husband, Tracy, featured in Sicko, would not have been saved by the bone marrow transplant denied by his insurer, arguing that the history of treatment of cancer patients with bone-marrow transplants has shown it to be unreliable, citing a 1999 report by the American Society of Clinical Oncology showing it to be ineffective. Stossel also questioned whether this treatment would have been given in a socialized system, citing rationing and long waiting lists in Canada and Britain.[25] Julie Pierce claimed Stossel never contacted her or her husband's doctors, and that the insurer denied other treatments as well. Pierce argued that Stossel's statements were based on outdated studies on breast cancer, not kidney cancer, which is what her husband had, and that this became a last option only after their insurer repeatedly denied other treatments, citing doctors at the Blood and Marrow Transplant Program at the University of Kansas Hospital who referred to past successes when opining that it could have saved Tracy Pierce. Pierce questioned Stossel's assertion that Tracy would not have received this in a socialized system, arguing that they are performed more frequently in Canada than in the U.S.[26] Although Stossel has stated that health care in the U.S. is a "mess", disputed Pierce's claim about Canadian transplants, citing The Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research, which reports that in 2006 the U.S. had a 16% greater incidence of transplants per capita than Canada. Stossel related testimony from a dozen Canadian medical organizations that indicated it was unlikely to be performed in Canada with any frequency, given the underwhelming results of clinical trials.[27]

In a 20/20 report Stossel provided evidence that typical Cubans citizens receive poor health care, and only richer ones who can pay for the care shown in Sicko receive it. When Moore cited a United Nations report that contradicted this, Stossel replied that the U.N. merely repeated what the Cuban government reported, and suggested that the Cuban dictatorship is likely to suppress unfavorable information. Stossel also presented testimonials that lower Cuban infant mortality rates are due to pregnant women receiving abortions if the fetus shows any sign of problems, and that infants who die hours after birth are not recorded in mortality rates. When Moore claimed the C.I.A. corroborated his assertions, Stossel responded that the C.I.A. denied this, and that their data contradict Moore's assertion.

In an article published in both The New Yorker and Reason magazine, Michael C. Moynihan calls the film "touching, naïve and maddeningly mendacious, a clumsy piece of agitprop that will likely have little lasting effect on the health care debate".[28] Surgeon and Associate Director of Brigham and Women's Hospital's Center for Surgery and Public Health Atul Gawande commented, "Sicko is a revelation. And what makes this especially odd to say is that the movie brings to light nothing that the media haven’t covered extensively for years."[29]

MTV's Kurt Loder criticized what he perceived as the film's cherry-picked facts, manipulative interviews, and unsubstantiated assertions, such as the assertion that 18,000 people will die each year because of no insurance. (A 2002 USA Today story on an Institute of Medicine report corroborates this claim.)[30] While admitting that the U.S. health care system needs reform, Loder criticized Moore’s advocacy of government control, arguing that many services controlled by the government are not considered efficient by the American public. Loder points to a 2005 documentary, Dead Meat, by Stuart Browning and Blaine Greenberg, which documents long waiting lists for care in Canada. Its subjects include people who became addicted to pain medication they were prescribed while waiting for surgery, who went to other countries for treatment, or who died while on the waiting lists. Loder points to calls for reform in Britain and France due to the same rationing, which Loder says has hurt France's economy. Loder also criticized Moore’s depiction of Cuba, and the human rights violations by its ruling regime. Loder cites a case reported in the Los Angeles Times of a Cuban doctor having been imprisoned in the late 1990’s for criticizing the government for its failure to respond to a viral epidemic, and that when Fidel Castro became ill in 2006, he had a specialist flown in from Spain,[31] although Spain itself has single-payer universal health care,[32] which is what Moore supports.

Rich Lowry, writing in the National Review, accused Moore of distorting the differences between American and Canadian healthcare systems in order to further a "socialist agenda."[33]

WBAI Radio, part of the Pacifica Radio Network, reported that Sicko was revitalizing the debate for universal health care within the United States, calling the film "adrenaline for healthcare activists." It named individuals and entities ranging from U.S. Congressman John Conyers, Jr., to the California Nurses Association. It reported that the latter "began traveling the country to leaflet moviegoers as Sicko opens in theaters to support a single-payer health care system."[34]

Healthcare industry

In a letter responding to a Wall Street Journal op-ed by David Gratzer that was critical of the film,[35] Robert S. Bell, M.D., President and CEO of University Health Network, Toronto, said that while Moore "exaggerated the performance of the Canadian health system," it provides universal coverage of a similar quality to that enjoyed by only some Americans.[36] Michael Moore posted a leaked memo from a Capital Blue Cross employee about the likely consequences of the film. The memo expresses concern that the movie turns people against Capital Blue Cross by linking it to abuses by for-profit HMOs.[37]

A July 9 2007 broadcast of CNN's The Situation Room aired a "fact check" segment by CNN's senior health correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta on Sicko.[38] Immediately following the segment, Moore was interviewed live on CNN by Wolf Blitzer.[39] Moore stated that Gupta's report was inaccurate and biased. Moore posted a point-by-point response on his website.[40] After a debate with Moore on Larry King Live,[41] Gupta posted a message about his position on Sicko and CNN's coverage.[42]

Think tanks

The free market think tanks, such as the Manhattan Institute, said that Sicko misrepresented the health systems of Canada, the United Kingdom and Cuba, and criticized it for its negative portrayal of the American health insurance system compared to these countries.[43][44] Brett J. Skinner of the Fraser Institute said that healthcare in these countries is characterized by long waiting lists.[45] The National Center for Policy Analysis, a conservative American think tank, has also been critical of Moore's claims, focusing particularly on alleged lengthy waiting lists and purported unavailability of new treatments in the publicly-funded health systems of the United Kingdom and Canada, an aspect of those systems which they allege Moore failed to address.[46][47]

The nonpartisan Urban Institute (UI) largely agreed with Moore regarding the need for a universal health care system and failure of the current system. Urban Institute economist Linda Blumberg stated that Moore correctly provides evidence that the current system fails and a universal system is needed, adding that any system will face budget constraints. Overall, Blumberg stated that "Americans as a whole have yet to buy the philosophy that health care is a right and not a privilege" and if Moore succeeded in popularizing the idea, he "will have done the country a tremendous service." Bradford Gary agrees with the main points made by Moore but criticizes the film for making various omissions and lacking attention to detail, stating that "though Moore is not interested in the details behind the outrages he has assembled, many of his fundamental points are nevertheless accurate."[48]


Regarding Moore's donation to Jim and Donna Kenefick of, while Donna Kenefick thanked Moore,[49] Jim Kenefick disputes Moore's account of these events, saying that his insurance would have paid for his wife's needs, that the danger faced by his sites occurred at an entirely different point in time than what was implied by Moore, and that his sites were in operation again thanks to reader donations long before he ever received Moore's check. Kenefick accuses Moore of presenting his words out of context in order to defame him, and both Kenefick and his administrator, Lee, criticize Moore for claiming to make this donation anonymously, only to highlight it in his film, for which they accuse him of being motivated by a desire for publicity and self-aggrandizement rather than altruism.[50][51]

Legal controversy


The film was leaked onto the Internet two weeks before its official release on June 29 2007.[52] Moore denied leaking the film for publicity, and an investigation was made into the source of the Internet leak.[53] When asked about the leak, Moore said, "I'm just happy that people get to see my movies. I'm not a big supporter of copyright laws in this country…I don't understand bands or filmmakers…who oppose sharing, hav[ing] their work being shared by people, because it only increases your fanbase."[54]

Treasury Department probe

In a May 2, 2007 letter, the Office of Foreign Assets Control informed Moore that he was the subject of a civil investigation stemming from the filmmaker's March trip to Cuba. In the letter to Moore, a Treasury official noted that the department had no record of Moore obtaining a license that authorized him to "engage in travel-related transactions involving Cuba," alleging that Moore violated the United States embargo against Cuba.[55][56] A duplicate master copy of the film was being held in Canada should an attempt have been made by American authorities to seize the film as part of the investigation against Moore that arose from taking the American 9/11 rescue workers to Cuba for medical treatment.[57] Moore has said that if any trip to Cuba is for journalism reasons, the U.S. allows it. Moore states that his intentions were to travel to the US Naval base in Guantánamo Bay. Upon Moore's arrival at Guantánamo Bay, a siren was sounded and Moore decided to turn around for safety.

On The Tonight Show, Moore reported that he was notified that a subpoena regarding his trip to Cuba had already been issued. According to an anonymous source at Reuters, Moore has not been served; rather, the government contacted his attorney, David Boies, to discuss the logistics of serving a subpoena.[58]

Deleted scenes and extras

The DVD release includes deleted segments that Moore filmed but did not use in the theatrical release. Several scenes from the section about health care in the United Kingdom feature footage of a homeless shelter where people received acupuncture and foot massages. Discarded scenes in France include an interview with an employee from General Electric, who tells Moore they get benefits in France that GE employees don't receive in the United States.[59] Scenes depicting an overview of the Norwegian health care system, which is supervised by the Norwegian Board of Health Supervision were removed from the film because its health care system possesses numerous benefits similar to the French system. Like the French health care system, Norwegian patients treated for illnesses such as psoriasis or rheumatism are shown eligible for two weeks' paid vacation at a spa in the Canary Islands.[60] In these scenes, Norway hires a government ethicist to determine how to invest government funds, because they want to do it in an ethical manner.[61] A scene where Moore visits Bastøy Prison, a Norwegian island prison, was also deleted. Here, inmates reside in small group homes and focus on rehabilitation through manual labor and farming.

Deleted American health care scenes include an uninsured woman who was offered a 50% discount for treatment of spinal cancer. She still could not afford the initial consultations, so she held a fundraiser to pay for it. After the initial visit, the 50 percent discount was revoked when the hospital discovered that she had obtained the money to pay for her treatment through fundraising, which the hospital considered to be earned income. An interview with Marcia Angell was also deleted. The former editor of the New England Journal of Medicine criticizes various practices of pharmaceutical companies and the Food and Drug Administration. Executive producer Harvey Weinstein asked Moore to remove a scene critical of Hillary Clinton, but Moore refused. Weinstein, whose company provided financing for the film, is a friend of the Clinton family.[62][63]

In the DVD edition of the film, Moore added a segment called "Sicko Goes To Washington". This extra promotes the United States National Health Insurance Act, legislation that would create a single-payer health care system within the United States.

See also

Notes and references

  2. "Sicko - Box office / business". Internet Movie Database (2007). Retrieved on 2008-01-24.
  3. Cieply, Michael; "Some Cities Will Get Early Look at ‘Sicko’";; June 20, 2007.
  4. Box Information for Sicko at
  5. Hayes, Dadd; "TWC, Moore stand behind 'Sicko'";; June 11, 2007
  6. Hacker, Jacob S. (2007-08-23). "Healing Our Sicko Health Care System". New England Journal of Medicine (Massachusetts Medical Society) 357 (8): 733-735. Retrieved on 2008-08-09. 
  7. Cohn, Jonathan (2007-07-020). "Shticko", The New Republic. Retrieved on 2007-07-21. 
  8. "Moore unveils Sicko at Cannes", (2007-05-14). Retrieved on 2007-05-23. 
  9. "Sicko: Secrets de tournage". Allociné. Retrieved on 2007-10-02.
  10. "Michael Moore's Sicko gets audience thumbs-up at Cannes". CBC Arts. CBC. Retrieved on 2007-05-21.
  11. Sicko features patients from the London, Ontario area.
  12. Hoover, Kent (2007-06-20). "Michael Moore visits Capitol Hill to promote 'Sicko'", Health Care - Health Insurance, Washington Business Journal. Retrieved on 2007-10-02. 
  13. Sack, Kevin; "For Filmmaker, ‘Sicko’ Is a Jumping-Off Point for Health Care Change ";; June 24, 2007
  14. "'Ratatouille' Swarms Weekend Box Office". Retrieved on 2007-07-02.
  15. "Documentary Movies". Genres. Box Office Mojo (2007). Retrieved on 2007-09-07.
  16. "Sicko - Rotten Tomatoes". Rotten Tomatoes. Retrieved on 2008-01-05.
  17. "Sicko (2007): Reviews". Metacritic. Retrieved on 2008-01-05.
  18. Alissa Simon. "Review: Sicko". Variety. Reed. Retrieved on 2007-05-19.
  19. Friedman, Roger (2007-05-20). "'Sicko' Shows Michael Moore's Maturity as a Filmmaker", Entertainment, Fox News Channel. Retrieved on 2007-08-03. 
  20. "No Country For Old Men and Sicko". Empire. Retrieved on 2007-05-19.
  21. "New Yorker review of Sicko.". Retrieved on 2007-07-10.
  22. Burleigh, Marc (2007-05-19). "Sicko debut for Michael Moore", Herald Sun. Retrieved on 2007-10-01. 
  23. "Metacritic: 2007 Film Critic Top Ten Lists". Metacritic. Retrieved on 2008-01-05.
  24. "Shortlist for docu Oscar unveiled". The Hollywood Reporter (2007-11-20). Retrieved on 2007-12-21.
  25. "Sick Sob Stories". Wall Street Journal (2007-09-13). Retrieved on 2008-02-04.
  26. "An Open Letter to John Stossel". (2007-09-15). Retrieved on 2007-09-21.
  27. Stossel, John; "Stossel Responds to 'Sicko' Letter: '20/20' Anchor Defends Position on U.S. Health Care System"; September 25, 2007.
  28. Michael Moynihan. "Michael Moore's Shticko:His health care jeremiad won't win any converts". Reason. Retrieved on 2007-07-07.
  29. Atul Gawande. "Sick and Twisted". The New Yorker. Retrieved on 2007-08-25.
  30. Sternberg, Steve; "18,000 deaths blamed on lack of insurance";; May 22, 2002.
  31. Loder, Kurt; "Sicko': Heavily Doctored: Is Michael Moore's prescription worse than the disease?";; June 29, 2007.
  32. International Health Systems from Physicians for a National Health Program.
  33. Lowry, Rich (2007-07-13). "Moore "World of We"", National Review. Retrieved on 2007-10-13. 
  34. ""SICKO": Damn Those Insurance Companies, Where The Heck Are They When You’re Sick?"". WBAI Radio, New York. Retrieved on 2007-07-08. "Audio available at Building Bridges: Michael Moore Interview - Sicko".
  35. Gratzer, David (2007-06-28). "Who's Really Sicko?", The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved on 2007-08-07. 
  36. Bell, Robert S. (2007-07-09). "Canadian and U.S. Health Services -- Let's Compare the Two", Letters, Wall Street Journal, pp. A13. Retrieved on 2007-07-21. 
  37. "Leaked Internal Memo; 'SiCKO' Has Capital BlueCross Exec Scrambling to Respond". News. (2007-07-06). Retrieved on 2007-10-02.
  38. ""Sicko" and Some Facts Are Incorrect.". Wolf Blitzer, Michael Moore, Sanjay Gupta. The Situation Room. CNN. 2007-07-09. Transcript.
  39. "Video of Michael Moore on CNN FactCheck Response".
  40. "'SiCKO' Truth Squad Sets CNN Straight". SiCKO News. (2007-07-10). Retrieved on 2007-08-02.
  41. "Larry King Live".
  42. My conversation with Michael Moore, Sanjay Gupta,, July 11, 2007, retrieved on July 11, 2007.
  43. Howard, Paul (2007-07-17). "A Story Michael Moore Didn't Tell", Washington Post. Retrieved on 2007-10-02. 
  44. Gratzer, David (2007-07-06). "Who's the real sicko?". Manhattan Institute. National Post. Retrieved on 2007-10-13.
  45. Skinner, Brett J. (2007-06-23). "Hidden costs of Canadian health care system". Fraser Institute. Chicago Sun Times. Retrieved on 2007-10-13.
  46. Goodman, John C. (2007-07-17). "Moore's "Sicko" Could Put Lives at Risk". The Michael Moore Chronicles. National Center for Policy Analysis. Retrieved on 2007-10-13.
  47. Goodman, John C.; John C. Goodman (2007-07-16). "John Goodman: Film buffs may praise Moore's 'Sicko,' but policy buffs can see all its defects", Opinion, The Dallas Morning News. Retrieved on 2007-10-13. 
  48. "Urban Institute. (2007). UI Health Care Experts Comment on Sicko.". Retrieved on 2007-12-14.
  49. "Hello, my name is…";; June 20, 2007
  50. "Jim Kenefick and Moorewatch as presented by Michael Moore in Sicko"; June 12, 2007.
  51. "Mikey's Motive"; June 20, 2007.
  52. Goldstein, Gregg (2007-06-18). "Pirated "Sicko" surfaces on YouTube", Reuters. Retrieved on 2007-06-18. 
  53. Goldstein, Gregg (2007-06-19). "'Sicko' leaks have studios crying malpractice", The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved on 2008-08-05. Archived from the original on 2007-10-15. 
  54., Michael Moore Brushes Off 'Sicko' Leak,, retrieved on 2007-07-12 
  55. "Uncle Sam Probes Michael Moore (Treasury Department investigating director's unauthorized Cuba trip)". Retrieved on 2007-05-11.
  56. "Michael Moore In Trouble For Cuba Trip (Treasury Investigation; Moore Took Sept. 11 Workers To Banned Island For Treatment)". Retrieved on 2007-05-14.
  57. "Moore fears film seizure after Cuba trip". Reuters. Retrieved on 2007-07-11.
  58. "U.S. officials may subpoena filmmaker Moore". Reuters. Retrieved on 2007-07-29.
  59. "Moore in Motion". Metroactive (2007-07-03). Retrieved on 2007-08-25.
  60. "Test apartment on the Canary Islands in cases of asthma, allergies, fatigue and health problems". Retrieved on 2007-08-25.
  61. "Moore in Motion". Metroactive (2007-07-03). Retrieved on 2007-08-25.
  62. Akers, Mary Ann (2007-06-22). "Moore Says Weinstein Wanted Clinton Scene Cut", Politics, The Washington Post, pp. A05. Retrieved on 2007-10-02. 
  63. "View clips from the DVD extras". Michael Moore (2007-11-02). Retrieved on 2007-11-02.

Further reading

External links