Saparmurat Niyazov

Saparmyrat Ataýewiç Nyýazow
Saparmurat Niyazov

1st President of Turkmenistan
In office
October 27 1990 – December 21 2006
Succeeded by Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow

General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Turkmen SSR
In office
1985 – 1990
Preceded by Muhammetnazar Gapurow

Born February 19, 1940(1940-02-19)
Gypjak, Turkmen SSR, Soviet Union
Died 21 December 2006 (aged 66)
Political party Democratic Party of Turkmenistan
Spouse Muza Sokolova
Russian: Муза Соколова[1]

Saparmyrat Ataýewiç Nyýazow (pronounced [θɑːpɑːrmɯːrɑːt niːjɑːðɒv]) (19 February, 1940, Gypjak, Turkmen SSR, Soviet Union – 21 December, 2006) served as the head of state of Turkmenistan from 1985 until his death in 2006. He served as the First Secretary of the Turkmen Communist Party from 1985 until 1991 and the first President of Turkmenistan from 2 November 1990 until his death. He was known in English as Saparmurat Atayevich Niyazov, the romanization of the Russian spelling Сапармурат Атаевич Ниязов of his Turkmen name.

Turkmen media referred to him using the title "His Excellency Saparmurat Niyazov Türkmenbaşy, President of Turkmenistan and Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers". His title Türkmenbaşy, or Turkmenbashi (pronounced [tyrkmɛnbaʃɯ]), meaning Leader of Turkmens, referred to his position as the founder and president of the Association of Turkmens of the World.[2]

Foreign media criticized him as one of the world's most totalitarian and repressive dictators, highlighting his reputation of imposing his personal eccentricities upon the country, which extended to renaming months after members of his family.[3] He was also known for an all-pervasive cult of personality which, in many ways, exceeded that of Joseph Stalin. Global Witness, a London-based human rights organization, reported that money under Niyazov's control and held overseas may be in excess of US$3 billion, of which $2 billion is supposedly situated in the Foreign Exchange Reserve Fund at Deutsche Bank in Germany.



Niyazov's father died in World War II fighting against Nazi Germany. The other members of his family were killed in a massive earthquake that leveled Ashgabat in 1948. He grew up in a Soviet orphanage before the state put him in the custody of a distant relative.

In 1962 Niyazov joined the Communist Party. He quickly rose through the ranks, becoming first secretary of the Communist Party of the Turkmen SSR in 1985. He gained this post after Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev removed his predecessor, Muhammetnazar Gapurow, following a cotton-related scandal. Under Niyazov, the Turkmen Communist Party was one of the most hardline and unreformed party organizations in the Soviet Union. On January 13, 1990; Niyazov became Chairman of the Supreme Soviet, the supreme legislative body in the republic. The post was equivalent to that of president.

Niyazov supported the Soviet coup attempt of 1991, but after it collapsed, he fell into line and set about separating Turkmenistan from the dying Soviet Union. The Supreme Soviet declared Turkmenistan independent and elected Niyazov as the country's first president on October 27. On June 21, 1992, Niyazov was elected as the country's first popularly elected president; he was the only candidate. A year later, he declared himself "Türkmenbaşy," or "Leader of all Turkmen."

In 1994 a plebiscite extended Niyazov's term to 2002 so he could oversee a 10-year development plan. The official results showed that 99.9% of voters approved this proposal--a figure that was typical of Soviet-era elections. On December 28, 1999, Parliament declared Niyazov President for Life; parliamentary elections had been held a few weeks earlier in which all candidates were hand-picked by the president.

Niyazov and his Russian-Jewish wife, Muza, had a son and a daughter, Myrat and Irina, respectively.


Niyazov became president at the transition of Turkmenistan from a SSR in the Soviet Union to an independent state; his presidency was characterized by a number of factors: an initial crumbling inherited from the centralized soviet model that in many respects was unsuited to function as a separate entity, large amounts of foreign income from gas and petroleum reserves (~2-4billion $ as of 2005), outside concern about press freedom and to a lesser extent religious rights of minority religious groups, a personal attempt to create a background for the new state of Turkmenistan such as writing and promoting the Ruhnama, promoting native culture (and by extension prohibiting foreign culture), as well the creation of new holidays with a specific Turkmen nature.

Niyazov became a substitute for the vacuum left by the downfall of the communist system, with his image replacing those of Stalin, Marx and Lenin; this coupled with his promotion of the Ruhnama and various other decrees, as well as the doting actions of the official Turkmen media gave rise to the clear appearance of a 'cult of personality', despite Niyazov's attempts to discourage it. The eccentric nature of some of his decrees, coupled with the vast number of images of the president led to the perception , especially in western countries, of a despotic leader, rich on oil wealth glorifying himself whilst the population gained no benefit.

Despite emphasizing a need to move from a centralized state to a market economy and to a full democracy during his reign neither plan can be said to have progressed much. Yearly plans, and centralised decisions in the economy gave little indication of the ability to move away from the communist economic system, and the apparently dictatorial nature of many of his decrees and the acceptance of the title 'President for Life' gave little hope as to much progress in these two areas.


Oil and Gas

Turkmenistan has the second largest reserves in the gas-rich former Soviet Union, generating high revenue for the state. The government has used central planning, such as state control of production and procurement, direct bank credits with low interest rates, exchange rate restrictions, and price controls, since it existed as a Republic within the U.S.S.R.[4]

In the years following independence Turkmenistan invested heavily in plants and machinery in an attempt to convert it from being primarily a supplier of petroleum to a more advanced economy. Such investments included oil refinerys and a polyethylene plant. In an interview with Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper Niyazov claimed that Turkmenistan was able to process 85% of its domestic output. Additionally numerous petroleum transportation projects were completed such as a pipeline from the Korpedje field to Kort-Koi in Iran.

In 1991 Niyazov's government put forth a decree granting "the free use of water, gas and electricity and refined salt by the people of Turkmenistan for ten years,"[2] when the decree expired he extended it to 2020.


Turkmenistan's other primary resource is cotton, as well as being a grain producing country. Niyazov continued the old practice of demanding yearly quotas in agricultural output, and then blaming and/or sacking deputy ministers when quotas were not met [5][6], nevertheless during Turkmenistan's emergent period there was heavy investment in plant and machinery so that the country was able to turn from a producer of raw cotton to a cotton processor. During his presidency a textile industry was founded in Turkmenistan.

Niyazov introduced the practice of "Melon Day", a harvest festival celebrated on the second Sunday of August; unlike some of his other creations the celebration of "Melon Day" has continued after his death.


The GDP of Turkmenistan rose under Niyazov, and from being classified as a poor country by the World Bank became reclassified as a rich country in 2005 with individual incomes of $870.


The Neutrality Arch, atop the monument is a gold-plated statue of Niyazov which rotates 360 degrees every 24 hours so as to always face the sun.

Niyazov put the revival of Turkmen culture as one of the top priorities in Turkmenistan's development. He introduced a new Turkmen alphabet based on the Latin alphabet to replace Cyrillic, an organisation to promote Turkmen culture National revival movement (Turkmen:"Galkynish") was founded.

In many respects Niyazov's cultural ideas and changes were most visible to external viewers, for example his renaming of the days of the week and of the months to Turkmen heroes, poets, historical events[7], and indeed himself raised many eyebrows all over the world. For example september was renamed Ruhnama in honour of the book written by Niyazov, (which he finished writing on 19 September 2001), not all the changes promoted Niyazov, October was renamed Garaşsyzlyk to remember the beginning of an independent Turkmenistan, which was obtained on 27 October 1991, and November Sanjar in honour of Sultan Sanjar who led the Seljuqs to their last full flowering. The new names came into effect with the introduction of a new labour law which stated that "the dates of professional holidays are specified by decrees of the President of Turkmenistan".

These names were later abolished by his successor Berdimuhammedow in April 2008.[8]

Internal Affairs

One of the earliest acts of the president was to abolish the death penalty, additionally various human rights were guaranteed as well, Press freedom under Niyazarov's leadership was much criticised; in common with other former soviet central asian states. In May 2000, the government revoked all Internet licenses except for the state-owned Turkmen Telecom and in June 2001 shut down all Internet cafés.[9]

In February 2005 all hospitals outside Aşgabat were ordered shut, with the reasoning that the sick should come to the capital for treatment. According to the paper Neitralniy Turkmenistan physicians were ordered to swear an oath to the President, replacing the Hippocratic Oath.[10]

By 2005 there were 36,000 Internet users, representing 0.7% of the population.[15]

He furthermore promised free and fair elections by 2010 in a move that surprised many Western observers.

Presidential pardons

In keeping with the predominately Islamic nature of Turkmen society, President Niyazov granted pardons each year on the Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Omnipotence).

For example, in 2005, 8000 convicts were pardoned including 229 foreign nationals, [16]. In 2006 Turkmenistan set free 10,056 prisoners, including 253 foreign nationals from 11 countries. Niyazov said:

"Let this humane act on the part of the state serve strengthening truly moral values of the Turkmen society. Let the entire world know that there has never been a place for evil and violence on the blessed Turkmen soil."[17]

Unusual decrees and laws

Foreign policy

Niyazov promoted a policy of strict neutrality in foreign affairs, refraining from seeking membership in NATO or GUUAM and almost ignoring the CSTO. Turkmenistan has not participated in any United Nations peacekeeping missions. It has however become a member of Interpol

Relations with Russia worsened immediately after independence;

The full independence of Turkmenistan was recognised by an UN General Assembly resolution “The permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan” of December 12, 1995. As a result in 2005 Turkmenistan would downgrade its links with the Commonwealth of Independent States becoming only an associate member under article 8 of the CIS charter, as such it would not participate in any of the military structures of the CIS.

In 2006 the European Commission and the international trade committee of the European Parliament voted to grant Turkmenistan "most favoured nation" trading status with the European Union, widely seen as motivated by interest in natural gas, after Niyazov announced he would enter a "human rights dialogue" with the EU.[20]

Attempted assassinations and overthrows

After an alleged assassination attempt on November 25 2002, the Turkmen government arrested suspected conspirators and members of their families. Critics claim the government staged the attempt in order to crack down on mounting domestic and foreign political opposition.[21]

The summer of 2004 saw a leaflet campaign in the capital, Aşgabat, calling for the overthrow and trial of Niyazov. The authorities were unable to stop the campaign and the President responded by firing his Interior Minister and director of the police academy on national television.[22] He accused the minister of incompetence and declared: "I cannot say that you had any great merits or did much to combat crime."


On December 21 2006, Turkmen state television announced that President Niyazov had died of sudden cardiac arrest.[23][24] Niyazov had been taking medication for an unidentified cardiac condition. The Turkmen Embassy in Moscow later confirmed this report.

According to the Constitution of Turkmenistan, Öwezgeldi Ataýew, Chairman of the Parliament, would assume the presidency. Deputy Prime Minister Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow was named as head of the commission organizing the state funeral. Due to the imprisonment of Öwezgeldi Ataýew who, under the Constitution is first in line to succeed the presidency, Berdimuhammedow was named as acting president. Berdimuhammedow and the Halk Maslahaty announced on December 26 that the next presidential elections would be held on February 11, 2007.[25]

The circumstances of Niyazov's passing has been surrounded by some media speculation, including that Niyazov had been the victim of poisoning.[26] Some Turkmen opposition sources also claim that Niyazov died several days before the officially announced date of December 21.[27]


Niyazov was buried on December 24 at his home village of Gypjak approximately 10 kilometres from the capital. Prior to being moved to the village, Niyazov's body lay in state in an open coffin in the presidential palace. Many mourners, including foreign delegations, passed by the coffin in a three hour period, many of the ordinary citizens however were dramatically weeping and crying as they walked, some were clinging to the coffin, and another fainted, and there may have been rumors that they were "forced" to mourn.[28] Tang Jiaxuan, the Chinese State Councilor and special envoy of President Hu Jintao to Turkmenistan[29], Assistant U.S. Secretary of State Richard Boucher,[30] Iranian Vice President Parviz Davoudi, Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, Kazakh President Nursultan Nazarbayev, Tajik President Emomali Rahmonov, Afghan President Hamid Karzai, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Fradkov, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Georgian Prime Minister Zurab Noghaideli, Pakistani Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz, Ukrainian Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych, and Armenian Prime Minister Andranik Margaryan attended the funeral.[31]


See also

References and notes

  1. "Наследником Туркменбаши может стать следователь московской прокуратуры" (in Russian), Komsomolskaya Pravda (2006-12-22). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  2. 2.0 2.1 "Turkmenistan Fact Sheet, Government & Politics-President". Embassy of Turkmenistan. Retrieved on 2006-12-22.
  3. BBC News, " Turkmen go back to old calendar", 24 April 2008.
  4. Badykova, Najia (2004-06-18). "The Turkmen Economy: Challenges and Opportunities". St Antony's College, University of Oxford. Retrieved on 2006-12-22.
  5. Saparmurat Niyazov raps local governors for failures in cotton harvest
  6. Saparmurat Niyazov dismisses grain products association chairman
  7. List of holidays and commemorative days approved in Turkmenistan
  8. "Turkmen go back to old calendar", BBC News (2008-04-24). Retrieved on 2008-04-24. 
  9. Clarke, Michael (2003-01-24). "Turkmenistan. Struggling For News In Turkmenistan". Glenn Hauser's World of Radio. Retrieved on 2006-12-22.
  10. "Turkmen Doctors Pledge Allegiance To Niyazov", Radio Free Europe, Radio Liberty (RFERL) (2005-11-15). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  11. "Туркменбаши решил истребить всех стариков" (in Russian), (2006-02-03). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  12. "...Russian media outlets disseminate "deliberately perverted" information on republic's pension maintenance", (2006-04-02). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  13. "Turkmen leader restores pensions", (2007-03-19). Retrieved on 2007-03-19. 
  14. Whitlock, Monica (2004-03-01). "Troops to replace Turkmen medics", BBC News. Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  15. The World Factbook entry for Turkmenistan information retrieved on August 30 2006
  16. Turkmen leader pardons 8,145 thousand convicts
  17. "Turkmenistan to set free 10056 prisoners", (2006-10-17). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  18. "Saparmurat Niyazov bans use of "phonograms" at concerts and TV programs", (2005-08-22). Retrieved on 2008-08-24. 
  19. [ Turkmenistan bans converted left-hand-drive vehicle imports]
  20. "Double Standard for Dictators", (2004-04-14). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  21. "Assassination Attempt A Response To Niyazov’s Authoritarian Policies", EurasiaNet (2002-11-25). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  22. Short resume maintained by Reporters Sans Frontières
  23. "Turkmenistan's 'iron ruler' dies", BBC News (2006-12-21). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  24. "President of Turkmenistan dies at 66", (2005-12-21). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  25. "Two candidates named for Turkmen presidency", ITAR TASS (2006-12-26). Retrieved on 2006-12-26. 
  26. "Saparmurat Niyazov 's werelds gekste dictator" (in Dutch), Het Nieuwsblad. Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  27. "Turkmenbashi died several days ago" (in Russian), RIA Novosti (2006-12-21). Retrieved on 2006-12-22. 
  28. "Turkmen leader's funeral begins". CNN (2006-12-24). Retrieved on 2006-12-24.
  29. "Chinese envoy attends funeral of Turkmenistan's late president". China Economic (2006-12-25). Retrieved on 2006-12-25.
  30. "Late President of Turkmenistan laid to rest". Calcutta News (2006-12-25). Retrieved on 2006-12-25.
  31. "First VP leaves Turkmenistan". IRNA (2006-12-25). Retrieved on 2006-12-25.
  32. "Turkmenistan Project Weekly news brief, October 14-20, 2005". Retrieved on 2007-01-12.
  33. "New Turkmen University Named After Leader’s Book", RFE/RL (2005-12-13). Retrieved on 2007-01-12. 

Further reading

External links

Additional Sources

Monuments to Niyazov

Preceded by
Muhammetnazar Gapurow
General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Turkmen SSR
December 21 1985 – June 21 1991
Succeeded by
None (Position Dissolved)
Preceded by
new office
President of Turkmenistan
January 19 1990 – December 21 2006
Succeeded by
Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow
NAME Niyazov, Saparmurat Atayevich
ALTERNATIVE NAMES Nyýazow, Saparmyrat Ataýewiç (Turkmen); Ниязов, Сапармурат Атаевич (Russian)
SHORT DESCRIPTION first President of Turkmenistan
DATE OF BIRTH February 19 1940
PLACE OF BIRTH Ashkabad, Turkmen SSR, Soviet Union
DATE OF DEATH December 2006
PLACE OF DEATH Ashgabat, Turkmenistan