
Coat of Arms of Lithuania.svg

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The Seimas is the Lithuanian parliament. It has 141 members that are elected for a four-year term. About half of the members of this legislative body are elected in individual constituencies (71), and the other half (70) are elected by nationwide vote according to proportional representation. A party must receive at least 5%, and a multi-party union at least 7%, of the national vote to be represented in the Seimas.

The word "Seimas" comes from an Lithuanian word "Sueiga, suėjimas" (which means gathering or meeting) it is also though that the polish word "seijm" and Latvian "Saeima" comes from the word "Seimas".[1]


Latest election

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Summary of the 12 October and 26 October 2008 Lithuanian Seimas election results
Party Votes
% Seats
proportional constituency total
Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats (Tėvynės sąjunga – Lietuvos krikscionys demokratai) 242,939 19.69 18 27 45
Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija) 144,675 11.73 10 15 25
National Resurrection Party (Tautos prisikėlimo partija) 186,150 15.09 13 3 16
Order and Justice (Tvarka ir teisingumas) 156,559 12.69 11 4 15
Liberals' Movement of the Republic of Lithuania (Lietuvos Respublikos liberalų sąjūdis) 70,549 5.72 5 6 11
Coalition Labour Party + Youth (Koalicija Darbo partija + jaunimas) 111,017 9.00 8 2 10
Liberal and Centre Union (Liberalų ir centro sąjunga) 65,869 5.34 5 3 8
Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (Lietuvos lenkų rinkimų akcija) 59,222 4.80 3 3
Lithuanian Peasant Popular Union (Lietuvos valstiečių liaudininkų sąjunga) 46,109 3.74 3 3
New Union (Social Liberals) (Naujoji sąjunga (socialliberalai)) 44,935 3.64 1 1
Front (Frontas) 39,966 3.24
Young Lithuania (Jaunoji Lietuva) 21,545 1.75
Civic Democratic Party (Pilietinės demokratijos partija) 13,758 1.12
Union of the Russians of Lithuania (Lietuvos rusų sąjunga) 11,323 0.92
Lithuanian Social Democratic Union (Lietuvos socialdemokratų sąjunga) 10,614 0.86
Lithuanian Centre Party (Lietuvos centro partija) 8,645 0.70
Independents 4 4
Total (turnout 48.54%) 1,233,875 100.00 70 71 141
Source: Lithuanian Election Committee (first round, second round)

Seimas Palace

Seimas Palace
Tribune of Seimas Hall
Present Seimas Hall

Seimas Palace (Lithuanian: Seimo Rūmai) was designed by architects Algimantas and Vytautas Nasvytis and Robertas Stasėnas.[2]

Speakers of the Seimas

Speakers of the Seimas (1920–present)[3]
Seimas Speaker Date started Date ended
Constituent Assembly Aleksandras Stulginskis May 15, 1920 October 6, 1922
First Seimas Leonas Bistras November 13, 1922 March 12, 1923
Second Seimas Antanas Tumėnas June 5, 1923 July 29, 1923
Second Seimas Justinas Staugaitis August 10, 1923 January 27, 1925
Second Seimas Leonas Bistras January 27, 1925 September 25, 1925
Second Seimas Vytautas Petrulis September 25, 1925 June 1926
Third Seimas Jonas Staugaitis June 2, 1926 December 17, 1926
Third Seimas Aleksandras Stulginskis December 19, 1926 April 12, 1927
Fourth Seimas Konstantinas Šakenis September 1, 1936 June 27, 1940
People's Seimas Liudas Adomauskas July 1940 August 1940
Reconstituent Seimas Vytautas Landsbergis March 11, 1990 November 25, 1992
1992–1996 Česlovas Juršėnas (acting) November 25, 1992 February 25, 1993
1992–1996 Česlovas Juršėnas February 25, 1993 November 25, 1996
1996–2000 Vytautas Landsbergis November 25, 1996 October 18, 2000
2000–2004 Artūras Paulauskas October 19, 2000 April 6, 2004
2000–2004 Česlovas Juršėnas (acting) April 6, 2004 July 12, 2004
2000–2004 Artūras Paulauskas July 12, 2004 November 14, 2004
2004–2008 Artūras Paulauskas November 15, 2004 April 11, 2006
2004–2008 Vydas Gedvilas (acting) April 11, 2006 April 13, 2006
2004–2008 Viktoras Muntianas April 13, 2006 April 1, 2008
2004–2008 Česlovas Juršėnas April 1, 2008 November 17, 2008
2008 Arūnas Valinskas November 17, 2008 present

Notes and references

  2. Tomas Venclova. Vilnius. R. Paknys Publishing House, Vilnius, 2002, p. 191.
  3. (Lithuanian) "Seimas". Lietuva I. (2008). Vilnius: Science and Encyclopaedia Publishing Institute. 252. ISBN 978-5-420-01639-8. 

See also

External links