
Classification and external resources
ICD-10 B86.
ICD-9 133.0
DiseasesDB 11841
MedlinePlus 000830
eMedicine derm/382  emerg/517 ped/2047
MeSH D012532

Scabies is a highly contagious ectoparasite skin infection characterized by superficial burrows, intense pruritus (itching) and secondary infection. It is caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei. The word scabies itself is derived from the Latin word for "scratch" (scabere).



Sarcoptes scabiei var. canis (dog scabies mite)

Scabies is caused by the mite Sarcoptes scabiei, variety hominis, as shown by the Italian biologist Diacinto Cestoni in the 18th century. It produces intense, itchy skin rashes when the impregnated female tunnels into the stratum corneum of the skin and deposits eggs in the burrow. The larvae, which hatch in 3-10 days, move about on the skin, molt into a "nymphal" stage, and then mature into adult mites. The adult mites live 3-4 weeks in the host's skin.

The action of the mites moving within the skin and on the skin itself produces an intense itch which may resemble an allergic reaction in appearance. The presence of the eggs produces a massive allergic response which, in turn, produces more itching.

Scabies is transmitted readily, often throughout an entire household, by skin-to-skin contact with an infected person (e.g. bed partners, schoolmates, daycare), and thus is sometimes classed as a sexually transmitted disease. Spread by clothing, bedding, or towels is a less significant risk, and is almost impossible.

The symptoms are caused by an allergic reaction that the body develops over time to the mites and their by-products under the skin, thus the 8 week "incubation" period. There are usually relatively few mites on a normal, healthy person — about 11 females in burrows. Scabies are microscopic although sometimes they are visible as a pinpoint of white. The females burrow into the skin and lay eggs there. Males roam on top of the skin, although they can and do occasionally burrow. Both males and females surface at times, especially at night. They can be washed or scratched off (however scratching should be done with a washcloth to avoid cutting the skin as this can lead to infection), which, although not a cure, helps to keep the total population low. Also, humans create antibodies to the scabies mites which do kill some of them.

Signs, symptoms, and diagnosis

A scabies burrow under magnification. The scaly patch at the left is due to scratching of the original papule. The mite traveled from there to the upper right, where it can be seen as a dark spot at the end of the burrow.

A tiny mite (0.3 to 0.9 mm) may sometimes be seen at the end of a burrow. Most burrows occur in the webs of fingers, flexing surfaces of the wrists and armpits, the areolae of the breasts in females and on genitals of males, along the belt line, and on the lower buttocks. The face usually does not become involved in adults though. The rash may become secondarily infected; scratching the rash may break the skin and make secondary infection more likely. In persons with severely reduced immunity, such as those with advanced HIV, or people being treated with immunosuppressive drugs like steroids, a widespread rash with thick scaling may result. This variety of scabies is called 'Norwegian scabies'. Scabies is frequently misdiagnosed as intense pruritus (itching of healthy skin) before papular eruptions form. Upon initial pruritus the burrows appear as small, barely noticeable bumps on the hands and may be slightly shiny and dark in color rather than red. Initially the itching may not exactly correlate to the location of the hole. Generally diagnosis is made by finding burrows - which often may be difficult because they are scarce, and because they are obscured by scratch marks. If burrows are not found in the primary areas known to be affected, the entire skin surface of the body should be examined.

The suspicious area can be rubbed with ink from a fountain pen or alternately a topical tetracycline solution which will glow under a special light. The surface is then wiped off with an alcohol pad; if the person is infected with scabies, the characteristic zigzag or S pattern of the burrow across the skin will appear.

When a suspected burrow is found, diagnosis may be confirmed by microscopy of surface scrapings, which are placed on a slide in glycerol, mineral oil or immersion in oil and covered with a coverslip. Avoiding potassium hydroxide is necessary because it may dissolve fecal pellets. Positive diagnosis is made when the mite, ova, or fecal pellets are found.

Domestic animals

Puppy with Scabies (Sarcoptic mange)

Many domestic animals have their own species of Sarcoptes mites. Though all can transiently affect humans,[1][2] the mites that cause scabies in animals cannot reproduce on the human body and will die within a few days.[1] The most frequently diagnosed form is Sarcoptic mange in dogs. In dogs and other animals, scabies produces severe itching and secondary skin infections. Affected animals often lose weight and become unthrifty. Sarcoptes is a genus of skin parasites, and part of the larger family of mites collectively known as “scab mites”; they are also related to the scab mite Psoroptes, also a mite that infests the skin of domestic animals. Sarcoptic mange affects domestic animals and similar infestations in domestic fowls causes the disease known as “scabies leg”. The effects of Sarcoptes scabiei are the most well known, causing “scabies”, or “the itch”. The adult female mite, having been fertilised, burrows into the skin, usually the hands or wrists, however other parts of the body may also be affected, and lays its eggs.

Compromised immune systems

Norwegian scabies in homeless AIDS patient

People with compromised immune systems may not develop antibodies to the mites and may develop crusted Norwegian scabies. In this case, the scabies are taking over. These cases require additional treatment options to ensure a complete kill. Ivermectin is a single oral treatment of choice in these patients combined with any other topical treatment.

Gallery of scabies infections

Evolution of infection




Lindane is FDA approved as safe and effective when used as directed for the second-line treatment for both scabies and lice. Serious side effects are rare and have almost always resulted from product misuse.[7][8] Lindane is registered for use in 50 countries, with restricted-use status in 33 of these countries.[8][9] The latter includes the U.S. and Canada, which support public health uses of pharmaceutical lindane but no longer allow agricultural applications.[8][10] Lindane should be washed off with warm, and not hot, water to avoid absorption through the skin.[11]


A single dose of ivermectin has been reported to cure scabies. In 1999, a small scale test comparing topically applied Lindane to orally administered ivermectin found no statistically-significant differences between the two treatments.[16]

Preventing reinfestation

All family and close contacts should be treated at the same time, even if asymptomatic. Cleaning of environment should occur simultaneously, as there is a risk of reinfection. Therefore it is recommended to wash and hot iron all material (such as clothes, bedding, and towels) that has been in contact with scabies infestation.

Cleaning the environment should include:

Itchiness during treatment

Options to combat itchiness include antihistamines such as cetirizine. Prescription: Doxepin (Sinequan - oral or Zonalon - topical) or Hydroxyzine (Atarax).



  1. Chakrabarti A (1985). "Some epidemiological aspects of animal scabies in human population". Int J Zoonoses 12 (1): 39–52. PMID 4055268. 
  2. Ulmer A, Schanz S, Röcken M, Fierlbeck G (2007). "A papulovesicular rash in a farmer and his wife". Clin Infect Dis 45 (3): 395–96. doi:10.1086/519434. PMID 17599314. 
  3. The topical medication of choice is 5% permethrin because it is safe for all age groups.Scheinfeld NS (2004). "Controlling scabies in institutional settings: a review of medications, treatment models, and implementation". Amer J Clin Dermatol 5 (1): 31–7. doi:10.2165/00128071-200405010-00005. PMID 14979741. 
  6. FDA Public Health Advisory: Safety of Topical Lindane Products for the Treatment of Scabies and Lice
  7. U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Lindane Post Marketing Safety Review. Posted 2003. Available at:
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2
  9. Commission for Environmental Cooperation. North American Regional Action Plan (NARAP) on lindane and other hexachlorocyclohexane (HCH) isomers. November 30, 2006.
  10. U.S. EPA. Assessment of lindane and other hexachlorocyclohexane isomers. February 8, 2006
  11. Medication Guide Lindane Lotion USP, 1%. Updated March 28, 2003. Available at:
  12. Lin AN, Reimer RJ, Carter DM (1988). "Sulfur revisited". J Am Acad Dermatol 18: 553–58. doi:10.1016/S0190-9622(88)70079-1. 
  13. Pruksachatkunakorn C, Damrongsak M, Sinthupuan S (2002). "Sulfur for Scabies Outbreaks in Orphanages". Pediatric Dermatology 19 (5): 448–53. doi:10.1046/j.1525-1470.2002.00205.x. Retrieved on 2008-08-01. 
  14. Heinrich, M., et al. "Plants as Medicines." in Prance, G. and M. Nesbitt. (2005). The Cultural History of Plants. London: Routledge. 228.
  15. Walton, S. et al (2004). "Acaricidal Activity of Melaleuca alternifolia (Tea Tree) Oil". Arch Dermatol 140. 
  16. Efficacy and Safety of Therapy for Human Scabies Infestation - January 15, 2000 - American Academy of Family Physicians


See also

External links